

The mutate sat on his couch, which was setting nicely in the old Cyber-Biotics office down in the labyrinth. He was feeling bored, and wanted something to do. Maggie and Claw were off somewhere with Elisa and Goliath, and Talon had nothing to do. Getting an inspiration, he thought himself lucky to have kept his journal after his mutation years ago.

~Time to catch up on old memories~ the jaguar-like mutate thought, as he pulled a pen off of a nearby coffee table. Thinking back about everything that had happened to him, he began to write.


I'm sorry I've been ignoring you lately. I've just gone through so much during the last 8 years, and, when you've been preoccupied as much as I have, you lose time to write. Between Demona, and the clones, and the homeless humans, and everything, well, let's just say it's good I can relax tonight.

Where do I begin? Well, I guess I could cover everything that happened to me as a mutate. I used to be a human, a cop. My sister is Elisa Maza, 2nd class detective. Gargoyle sympathizer, and, in the words of Goliath, "one woman hell-raiser". *laughs* That sounds like Big Sis all right.

The first time I had actually met the gargoyles - Goliath, Brooklyn, Hudson, Lexington, Broadway, and Bronx - was during that time the two members of The Pack tried to assassinate Xanatos, who had hired me as his personal bodyguard. Elisa had tried to warn me that he was bad news, that he was just using me in a plan. But I refused to listen to her.

I learned the truth the hard way when he coyly mutated me, then tricked into blaming Goliath and his clan. That bastard Xanatos had me completely convinced that Servarius and Goliath had planned to do this to me, to make more gargoyles through DNA engineering. Later, during a fight at a laboratory, I discovered that all along, Xanatos had been Servarius' partner, not Goliath. I felt many things upon discovering this revelation: shocked, hurt, and betrayed.

But most of all I felt rage. I wanted to kill Xanatos.

He got away, though, as did Servarius.

After it was all over, I felt terrible for how I had treated Goliath. Even after he had proposed that I join his clan, I declined partly because I was so disgusted with myself for being so gullible. I also refused because there were other mutates, like me. Two males and a female. Claw, Fang, and Maggie. Maggie and I became mates. Lovers. A pairing that probably would have never happened in our human lives, which is the only blessing that came out of being turned into Talon.

Soon after, Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx disappeared and a worried Brooklyn, Lexington, and Broadway journeyed with me to castle Wyvern, where we believed that Xanatos had known something about their sudden disappearance. We were wrong, and, grudgingly, left the castle against our better judgment. I don't know why, but for some reason, Brooklyn seemed withdrawn. Moody. I really don't know what his problem was. He was the second-in-command. He knew we had no choice but to infiltrate Xanatos' building for clues, but when it came down to it, he seemed almost sad. Why? Who knows.

It was really bad timing for them to vanish, however. Especially since it was at this time that Fang decided to make himself leader. I had tried to reason with him, saying that no one was leader and we were all on a compromising level down here. But he wouldn't listen, and trapped me in a holding cage. Luckily for me, Hudson, The Trio, and Maggie came to the rescue, and Brooklyn ending up tricking Fang, pretending to alienate Maggie's feelings for me by making her leave with him. It was a clever plan. Maggie realized she had the pass card, and freed me while Fang boasted to Brooklyn. I tackled Fang, and he was put away in the jail cell deeper underground. When it was over, Maggie and I embraced, and I could see Brooklyn hang his head low and turn away. He seemed almost sad, even more distant then he had been earlier. Did he have some feelings for Maggie? He must've.

But we ended the incident on a high note, with a agreement to protect the gargoyles and mutates who were still present, and a handshake. Brooklyn declared that he would lead his clan in continuing the search. I think he decided at that moment that he and Maggie would never be, because his mood changed suddenly upon deciding to lead. He will make a good replacement for Goliath someday. I'm sure of it.

Goliath and Elisa, with Goliath's daughter Angela, returned to us a couple of months later (thank god!) and we went back to our normal routines. Until Demona faked her capture and Goliath's clone, Thailog, arrived at the labyrinth and busted her out. Apparently, this entire capture was planned. A scheme to keep us off guard until the clones, spawned from the gargoyles' blood through a technological Mosquito, were full grown and ready to attack. Fang bailed out of his cell with Demona, and, together with Thailog, captured us all.

When Demona learned he had cloned her as well, creating Delilah, in order to replace her, she flew into a rage and attacked Thailog, setting us all free. A fight broke out at the abandoned carnival where we were being held, and Fang was killed. A fire burst, killing Demona and Thailog as well. At least, as far as I know. But I heard later through my sister and the Gargoyles that both were still alive, and I wonder to this day how they survived that. Demona, I could understand. From what I've heard, she's immortal, and could only be killed by MacBeth. But Thailog? What did he do, fly away before being burnt? I guess I will never know how.

Journal, I've got to go. Goliath, Elisa, Maggie, and Claw have just returned from the castle, where they were celebrating Goliath and Elisa's 6-year wedding anniversary. I'll write in you again soon! I promise."

Talon closed the journal, and, tucking it into his pocket, smiled and went to join his mate, his sister, and their friends in the main room of the labyrinth.

Next: Broadway.

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