Ch 1 A New Competition
Chris: Hello and welcome to Cartoon Drama Action. This season takes place at an old abandoned film lot where we are taking 18 of the 24 original contestants and putting them in new challenges based on movies in an attempt to win 1 million dollars. Lets meet the 18 "lucky" contestants this season.
A bus arrives at the film lot and the Contestants start to exist. Off the bus arrive Johnny, Buttercup, Blossom, Marcaline, Mandy, Mandark, Mary, Jack, Eddy, Panini, Billy, Bubbles, Edd, Number 3, Number 5, Ed, Flapjack, and Courage.
Chris: Welcome contestants to the second season. This season I made sure to pick the contestants who would bring in ratings. Also I made sure no couples were around for boring kissing this season is about action and movies not kissing.
Blossom: You mean Dexters not here. I only agreed to this because I though he was competing.
Chris: Too bad. Now them same as last time boys and girls each have their own place to stay regardless of teams. This time your saying in trailers for the movie theme of the competition. Also the confessionals is a makeup trailer instead of an old outhouse.
Flapjack: Thats good the old place smelled like something had died inside.
Chris: Maybe something did die who really cares. You guys have one hour to move into the trailers then some food for your long travel here and finally well have out first challenge.
(Confessional Camera)
Billy: I was cheated out last time this time things will be different I don't have to pretend to be an idiot or work for anybody.
Mandy: I've got to find some idiot willing to work with me as much as I hate to say it Mandark and Billy are strong opponents who could beat me.
Jack: Last time Mandy got close to winning. This time ill ensure her early leave.
Johnny: I've decided to actually try and win this time I've realized that chicks like rich guys.
Mandark: Since my defeat last season I've realized why I lost. In that moment of anger I needed to remain calm that's why I'm going to stay calm and win this time.
Blossom: No Dexter that's sad I've already won once the only reason worth staying is to try and find Mandark's inner good he lost last season during the finale. I know he has good in him.
Marcaline: Mandark may have eliminated me last time but this time I'm taking him down first.
Flapjack: Hopefully I can win this so I can buy a lot of candy for my caring captain.
Number 3: So glad to compete again the only thing that bothers me is the fact that Mandy is still here. Why can't she leave forever.
Mary: Mandark is going to pay for what he has done to my sister. He turned her evil and uncaring just like him.
(Confessional Camera End)
Boys Trailer
Mandark: So how does everybody feel about competing again.
Eddy: Id feel better is I wasn't sleeping by a backstabbing traitor.
Mandark: What did I ever do to you we talked about twice last season.
Edd:He's referring to what you did to Blossom.
Johnny: That wasn't cool man you played her and then took her powers for money.
Flapjack: Why could you just win without cheating that would be so much better.
Mandark: You guys are still mad about that. I was going against someone with superpowers I had to even things out a little.
Jack: But it was unnecessary for you to get rid of her powers forever, and there was no reason to lie and pretended to be her friend.
Mandark: Fine whatever I made a mistake can you all stop patronizing me now its getting annoying.
Girls Trailer
Blossom: I'm not saying he's perfect I'm saying he has some good left in him..
Marcaline: There is no good anywhere in Mandark he has a heart of darkness.
Buttercup: He got rid of your powers so badly that the professor and Dorkxter can't figure out how to return them.
Number 5: There's as much good in him as there is in Mandy and I think she might have more.
Mary: He turned my sister against me and all her friends he is evil and deserves to suffer.
Mandy: He's not a good person that's enough said.
Blossom: Fine I get if he's bad but can you stop patronizing him its getting annoying.
Chris: Time to divide you into teams and start the first challange. There will only be two teams this season. First team is Johnny, Blossom, Marcaline, Eddy, Number 5, Jack, Courage, Panini, and Mandark.
Second team is Buttercup, Mandy Mary, Billy, Bubbles, Edd, Number 3, Ed, Flapjack. The first team is called the Awesome Abridgers and the second team is the Powerful Parodies.
Marcaline: Can I change teams I don't want to have to work with Mandark again.
Mandy: I don't want to be anywhere near Fufi this season she will just keep bugging me about her name.
Chris: I don't care about preferences no team changing. Today's challange is based on the movie Star Wars Episode IV A NEW HOPE. For the first part of the challenge you will each choose on person to represent you in a lightsaber fight winner gets an advantage.
Jack: I am chosen to represent the Abridgers. Who will be my opponent.
Ed: I will fight for my team because I know a lot about how to use laser swords.
They are both given a lightsaber and and get ready to fight. Jack attacks and Ed is left on defensive. Ed starts to fight back but is disarmed by Jack.
Chris: Jack has disarmed his opponent so the Abridgers gain an advantage in part two. The second part of the challenge is a flight simulator to see who can fly a space ship the best. Since the Abridgers won they get 2 minutes taken off their time. Choose a representative for your team.
Mandy: who will fly for our team we need somebody good at this.
Mary: I can fly a spaceship I have had experience before in a real one.
Flapjack: Ok then anybody against having Mary fly for us?
Mary: I won't let you guys down.
Number 5: I'm flying we have ships like these back at the KND.
Mandark: I can do a better job than you I've built and flown spaceships since before you were born.
Jack: Lets vote for who will represent our team. For Number 5 we have 6 votes and 3 for Mandark so Number 5 flies.
Chris: First up Powerful Parodies lest see how they do.
Mary gets into the flight simulator and starts flying well. She is unable to control it after crashing into another ship and starts loosing power. She then crashes into the finish line.
Chris: That took 7 minutes lets see how the Awesome Abridgers do.
Number 5 gets in and starts flying. The controls are completely different from KND and she can't control it. She constantly crashes and her ship is destroyed.
Chris: Invalid time which means the Parodies win and you guys vote someone off.
(Confessional Camera End)
Johnny: I don't care who lost you need to go.
Blossom: As much as i want to quit so i can be with Dexter i cant. Maybe getting rid of you will bring back Mandark's good.
Marcaline: I haven't forget about last season.
Eddy: We should have let Mandark fly he would have done better.
Number 5: I'm safe everybody hates Mandark.
Jack: I don't know who i should vote for.
Courage: Please don't hate me after this is over.
Panini: I can't stay here without Chowder.
Mandark: Told them I should've have driven they didn't care though.
(Confessional Camera End)
Chris: Lets find out who the first looser this season is. Safe today is Johnny, Blossom, Eddy, Jack, courage, and Panini. The rest of you all got at least one vote. The loser however is
Number 5. Sorry but your out.
Panini: Wait I'm going to quit I want to be with Chowder again.
Chris: That means Panini is the first loser who will be next to go. Find out how things turn out on the next Cartoon Drama Action.
A/N Hope you guys enjoy the new season. Decided to try and make these chapters longer than last time. Give me any movie you want to make a challenge out of or recommend a challenge for me.