So this is where the disclaimer goes. I do not own any of the characters except for my OC Arya. The storyline will be following the normal gameplay of the new reboot of Tomb Raider closely, but it will still have things changed here and there to incorporate. More realistic feel. This is intended to be a story about saving Sam all while Lara and Arya are finding out just how much they like each other. If you don't like girl x girl content then please leave the story as it is here for people's enjoyment. Although I do love a good blaze so feel free to add fuel to the fire if you must, it will only make me too happy to continue with this even more so then i already am. :D *gotta love being into fire. Pyros rock!*

Arya walked into a slightly crowded cafe centralized somewhere in the Uk. She could never really remember the towns name, but the people were nice. As she walked in she was greeted by several happy faces.

"Arya, how are you my dear?" Richie asked as she stepped up to the counter to order her usual Strawberry-Bannana Smoothie.

"I'm doing alright. Haha. So how are things with you and Allison? You still moving in together?" Arya smiled as Richie was making her smoothie, and took the moment to look around the cafe. "You guys sure are busy today, what's all the hubbub about?"

"Hah, we're doing great, we got everything moved in last week." Richie finished making her smoothie and set it up on the counter, and rang up the total. "That'll be 4.88 pounds, please. And I'm not quite sure, I think someone's recruiting for an expedition of some kind, some newly graduated Archeologist."

"Hmmm. Maybe I'll have to see if I can't be recruited, I always have been itching to go on a good adventure. Besides, if anything I can do whatever they need me to do. If I don't know how to do it, I can learn, and if they can't teach me then..." Arya didn't even get to finish as Richie chuckled and finished her statement.

"You can read it from the manual and figure it out yourself right?" Richie shook his head. "You're hopeless Arya. Go on then, lemme know if you get in, I'll be routing for you." He said as he jerked his head towards the back corner where so many people had started to gather.

Arya took that opportunity to pay him, then grabbing her smoothie she carefully maneuvered her way around the crowd of customers and came to a stop in front of a young British girl, an oriental looking girl, and an older gentleman. The man was currently speaking to the crowd.

"Alright we're funding an expedition to try and find the lost city of Yamatai. Now I know this sounds far fetched, but we're looking for anyone who can work on a ship and do whatever needs done, no questions asked. Lara here is going to be the main Archeologist for the team, as she knows the most about where we're going. So anyone that wishes to sign up should come up." He took the time to sit down and began talking to the other girls as the crowd started to murmur to one another. So Lara was the name of the British woman, it was a pretty name.

Arya thought about it for a few seconds, before making her way to the front and setting down her smoothie casually. The chatter died down slightly and the gentleman, and two girls looked up. "I want to sign up. I may not look like much, but tell me what to do and I can do it. If I don't know it, then teach me I'm a quick learner. I promise if you can't teach me then give me a manual and I'll figure it out myself. My specialty would be in maintaining computers or technology I guess, but I can cook as well if that needs done. " The gentleman looked at me for a moment, before he started to say; "I'm sorry, but I don't think..." Only to be cut off by Lara.

"Alright, you're in." Lara stated as she looked at me. I smiled, I was determined not to let this woman down.

"Lara, are you sure? " the oriental girl questioned her friend.

"Yes, Sam. She seems dead set on this, and something tells me she won't disappoint us. Come on Roth, let her sign up." Lara said as she turned towards her friend and the older gentleman.

"Fine." Roth handed me a piece of paperwork to sign and I instantly began filling it out. Once it was done I handed it back. He looked it over and nodded. "We leave the end of this week, head to the shipyard and look for S.S. Endurance, be there by 6:00 am so we can be prepped and ready to leave by 8 am."

"Yes, sir. And no I'm not mocking you, I have the utmost respect for you, I can tell you're ex-military, so are my father and mother. I won't let you down." Roth noted the determination in my gaze and smiled.

"You remind me of someone I used to work with once. Alright girly, it looks like it will be a pleasure to work with you." He extended his hand for a handshake and I took it. Roth noted how firm my handshake was and that I wasn't afraid to give a proper handshake, not some sissy form of one. 'Hmmm this one will be interesting to keep an eye on.'

"Thank you. I'll see you all on Friday, bright and early." I let go of Roth's hand and picked up my smoothie before tilting it upwards as a significant respect. Then I turned around and carefully wound my way back through the mass of people towards the exit. I gave Richie a thumbs up as I passed.

"Congrats, Arya. I'm sure you'll knock em dead."

Three weeks later...

"Come on Arya I need those bolts tightened ASAP. Once that's done the boiler needs fed." Reyes was riding my ass like crazy, but I did what was needed. As soon as I had the bolts tightened as much as I could get them, without stripping the bolts, I went ahead and started refueling the boiler.

"Alright, Reyes. Chill out, I'm working as fast as I can here." So far I was one of the few people who could get away with being cheeky to Reyes, and not get a wrench thrown at them. At the moment I was in a tank top covered in grime as I shoved coal into the boiler. It was hot as hell, but I knew it needed done, do I did it, despite losing so much damn weight from the amount of water I lost from sweating.

"Heh you're lucky you're useful kid. Not many people could get away with using that time with me. Though, you're alright in my book. You work hard to be here and when no one else can do anything I can ask you and sure enough you'll do it." Reyes shook her head and smiled as she co tinted working on putting a new strap on one of the pipes. "You still reading the manuals if you get stuck?"

"You bet. I don't want to seem like I'm burdening you by my ignorance, so I figured I might as well learn from a book, then if I needed help it would be okay, because at least I tried." I shrugged as I put the shovel down and closed the hatch for the Boiler and backed up.

"Yeah, alright. Go wash up, I'm sure Jonah and Grim have some food ready in the kitchen."

"You sure? I can still stay and help."

"Naw, it's fine. Go on ahead, I won't be that long."

"Alright, if you say so. Don't hesitate if you need help though, radio me and I'll come back."

"Yeah, yeah kid go on. Geez you'd think I was the rookie." Reyes shook her head as she smiled, and I chuckled as I headed up to the main deck and down the hall to my room. Once I opened the door I headed to the bathroom to wash off my hands and face. After that I toweled off and headed back out and down the other end of the hallway towards the kitchen, after closing my door.

The kitchen was packed and Lara was facing off against Dr. Whitman as to how we should approach the island. Personally I agreed with Lara, there's no point in going the same way others went, if it didn't lead to anything.

I turned to Dr. Whitman and decided to say just that. "Hey, look I may not be an archeologist, but I believe Lara's right. If the island was anywhere around where the rest of those archeologists looked, then they'd of found it by now. I think she's got a point, why else haven't people been able to find the place. It stands to reason with the lore and the dangerous weather in the Triangle that the island is located somewhere inside of it." Whitman just glared at me.

"I don't remember asking your opinion. As far as I'm concerned you're useless and a nuisance. All you do is run around and do things that anyone else can do, you're getting a free ride out of this. I'm the lead archeologist, and I don't think we should change course based on a whim." He looked so smug, god I hate that expression. I hate being treated as if I'm something second rate, as if I don't even matter.

"Yeah, " I said it as a whisper, then I spoke louder, I was angry and hurt it was clear as day on my face. Ironically Reyes showed up when I exploded on Whitman. "I may be doing things that everyone else can do, but I'm good at it. I may not be an archeologist, I may not have put money into this expedition, but I've put blood, sweat, and tears into making sure you all get what you're looking for. I've taken the time to learn what I needed to in order to benefit everyone on the ship. So yeah, I may be a second rate...lowlife. I may be nothing, but I've done everything, and I won't let you condem Lara's hard work when I know she's right. God."

Everyone was quiet as I apologized to Jonah and said I wasn't hungry anymore before I marched out of the kitchen and down to my cabin. I was so freaked, but I didn't stop at my cabin, instead I went ahead and went to the front of the ship and climbed up high so I could cry and be closer to the ocean, it always calmed me. I even missed Roth freaking out and saying that he was the captain and that they'd be going with Lara's idea.

I sat there and cried, the oceans salty breeze lapping at the edges of the ship as we cut through the water. The spray from the water as it hit the sides of the boat clung to my face letting me know I wasn't alone, not really. Then I heard a pair of feet coming up the ladder before I felt a pair of strong yet feminine hands on my shoulders. I turned and looked and there was Lara and just behind her was Sam.

"You, okay?" Lara asked, her eyes searching my face for any telltale sign that may give her an indication as to how I felt.

" Of course she's not okay. The poor thing probably wants to kill Whitman, not that I blame her." Sam chuckled trying to lighten the mood, which only reignited by tears. Lara looked at Sam with an expression similar to 'Seriously? Sometimes I don't think you can read the situation.' Accompanied by Sam's expression of 'Sorry.'

"Hey, I didn't mean to make you cry sweetie. Sometimes I just try and lighten the mood ya know? I hate seeing people so sad." Sam tried to reassure me, and it kind of worked.

Taking a deep breath I looked up at both of them. Noting that Lara's hand had not moved from my shoulder, I found an odd sense of peace in that. "Tis alright, Sam. Twasn't your fault las, it was me own stupid sense of pride that got hurt in the process. Hell any other given day and I'd of told the stupid git where he could shove it, hah." I smiled at the thought and noticed that Sam and Lara were staring at me incredulously. "What?"

" We're you mocking me?" Lara asked as she took her hand off of my shoulder. Sam looked to be pondering something.

"No! I wouldna do that to ya. Shit, ah fer get it. As it turns out I happen to be part Scottish, Irish, German, British, and god knows what else. So I suppose I tend to let a bit of the Scottish in me out at times, it's taken me a while to get used to it. I never was very good with accents, but learning Scottish brogue came quite naturally." I smiled up at Lara and Sam as I stood, my voice going back to normal.

"We'll that explains a lot." Sam smirked. I just looked at her confused.

"Huh?" Lara and I both said at the same time.

"Your both British! Okay we'll your part British, but still." Lara and I looked at each other and laughed.

"I only drink Peach Snapple iced tea, so we don't always get along." I smirked at Lara and she smiled.

"There is nothing wrong with Yorkshire Tea! Although I will admit, your Snapple isn't bad either." Now it was my turn to be shocked.

"You tried some? I thought you were kidding." I had given her my bottle and told her to try some, but I didn't know she actually had. Somehow that made me happy.

"Yeah, you offered. Besides your not the only one who likes to try new things, heh bad habit I got from Sam in college." She seemed nervous, so I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze before I let it go again.

"It's no biggie. I'm glad you liked it though." I turned and looked back towards the ocean, I had no idea what was wrong with me Lara being so close was a comfort, but I could feel a blush creeping up into my cheeks. "Come on, if Whitman's out of the kitchen I really do need food. That is if you guys don't mind accompanying me?" I turned back around once I had calmed down.

Sam just smiled, there was a knowing glint in her eye that caught me off guard, but it disappeared as soon as I saw it. "Yeah, we didn't really eat either, Lara looked like she was going to rip Whitman's head off after you left, and Reyes was right behind her."


"Lara! Hah come on it's true. No reason to be shy sweetie, we all know you get protective of your friends."

"Still...fine. There's no point in arguing with you anyway, you'll just continue on your merry way no matter what I say." Lara sighed exasperatedly which made me smile to myself, it was cute.

"You know it, now come on. I'm positively starving I mean look at me, I'm withering away over here." We all rolled our eyes and headed back to the kitchen. Thankfully Jonah still had some food left, I guess he figured we'd be back.

"Ah, little bird, Sam, Arya, it's good to see you. I'm betting your hungry." Jonah smiled as he looked up from cleaning the dishes.

We all looked at each other and smiled. "Yeah, besides someone was withering away, and on top of that we have a common enemy." Sam and I grinned at Lara.

"Oh? And who would that be little bird?" Jonah already knew the answer, but it made him laugh when we all said it aloud.

"Whitman!" We laughed after saying it, tears leaking from our eyes as we tried not to laugh to hard.