Shuzen Sisters

Chapter 1: A Strange Boy

Hello People that I have never met! I am new on here and have been reading fanficton for about ten days now. After a while I thought maybe I should write a story just to see if you guys would like it or if I even could write one, after about an hour and a blank page I decided to ask someone for help. When I was reading I found like five or six stories by this guy and I asked him for help... long story short I am writing a story idea that he had and never actually wrote, please if its bad don't tell me I don't take criticism well.. ENJOY!

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters of Rosario Vampire.


She hit the ground time after time, Kokoa used what little strength she had left to lift herself off the cold tile floor. The rubric, checkered pattern only made the room look empty. She had tried and tried, time after time. Yet she could never beat her elder sister. Kokoa stood up wobbling as he feet made their way to a good stance. Her cloths were dirty, the amount of times she had fallen to the floor, her sister was literally mopping the floor with her. Her tomboy shorts were worn and her sleeveless shirt had more then a few holes in it. "Oh, looks like you've really gotten her wound up today," sitting on the sidelines and watching was the eldest sister.

Kahlua didn't want to fight, she never really wanted to fight. Besides that, if she did fight there was a chance she would get her pretty white dress dirty. "I'm done for today..." Moka said as she crossed her arms. Moka was wearing a pretty dress as well, it wasn't quite as white, more like a type of silver. The dress reached to about her knees, her little feet were wrapped up in cute little straw sandals. "Wait, I didn't say I was done!" Kokoa yelled as she ran at her sister, Kokoa's bare feet hit the ground as she ran at her sister.

Kokoa's hand was grabbed quickly, Kokoa felt herself fly in the air as she was lifted. "Hey, what are you doing?", Kokoa asked as she looked at the person who had lifted her up. "Why do you two always have to fight?" The person who had stopped Kokoa was none other then Moka's mother, Bloodriver Akasha. She was wearing a light pink colored dress and was smiling as she let Kokoa go, "I tried stopping them, I really did!" Kahlua said as she pushed herself from the chair she was siting on and walked over to Akasha.

Kokoa crossed her arms and turned away from Akasha, "Why do you always have to stop us?", Kokoa asked, Akasha put her hand on Kokoa's head and pat it. "Because I don't like my daughters to fight." she seemed happy about saying it. Her daughters, even thought Kokoa and Kahlua weren't her real daughters she still treated them that way. Moka had left after her mother had arrived, she didn't need to be there.

Moka idolized her mother, she was so strong and yet so nice. She had no problems showing her mother how she felt, when she laughed, or cried her mother would be right there with her. Moka had walked out of the building, it was a building that was mostly used for plants, the ceiling was made of glass. When Moka fought with Kokoa they tried to do it where no one would find them, usually that never works.

Moka didn't hate her little sister, she loved her. Just some times she can irritate without knowing she does. Moka was outside the castle know, the castle was on a large piece of land surrounded by water. A full Three-hundred-sixty degrees around the land was water, it drifted in from the human worlds oceans. Sometimes they would get some things from the human world as well.

Moka was a little irritated so she was walking around the edge of the land looking down at the waves that crashed upon the sand below. It was a beautiful day, the sun was high in the sky and the wind was blowing just enough to carry Moka's beautiful, silver hair behind her shoulders. The grass brushed against the side of her feet as she walked and it tickled a little, Moka was about ten at this time in her life.

Not to far in the distance was an overhand, a part of the land that hung over the sea with nothing below it. Moka loved this spot because it was simply just relaxing, Moka began to make her way to that spot. She sat down on the edge of the overhang and let her feet dangle over the cliff, her hands were laying on the soft grass and she was leaning back looking up at the sun. It was so relaxing, Moka began to swing her feet back and forth and letting the wind just carry away her anger.

"Moka darling, you shouldn't be that close to the edge.", Akasha said as she put her hand on her daughters shoulder. Moka was startled a little and hit her foot on the edge of the cliff, when she did this her straw sandal came loose and it fell from her foot. She could feel it slipping and she tried to use her foot to keep it on but it was no use.

"My sandal!", Moka yelled as she stuck her head over the edge of the cliff to see her sandal fall to the sand. "Hey, be careful, lets go inside dinner must be ready by now. Moka's eyes were almost stuck, her sandal was sitting right next to a boy. The boy was about half covered with sand and the part of him that was showing was his head and his upper body. The waves crashed over the boy, his body ached as the water touched him. Sparks flew off the boys body as the water came crashing upon him. Moka didn't know what to say.

Moka stood up and grabbed her mothers hand, "Mother, there's a- Moka's mother ignored her daughters rants. "Oh, you lost your sandal, don't worry we will get it tomorrow, alright?", Akasha asked as she began to walk away with Moka holding onto her hand. 'Is he going to be okay?' little Moka didn't know what to say or do.


Moka had gone inside with her mother, they were now sitting down at a long dinner table, Kahlua and Kokoa were sitting on both sides of Moka. Akasha was sitting at the head of the table and other adult members of the family were also sitting at the table. The girls were part of the immediate family so they had to act as ladies, eat like a lady, talk like a lady and especially dress like a lady. Kahlua was already dressed like a lady, her white dress was appropriate wherever she went. Moka and Kokoa had to change into fancier dresses so as to not stick out.

The adults were talking about unimportant things. Moka's father wasn't there, he usually didn't show up to eat unless it was a necessary thing, he had a lot of things he needed to do. Moka looked down at her soup, she couldn't stop thinking about that boy. 'Was he even real?' Moka thought to herself. "Hey, after dinner come with me okay?", Moka asked her sister Kahlua.

"Where are we going?", Kahlua asked. The two girls were whispering so that the adults couldn't hear them. "I found a boy... just like us!", Kahlua was extremely excited. They had only been friends with adults, there was no other boys around the same age as them. "A boy?". Kokoa asked as she joined the conversation.

Akasha looked over at her daughters who were all whispering to each other, she didn't really have time to deal with every little thing that her daughters were doing. "Is he cute?", Kahlua asked still whispering. "What, no is he strong, does he look like he can fight?" Kokoa asked. "After dinner alright.", Moka said looking over at her mother. that's the only time they would be able to do it.


"Shh, if mother finds out what were doing then she will tell dad!", the girls had lantern and were walking to the place that Moka found the boy. They could feel the cold ocean air blowing in the wind, the girls reached the overhand. Kokoa and Kahlua looked over the edge at the boy, Moka just looked up at the sky, the stars were so clear at night it was amazing.

"I can't see anything, maybe we should go down there!", Kokoa said as she looked back at Moka who was already making her way down to the sand bank. The lantern was burning bright and was left on the ground right behind Kokoa and Kahlua. The wind had began to pick up and it was blowing sand in Moka's face as she climbed down closer to the boy. "Stupid!", Kokoa yelled as she ran around to where Moka had gone down.

Kokoa didn't think where she was stepping and her foot was caught on a little sand hill. The tip of her toes had gotten caught and she fell over the side of the path that she was taking. She rolled until she hit the back side of Moka's knees. The two girls rolled on in the sand until they hit the bottom of the sand bank. "Ow, why didn't you just stay up there?", Moka asked as she pushed Kokoa off of her. Moka looked ahead at the boy she saw.

Sitting right next to the boy was her straw sandal, "Look!" Kokoa sat up and looked at the boy who was laying on the sand. His chest was moving up and down so he was alive, Moka couldn't see he was alive from where she was earlier. "What should we do?" Kokoa asked, Moka looked back at Kokoa then at the boy. He looked nice enough, there was no way that they could just leave him here to die. Moka stood up and grabbed his wrist, she began to pull on it and managed to pull his body away from the water.

"Help me, we are going to take him in the house.", Moka said. Kokoa stood up and went to the other side of the boy. She picked his arm up and wrapped it around her shoulder, Moka did the same and they began to slowly walk up the pathway leading back up to Kahlua. The two girls were exhausted walking up the path of sand with a boy on their shoulders. They laid him down on the cool grass and took a break, "Oh, I think he might be hurt!", Kahlua said as she pointed at his back.

Moka and Kokoa looked at the boys back, a portion of his back was covered by a large scar that looked like a circle with spikes on the round edge of the circle. Moka wiped the dried sand from the boys back and put her hand on his scar. "Where do you think he got it?", Moka asked looking over at her sisters. "He is probably a warrior and received that in a battle!" Kokoa said, actually that could be a possibility.

Moka grabbed his arm once again, Kokoa stood up and did the same. Kahlua walked behind the boy with the lantern in her hand. She didn't have a good feeling about having this boy be under the same roof as her. He looked dangerous, a giant scar on his back means that someone wanted to kill him right? That means if someone wants to kill him they want to kill his friends as well.


The girls managed to get the boy into the castle without anyone noticing him. Kahlua opened the large wooden door to her room. They figured it would be easier then dragging him a couple rooms down to Moka's or Kokoa's rooms. Kokoa and Moka laid the boy down on Kahlua's bed, "Hey, I don't know if we should do this!" Moka and Kokoa looked at Kahlua, the boys face was showing for the first time now. Kahlua's heart skipped a beat when she saw him, he was really handsome. "What do you mean?" Kokoa asked sounding irritated having carried him from the sand bank all the way to Kahlua's room.

"I think we should actually just keep him in my room.", Kahlua said, without looking away from the boy. "I think if he doesn't wake up then we should move him from room to room every night, so that no one finds him." Moka said. She didn't see what Kahlua saw, she was looking only at what the boy was, who he was, and why did he end up at the sand bank. Kokoa was wondering what kind of cool things he could do if he was a cool warrior!

So did you guys like it? I hope you did I tried my best, the original idea is by Ahubbard676 he helped me out a lot so I feel I should thank him as well. Reviews are welcome just please no flames, I will try too write a new chapter as soon as I can!