There, on the windswept plains of the desert

Upon the surface of wounded Terra

Stood the colossus


Unseen eyes gazing at the current of time and space before him

While mighty warships churned their engines

In the sea above him

There, in that swollen river he saw her

Diana's daughter,

Equal to the highest goddess,

Imprisoned within the depths of Hades

While all about her

Dark tendrils of malice tightened their grip

Yet, with eyes of grey granite

She returned his stare

Her voice gentle but with enough force

To still his heart

And quake his eternal soul

She spoke;

Where do you go now warrior

Where do you take humanity's battle weary standards

Where further do you march?

If your faith in me shaken

If your oath to me forsaken

Then no farther should your boot heels tread

But if you come,

Then abandon all hope in peace and treaties

Let war be your trial

And fortune your judge