Author's Note: In this story, all of the racers are 19 years old, with the exception of King Candy who is still exactly the same, height and all. The other racers' height (Vanellope's included), would have their heads come up to Ralph's chest. 'Version 2' of Sugar Rush is simply an alternate version of the same exact game where all of the racers are adults and normally proportioned, rather than 9 year old chibis. Litwak went with Version 2 in this story to appeal to the teens more.

This first chapter will be mostly the same as it was in the movie except for some minor altered details, but by chapter 2 things get different.

Vanellope sighed solemnly as she regenerated at the edge of the diet cola springs within Diet Cola Mountain. No matter how many times I do it.. She shook her head and wiped some tears out of her eyes. "I guess I'll go climb candy trees again!" she grumbled bitterly. It's not like I can do much else around here since I'm not allowed to race. What's the point of even having this shoddy piece of junk here? She looked over to her kart as she approached the secret entrance of her home. It was a (just barely) decently put together mishmash of various different kart styles that would lead one to question how it even worked. It had the chassis of one of Citrusella's broken down karts, but had two wheels from one of Taffyta's, two wheels from Candlehead's, and the engine and a few other pieces from Crumbelina's.

Vanellope wasn't a whiz at it by any means, but between all the times Jubileena's memory was obviously wiped by something, she did teach Vanellope a few things about building karts by hand. The problem was finding working parts. She always thought it was odd how she could be friends with some of the racers one day and then the next they would be right back to calling her 'the Glitch'. If it were simply the game's highscores being reset, then surely she would have also had her memory erased alongside the others, glitch or not..

She made her way to the Candy Cane Forest after carefully making sure that nobody was around to see her leave her secret home. It was a miracle, she figured, that nobody ever caught her coming or going. Then again, she mostly only did so when the arcade was open and everyone's attention was on the races. She just happened to be exceptionally bored this day. Not like this wasn't the case every day, but she figured it was safe enough to roam about on occasion. It's not like King Candy actually made an effort to keep her locked up in the Fungeon so long as he could be certain she had no means to enter a race.

She easily hopped up a few branches of a candy tree and surveyed the area for anything interesting before sighing disappointedly. As if there's going to be anything different around here. She spent about five minutes hopping from tree to tree before stopping dead in her tracks and clinging tightly onto the candy tree she was standing on as she noticed a ship flying haphazardly through the sky. She looked on, awestruck as a rather large man and 'something' flew out of it after it crashed through several candy trees nearby. That's different! She grinned excitedly once she saw that the guy was alright. He sure is lucky he didn't get impaled on one of the branches though..

"Sayonara sucker!" Ralph yelled with a satisfied smirk as he watched the Cy-bug slowly sink into a grape flavored taffy swamp. What's that music? He looked around confusedly until his eyes fell on the words 'Sugar Rush' spelled out in a massive amount of small teal candy hearts. "Sugar Rush?.." he muttered to himself. His gaze then fell upon a large castle out in the distance made of bricks of compressed sugar and then onto a race track with numerous giant gumballs rolling around where several racers were just starting a bonus lap for the hell of it as usual. He groaned. "No.. This is that candy go-kart game over by the Whack-a-Mole. I gotta get out of here.." He wiped one of his hands on his overalls as they felt rather sticky from contact with the candy tree's branches. Something's missing.. No! "Oh no! My medal! What? Wha- wha- whe-?" He gasped as he noticed his medal hanging from another candy tree out in the distance and continued to berate himself.

"What is this guy doing?" Vanellope asked herself with a laugh as Ralph awkwardly climbed down the tree he was on, only to start climbing another. I gotta meet this guy.. He's.. Well he's certainly not from this game, that's for sure! She quickly made her way to the tree Ralph had started climbing and glitched onto a branch just below him, having at least some control over her usually involuntary glitching.

Ralph grunted worriedly for some reason as he climbed the tree, as if there were some arbitrary time limit for him reaching his medal. Almost there. Just a little higher..

"Hey dude!" Vanellope yelled up at him as she sat on the branch. What's the rush? If it's sugar, there's plenty of that down on the ground.

Ralph freaked out, losing his grip on the tree and just barely stabilized himself just below the branch Vanellope was sitting on. He looked around worriedly in just about every direction but the one she was in. Who said that?

"Hello!" Vanellope said with a smile. I'm right here, man..

Ralph laughed incredulously and said, "Oh. Man, you scared me, girl." He sighed a sigh of relief. "Nearly soiled myself." What's she doing up here in the first place? He looked down. Sheesh.

"What's your name?" Vanellope asked wryly. He looked like he'd have done it with or without my 'scaring' him.

"Uh, Ralph. Wreck-It Ralph.." he said while catching his breath as he looked up at his dangling medal. I don't really have time for this.

"You're not from here are you?" Vanellope asked through a grin as she stabilized her balance with her hands while swinging her legs back and forth. It's plain as day. And what's with those hands?

"No- Well, yeah. I mean, I'm not from right in this area," Ralph said nervously, "I'm just doing some work here." She's not going to fall for it. Not like I care though.

"What kind of work?" Vanellope asked with an incredulous grin. I can see right through that lie, but let's see your improvisation skills at work.

"Just some routine candy tree trimming.." Ralph said as he patted the tree he was still holding onto for dear life, "Uh, you probably want to stand back. In fact this whole area is technically closed while we're trimming.." Damn, she's onto me for sure.

"Who's we?" Vanellope asked. It's just you and me here, buddy.

"Candy tree department," Ralph said pointedly as he began to climb again. Go away..

"Oh. Where's everybody else?" Vanellope asked while gesturing around at the everybody else who was clearly nowhere to be found.

"Alright, look," Ralph said in an annoyed tone as he stopped climbing, "I know you're not dumb, but I'm a little busy here and I'd rather not waste any more time than I have to so if you would-" He looked down to where she was sitting. Where'd she go?

"Hey, come on, I'm just trying to be nice," Vanellope said wryly from a higher branch which prompted Ralph to confusedly look up to her new position. It's been so long since anyone came visit this game. Outsiders aren't exactly welcome..

"Well I'm not here to make nice," Ralph said pointedly as he pointedly pointed at his medal up above, "I'm just here to get my medal that flew up there and return to my game." It's not like I'm ever coming back to this game, so what's the point?

Somebody give this guy a mentos.. "Sheesh your breath smells," Vanellope muttered half to herself as she backed away before looking at the medal he was pointing to. Her face lit up excitedly and she yelled, "Sweet mother of monkey milk, a gold coin!" I know it's stealing, but if I can just win a race!

"Gold coi-? Hey, that's mine!" Ralph yelled as they began to race to the top. He pleaded futilely along the way until he fell after grabbing a double-stripe branch, "Come on!" What the hell is with these disappearing branches?

"The winner!" Vanellope said excitedly as she grabbed the medal at the top as Ralph continued climbing to catch up, "Sorry dude!" She inspected the medal curiously. It's different, but it should still work! "Really, I am. But I think I've waited long enough to race." She began to hop down branch after branch. It's been at least 5 years since I last talked a racer into giving me one of their gold coins, and that one lasted all of 10 minutes.

"This. Is. Mine!" Ralph said as he snatched the medal out of her hand. Rotten little thief..

"Woah!" Vanellope shrieked and glitched in place before furiously hopping down and snatching it right back. Dive bomb time, I guess. I can't lose this chance..Now this should be high enough, but just in case.. She hopped up a few more branches as Ralph struggled to catch up. She took a deep breath and jumped a good distance away from the tree. She dived towards the ground head first and closed her eyes. This is gonna hurt, but I'm used to it. She clutched the medal to her chest and..

"What?!" Ralph asked worriedly as Vanellope regenerated a second after hitting the ground. That's suicidal.. He held onto the branch he was hanging on, in complete shock that the girl would go so far as to game over in order to keep his medal.

Owwww.. "Later, chum!" Vanellope yelled excitedly as she picked the medal up off the ground and wiped her eyes, "Sorry!"So much for making a friend..

"Come back!" Ralph said angrily after snapping out of it, "I will find you! I will find you!" Unluckily for him, he was hanging onto a double-striped branch again which for one reason or another took a while to disappear. It blinked twice which made him look up confusedly. Huh?

"Double-stripe!" Vanellope yelled as Ralph yelped and fell into the green apple taffy swamp before running back home to quickly get her kart. It's almost time for the Random Roster Race. I have to hurry!

Ralph made his way towards the race track while grumbling to himself and still stuck in a thick layer of taffy, except now there was a modest layer of candy stuck to it as well. He got there just as Vanellope's name was announced as an entrant to the Random Roster Race.

"Yippee! I'm in the race!" Vanellope yelled excitedly after pulling off her pink racing goggles and the hood of her hoodie. No backsies, King Candy! She smirked at him rebelliously. I'm in the race. There's nothing he should be able to do about it. I just hope I'm right in thinking that the race can't start without all of the racers involved..

"The Glitch!" Taffyta hissed after recovering from mild shock as she uncovered the mystery kart Vanellope had driven to the track. And she brought a weird kart..

The crowd went into a panic immediately as 'The Glitch' had never actually made it this far with an actual kart to race with, let alone one with a working engine and everything. King Candy did his best to quell their fears as he sicced Wynnchel and Duncan on Vanellope.

Just as Vanellope was about to make it to her kart, Ralph arrived on the scene and chased her under the stands of the various racer fans. Ralph paid no mind to the audience members. Honestly he didn't even notice them due to the taffy obscuring his vision and hearing as well as his focus being solely on the rotten thief constantly hiding under the stands. I don't know what's up with the blue binary, but that's not my problem!

"What is your deal?!" Vanellope asked as she continuously glitched involuntarily and scrambled under numerous different stands. This guy just doesn't give up..

Just as Ralph knocked down the last stand, with Vanellope having nowhere else to hide, he happened to look up just before a giant cupcake landed on him and more or less sealed his movements. "Can't move," he said distressedly as he struggled to free himself to no avail. Grr..

Vanellope laughed and danced around him briefly. Here. She kissed Ralph's taffy-covered face and waved goodbye before running off amidst the chaos. After hearing that the race will be held, but it's postponed, she drove off in her kart until it was time. He brought that upon himself.

Wynnchel and Duncan rolled the strange taffy-cupcake monster up to the castle's throne room at King Candy's request and wiped their hands.

King Candy honked the horn of his kart to the tune of 'Hail to the Chief' and backed it up to complete his throne after circling them. He hopped on top of the hood of his throne-kart and huffed, "Sour Bill, detaffify this monster so we can see what we're dealing with here." He got off of his kart and glared at the monster as he dared to get closer to it. What is this? Whatever it is, it has some connection to that Glitch..

"Okay," Sour Bill droned before ripping off Ralph's Taffy mask. Human?

"Ahh!" Ralph screamed. That hurt!

"Milk my duds!" King Candy said confusedly, "It's Wreck-It Ralph?!" What is he doing here?

"Yeah?" Ralph said indignantly, "Who are you, the guy that makes the donuts?" You certainly look the part.

King Candy giggled at the dirty joke and said, "Please, no. I'm King Candy." Like someone in my position doesn't have a woman around here.

"I see you're a fan of pink," Ralph said with a nod as he looked around. Let's just get this over with, I have to catch that woman..

"Salmon," King Candy said pointedly, "Salmon. It's obviously salm- What are you doing here?"

"Look, your candiness," Ralph said reassuringly, "This is just a big misunderstanding. Just get me out of this cupcake. I'll get my medal, and I'll be out of your way." I'm not very good with diplomacy..

"Your medal?" King Candy asked with a giddy laugh, "Bad Guys don't win medals." You stole one, didn't you?

"Well this one did," Ralph said with a sigh, "I earned it over in.." He looked away. "Hero's Duty."

"You game jumped?" King Candy asked worriedly, "Ralph, you're not going Turbo are you?" Like I did?

"What? No no no no no," Ralph said reassuringly as four oreo guards came to King Candy's side. Watch where you're pointing those lances..

"Because if-if-if you think you can come in here," King Candy he said worriedly with a gasp, "into my kingdom and take over my game, you've got another thing coming!" I've built up too much here to lose it now!

"Easy your puffiness!" Ralph said in an annoyed tone, "It's not my fault one of your sugar boppers stole my medal." I wish I could have come up with a better pun..

"Sugar boppers?" King Candy said confusedly, "Who would- The Glitch! The coin she used to buy her way into the race. That was your medal?"

"She did what?!" Ralph asked, "I need that back!"

"Well I'm afraid I can't help you," King Candy said pointedly while gesturing with his hands, "It's gone you know. It's-it's-it's nothing but code now! And it'll stay that way until someone wins the cup at the end of the race!

"Well maybe I'll just have to have a little talk with the winner then," Ralph said pointedly. What would they want with my medal?

"Is that a threat I smell?" King Candy asked as he narrowed his eyes which suddenly began to burn. He instantly backed up in a truly disgusted manner upon taking a breath, "Beyond the halitosis you so obviously suffer from!" Somebody give this guy a mentos!

"Listen nelly wafer," Ralph huffed, "I'm not leaving without my medal!"

"Yes, you are," King Candy said threateningly as he dared get in Ralph's face yet again before returning to his kart, "Wynnchel, Duncan, get him out of that cupcake and on the first train back home! And if I ever see you here again, Wreck-It Ralph.." He turned to face him briefly and pointed at him even more threateningly before laughing. "I'll lock you in my Fungeon.." Do you want that? Hmm?

Author's Note: I'm currently still working on a Jawbreaker story titled 'The Honeyglow Surge', which is the sequel to 'A Sudden Surge'. 'The Honeyglow Surge' also has Hero's Cuties and a few other pairings you'll like if you give them a chance.

Another Jawbreaker story I started writing at the same time as this one is 'Wrecking Man'. It was originally a one-shot that I wrote alongside this one to see which people preferred more. It's a bit darker than what I usually write and as such it's rated M. Just giving you fair warning.

I update these three stories evenly for the most part, in addition to another story titled 'Reload', which focuses on the Turbo Time characters, their new girlfriends, plus Ralph and Felix. It takes place in an alternate timeline due to Jet, one of the Turbo Twins, somehow having acquired memories he had in the future. It'll make more sense if you read it :p.