"Will you stop it Rae! Jeez. For once go play with your dolls or something"

"Oh come on Gabe! Would it really kill you to let me play with y'all just once!?"

"Gabe let her play, I really don't feel like getting lectured by our parents again because of you not letting your sister play."

"I have a name ya-"

"are you really going to bicker at someone whose actually trying to convince me to let you play?"

That shut the little girl up and she quickly went about to running with the stick that was being used as a sword. Four adults stood about a window in a grand house watching the three kids with warm smiles on their faces.

"Those two will never be able to rid of her I bet." One of the men laughed.

"Oh I bet one day they won't want to...but she'll sure be ready to get rid of them."

"She'll come back to them though. After all one of them is her brother and the other well...we shall see what he is." Said one woman. The adults soon turned back to their conversations though and let the children play their games.

Later that year an eight year old boy was found in a back alley with his two dead parents. They had been shot by a homeless man and the little boy was left to be cared for by his butler Alfred. The day after the funeral the little girl who was only six then decided she wanted to help the little boy. So after her brother and parents went to bed and they all thought she was asleep she quietly tiptoed to her mother's garden. There she went straight to her favorite flowers, the hydrangea and picked one of each color. Then she quietly as she could she walked over to the house next door. She had watched her brother climb up the tree and enter the boy's room on more than one occasion so that's exactly what she did. She climbed the tree and hopped her way to the balcony and quietly tapped on the boy's door. Soon she saw the boy and he unlocked the door and opened it and her in.

"Rae what are you doing here. Don't you know it's late! You could get into tons of trouble!" he harshly whispered at the little girl. She only looked up at him and the handed him the flowers. He stared at them for a while before finally speaking. Softer this time though.

"What are those for little Sunray?"

"They make me happy...and I thought they would help you...because I know you're not happy. I'm sorry I only wanted to make things better." She looked down at the floor and shuffled her feet.

"Thank you Sunray they help, they really do." He smiled gently and gave the little girl a hug. Before the two broke apart a huge thunder-clap was heard and the rain that had threatened to pour all day finally came down. The boy told the girl that she could just stay with him and the two were soon tucked in the bed together. For the first time since his parent's death the little boy did not cry himself to sleep.

The next morning when Alfred went to wake Bruce he walked in on a little boy who had a tiny girl tucked in around him sound asleep. He didn't bother to wake the two but did call her parents to let them know. When the two woke up they woke up to Alfred bringing them breakfast and Rae's parents coming over to pick her up. The two children never spoke of it but both kind of knew that from then on they would always be there when they needed it.