"I cannot believe it's finally dawn, I guess the days in this place goes by fast"said Haruhi, she is getting ready to learn in the mansion of dawn, and is currently getting dressed. She found a uniform in her mahogany wardrobe, and figured she should wear it, so she did.

She was wearing a white skirt that fell two inches above her knees, a white blouse, a silver blazer, a pair of black knee high socks, and ballerina flats; since her hair is short again, she didn't bother tying it.

(Haruhi's POV)

I closed the door behind me, leaving my room. I felt really nervous, it is my first day after all, as I walked slowly but not as slow as a turtle. This 'first-day-thing' really makes anyone nervous, especially when you've become a light seeker like me. The feeling of heat rising to your face down to your neck, the uncontrollable trembling of your hands, and the sweat running down to your face from your forehead. That's what I'm feeling right now as I slowly walk towards my destination.

Finally I've arrived at the front door of lady Minori's office. I raised my right fist and was about to knock, when a voice interrupted me, "come in" she said. That surprised me a little, maybe she's psychic, but I put that thought aside, opened the door and walked inside.

"Good Morning Miss Fujioka, I assume you're here for your classes" she said.

"Yes ma'am" I replied.

She chuckled before saying, "I'm afraid, I'm not the one teaching you" she smiled.

I had a questioning look, and then I tilted my head at her. "Toya" she called for the handsome butler. The butler entered the room and bowed "Yes my lady" he replied.

"Please show Miss Haruhi to her classes" she said towards the butler. The butler bowed then said, "Please follow me, Miss Haruhi"

I had a confused face for a second but smiled then nodded to him, and then he smiled back before closing the door to Lady Minori's office. I followed him silently, while wondering about the lessons that "they" (whoever they are) will teach to me.

finally we stopped in front of a pair of elegant, silver, double doors. "Here we are Miss Haruhi" he said, then opened both of the doors, and then gestured for me to come inside. I walked inside the room to see a fancy looking classroom with ten other light seekers inside, sitting behind their own mahogany desks; and a female teacher with wings standing behind a larger mahogany desk. I was kind of surprised to see, it seems I'm not the only one in this mansion to learn.

"Haruhi, welcome to the dawn class. I am Anna-sensei" she finished.

I smiled at everyone, bowed, and then said "Hello everyone, I hope we could get along"

There are four girls and six boys in the room. The girls are dressed in the same uniform as me, and the guys are wearing pants and polo shirts instead of blouses and skirts. Three girls were whispering to each other and giving me death glares, another girl with raven-color hair was sitting at the back of the room, looking out of the window; two guys were giving me flirtatious looks, and the other four guys were not even caring (they are not sitting reight next to each other and sits all over the classroom, particularly far away from the two flirtatious boys).

"Haruhi, you can sit at the available seat in front of Kana" she said, then pointed at the girl at the back, who was looking out of the window. I nodded then walked towards the empty mahogany desk. I sat at my chair, and then listened to the teacher.

"You all have been brought here to learn about ranks, transformation, and other things that is important for a light seeker. What do you all know about ranks and transformation?" asked Anna-sensei.

One of the three girls raised her hand and said "Is it about the subject of boring-ness" she snickered and the other two girls giggled with her. She has light blonde hair, Snow white skin, scarlet-color lips, and dark blue eyes.

"Very funny Haruka, now lets focus on the subject" said Anna-sensei. "Today's subject is about how you can transform and why your ranking is important to a light seeker"

"If your pretty, does it mean that your the most popular light seeker?" said one of the girls sitting next to Haruka. She has dark-blue hair and emerald eyes.

"No Emiko, that is not what ranks is about" replied Anna-sensei.

"You are so stupid Emiko" said the other girl sitting next to Haruka. She has scarlet-red hair and dark-blue eyes.

"That is not a nice thing to say Izumi" exclaimed Anna-sensei.

"Whatever" said Izumi.

"ok no more mean comments, lets get on with the subject" said Anna-sensei

" Anna-sensei your so cute when you teach" said one of the two boys who were giving me flirtatious looks earlier. He has dirty-blonde hair and light-blue eyes.

" Shiro, you should also stop" said Anna-sensei.

"But Anna-sensei your even cuter when you act like that" said the other boy who was also giving me flirtatious looks earlier. He has light-blonde hair and light-brown eyes

"You too Mitsuo, you have to stop" said Anna-sensei, blushing lightly. the two boys smirked at each other, when they saw Anna-sensei's blush, then continued to listen.

"Ranks and Transformation is about getting to the next stage of battling evil and at the same time finding the peace in your soul" said Anna-sensei, then smiled and contnued "You all have been brought here, because you are still new to this and you guys battle evil with no feelings. To be able to battle evil in your full strength, you will need to find your passion"

"Anna-sensei can you please tell us about what we are lacking in your so called passionate battle" said a boy wearing glasses (simillar to Kyoya-senpai) who has dark-brown hair and coal-black eyes.

"Gladly, Kei" replied Anna-sensei. I smiled as she unexpectedly posed like she was Renge, one hand on her hip and the other hand pointed to Haruka and said "Haruka you lack real passion" then to Emiko "you lack skill and passion" then to Izumi "you lack skill and passion as well" then to Kana "you kill too ruthlessly" then she pointed to Shiro and Mitsuo "You two do not concentrate when fighting" then she pointed to Kei "you also lack passion" then she pointed to a guy with scarlet-red hair and sky-blue eyes "Arata, you lack courage and flees in battle" then she pointed to another boy who has emerald hair and dark-blue eyes "Hideo, you lack the skill to face your enemy" and again she poited to another boy with orange hair and scarlet-red eyes "Hiro, you don't do anything at all" and lastly she pointed to me "Haruhi, you lack the light and passion of fighting and feels as though it is only just a job"

Some of the students were shocked, some were ashamed, some were blushing, some were not caring at all. I thought about what she said for a minute and felt as though she was right about what she said about me, I do fight like It's a job and not caring about the creatures I face and wants to get the job done. It feels like I'm doing my homework that I need to do, it's like a job with no soul or motive, except that the motive is that it is just a job. I was going to say something to Anna-sensei, but then I heard wind chimes that feels very soothing yet very stern.

"You may go now to your next class, Class ends when you hear the wind chimes. Here are your new class schedules and if you notice, all of you attend the same classes " stated Anna-sensei, as she handed out sheets of paper that contains our schedules and a map of the mansion.

It says:

-Light Seeker General Knowledge 101

-Light Seeker Training and Techniques

-Spells and Control

-Communication and Transportation

I glanced at the schedule and noticed, that I have only four classes, 'well that's convenient' I thought to myself. I started walking out the classroom when Haruka bumped into me 'roughly' and snickered "oh sorry, I didn't see you there" then her friends giggled with her.

"that's okay, I didn't see you too" I said bluntly and densely.

Haruka's freind's jaw dropped and then they said "I cannot believe you didn't see our queen, you little tomboy"

I stared at them then I turned back and left, but before I left my eye caught the two flirtatious boys laughing their heads off. I ignored their idiocy and continued walking towards my next class, which is Light Seeker Training and Techniques.

(With Miki and the Host Club)

Miki was in Ouran's empty dojo, she is currently doing some complicated warm-up exercises. After her warm-ups she grabbed a bamboo sword for kendo and stood in front of a training dummy. She deeply inhaled then exhaled, inhaled and exhaled, inhaled and exhaled. She stared long and hard at the training dummy, and within the next second swung her sword at the dummy. Each second she swung her sword at the dummy, hitting it harder and harder and harder. it took her 25 swings to destroy the training dummy completely. She finally stepped back, closed her eyes, and exhaled, then she opened her eyes and stared at her artwork.

"I thought you said you hated Kendo" a cute voice interrupted her.

She spun around to see Huni-senpai at the doorway, leaning at the doorframe and staring at her curiously. He was holding his pink bunny and is wearing his martial arts uniform.

(Miki's POV)

I heard a voice at the door and spun around to see Huni-senpai staring at me intently, he was wearing his martial arts uniform and is carrying his pink bunny. 'Oh no, I got caught' I thought, as my mind started panicking and my face felt hot.

"What are you talking about, I do hate Kendo" I said and tried to act convincingly but I know I'm in deep trouble.

"Then why are you holding a practice sword and your sweating a lot" he asked.

"Because I'm trying to get rid of it and It's very hot in this filthy dojo" I replied and sweat-dropped, that has to be the most idiotic excuse I can come up with.

"Your not really evil are you" he said.

"What are you talking about!" I fake-demanded.

"It's all an act" he stated.

"I am not acting" I fought back.

Then with the speed of light, Huni-senpai charged towards me, jumped, and was about to kick me, but I blocked his kick with the bamboo sword. He threw me a punch but I blocked it again, just as fast as he was.

"I knew it! you are acting!" exclaimed huni-senpai.

"please don't tell the others" I pleaded.

"Why are you acting?" he asked.

"I can't tell you" I replied.

"Why?" he asked.

"It's for Haruhi's protection" I answered.

"Is Haru-chan in trouble!" he demanded.

"No, she's not in trouble" I stated.

"Then why do you have to protect her?" he asked with pure curiousity.

"I can't tell you, because I can't risk being discovered by the others" I answered.

Huni-senpai hesitated, "Ok, as long as Haru-chan is safe" he replied understandingly.

"So why do you want to marry one of us then?" he asked.

I blushed a hundred shades of red then answered him, "It's just a cover story, and with all the stories that Haruhi had told me, I knew this situation would annoy the infamous host club" I smirked at him.

"It definitely worked but why do you want to hang out with us anyway" he asked.

I hesitated but replied "Our sources tells us that your fathers, the nobles of the Shadow realm, has found out that you are friends with a light seeker. I made up this cover story, so their information would appear wrong and will instead show that you guys are hanging out with me, a rich heiress that practices dark magic."

"How smart of you, but you would eventually be found out if you keep up this unconvincing friendship" he stated.

"What do you suggest I do?" I asked him.

"Try to fall for one of us" he replied.

"WHAT!" I exclaimed, blushing a few shades of red.

"It's going to be easy, at least it would help with your acting skills" he said.

"F-Falling for one of you guys is not part of the plan" I said back at him.

"It doesn't have to be completely genuine" he stated.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" I exclaimed.

"I'll try to help you with your cover" he offered.

"How?" I asked him.

"By helping you get a date" he replied then smiled like an innocent child at me.

"WHAT!" I shrieked.

"And I know who you like the most, out of all of us" he stated.

"Who?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough" he replied, then walked away. I stared at him, utterly flabbergasted.

A/N: Please review at the box below and tell me what you guys think. Tell me your HONEST opinion and what you think I should improve.

-I have a goal, if I could reach 51 reviews, I promise the next chapter would be 3,000-4,000 words. :)