"What do we do?" Sunil screeched, running from Russell to Vinnie and back again. "They'e been captured! Kidnapped! Stolen! Taken! Snatched! Co-!"
Vinnie slapped a small hand over the panicked mongoose's mouth. "Geez, man, what are you, a dictionary?" When Sunil slapped the hand away, he continued. "I'm worried about them, too. Wait, scratch that. I'm scared. But panicking won't help them."
"Vinnie's right. Surprisingly..." Russell muttered under his breath. He rose his voice to make himself heard to the other two pets. "And besides, what possible evidence do we even have that tells us they've been kidnapped, anyway?"
"Well, there's that," Vinnie answered as he pointed to the window. Russell and Sunil followed where the gecko was pointing and saw the window was completely shattered.
"Yeah... Definitely the aftermath of a breaking and entering..." the hedgehog confirmed as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.
"See? I told you they've been kidnapped!" Sunil wailed. "What do we do?"
"Unfortunately, we're pets, so we can't exactly tell anyone about this," Russell stated.
"Yeah, thank you, Catherine Obvious," Vinnie grunted.
Rolling his eyes, the organizer continued. "And we can't get any help from Buttercream. So... It looks like our only option is to go after them ourselves."
"We can't do that!" Sunil argued, throwing his paws into the air to emphasize his state of panic. "We're only a hedgehog, gecko, and mongoose; we can't do anything!"
"Be that as it may, I'm not going to let that stop me from helping my friends."
"He's right, Sunil, we're the only hope the girls have," Vinnie nodded. "Besides, we have brains, power, and agility on our side, and we can't lose with those, right?"
"I-I suppose not... But what about our owners? They won't be happy with Mrs. Twombly when they find we're not there to be picked up."
"Horrible as this may sound, getting in trouble is the least of my concern," Russell confessed. "I don't care if she gets sued and the shop closes. I need to know my friends are safe."
"Your argument is very valid," the mongoose surrendered with a sigh. "Very well. Let's find the girls."
"All right! Adventure!" Vinnie declared.
"Before we go anywhere, Vinnie," Russell said sternly, stopping the gecko before he reached the dumbwaiter. "we need clues as to where we should start investigating."
"Oh. Right." Vinnie opened one of Blythe's drawers and pulled out a tiny pipe, magnifying glass, and detector's hat and leaped to the ground. With hat on head and pipe in mouth, he said in a badly-imitated British accent, "Yes, yes, very good. Well, let's get started, shall we?"
"Vinnie, you idiot..." Russell muttered as he face-pawed.
"Shut up, dude, I'm fabulous!" the gecko raised his voice in his normal tone. "I mean-" Clearing his throat, he returned to his fake accent. "Elementary, dear Russell, I'm fabulous." The hedgehog groaned and rolled his eyes.
"I found something, guys!" Sunil suddenly exclaimed, waving his paw at the as he stood near the broken window.
"By Golly, you did?" He began looking around wildly at the many shards of broken glass, in which Sunil had pointed at.
Russell walked over, placed his paws at his hips, and sighed. "Vinnie." When the gecko looked up, he held out a paw as he started. "Firstly, the correct term is 'by George'. Secondly, you're doing it wrong."
"Whadaya mean I'm doing it wrong? I got the pipe and everything!" Vinnie shoved the pipe into the hedgehog's face, temporarily flustering him.
Getting over the surprise, he lowered the pipe out of his face. "I mean you're supposed to actually look instead of flinging that magnifying glass all over the place." Swiping the glass out of the dancer's hand, he began looking through it at the glass shards.
As he scanned the shards, he stopped when something caught his eye: a white folded sheet of paper buried under the glass.
"Huh? What's this?" Russell placed down the magnifying glass and slid the paper out from under the glass. Vinnie and Sunil approached the hedgehog as he unfolded it and began to read aloud.
"'Hello, little pets. You are probably wondering what has happened up here. Your suspicions are correct; your precious girls are now mine.'"
"I knew this was a kidnapping act! I knew it!" Sunil exclaimed, the fur along his head, back, and tail beginning to rise in fear.
"'The only way to save them is to follow my instructions. You must search the park for a gray key, then open the safe under Blythe's bed.' Wait, what safe?"
"This one probably!" Vinnie's voice called out. He crawled out from under Blythe's bed with a medium-sized black safe.
"So I guess we have to scope the park for that key now," Russell concluded after scanning the paper once more. "Let's just hope an pray that luck is on our side, and that we can find an rescue the girls."
"And besides, the park can't be that big, right?" Vinnie added with a confident grin before running off towards the dumbwaiter. Russell and Sunil exchanged worried glances.
A/N: Tryout for a new story. Also, Russell, Vinnie, and Sunil will get help from their other guy friends along the way, but it'll mainly be these three working to rescue the girls. More background information will be either in Chapter 2 or 3.