A/N: Muahaha! A postive fic about the most hated character in the Crash Bandicoot series, Coco! (Not Tawna, but she's a close second)
I don't see why she's so hated...and why people make her OOC (Out of Character) in fics. -_-;;
Anyway, this was a spur of the moment kind of thing...just like "Enslaved (For a Lack of a Better Title)" and "Lunacy". But it's kinda random and stupid.
Yet, stupid is good, and this will be a multi chaptered fic. You have been warned, and this is your first chance to turn back.
Disclaimer: I'm too tired to do one...ugh...fine...I don't own Crash Bandicoot, and even though the license belongs to Universal, (or Traveler's Tales, I'm not sure, but either way, it's bad) it will always truly belong to Naughty Dog.
The phrase "A Feudal Fairy Tale" is from the Japanese Anime/Manga series: Inu-Yasha. I thought it would be good for this fic.
This is your last chance to leave and go read another fanfic. You have been warned.
A Feudal Fairy Tale
"Crash, just push this button." Coco instructed, pointing at the console that controled the warp room. "It's that simple. This button."
Crash stared at the button her small finger was pointing at for a minute. He then looked up at his sister and nodded.
"Good." Coco walked over to the center of the warp room. "Push it, Crash!"
Crash turned to the console, but then he realized something.
He had forgotten which button to push.
In a frenzy, he pressed down on random keys, hoping it will have the same effect.
The lights in the room vanished and the ground shook, but this wasn't an earthquake...there was a different feel to it.
"CRASH!" A panic stricken voice screamed.
Unable to answer, Crash clung onto the keyboard for dear life in complete darkness.
The shaking died down...the lights began working again...everything was fine.
Except for one thing.
"Ouch!" Coco stood up and brushed the dust off her her legs. She had somehow emerged from the warp a little too high from the ground. She looked around. Something wasn't right.
Under her feet was a stone street. To both the left and right were poorly built wooden houses with straw roofs. Rotten, barely legible signs hung above the doors. One said "Bookkeeper", another said "Blacksmith" and a third said "The Drunken Platypus". In front of her was a huge castle, built entirely of stones, complete with a moat and drawbridge.
"I don't think I'm supposed to be here..." Coco muttered, turning around.
And standing behind her, was a crowd of people staring at her in awe.
One person pushed his way to the front of the mass of people, with an occasional "pardon me" and "step aside". As soon as he reached the front, Coco's eyes widened.
"Koala Kong!?" She gasped.
The huge koala glanced at her awkwardly.
"How doest thou know mine name?"
"She be a witch!" A voice erupted from the crowd.
"A witch? Nay. Not with those rags she be wearing." Another answered.
"Come." Koala Kong grabbed a hold of her wrist and dragged her inside the blacksmith's shop.
"What is going on here?" Coco demanded.
"What be going on?" Koala Kong repated in a confused tone. "Me thinks thou should be the one asked that."
"Stop talking funny!" Coco grunted.
"Ye be the one speakin' funny." Koala Kong responded. "I not know who ye be, but I know ye be not normal."
"Not normal?" Coco growled, offended by the words.
"Aye." Koala Kong answered, taking a hot horseshoe from the blacksmith's fire and beating down on it with a hammer. "Lasses be not fallin' from the sky everyday now, be they?"
By now, Coco was convinced this wasn't the Koala Kong she knew, or maybe he was just pulling her leg. Either way, she decided to play along. "No..." A thought crossed her mind. "What...year is it?"
"Year?" Koala Kong repeated once again. "It be year fifteen-two, lassie." (A/N: 1502) He paused to hit the horseshoe again. "I reckon you be not of this world."
"No, I'm not." Coco nodded. Maybe, this medieval Koala Kong could help her get home somehow.
"Ye be too young to be a witch." Koala Kong put his hammer down, lost in thought. "Perhaps an angel from above, sent to help us?"
"An angel...!?" Coco stiffled in a laugh. "Me!? How can I possibly save you from...whatever."
"E'er since the good King Crash died, may his name be blessed, life be difficult for everyone." Koala Kong continued, apparently not hearing the previous remark.
Wait a minute. Coco thought. Crash? A king? DEAD!?
"That greedy Cortex, a duke from a neighborin' kingdom took over and be ruling with an iron fist. Takin' all our money for himself."
This is just wierd. Coco thought. I'm here, in what appears to be some sort of Medieval Australia, that never existed, because there never was a medieval period in Australia, and all these people I know from the present...are all here, but don't have the foggiest clue who I am?
"But I be not knowin' whether ye be an angel or not." Koala Kong said, interrupting her train of thought. "Tomorrow, ye should go off and slay the dragon in the eastern woods."
"Slay a dragon!?"
"Aye. Slay the dragon. An angel be not having any problems with that." Koala Kong said.
"What if I don't...want to go and slay a dragon?" Coco asked.
"Then ye be nothin' but a witch, and we burn ye and free the land of thy black magic."
"I think I'll slay the dragon..."
The next morning, Coco leaned against the door of Koala Kong's blacksmith shop, trying to stay awake. Koala Kong wasn't there, he left saying something about an escort to the dragon's lair.
A few minutes later, he came back with none other than Ripper Roo.
"This be Ripper Roo, the village idiot, or the village fool as others prefer." He introduced. "He be the only one in town knowin' the way to the dragon's cave."
Coco sighed. Her luck was certainly holding out well. First she gets transported here in a freak accident, meets up with Koala Kong, who believes she's a fallen angel here to save the town from the tyranny of the evil king, Cortex, and now she has to travel deep into a forest with Ripper Roo as a guide and become dragon food.
Ripper Roo bounced through the forest, leading Coco around trees, across rivers, and over ditches. They had been traveling for two hours straight, which did not make her very happy.
The crazy, leaping creature came to a hault behind a boulder and motioned for Coco to come over with his large feet.
The female bandicoot peered over the large stone and found herself staring at a cave entrance which lead inside a hill.
"I assume this is the dragon's lair?" She asked her traveling companion.
Ripper Roo nodded vigorously and immediately began bounding away.
"Hey, wait!" She called, but the hopping animal was already gone. "Great. He abandons me." She turned around and looked back at the cave entrance, which looked more like a large burrow than a cave to her, but who was she to judge the home of a ferocious fighting beast? Even if by the narrow chance she manages to kill it, how was she going to find her way back if there was no one to show her.
Bravely, she left her hiding spot behind the rock and began to approach what could very well be the last place she'll ever visit.
End of Chapter One
I don't see why she's so hated...and why people make her OOC (Out of Character) in fics. -_-;;
Anyway, this was a spur of the moment kind of thing...just like "Enslaved (For a Lack of a Better Title)" and "Lunacy". But it's kinda random and stupid.
Yet, stupid is good, and this will be a multi chaptered fic. You have been warned, and this is your first chance to turn back.
Disclaimer: I'm too tired to do one...ugh...fine...I don't own Crash Bandicoot, and even though the license belongs to Universal, (or Traveler's Tales, I'm not sure, but either way, it's bad) it will always truly belong to Naughty Dog.
The phrase "A Feudal Fairy Tale" is from the Japanese Anime/Manga series: Inu-Yasha. I thought it would be good for this fic.
This is your last chance to leave and go read another fanfic. You have been warned.
A Feudal Fairy Tale
"Crash, just push this button." Coco instructed, pointing at the console that controled the warp room. "It's that simple. This button."
Crash stared at the button her small finger was pointing at for a minute. He then looked up at his sister and nodded.
"Good." Coco walked over to the center of the warp room. "Push it, Crash!"
Crash turned to the console, but then he realized something.
He had forgotten which button to push.
In a frenzy, he pressed down on random keys, hoping it will have the same effect.
The lights in the room vanished and the ground shook, but this wasn't an earthquake...there was a different feel to it.
"CRASH!" A panic stricken voice screamed.
Unable to answer, Crash clung onto the keyboard for dear life in complete darkness.
The shaking died down...the lights began working again...everything was fine.
Except for one thing.
"Ouch!" Coco stood up and brushed the dust off her her legs. She had somehow emerged from the warp a little too high from the ground. She looked around. Something wasn't right.
Under her feet was a stone street. To both the left and right were poorly built wooden houses with straw roofs. Rotten, barely legible signs hung above the doors. One said "Bookkeeper", another said "Blacksmith" and a third said "The Drunken Platypus". In front of her was a huge castle, built entirely of stones, complete with a moat and drawbridge.
"I don't think I'm supposed to be here..." Coco muttered, turning around.
And standing behind her, was a crowd of people staring at her in awe.
One person pushed his way to the front of the mass of people, with an occasional "pardon me" and "step aside". As soon as he reached the front, Coco's eyes widened.
"Koala Kong!?" She gasped.
The huge koala glanced at her awkwardly.
"How doest thou know mine name?"
"She be a witch!" A voice erupted from the crowd.
"A witch? Nay. Not with those rags she be wearing." Another answered.
"Come." Koala Kong grabbed a hold of her wrist and dragged her inside the blacksmith's shop.
"What is going on here?" Coco demanded.
"What be going on?" Koala Kong repated in a confused tone. "Me thinks thou should be the one asked that."
"Stop talking funny!" Coco grunted.
"Ye be the one speakin' funny." Koala Kong responded. "I not know who ye be, but I know ye be not normal."
"Not normal?" Coco growled, offended by the words.
"Aye." Koala Kong answered, taking a hot horseshoe from the blacksmith's fire and beating down on it with a hammer. "Lasses be not fallin' from the sky everyday now, be they?"
By now, Coco was convinced this wasn't the Koala Kong she knew, or maybe he was just pulling her leg. Either way, she decided to play along. "No..." A thought crossed her mind. "What...year is it?"
"Year?" Koala Kong repeated once again. "It be year fifteen-two, lassie." (A/N: 1502) He paused to hit the horseshoe again. "I reckon you be not of this world."
"No, I'm not." Coco nodded. Maybe, this medieval Koala Kong could help her get home somehow.
"Ye be too young to be a witch." Koala Kong put his hammer down, lost in thought. "Perhaps an angel from above, sent to help us?"
"An angel...!?" Coco stiffled in a laugh. "Me!? How can I possibly save you from...whatever."
"E'er since the good King Crash died, may his name be blessed, life be difficult for everyone." Koala Kong continued, apparently not hearing the previous remark.
Wait a minute. Coco thought. Crash? A king? DEAD!?
"That greedy Cortex, a duke from a neighborin' kingdom took over and be ruling with an iron fist. Takin' all our money for himself."
This is just wierd. Coco thought. I'm here, in what appears to be some sort of Medieval Australia, that never existed, because there never was a medieval period in Australia, and all these people I know from the present...are all here, but don't have the foggiest clue who I am?
"But I be not knowin' whether ye be an angel or not." Koala Kong said, interrupting her train of thought. "Tomorrow, ye should go off and slay the dragon in the eastern woods."
"Slay a dragon!?"
"Aye. Slay the dragon. An angel be not having any problems with that." Koala Kong said.
"What if I don't...want to go and slay a dragon?" Coco asked.
"Then ye be nothin' but a witch, and we burn ye and free the land of thy black magic."
"I think I'll slay the dragon..."
The next morning, Coco leaned against the door of Koala Kong's blacksmith shop, trying to stay awake. Koala Kong wasn't there, he left saying something about an escort to the dragon's lair.
A few minutes later, he came back with none other than Ripper Roo.
"This be Ripper Roo, the village idiot, or the village fool as others prefer." He introduced. "He be the only one in town knowin' the way to the dragon's cave."
Coco sighed. Her luck was certainly holding out well. First she gets transported here in a freak accident, meets up with Koala Kong, who believes she's a fallen angel here to save the town from the tyranny of the evil king, Cortex, and now she has to travel deep into a forest with Ripper Roo as a guide and become dragon food.
Ripper Roo bounced through the forest, leading Coco around trees, across rivers, and over ditches. They had been traveling for two hours straight, which did not make her very happy.
The crazy, leaping creature came to a hault behind a boulder and motioned for Coco to come over with his large feet.
The female bandicoot peered over the large stone and found herself staring at a cave entrance which lead inside a hill.
"I assume this is the dragon's lair?" She asked her traveling companion.
Ripper Roo nodded vigorously and immediately began bounding away.
"Hey, wait!" She called, but the hopping animal was already gone. "Great. He abandons me." She turned around and looked back at the cave entrance, which looked more like a large burrow than a cave to her, but who was she to judge the home of a ferocious fighting beast? Even if by the narrow chance she manages to kill it, how was she going to find her way back if there was no one to show her.
Bravely, she left her hiding spot behind the rock and began to approach what could very well be the last place she'll ever visit.
End of Chapter One