Hello my lovelies! :-) Thank you all so so very much for all the comments, favorites, and follows! :-) I truly do appreciate all of your support for this story!

AGAIN, this has not been looked at by a BETA. But I wanted to get something new out to you. I'm looking for a BETA now. Just keep this in mind.

The characters that are from the Harry Potter series belong to the amazing J.K Rowling! All other names used in this story belong to me! :-)

Don't forget to review!

Pain. That's all that I felt. Like someone was burning me at the stake. Everything burned. I kept trying to move any part of my body but I was immobilized by the pain. I tried to ignore the pain as much as I could. Although, it really did not seem to working. How am I even alive? I assumed that I had been killed. I mean, normally a person who gets stabbed in the heart dies, right? Maybe he missed. Or better yet, maybe this was all just one big nightmare. All I have to do is open my eyes and I'll be home, in my nice warm bed. My mom is about to wake me up and open those blasted curtains. I hear voices in the distance! Or maybe this is all real and I'm in between worlds.

"This seems way too risky, Albus."

My ears perked up at the sound of a vaguely familiar voice. I couldn't be dead — that voice belonged to someone who still lived. I tried opening my eyes, but I just felt too weak and pained to do anything. What sucked even more was that I had no idea where I was or what was going on. Once again I tried with all my might to move something, anything at this point. I concentrated again and, finally, I was able to move my hand. I breathed in a sigh of relief and move my hand a little more although it was restrained by some long cable-like thing.

Hospital. I was in a bloody freaking hospital. I'm not sure why, but hospitals always freaked me out.

I tried again to open my eyes,. I still felt weak, but I was able to open them up enough to steal a quick glance around the room. Yup. Definitely a hospital. There were all different types of wires on me. I could feel the IV in my hand, oxygen, and of course a heart monitor if the beeping noise is anything to go off of. To the left there was a window, cracked a little to let some fresh air in. The room itself was rather spacious: there was a couch and recliner on the other side.

I moved my head a bit then flinched. Good merlin did it hurt. Why did everything burn so badly. Each time I breathed, it felt as if someone had finished training and had dropped the weights they were lifting on me.

"Yes, well, we do not have much of a choice. She can't be cut off from all her friends and her old life. She will go into a depression. The poor girl will be upset as it is. I can't even begin to imagine what she is going through."

I focused on taking the smallest breaths possible to minimize my pain, but my whole body still hurt like hell. Vaguely, as I fought back a wince, I wondered what these strangers surrounding me were talking about. Wait. Was that a Scottish accent?

"She is a danger to everyone at the moment. Not to mention a major danger to herself, Albus. It is just too risky. We need to tell her what is going on." This voice sounded familiar as well.

I turned my head a little bit more to where the voices were coming from. To my right a door was ajar. Through the door I could make out silhouettes of three people.

"Now, Remus, stop this," replied a gentler voice. "She is just fifteen years old, only a child. If you cut her off from the people she cares about…..well, Albus is right. She may very well go insane. The last thing we want to have is the girl locked up in an asylum. For now, the less she knows about Darius, the better."

"I agree with Molly on this, Remus," Dumbledore said. "She cannot know. We ourselves are still trying to understand everything that has happened. As long as she does not know, the better the chance she will not harm herself or others. When the time comes, we will have to inform Severus."

Mrs. Weasley, Lupin? What the hell?

"No!" Remus yelled. "If you tell him, you might as well hand her over to Darius on a platter. Not only him, but Voldemort as well. Imagine if that bastard found out about this. The poor girl would have been better off dying."

Darius? Who is that?

"He will know when the time is right. We can trust him, Remus. It is his child, he has every right to know. Besides, last I heard, Severus and his brother were not on very good terms, which would of course explain this very unfortunate situation.

Professor Snape? Who the hell is Darius? I stopped breathing. The birth certificate I found in the attic. It did not have my father listed, only stating he was unknown. There were a million questions going through my mind right now. Each one seemed more ridiculous than the last.

Severus Snape was my father. How is that even possible?

Someone sighed. "It is a child that he does not even know about. Not only that, but one who is part of the infamous 'Golden Trio,' as he calls it. Headmaster, I agree with Remus on this one. I'm not all that comfortable with telling Severus. We have all worked extremely hard to keep this a secret. If Severus finds out, he will go after Darius. You know this, we all know this. We are already fighting one war. The last thing we need is to start another."

"Minerva, I understand that you're worried." There was a pause. "Perhaps we can wait a while before he is told. Until then, make sure she takes that potion every day."

"And if she refuses?" Remus questioned.

The pain was starting to get worse again. It felt like fires was slowly moving its ways down my entire arm. I tried to move my arm to see if that would help at all.

"Nice to see you have joined us Ms. Granger." Professor Dumbledore said with a smile.

I could hear several gasps.

My eyes shot open in shock and my head snapped to the side. Ow. Bad choice. I scrunched my face up in pain as all of the adults rushed over to me.

"Hermione?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

I locked my eyes upon hers, as she looked at me with hurt and sympathy.

"What happened? Where am I?" I asked. My voice didn't even should like me, very hoarse and barely above a whisper.

"You do not remember?"

I shook my head. "It's all sort of blurry." I took a deep breath and tried to think back to all of the events that happened.

Mrs. Weasley grabbed my hand. "That's okay love. We can talk about that a bit later then. Now, are you in much pain?"

I nodded my head. "Everything burns."

"I'm going to go find a healer." Professor Dumbledore stated while walking towards the door.

I gave a small smile in thanks.

A few moments later the healer walked into the room with a vial in his hand.

"Hello Ms. Granger. I'm healer Evans. I have been told that you are experience some pain?"

I nodded."Yes, sir quit a bit actually."

"That does not surprise me after everything you have been through. But, you are talking! And that is a positive sign." He walked over towards the IV hanging by my bed.

I looked down and saw the needle in my arm. "Is this a muggle hospital?"

Healer Evans shook his head no. "You are in St. Mungos. Due to the extent of some of your injuries, we thought it best to use this IV. The potions will work much quicker this way," He started to pour a potion I recognize to be a pain potion.

Almost instantly my eyes started to feel heavy again. "What was that?"

Healer Evans waved his wand over my body. "Sleeping draught mixed with a pain potion. Pretty strong one actually. Rest is going to be your best friend right now."

My head felt a bit sluggish as I moved it to look over the adults standing in the room.

As if reading my mind, Mrs. Weasley gave me a small smile. "Not to worry dear, we are not going anywhere."

I gave small sigh and let sleep overtake me.

After what felt like only a few moments later, flashes of the night started to appear. "No," I mumbled as I started to shake my head.

Flashes of the blood on the walls, my father laying dead on the floor, watching my own mother take her very last breaths.

"It's okay love." A voice soothed.

"Mom?" I cried.

Then the man who stabbed and tortured me was standing in front of me. I felt my eyes begin to sting from tears as I started to hyperventilate. " NO!"

I felt hands trying to wrap around my arms.

"Wake up!" I heard in the distance.

I shook my head trying to get the man off me. "No, no, no!"

"Someone get Evans in here now," A voice yelled. "Remus help me!"

"Hermione, you need to wake up now! It's just a nightmare."

I open my eyes and looked at the distressed face of Remus Lupin. He was holding my arms down.

Ignoring the pain in my limbs, I shook him off and watched as he fell to the floor. The IV in my arm pulled as I did this.

Lupin looked surprised for a moment before getting up quickly.

Without giving it much thought, I ripped it out. Blood spurted out from where it was in my veins.

"Stop!" Remus yelled while quickly trying to grab my arm.

I brought my hands to my head and started to hyperventilate again.

Healer Evans burst into the room and all but ran over to the side of my bed.

"Ms. Granger, please calm down." He grabbed my bleeding arm from Lupin and pulled out his wand. "She's having a panic attack."

My body was shaking horribly. Everything from the attack started to come back. My mind was being flooded by horrible images of my parents. It felt like someone had just ripped out my heart.

"I remember," I sobbed, looking up at the adults. "I remember everything." My throat closed up. "My parents. They're really gone."

Molly, tears falling from her eyes, rushed over from the other side of the room to hold and comfort me. I looked up to see the sparkle normally in the Headmaster's eyes gone. His eyes filled instead with sorrow. McGonagall also had tears in her eyes, and Remus looked helpless.

"Shhh, everything is going to be all right," Molly said while she stroked my hair. "We are here for you no matter what. Your parents are always with you too, love." She touched my heart. "They're part of you."

I shook my head. All the pain I felt from before faded away. I was far to angry and upset to even think about my own physical pain. "No! I want them here! I want my parents, skin and flesh, right here!" I could feel my frustration building. "They should be here with me!"

"Ms. Granger,-" Healer Evans went to say something, but Lupin cut him off.

"Hermionie, please calm down. I can't imagine what you are going through, but try and relax. We need you to heal right now. You lost a lot of blood by the time they got you here. Not to mention a few broken ribs, one that punctured your lung. Plus the overall exhaustion your body is going through."

I could feel the healer putting the IV back in my arm. "There we are."

I took a few deep, calming breaths. I knew Lupin was right. No matter how upset I was, I needed to think about what my parents would have wanted. I was sure they would want me to focus on recovering. It was just so hard when I felt all these different emotions. Then to think that I argued with them right before they died.

"Please, just go away," I said to everyone in the room. I loved them all. But everything was just becoming to overwhelming. I needed space.

"We need to talk a – " Lupin started.

I held my hand up, cutting him off.

"You want me to calm down, right? Well, please go, and just leave me to my thoughts."

"Miss Granger – " McGonagall started.

"LEAVE!" I yelled in frustration. I just wanted to be left alone. Why couldn't they just leave me be!

I watched as the healer added a sleeping draught to my IV. He turned and looked at everyone in the room.

"I believe this has been enough for one day. We will be sure to keep a close watch on her. For now please leave or move to the waiting room. She needs to rest, the sleeping draught will help prevent her nightmares. You may come back in the morning.

"You are perfectly right Evans," Dumbledore agreed, placing a hand on McGonagall's shoulder. "We will leave Ms. Granger to rest. However, someone will be back in the morning to check on you."

"I will be staying throughout the night," Lupin added. "If you need anything just have someone come and get me."

I didn't say anything. Just closed my eyes and ignored them all. I loved all of them, honestly, I did. But this was all just way to much to bear at the moment.

See you in two weeks! Don't forget to REVIEW! I love you all!