A/N: One-shot dedicated to those who's lives were either wrongly and unfortunately ended in the tragedy of 9/11 or deeply affected, it may not be good but I just wanted to do something!

Disclaimer: I am not lucky enough to own CSI:NY, please don't sue I'm 14 and have £20 to my name!

I do own my idea and mistakes, though!


Mac slowly walked into his office and sat in his chair, why did he have to work today, why did she have to die he thought to himself, he was brought out of his thoughts by Lindsay knocking on his door carrying Lucy,

"Hey, Mac, How you doing?" She asked

"Hi Uncle Mac,a" Lucy said sleepily, beginning to wake up

"Hey Luce, Yeah I'm Fine I suppose, I just still can't get over it though I loved her, I really did Lindsay" He confessed

"I know, look Mac I'm really sorry to ask you this but can you watch Lucy for me for an hour or two?" She asked

"Yeah sure, why wouldn't I?" He asked rhetorically

"Thanks Mac," she said "Now Lucy-girl, I've gotta go and do something so can you stay with Uncle Mac for a bit for me?" She asked to the 7-year-old.

"Yeah, I love Uncle Mac" She replied estatic

"Okay, Good Girl, be good," Lindsay told Lucy "Oh and try and cheer Uncle Mac up, he's a bit sad today" she added in a whisper

"Okay Mommy, Love You, Bye Bye" She waved as Lindsay left

As Lucy turned around she noticed that her Uncle Mac wasn't his normal cheery self and her Mother had just told her to cheer him up so she decided to talk to her Uncle and give him a huge Bear hug

"What was that for Luce?" Mac asked sitting her on his knee

"You Look Sad, what's wrong Uncle Mac?" Lucy asked concerned

"Has your Mommy and Daddy told you anything about 9/11?" He asked the small child

"No, Uncle Mac isn't 9/11 today's date?" she replied confused

"Yes it is Lucy, well today 12 years ago some very bad men took over some planes and crashed them into some very important buildings with lots of people in them." He said trying to explain it in a way that the 7-year-old could understand and not be too scared by

"Uncle Mac, what happened? Did the people get hurt?" The 7-year-old asked

"Yes, some got hurt and Luce most were killed, I loved someone who died because of the attacks and that's why I'm sad, because I'll never see her again" He replied with grief in his voice

"Uncle Mac, what was her name?"

"Claire, I was married to her"

"Uncle Mac, She had a pretty name, and I'm sorry that she's not here now" Lucy said "But I'm sure that Claire is in heaven and is looking down on you and she is happy cause you are the best Uncle ever!" she added as she gave her favourite Uncle a big hug and a kiss

"You really think so Luce?" Mac asked

"Yeah cause that's what's Mommy and Daddy told me, that Good people always go to heaven and if she was married to you then she must of been a good person"

The two was interrupted by Lindsay knocking on the door, "Lucy it's time to go now, we've gotta go and get Daddy"

"Okay" She replied "Bye Bye Uncle Mac, and remember what I said, Love you" she added kissing Mac on the cheek and skipping over to her Mother, "Ready Mommy"

"Hey Lucy, why don't you go and get Daddy, he's in his office," Lindsay told her daughter "I just want to talk to Mac for a minute"

"Okay," Lucy said skipping towards her fathers office

"What's she been telling you then Mac?" Lindsay asked

"You know you and Danny have raised a great daughter, she was telling me about heaven" Mac replied smiling

"I know she is great, well whatever she told you it must of worked, cause your smiling, just remember we're all here for you, now I gotta go and find my darling daughter and husband before there's trouble" Lindsay said as she stood up and gave Mac a hug before leaving, just as she left Jo walked into his office

"Hey Mac, how you doing?" She asked

Here we go again Mac thought "At least with you guys I know I'm loved" Mac replied grinning

Please Review, Natasha