~*THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR SINCE NOVEMBER! I'm so sorry for making you wait 7 months. You guys should've pressured me more, if I lay off for months on end just yell at me kay? This chapter is on the short side but that's only because this is as far as I wanted to go with this. The next chapter will be filled with sooo many things so I needed to get this out of the way first. I'll try to update faster. I don't own D. Gray Man, so I hope you enjoy. Onward!*~

The screams got worse and worse. Allen screamed out his pain to the high heavens begging for relief. His knuckles turned as white as the strands of hair he was gripping with all his strength. Everyone was rushing. Others' screams chorused with Allen's as they fled from their biggest fear; the fourteenth.

"No! No please no!" Allen's cries turned hysterical. His shudders grew in levels as his back continually arched off the cold table. Everyone surrounding him threw their hands down on his shaking body to lend some support.

Tears snaked themselves down my own face. I had a bad feeling about this. I knew all along that I shouldn't of brought him here. But I did. This was all my fault.

"LAVI! HELP ME!" Allen's pitiful voice rang through the silence. I cupped his face and watched as my tears collected in puddles.

"I don't know what to do Allen. Komui's on his way, please hold on." A high pitched screech left his lips but he nodded nonetheless. I watched his eyes carefully, searching for even the slightest speck of gold.

The smallest flecks of gold flickered in his irises. I knew Allen was letting go of his self control. I pushed the drenched hair away from his face and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Allen, please hold on. You can't give in to him. You're the strongest person I know, you can do this." Tears slid down his face as he shook his head wildly.

"N-No I can't! I-" Allen screamed and tore at his hair. I pulled his hands away gently and wrapped them in mine. He gripped my fingers tightly while digging his nails into my flesh. I ignored the crimson blood dripping down my hand and gripped tighter.

"Allen you have to, you can't let this go. Just keep your eyes on me. I'll be right here through it all." Allen smiled painfully before pulling my hand to his lips. He gave it a small kiss before groaning in agony.

"L-Lavi...get me something to bite on." I nodded and pulled off my bandana, placing it between his teeth. He bit down hard and gripped my hand so tight I grimaced. If this kept up my hand would be broken.

"Everyone out of the way!" There was a loud whoosh! as Komui pushed open the doors roughly. He ran to our side, hospital bed in tow, and frowned at Allen's state. The poor boy was breathing heavily and struggling to keep hold of himself. The arms holding down Allen were shaking with fear and pure exhaustion.

"This isn't good. Allen, just don't let go." Allen spat out the bandana and instantly hissed in pain.

"That's not working! I can't hold on forever!" Allen scrunched his eyes up and gripped harder causing me to yelp and drop his hand.

"I know you can't Allen, just hold on. Everyone be prepared, this is about to get messy." Komui gestured for everyone holding him down to put Allen onto the awaiting hospital bed. As soon as his back lifted off the table Allen screamed to the high heavens, ultimately breaking my heart.

"STOP! IT HURTS!" Tears streamed their way down my love's face as they finally set him down on the bed. A small sigh of relief escaped his mouth as the burst of pain was taken away from the greater pain he had yet to conquer. Komui then began fastening leather belts, restraining Allen's arms and legs.

"Anyone who wishes to stay can, we have no choice but to meet him. Allen...go ahead and let go." I instantly looked down at Allen in fear. What if he never changed back?!

"I'm sorry Lavi...I can't hold it. I love you." Silver eyes displayed love, sadness, and pain. "I'll come back, I can't leave you alone."

"I love you too." I leaned down and placed a loving kiss on his lips. To hell with everyone else, I didn't care anymore if they found out." See you when you get back Sprout, kick some ass." Allen painfully smiled then closed his eyes, he took a shaky breath and suddenly froze. Everything was silent.

I held my breath and chanced a glance in Komui's direction, silently asking if everything was alright. He nodded so I dared to make the first move.

"A-Allen...are you alright?" A low chuckle escaped from his lips.

"Allen is fine...for now." Allen opened his eyes to reveal bright, golden orbs. I flinched at the sight, causing Neah to smirk.

"What do you mean, for now?" Neah rolled his eyes and boredly tugged on the restraints around his wrists.

"Haven't you been told anything? I'm sure you're precious Allen at least told you how he feels...what he sees." Neah's voice was teasing as he gazed in my direction, boring holes into me. Neah suddenly had the nerve to look shocked. "You mean he hasn't told you? Where's the trust in that? I thought you told each other everything."

"No...he hasn't told me anything." I swallowed, trying to drown the sudden rage I felt. I had to control myself, I knew Neah was just trying to push me into cracking. Allen and I trust each other, that's all I need to know.

"My, my that must make you feel horrible. If you'd like, I could tell you. I do know everything about you're precious Allen after all. I've been with him his entire life." I clenched my hands into fists and glared at Neah's smug smirk. That expression didn't belong on my Beansprout's face.

Neah then glanced towards everyone else before returning his gaze to me, the smile even more terrifying.

"You don't seem to want to know but you're friends definitely are curious." I looked to Lenalee, Kanda, and Komui to see them all looking a little skeptical. "I'll share it for their sake, but remember, curiosity killed the cat. Or in this case, Allen Walker." Neah suddenly flinched and contorted his face in pain. The smile returned to his face painfully. "Allen surely doesn't want this out in the open, but I have no choice. You asked for it Allen dear, you should've told them when you had the chance."

"Allen!" I reached towards him but a sharp glare from Neah caused me to freeze.

"Not so fast Bunny Boy. I'm not done talking yet." He grimaced in pain and forced Allen away. "That's better, now, time to reveal what you should've known from the start. Allen lies, he's not okay and he does see things. All the times you've seen him flinch when passing a reflective surface, he sees me. You question if he's okay, he's far from it. This boy speaks to me, he knows what's coming. He chose not to share it with you. He feels it every day. Soon, you're Allen Walker will be gone, and I will be all that is left. I'd be prepared, now that you know, more is to come. See you later, exorcists." He smirked once more before promptly falling unconscious. I rushed to craddle Allen's head and pet his hair lovingly.

All hell is about to break loose.


"Did you feel that Tyki?" Road glanced in the direction of Tyki with a wicked smile playing on her lips.

"Yes I did, I believe we have to pay an old friend of ours a visit." He set his book down on the counter and stood up, stretching.

"I can't wait! Let's go right away! Allen-kun I'm coming!" She promptly dropped her doll on the floor and phased in a checkered door. She grabbed Tyki by the arm and pulled him to the door.

"Yes...see you soon Shonen."

~*I hope that was worth 7 months of nothing. I promise the next chapter will be better! Thank you Snipperita for reviewing! Thank you xXxPhantomxXx for reviewing! I hope this wasn't too late even though Ik it was :/ and thank you animelover8m! I'm glad you like it! Anyway, please review to let me know what you think and I'm perfectly okay with you guys yelling at me for making you wait so long. Feel free! I'd like to ask if you'd please vote on my poll for the next Laven story. I'd appreciate it~ Thank you guys! Love always!*~