Jace strutted around the Institute after just coming back from a hunt. He was still high off adrenaline from the demons he slayed, and he knew he wanted to go up to the training center, however another part of him really missed Clary. They hadn't had much time alone lately considering they mostly see each other at the Institute where Alec and Izzy usually are. Izzy was out with Simon at the moment though, and Alec had slept over at Magnus' despite Maryse's disapproval. It was late and he didn't expect Clary to be there anymore, assuming she went home to be with her mother and Luke. Although it didn't hurt to just look around a bit…

After searching her bedroom and the kitchen he found one of Clary's sweaters and he knew she was still here. He reached for it and brought it up to his face, inhaling her beautiful scent. He knew the only place she could be this late was the library, so he clutched her sweater in hand and headed down the hall.

He still couldn't get over the fact that Clary was all his. It had been weeks since Sebastian died and there was no longer a war happening. He and Clary had finally been able to move on with their relationship and it was still new to him. He often caught himself staring at her in awe, as if this was all a dream. She was definitely the most amazing person he had ever met, and he trusted her with his life. Everything had been going right for them lately, especially since her mother had become more accepting of him, considering he had saved Clary's life on more than one occasion. He'd rather die than live without Clary, so in the heat of the battle if it was between losing his life or her, he would do anything to save her.

Without even knowing it, he turned the corner into the library and immediately spotted Clary. Right in the middle of the ginormous library sat the love of his life, asleep, over many books and her sketch pad, still clutching her pencil. He quietly came up behind her to get a closer look at what she had been drawing. His eyes first came to the runes she had been practising, and then to the little hearts bordering the edge of the paper that read "J+C". He felt a goofy smile spread across his face as he closed the book and set it down beside Clary. He bent down to give her a kiss on the top of her head, wrapping his arms around her in a soft embrace. Clary stirred for a second, confused on where she was at that moment. She turned her head to see her beautiful angel, Jace.

It was easy to say that Clary loved Jace more than anyone in the world. He made her feel special because he could have anyone and yet he chose her. Clary, being an ordinary girl with fiery red curly hair who was shorter than the average teenager, never imagine being with someone like Jace. He was incredibly strong with an amazing body. He was taller than she was, with long blonde hair and eyes that glowed gold.

"What are you still doing up, love?" Jace questioned Clary.

"You were out on a hunt and I was waiting for you to come back so I decided to make some use of my time."

"Aren't you tired now?" Jace asked secretly hoping she wasn't.

"Well actually…"

Clary stared into Jace's eyes hoping he would get the message. As a devious smile spread across his face, she knew he understood.

"Well then, shall we take this to the bedroom?"

Without even thinking about the mess she had made in the library, she grabbed Jace's hand and stalked out.

They shared a variety of kisses from the library to his bedroom, stopping every now and then when it got more aggressive. Just outside of his room he pinned her against the wall. As she wrapped her legs around his hips, he kissed softly at her neck. Her hands glided through his silky blonde locks and she went to grab at his shirt. He kissed up her neck along her cheek and ending at her red lips. He opened his eyes and they locked eyes for what felt like forever. He brushed against her lips, almost like he was teasing her. She could feel him smiling, knowing that it was driving her crazy. She finally pressed his lips to her and she felt the adrenaline start to pump. It was hard to describe how she felt when she was with him, all she knew was she never wanted it to end. Although they hadn't had sex before, they were both secretly hoping this would be the night.

Jace of course was not a virgin and was quite anxious to have sex with Clary, however she was still a virgin and was not confident about herself. They had done other things but when it got to the point of sex, she insisted they stopped. Jace had no problem with it, he never wanted to lose her and if she wasn't ready that was fine with him. She obviously wanted to do it but she was nervous, but for some reason she seemed different that night and Jace noticed this.

He plucked her off the wall and carried her to his bed, never breaking from their kisses. He softly set her down on his bed and he landed on top of her gracefully. His hands crept up her shirt as he pulled it up over her head. He tickled her stomach as he went up to her bra. He snapped off the hooks and brought the straps down her arms, flinging it across the room.

She smiled at him through the dark. She could barely see him but she could picture his perfect physique, every rune he had drawn on him, ever scar he had obtained. She thought it was the most beautiful thing.

Tireless with the teasing, she ripped off his shirt and scratched at his back. He moaned softly in the back of his throat. Knowing he was probably aroused by now she reached for his fly to remove his pants. He stripped them off and then went for her pants, kissing around her thighs. When he effortlessly tossed them behind them, and continued the kissing up to her lips. The only thing that kept them apart now was the thin fabric of their underwear.

They were fiercely making out by then, grabbing at each other like it had been 1000 years since they had seen each other last. He reached for the fabric of her underwear and slipped his hand underneath them, carefully outlining her insides. They slowed their kisses down, making them short and sweet, as he felt inside her.

He knew she would have to make the next move to signal it was okay for them to have sex, so when she reached for his boxer shorts and slid them down to his knees, kicking them to his ankles with her toes, he knew she was ready.

"Are you sure about this, Clary? I don't want to do anything-"

She pulled him into a hot, steamy kiss as he reached into his bedside draw for a condom. He fumbled with it for a second because he was so caught up with Clary. After he slipped it on Clary glanced down to see if he was hard, and oh my, he was. She was still nervous but she knew she shouldn't be with Jace. He grabbed at her panties ripped them off, Clary was surprised he hadn't torn them. He felt inside her again, teasing her. Clary couldn't take it anymore.

He pushed up on her, and she wrapped her legs around his hips. He was inside her and she could feel a tingling sensation. They rocked back in forth together, kissing constantly. They were one, and nothing could break them apart.

They did it fast, slow, hot, and sweaty until the morning came. Although Clary had fallen asleep after, Jace stayed awake. More exhilarated than ever, still excited that they had moved on with their relationship. Clary began to awake and he pulled her into a soft kiss to wake her up. Her eyes flashed open, ecstatic to see him again.

"Clary, I love you. I love you more each day, I love you more each time I see you.." His voice was trembling, not able to look at her.

Clary cut him off, cupped his face and said, "I love you. You're my whole world."

His eyes met hers and he pulled her into a kiss, and they fell asleep in each other's arms.