I'm very sorry that it took me so long to publish the last chapter, but I wanted to write a good ending, I tried to write it down a couple of times but finally today I got inspired, merry christmas and happy new year everyone!
Chapter 16 – Long time ago
1 year later
Los Angeles was a great place so Liz could clear her mind, she didn't like the people there, she considered herself a total New Yorker but trying to get used to LA helped her to get distracted. She was writing for a comedy show of NBC and since she started writing for them, the show turned out to be a huge success.
She had been going out with a very handsome guy lately, but she didn't like him so much, maybe he was physically perfect, but he was quite an asshole.
Jack tried to visit Oliver every weekend, but sometimes work made it impossible for him to go to LA. Liz would try not to be home whenever Jack arrived to pick up Oliver, usually the nanny would welcome him and would say goodbye to him, so he didn't had the chance to see Liz a lot.
He had been very distracted lately, for a year he had been tried to plan his wedding but it seemed impossible, Avery wanted too many things, but he just wanted a very simple wedding. He really wanted to talk to Avery and he felt that she just need to calm down, that's why he invited her for a walk in the big city.
Since Jack told Avery that they were going out for a walk, she started to complain, how was she going to walk with her heels on?
"Put sneakers on" said Jack
"Jack, I'm not going to put sneakers on, I just bought this amazing coat and it won't look good with sneakers, can't we just go someplace nice and just have dinner?"
Jack had to agree with her, he was sure that he was not going to convince her. He took her to a very simple restaurant; one that he had never took her before. It was a family restaurant, full with parents chasing their kids. He really missed Oliver, but ever since Liz had left with him, Avery never asked him about Oliver.
"Why are we here?" asked a completely furious Avery
"I thought we should do something different"
"And you brought me to a freaking day care?"
"It's a family restaurant, don't you like it?"
Avery smiled to him in a sarcastic way
"C'mon, I heard the food is great in here, plus…" he was quickly interrupted when someone put a hand on his shoulder
"Jackie!" he heard the voice of a man and then he turned around to see who it was… Don Geiss
"Mr. Geiss" he said as he stood up to say hello "What are you doing here?"
"Well, Kathy likes this place a lot, what are YOU doing here?"
"I'm here with my fiancé" Avery and Geiss had met in previous reunions so she just offered her hand for him to shake.
"I love this place, I just love to see parents dealing with their kids, don't you Avery?" said Don Geiss
"I really… I don't like kids" she said
Jack remained serious, now it all made sense, no wonder why she never hold Oliver, or asked about him, or bother to arrive early to his birthday parties.
"Really? But you are so young, you still have time to have one and see how much fun it is to have a kid, right Jack?"
"Yes" he said
"Well, you really should think about it Avery, I have to go, but it was nice to see you guys" said Geiss and then he leaved the place.
When Jack and Avery were left alone again, they were suddenly accompanied by a very awkward silent; they barely said a word when they ate their meal. After Jack paid the check, they left and the first thing he thought about was to drop Avery by her place, he needed some time alone; and that's what he did.
As soon as he got home, he headed to what was Oliver's room, his crib was still in there, it was the only thing left along with some decoration. He then headed to Liz's room, he hadn't moved anything since she had left, but she didn't leave anything in there. He sat on her bed and pictured her entering through the door complaining about the food in his apartment…. He smiled. He really missed her company, he missed talking to her about his and her problems, he missed going out with her and Oliver for a walk, he missed seeing her every single day, arriving home and watched her asleep with Oliver next to her, he really, really missed her. He was completely confused, because he didn't know in love with her or if he just love her as a friend.
For an entire week he avoid Avery, he didn't answered her calls, he stayed in a hotel because he knew that she was going to look for him in his apartment and he called himself sick to work for the entire week so he won't have to bump her. In that week, he realized that all this time, she never made him happy, it was Oliver who made him happy and ever since Liz took him, he stopped being happy except for when he visited him. He called Avery and explained her his situation, he told her that it was better if they broke up; they were not meant for each other at all. The last words that Avery told him were "Fuck you" and Jack felt a big relief.
He was certainly sure that he could find a woman that made him extremely happy, so as soon as he broke up with Avery he started to look for "the one". He went on a couple of dates until an amazing woman hypnotized him. On their first date Jack was fascinated as he listened to her. She seemed perfect in every way and apparently their date went perfect, until they were in bed.
When Jack was about to come he said "Oh, Liz!" so the woman stopped him before he continued
"Excuse me?" said Annabelle
And that's when Jack realized what had been going out all of this time. He had ruined everything when he told Liz he was happy with Avery, that she was the one. The only reason that he had liked Annabelle was because she completely reminded him of Liz. The way she was dressed, her love for food, the conversation that they had have when they had dinner… He needed Liz and he was going to get her.
He took one of the private NBC jets and flew to LA, it was Sunday, and probably Liz was going to be mad at him for not picking Oliver up. Liz was not home when he arrived; the nanny told him she was at work. He took Oliver out for a walk, he was impressed how fast he was growing up and he was missing part of his life; that make him feel terrible.
When he arrived back to Liz's house she was sitting by herself eating dinner. She stood up quickly when she saw him; she hadn't seen him in about 6 months.
"Jack, what are you doing here? I thought you were not coming for Oliver this weekend" she said
"I know, I have had a lot of work... I haven't seen you in a while, hello"
"Well… Hi…. How was your day?"
"It was great, Olive…."
"Sorry, I was asking Oliver"
"Oh" he said and then he looked down at Oliver
"Good" Oliver had learned to talk very quickly, Liz made some good exercises for him to learn how to talk.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yes!" He said with a big smile, neither of them couldn't denied that he was their son, he had the blue eyes of Jack as well as his nose and he had the brown hair of his mother and a big pair of glasses.
"Well, I'm glad you had fun" she said as she kneel down next to Oliver to give him a kiss on the cheek "but it's time for you to go to bed, c'mon show your dad where your room is"
He grabbed Jack's hand and he took him to his room very excited. After Liz finished her plate she headed to Oliver's room, Jack was sitting on his bed listening to his explanation of the stars that were all over his roof. She wanted to watch that adorable scene a little longer but she wanted Jack to leave as soon as possible, she was going to go crazy if he stayed any longer.
"Where is your pajama Oliver?" she said as she headed to the drawer where she kept his pajamas.
"I'm explaining my dad about the stars"
"Well, you can explain that to him another day, right now you have to sleep" she took out his pajama and both Jack and Liz helped Oliver get into it. He then lay down on his bed and Jack tuck him with the covers.
"I'll see you next weekend little fella", he said and then he kissed his forehead
"Can you stay here dad?"
He looked at Liz and then back at Oliver "I can't, I have to work but I promise I'll be here next weekend"
"No, dad, stay!"
"Honey" Liz said "Your dad has to go, but he'll call you tomorrow alright"
"No mom! I want him to stay, why can he stay?!" he said and then he started to cry and kick. Jack hold him and tried to make him go back to sleep
"Why can't mom and dad be together? Why can't you stay?" he said as he cried harder
"Listen Oliver, I promise you that next weekend I'll come and the three of us we'll go to Disneyland, alright?"
His eyes suddenly opened very widely. "You promise?" he said
"Only if your mother agrees"
They both turned their heads to see Liz, she rolled her eyes "Alright, but only if you go to sleep"
"Yes, yes, yes! He said and went back to his bed, they both kissed him goodnight and headed back to the dinning table
"How are you Jack?"
"Well… I've missed Oliver a lot"
"He's here every weekend that you don't come, so…."
"I know, I'm very sorry… I've been lost lately"
"I'm sorry" Liz said trying to sound like if she didn't care
"Actually, I've been thinking about you Liz" he added
Liz didn't say anything
"I broke up with Avery like a month ago, then I tried to look for 'the One' and I ended up going on a date with a woman and I thought she was the one but then I realized that I only went out with her because she reminded me of you. Ever since you and Oliver left I've been miserable, I get happy when I'm with Oliver but I feel that I'm missing something and I've realized that is you, I might have the job of my dreams but that doesn't make me happy, I agree to have a baby with you because all this time I've been in love with you but I was afraid to admit it, I haven't feel what I felt when I had sex with you with any other woman, it was amazing, it was…. Love, for the first time in my life I was making love to a woman, I can't live another day without you, come back to New York or I'll move to LA, but I can't be away from you and Oliver another day."
Liz blinked and then she spoke "You have to leave Jack, listen to what you are saying, you are just confused"
"Lemon, I'm not confused"
God, how she had missed him calling her Lemon
"Please Jack, just leave"
"But Li…"
"Jack" she said as she walked to the door and opened for him to go
He looked directly into her eyes with the saddest look that she had ever seen on his face.
"Please" she said
He felt completely ruined, he had never felt this way before, he felt that everything was falling apart, why hadn't he admit that he loved her too when she revealed her love for him… apparently it was too late.
He heard Liz closed the door. On the other side of the door Liz looked through the peep hole as Jack left, that's when she realized the mistake she was making. She opened the door en yelled "JACK!"
He turned around and saw Liz standing in her doorway; she ran at him and kissed him like she had never kissed a man before. It was a long and slow kiss; electricity was running throughout their bodies. Liz then smiled on his mouth.
"What made you changed your mind?" He asked
"You walking away" she said and gave him a quick peck, her arms were around his neck and his were around her waist. "I still love you, all this year I've also been miserable, hearing you say those words back there make me a little bit angry, maybe because a year ago you make me feel terrible, I felt like a fool when I told you I was in love with you and you told me maybe I was confused"
"I was the one who was confused, forgive me Lemon", he said and they kissed again
"God, I really missed you calling me Lemon"
"I… want… to… be… every single…. Day… with you" he said between kisses
"Will you fuck me?" she then said
He smiled and kissed her again, and then he carried her to her bedroom
"I'd love to fuck you", he said