Authors note: I want to thank everyone for their kind words with my first take into writing. The beginning of this chapter will also contain some content that is intended for mature audiences viewer discretion is advised but the rest of chapter is on the lighter side. Also Graceland fans Serinda Swan (Paige) sister is trying to get her dream job and she needs our help please go to Serinda's twitter page and find the link to vote for her sister. When you find the link and like her video. You can vote once a day so please tell your friends and vote. For some reason when I try posting the link but they won't show it on here. So if you can please help out.

A special thanks to msjgatsby and D0ct0rD0nna for your encouragement you're the best.

Disclaimer: I do not own Graceland or the characters therein

It didn't take long for Mike and Paige to go from grinding on one another at the dining room table to back up stairs this time in Paige's room. Paige was now laid out on the bed her legs wrapped tightly around Mike's waist as he thrust his cock deep inside her. One hand was on her clit as he rubbed it matching the hard strokes of while the other played with her breasts. "Mmmm, ohh! Yes! Yes! Uhhh! OH!" Paige moaned and groaned lewdly as Mike slammed into her. "Oh it feels so fucking good! Sooo fucking goood!" Her back arched, pushing her breasts out towards him, to which he leaned forward placing her erect nipple in his mouth sucking and biting on it. Paige groaned some more and grabbed his head, pulling him into her exposed tits.

"Oh! Oh! Ohhh! Umm! Yes, yes, yess! Ohhhh" Paige yelled as she thrust forward, wrapping her arms around Mike's neck as her pussy began to blaze and tingle. Their bodies smashed together holding each other as mike slammed into Paige over and over.

"Oh oh oh...fuck... ...yes, yes...oh, I'm going to cum...OH!" Paige moaned louder and more breathlessly as she felt the room spinning, her pussy clamped down on Mike's cock. Thrusting herself up as Mike slammed back into her Paige felt her body explode as another mind blowing orgasm ripped through her body. Throwing her head back, she held her arms strongly around his neck, "OHHH FUCKKK! UHHHHHH!" Paige screamed as her body convulsed in wave after wave of sexual nirvana.

Mike couldn't hold back as his balls tighten. His head buried in her neck, "Oh Paige I'm cumming!" With little energy she had Paige wrapped her legs tightly around his waist as he erupted deep inside her. Paige shivered in ecstasy as she felt Mike's cum. The two lovers held each other as their orgasms subsided and breathing returned to normal.

Mike slowly pulled out rolling off Paige. He laid down on the bed as Paige draped herself over him. Her head laying on his chest feeling his heart beat, her left hand tracing patterns on his chest while her left leg draped over his. Paige closed her eyes and purred like a kitten. Mike looked down kissing the top of her head.

"A girl can get used to this. If you keep this up the only reason we leave this room is to eat and use the bathroom." She said seductively

"I don't think the FBI and DEA would approve of us blowing off cases so we can have sex 24/7."

"Really? Because the way I see we are an outstanding example of inter government relations." The couple laughed hard from Paige's remark. As laughing faded both looked at each other and were amazed what happens in a span of 24 hours. Just yesterday Mike and Paige were close friends who were crying not knowing what's going to happen to the group or to themselves. Now they laid in Paige's bed naked and they were in love.

"Speaking of inter government relations….." Paige's voice trailed off as her hand slipped around Mike's cock.

Mike moaned at her touch, "Ok if we're going to do this again I'm going to need a….."

"Power Bar?" Paige asked holding one in her hand

"Wow I'm Impressed"

"What can I say I'm always prepared."

"Yeah?" Mike asked leaning down

"Yeah" Paige answered bringing her lips to his.

Their kiss was broken up with the sounds of both their phones going off. Both Agents groaned as Mike reached over grabbing both phones. The attitudes changed when they saw that it was work. Mike got up and walked out to the hallway to take his call giving Paige privacy.

"This is Agent Warren…hello sir...I'm fine thank you…..yes sir I can come in it's not a problem….yes sir one hour thank you." Mike hung up and walked back to the room. He waited till Paige was done talking to her boss. Once he knew it was all clear he entered Paige turned and asked, "What they want?"

"They want me to come in and discuss what happened yesterday." Mike answered

"I got the same call the want me there in an hour" Paige said as he wrapped her arms around Mike's neck

"Yeah me too. Guess are lazy day will have to be on hold for a bit."

"That's too bad I was really enjoying walking around the house naked."

"Yeah me too."

Paige threw her head back and laughed, "Oh I am corrupting you aren't I?"

"A little bit." Mike teased as he kissed her.

"Well we better get ready you can use the shower first if you want."

"What a gentleman you are but I was thinking we can share one?" Paige pressed her body closer to Mike whispering in his ear, "We can save time and be environmentally conscious." Saying this while nibbling on his ear.

"Well if it's good for the planet." Mike answered

"Oh it's so good for the planet." Paige responded as she kissed him leading him to the bathroom.

Mike zipped through LA traffic as they rushed to get to HQ. Paige grabbed hold to the passenger door and dashed board slightly terrified of Mike's driving skills. This is the last time he drives. "Mike slow down. HQ isn't going anywhere. Besides we're already late will just say it was traffic." Truth be told there was no traffic in sight a first in LA. In reality the couple lost track of time while in the shower "Cleaning up".

Mike slowed down when he realized she was right and there was no reason to potentially cause an accident since they were already late. "Sorry Paige it's just I hate being late."

"I know you remember when you were dragging me to a double date with you and Abbey at The Dip?"

Mike looked down embarrassed, "Yeah sorry about that ."

"Don't worry about it"

Mike pulled in HQ. Both agents had their game faces on as they entered the building. Both were asked to wait in the conference room, the two sat their less than a foot from each other waiting nervously for their superiors to arrive. The couple wanted to hold each other's hands but refrained as they remained professional. Just then Agent Silvo arrived both agents stood up and shook their hands.

"I'm glad you could both make on such short notice. My counterpart from the DEA had to handle a situation in San Diego so I guess you're stuck with me."

"Sir we apologize for being late there was some traffic on the PCH we tried to get here as fast as we could." Mike said hoping they would understand.

"Agent Warren it fine actually the reason we called you in is to congratulate and Agent Arkin on a job well done yesterday dealing with the kidnapping at Disneyland. You showed the higher brass that the idea of have agents of different agencies living together is a good thing. In fact they're thinking of opening up more places like Graceland in other cities." Said Agent Silvo

Mike and Paige were blown away. They didn't think what they did was anything special. There was a kid in danger and they worked together to save him. "We're glad we could help and be of great assistance." Paige said

"The officials at Disneyland wanted us to give you these." Inside was two VIP passes to the park plus a chance to dine in the exclusive Club 33. The two couldn't believe it. "The next time you go Agent Arkin you won't have to wear a fake belly." Silvo said smiling

"Sir again I apologize…."

"Agent Arkin its fine just don't do it again."

"Yes Sir" she looked at Mike who had a small smile on his face. She quickly kicked him under the table. Mike flinched in pain.

"I saw that" Silvo said his head buried in a file

Paige's face went deep red in embarrassment. Mike could only shake his head and smile. Silvo looked up from the file and stared at the two Agents. "You two work well together it will be a shame when you head back to DC agent Warren."

"Actually sir I would like to formally request to stay at Graceland. I feel that I can do more good here in the field than at a desk in DC. I joined the Bureau to help save the world as corny as that sounds and here with my roommates I'm doing just that."

" So let me get this straight you want to turn down a high pay low risk job in DC for a job where the pay sucks, and you have a great risk of getting shot, stabbed and God knows what?"

"Yes sir"

"You're stupid Warren really stupid but you're the kind of person we need out here. I'll tell the brass right away and get the paperwork started. In the mean both agencies have instructed me to tell you two to take two weeks off. You both have been through hell and you deserve some R&R is that clear?"

"Yes sir" Both agents said clearly.

"Good to know." Silvo said as he got up to leave. Both agents smiled at one another but refrained from any physical contact. Silva stopped at the door and turned to face them, "Agent Warren?"

"Yes sir."

" Between the three of us. Besides you wanting to save the lives of the citizens of Sothern California is there any other reason you want to stay at Graceland?"

Mike then took Paige's hand interlocking their fingers. He gazed into her eyes then looked directly at Agent Silvo, "I think you know the answer to that one sir."

Silvo smiled, "Enjoy their vacation" and he walked out.

Paige and Mike walked hand in hand on the beach. Celebrating the fact that they have two weeks off. Paige reached up and kissed Mike's cheek.

"Thank you" she said softly

"For what?"

Paige turned and face him, "For telling Silvo the real reason you're staying. That was a big risk in doing so. Like Silvo said you're stupid Agent Warren but I still love you." The two kissed and as they were the elderly couple from yesterday morning walked by again, "Look dear it's the same couple from yesterday ohh they look so cute together." Mike and Paige broke their kiss looked up and waved. "Thank you very much." Said Mike with Paige leaning on his shoulder.

Mike then looked to Paige, "So two weeks off what do you want to do?"

"Well we should do something fun but out of LA. Hey how about a road trip up the coast! We can do wine tasting in Santa Barbara and Paso Robles, Farmers Market in San Luis Obispo and camping and hiking on the beaches in Big Sur and to top it off a few nights in my families beach house in Carmel."

"Wait your family has a beach house in Carmel? What have you been hiding from me Arkin?"

"You're just going to have to wait and see. So what do you say Road Trip?"

"Road Trip."

Mike and Paige then kissed passionately as they couldn't wait for what lied ahead.

Well folks this is the end of Bump but don't be sad Mike and Paige will return in Road Trip. This will be a sequel to Bump look for chapter one coming soon