WARNING: graphic content, adult/mature readers only. In fact some mature readers may decide this isn't for them. Read at your own risk.

NARUTO and its character are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.

Sakura practically threw herself into her apartment and slammed the door shut behind her. She was tired, hungry, dirty and in a really, really bad mood.

Her mission had been almost five days long. She looked around her apartment. The place was musty and dark. Should she fix a meal since she hadn't eaten since breakfast? Should she take a shower since she was caked in mud and other people's blood? Should she open a window and scream away her stress? She settled for a little of all of the above.

She turned on the ceiling fan to encourage air circulation. She dropped her pack and weapons and tools to the floor and decided to just leave them where they fell. As she walked around her apartment she stripped off her clothes and let them fall as well.

In the bathroom she turned on the shower. Then she went to the kitchen and while the water heated up she fixed herself a sandwich. She scowled. Five days ago Sakura had left a tidy apartment for herself and here it was getting messy again. She shrugged and bit into her sandwich. Her stomach was so empty it almost hurt to eat after so long.

She munched away but lost interest half way through the sandwich. Steam was coming out of the bathroom so the shower was finally ready. She hopped in and nearly scalded herself. She added just a touch of cool water to make it tolerable. Then she stood under the shower nozzle and let it beat hot water on her. Finally, something to work on the knots in her shoulders and upper back.

Sakura didn't know what she wanted. She sort of felt like punching something. But not quite. Getting really, totally blind drunk? Well, maybe. If she hadn't just spent the day fighting and running, killing and healing she might feel like burning off the restless energy running around the training field track and screaming. Maybe mixing the noise and the drinkings - she could head to the karaoke bar. Something to blow off steam. Something to let her forget.

She washed her hair and watched blood run down the tub with the shampoo. When did that get there? The opportunities were actually numerous. She reached for her razor. Five days out in the field was five days without a shower and therefore five days without grooming. Having lathered up her legs, she went to town, pulling the razor against the skin in long stretches. The bit around the pubic area was getting quite disorderly, too. She tsked and arranged a leg on the ledge of the tub and got to work taming the patch between her legs.

She stood up and stretched. A yawn came out of no where. The water was losing heat. She finished her shaving. Then she made a second go with the soap at all her problem areas. Finally her skin felt scrubbed raw and totally fresh. Her hair was clean and no longer limp from neglect.

Sakura turned off the water and pulled in her towel. Maybe she should go to the bar. She was by no means a great singer, but getting drunk on whiskey sours and then belting out "Play that Funky Music" until the whole bar sang with her was always fun.

She swept the shower curtain aside and stepped out of the tub. She dried her legs and arms and wrapped the towel around herself. She pushed her wet hair back. Sakura stepped out of the bathroom and froze stalk still.

Outside the shower she could see into her kitchen and her small dining table. Sasuke was sitting there, staring back at her. Naruto leaned against a counter, a sandwich half way to his mouth. He was also staring at her, mouth hanging open.

They all found their voices at the same time.

"What the hell are you doing here!"



"I said, what the hell are you doing here? I swear, if I have another mission already I'm going to burn all of Tsunade's sake!"

"No! No mission!" Naruto squeaked. Sakura must have looked scary because even Sasuke looked a little pale. "We just wanted to say welcome back and see if you wanted to get ramen!"

"You want to get ramen and you dragged me here." Sasuke crossed his arms and pretended to study the wall next to Sakura.

"Tch. Is that why you couldn't wait outside like civilized people and just had to help yourself to my food?" Sakura gestured to Naruto's forgotten sandwich.

"Ack!" Naruto hastily grabbed a plate near to him and put the sandwich on it. Crumbs flew everywhere as he wiped his hands on his shirt. He looked back at Sakura and she couldn't help but notice as he let his gaze sweep over her legs.

Sakura frowned and Naruto's mouth closed with a click. He had been on the verge of drooling. She felt a funny tremor deep inside. She looked at Sasuke and was startled to find he was staring openly at her chest, just barely covered by the towel.

For just a moment, a mere fraction of a second, she felt exposed, weak and vulnerable. She was outnumbered. They could do whatever they wanted to her and she wouldn't able to stop it. The tremor she had felt came back as a jolt of electricity lighting up all of her nerves. She licked her lips and suddenly two pairs of eyes were staring at her mouth. Who said she had to let them? Who said she couldn't have her way with them powerless to stop her?

She crossed her arms, pretending not notice how it pushed up her breasts. "So? Why did you just come in? My clothes and my gear are all over the place, you could have given me a chance to clean up."

"But...Sakura-chan, this is pretty clean compared to my place."

Sasuke grunted, eyes still on her chest.

"You just wanted a chance to catch me naked."

Naruto blanched. "N-no! Sakura-chan, I w-would, I'd never... ahh..." Pink rose on his face and darkened to red.

"Yeah right. I know Jiraya taught you how to spy on the women's baths. Now you want to try that on me."

The war on Naruto's face as he was more or less busted was very amusing. But Sakura couldn't let herself enjoy it yet. She turned on Sasuke, making sure to move her arms so her breasts would bounce. She caught the barest bobble of his Adam's apple. "And I thought you had more manners."

As if she didn't care about them any more she stepped into the main room and began picking up her clothes. "Whatever, I shouldn't expect much better, I suppose." She gave Sasuke a pointed look as she picked up her bra. Oh he was definitely blushing.

She shook her head and water from her hair sprayed onto her shoulders. "I'm going to get dressed. If you still want ramen after your sandwich, we can do that." With Sasuke's eyes still on her, Sakura threw caution to the wind and smirked.

She walked into her bedroom down the hall from the bathroom. She didn't close the door, though no one could see in from the kitchen. She considered whatever happened next an experiment.

Sakura pushed her dirty things into the hamper in her closet. She pulled down a clean blouse and skirt and stepped to her chest for fresh underwear. She tried to convince herself she wasn't surprised to see Sasuke lounging the doorway. But there was a warmth in her belly and it was spreading.

"So.. uh, red...or blue?" She held up a pair of panties in turn, a red one, then a blue one.

"Hn." Sasuke leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms. He smirked and said nothing. What cheek.

Her bravery was faltering. Just seconds ago she had felt so powerful and now she felt like she was dancing to Sasuke's tune. To hell with that!

"Okay, fine I'll try each one on and you can tell me." Sakura turned to her bed and tossed the panties next to her outfit. She pulled the towel from around her, grateful that her blush would be hidden from this angle.

Sasuke could only see her back, but it was a full view. Sakura swallowed hard and rubbed her hair with the towel. She imagined him stiffening and blushing. Maybe he would even leave.

"Sakura-chan! You have a great ass, dattebayo!"

Sakura froze. When did he get here? Of course the plan backfired. Things never went according to plan for her. She whirled around, snapping her towel to her front. "What...?"

The strong, dark, silent one finally spoke up. "He said you have a nice ass."

Sakura stared at Sasuke and the world was forgotten. She could sink right into those cold, black pools and be very, very happy. She blinked and forced herself to look at Naruto.

"Sakura-chan?" The look on Naruto's face was... adoring? hopeful? She felt warm, comfortable. "Are you mad at me? I can't tell."

"Naruto..." She found she was smiling. It was hard to stay mad at such a lovable idiot. She examined her feelings and decided she didn't really care. Let them stare. Let them do more than stare. Maybe this was what she needed.

"Maybe you can tell me which pair of panties is better, red or blue." Sakura deliberately turned again to hold up the underwear in question.

Naruto was suddenly a lot closer than before. "Neither one, dattebayo."

Sakura jumped a little and looked over her shoulder. Naruto was down on one knee, taking in the sight of her rear end from a much, much closer place. Her eyes widened when she realized she could feel his breath on her bare cheeks.

Naruto held out a hand but stopped just an inch shy of connecting. He looked up at her, worshipful and begging for permission. So. Cute.

Sakura nodded. She turned her head straight forward and closed her eyes. She tried to ready herself but still gasped lightly when she felt a warm hand cup one ass cheek. The warmth was back and growing hotter. Oh yes, this would do nicely.

Sakura opened her eyes a crack and hazarded a look at Sasuke. She almost thought he might have left by this point but he was still in her doorway. His arms hung loose at his side and he stared at her with undeniable heat. Her tummy did flipflops and her tongue flickered out to wet her lips. Sasuke's lips parted as she did this.

Another hand moved to her backside and Sakura's eyes popped open the rest of the way. Sasuke smirked but he couldn't keep his hands flexing. And he couldn't keep a shadow of envy from flying over his face as Naruto kneaded Sakura's ass.

Sasuke took a step and then as if he wanted to take it back, he lifted his foot again. Sakura looked at him. She raised an eyebrow as if to ask, what do you need an engraved invitation?

And then he was standing right in front of her, all intensity and gorgeousness. Sakura felt like she was melting under his gaze. She wondered what he saw... And then he was pulling away the forlorn towel that still hung between them. She whimpered softly as she was bared to him.

Behind her she heard, "aw, I have to share you with Sasuke-teme?"

"Tsch, kiss my ass." She responded. Really, who did he think he was? Coming in, trying to catch her in the shower, and then eating her food and- Sakura gasped and stumbled into Sasuke. Naruto had literally kissed her ass.

Sasuke caught her with cool hands around her waist. Sakura had her nose pressed to his hard chest. She could still feel Naruto gliding his teeth over the skin of her butt. She shivered, goosebumps speeding up her spine and down her arms. Sasuke looked down at her with a smirk.

"Bit off more than you can chew?" His voice was soft, dark and nearly lethal.

Oh no. He was not going to get away with this. Sakura was not going to let him win this particular power match.

"Never. I'm a little worried that Naruto might bite though." She cast a glance over her shoulder and just saw a mop of blond hair.

"Tsch." Sasuke stood still, hands remaining at Sakura's waist.

Honestly, what was his problem? Naruto might not understand social norms, but at least she didn't have to initiate every single step. Sakura took a moment to close her eyes and collect herself. She gulped as Naruto did something at the top of her legs, just below the ass that sort of tickled, and sort of aroused her - more than she already was.

Sakura ran her hands up Sasuke's chest and to his neck. "I'm guessing you're not a butt-man."

Sasuke allowed Sakura to guide his head closer. "Not really." She felt a hand glide from her waist up over her ribs. His black eyes were ever so close, and then they closed. Sakura felt Sasuke's breath on her lips and then her eyes closed as she leaned into his kiss.

It was heaven...if heaven is a dangerous and dark place. Electricity coursed through her joints, waves of heat and cold crashed on her. She felt Sasuke tighten his grip around her waist and ribs and responded with a soft moan. In a distant part of her mind she was aware that Naruto had stood up behind her, hands still at her hips and sliding forward.

Too soon they had to come up for air. Like a tired swimmer, Sakura looked straight up at the ceiling of her room, gulping down air. Naruto was kissing her shoulder. Then he moved her wet hair aside and tongued the side of her neck.

In front of her, Sasuke moved a hand to her breast and slipped his thumb over the nipple. She shook and gasped in delight. The boys' attention had already raised both nipples to alert status.

Only she had ever really played with herself like this. *ahem* A kunoichi has needs, after all, and she can't wait for male shinobi get over all their hangups to help her get off.

But there went Sasuke and his damned perfection guessing exactly what she liked. He kissed her on the side of the neck opposite Naruto, and then he crouched down to where he could take a nipple in his mouth. He thumbed the other one. Behind her Naruto pressed his growing erection between her ass cheeks.

If this wasn't heaven, then there was something seriously wrong with the promised land.

Sakura forced herself out of the reverie that was about to make her knees buckle. "Okay!" She gasped. "Okay, why am I the only one without any clothes on?" She stood as straight as she could, even with shaky knees.

She moved so she could look at Naruto. Without a word he peeled off his shirt. Lovely, large shoulders came into view, suntanned pecs sat over a perfect six pack. Sakura favored him with a smile. Very nice.

She looked back to Sasuke. His face was a little rebellious. Everything was always such a fight with him. But she had an idea. With her hands at his waist she pushed them under his shirt, up and up it rose. Sakura was deeply satisfied to see him shudder as her fingertips brushed over his nipples. And then the shirt was shoved into Sasuke's armpits. Sakura stepped against him and loved how his chest felt against her heated nipples. Just loved it.

"Sasuke-kun?" She whispered.

He grunted and raised his arms so she could push up his shirt. Hmph. As if. She pushed up the shirt so that it covered his face and effectively tethered his arms over his head. And then she left it there.

If he thought he could have her do his bidding without even a "please" he certainly had another thing coming.

Moving swiftly, Sakura repositioned herself and licked one of Sasuke's nipples. Behind her Naruto began to laugh. And then he chortled outright as Sasuke stopped and started in surprise. Sakura's lifelong crush was not best pleased by being made to look a fool. He stepped back out of Sakura's reach and tore the shirt from his head.

Naruto cackled. "God, teme, you should have seen yourself." He laughed harder, holding both arms around his waist.

Sakura giggled. She tried to apologize but found she just laughed harder. "I'm... I'm sorry... Sasuke-kun. I..." Sakura couldn't help laughing. At least he finally had his shirt off.

Sasuke looked murderous and a dangerous red gleam started to come into his eyes. Sasuke took a step toward Sakura. If his Sharingan had activated she would have been worried, but even though she stumbled a step back into Naruto she could only cover her mouth and try to stop giggling.

"You're going to pay for that." With a growl Sasuke grabbed Sakura and plucked her off her feet. He tossed her onto her bed and he landed on top of her. She squeaked as he pounced on her but the rest was muffled by a deep and powerful kiss.

He was everywhere all at once, one hand pulling her ass, the other holding her head like a vice. His chest covered her completely and even though his lips were amazing, the muscles in his torso felt distinct against her heated flesh. A momentary gasp by Sakura gave Sasuke the opening to thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. He growled and she mewled in response.

Sakura could do little more than pull a hand through his hair and clutch at his back. Her legs were wrapped around his hips. She realized he had a hard-on, and she felt it through his pants. As Sasuke savaged her mouth she tipped her hips back and was rewarded with the glorious feeling of his engorged cock press against her entrance. At that Sasuke growled loudly and pulled his mouth away.

Sakura pouted.

"Don't push me. I'm holding myself back as it is."

Just how was it fair that one man could be this sexy? Even his voice made Sakura flood with desire. She lowered her eyes, daring him on. "Why hold back?"

That dangerous look came on him again. But it slid away as the mattress dipped at Sakura's side.

"Oi, bastard, don't hog Sakura-chan." The beautiful blond settled in next to Sakura and pressed his nose against her shoulder. "You're really pretty, Sakura-chan, your skin is so soft and you smell amazing - like strawberries and vanilla!"

Sakura giggled. "That's my shampoo." She pulled an arm away from Sasuke and wrapped it around Naruto's head for an awkward hug. "But thank you. I appreciate it."

Naruto lay on his side, a hand on Sakura's belly. Sasuke scowled but pulled away. He lay on Sakura's other side, a protective hand on one breast.

Sakura grinned at Naruto. "I never really noticed what a great build you have, Naruto." She ran her hand along his bare chest. She licked a lip. "I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend."

The blond blushed deeply. "Well, you know, it's not that easy, dattebayo."

"Tsch." Came from Sakura's left side. "The second any girl realizes what an idiot you are, they'll run."

"Shut up, teme! At least I've actually been with a girl!"

Sakura felt her ears burn. She turned her head to look at Sasuke. Never?

Sasuke's face was pale except for scarlet spots high on his cheeks. "Dobe. Shut the hell up before I make you."

"Yeah right, like you could." Grumbled Naruto. But he said no more on it.

Sakura was confused. What didn't she know? Naruto had already slept with a girl? Who? And Sasuke hadn't? Really?

Sasuke pressed his face to Sakura's breast and she forgot all her questions. His strong, clever tongue slipped about and whispered over the skin, making the nipple rise again. His hand trailed over her skin, down her stomach and over her belly button. It dipped at her pubic bone and stopped where it could cover the juncture between her legs.

Sakura sighed contentedly and arched her back slightly. On the other side Naruto put his hand to her breast and slipped his fingers around the nipple. The two distinctly different touches made Sakura's head spin.

And then the evil little jinchuriki decided to match Sasuke by putting his mouth to the nipple.

With both her boys working her nipples with their tongues, Sakura's brain nearly shorted out. She twitched and shook and spasmed. She wanted to cry and she wanted to scream, but she almost couldn't make any sounds other than short little grunts of utter pleasure.

She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her head back into her mattress. It seemed like the pleasure would crash and overwhelm her but it didn't. She was so aroused she could feel her own moisture dripping down. Her arms were wrapped, each around one boy. She felt so good she could almost laugh.

Sakura's happiness balloon wasn't so much popped as it was set on fire by one Uchiha sending fingers seeking in the folds between her legs.

Sakura hadn't seen her "boys" exchange glances over her chest. Silent messages were sent and received. Without breaking their rhythm of licking, first Sasuke and then Naruto slid a hand toward her honey pot.

Sasuke first stirred her up by flicking her clit. Sakura cried out and almost threw both boys from her bed. They held her down, each arm pinned down by one male torso. She babbled and cried out. Her back arched and lay flat. Sasuke took that as a cue to move on. His traveling fingers moved to her entrance. Naruto took over on the clit, marking a steady circle on it.

"Omigod" whimpered Sakura over and over. When Sasuke's fingers slipped into her cunt the boys also picked up the pace on her nipples. Sakura responded by screaming and thrashing.

She was laid bare and open. Her arms were pinned, her sensitive nipples were being assaulted, her most private area was invaded...and she couldn't think of anything other than how fucking good it felt.

"fffFFFFffffuuuuuck! Oh god! FUCK YES!" The orgasm racked her body. Once more her back arched sharply, head and hips digging hard into the mattress. Eyes squeezed tight enough that tears spilled out. Sakura's strength fluctuated and she moved the boys closer into her embrace. Even her toes curled. She spasmed repeatedly and the boys could barely hang on.

Slowly her shudders calmed down, but every now and then another big quake ran through her and she gasped. Sakura's eyes blinked open and a few more tears fell. That was... that was...

Sasuke moved and Sakura jolted. Everything, absolutely everything triggered her nerves. She could feel the threads in the sheets underneath her. She could feel the details of Naruto's hand against the inside of her thigh. "Oh my god." She whispered.

"Sakura," whispered Sasuke. "I'm going to pull out my hand now."

Sakura's breath caught. What did that mean? She found out as she felt the fullness down there come down. It...sort of hurt.

"You're really sensitive, Sakura-chan. If you warned us we would have gone slower." Naruto lay a tender kiss on her breast.

Sakura gave a weak laugh and pulled her arms to herself. How in the world was she supposed to have known that? "I don't... I didn't..." She laughed again and still felt like crying a little bit. She covered her eyes with one hand.

She felt Sasuke move at her side. There was a mass pressing against her hip. Come to think of it, there was one on the other side too. But right now, Sasuke was stretching up and running a hand through her hair. She moved her hand out of the way and he peered down at her. Then he gave her a gentle kiss.

"Have you ever come before?" He asked softly.

She blinked up at him. She should have felt embarrassed but she didn't. Although, given the circumstances, it made a certain amount of sense. "Nothing like that. I...that is, um, by myself... it was never like that."


"Wow, really, Sakura-chan? Ten-ten told me you did it with Lee."

Sakura made a sour face. Trust Naruto to ruin the moment. "Well we didn't, okay? Don't believe everything Ten-ten says."

"Oh." Naruto moved so he paralleled Sasuke more closely. "But she made it sound like Lee was the one running around saying he had become a man because you-"

"Ugh just stop. I don't really want to talk about it."

"Aw, but now-"

"Just cut it out, dobe." Sasuke looked into her eyes. "If she hasn't come with a man before, then that's all she needs to say."

Sakura smiled. "Thank you, Sasuke-kun."

"Hn." He smirked. Sakura felt alarm. He was thinking something unpleasant. "But really, Lee?"

"What! Just a minute ago-"

"I told you you would pay for earlier!"

"You jerk!" Sakura leaped up and tried to pin Sasuke but just succeeded in getting into a wrestling match with him. As long as she didn't use her monster strength he had the advantage and soon he pinned her arms at her sides and cradled her.

"Hmph. Well apparently you haven't even done it with a girl." Sakura stuck her tongue out at Sasuke.

His eyes were immediately flinty. "And you have?"

"I...what? No! But Naruto has."

"I don't care about that."

"Why not?!" Sakura struggled and Sasuke soon let her go.

"Because I know why he's not still with that girl and it's not my concern."

Sakura sat as demurely as she could between the two boys while wearing no clothes. "Well what is your concern? Why is it such a big deal if you haven't been with a girl? So you're a virgin, so what?"

"My concern is that you got with Lee! If you didn't have sex with him, is he lying?"

"Yeah, Sakura-chan, that's what-"

"Hush" said both Sakura and Sasuke in unison.

Sakura frowned and crossed her arms over her breasts. "We dated. For a very short time. It was barely even dating. It was more like..."

"Hn." Sasuke looked totally unmoved.

Sakura swallowed. "Okay so we fooled around. We weren't really compatible but it seemed like the thing to do and... um. Okay, so the point is I went down on him. And he went nuts for it. He kept saying thank you, thank you, now my youth has blossomed completely and all that stuff."

Sakura rolled her eyes as Naruto began to laugh silently. The bed shook as he tried to keep it quiet. Sasuke smirked.

"Gah. Shut up. It was embarrassing and awful enough the first time. Then he became like an addict or something and never gave me anything back. Ugh this was a while ago. It barely even lasted a month. And now everyone thinks he was my first?!" Sakura threw herself dramatically back on her bed.

Naruto busted out laughing.

Sasuke smirked. "Dobe." Then he moved to Sakura's side.

She rolled onto her side to face Sasuke. "I think I should get to ask, don't you think? We're sharing a bed and we're on the same team..."

Sasuke frowned. Then he relented. "Fine."

"You've never slept with a girl before?"


"What about guys?"

He gave her a stony look.

"Okay, okay. Why haven't you ever been with a girl before?"

Sasuke started to shrug.

Sakura spoke quickly, "Don't tell me you don't know. You are the most beautiful man in Konoha, and the most eligible bachelor. If you gave girls half a chance they would line up to kiss you anywhere you want."

A light blush appeared on Sasuke's cheeks. He cleared his throat.

The bed moved as Naruto came to Sakura's other side. "Yeah, I want to hear this too."

Sasuke drew in a long breath. "It just hasn't been the right time. Or the right girl. Or something. It never feels comfortable to me."

Sakura moved a hand up to Sasuke's chest. It was much more pale than Naruto's and narrower. But there wasn't an ounce of fat to be found on it. In response to her movement Sasuke placed a hand on her bare hip.

"Oi, teme, if girls are so intimidating then how come you can lie down with Sakura-chan without freaking out?"

"Tsch. Girls aren't intimidating to me, dobe." He looked over Sakura's shoulder to Naruto. "I just don't feel like doing it with them."

Sakura smirked.

Sasuke looked at her. "What?"

Sakura smirked more. "If you don't feel like doing it, then why has Mr Happy there been at attention most of the evening?" She glanced down at his crotch then back up. The erection had fallen considerably, but it had only been a few minutes. Sakura could bet that it wouldn't take much effort to get Sasuke back to hardness.

"Tsch. You're different. I already know you."

That...was all? Sakura felt a little let down and rolled onto her back. She folded her hands over her belly. "Well, I'm glad I'm convenient for you guys."

"Mah, see teme? You made Sakura-chan sad. Don't be sad, Sakura-chan! We both think you're super pretty. And ...um... we're both really glad you didn't throw us out the second you walked out of the bathroom. Tell her, teme!" Naruto reached out to smack Sasuke but he easy blocked it.

"Sakura." Sasuke moved closer to her and put his hand on hers. "I meant that I know how I feel about you. I don't have to get to know you to see if I like you, I already know."

"Yeah and how is that?" Sakura looked straight at Sasuke's blank face. She was so tired of all the work this took. All the bullshit hoops she had to jump through to get him to give her a simple response. "Do you really know how you feel about me? Because Naruto has been saying nice things to me since we were kids. And I think his crush was misplaced but he was always sincere. You? To you sincerity is a liability."

Sakura stared hard at her ceiling. That was a little more honest than she had intended to be. All three were still for a minute and the silence pressed on them. She wondered if she had ruined the whole night.

Finally Naruto moved. Actually he chuckled softly. "Sakura-chan." He sighed. "Well, she is right, dattebayo. What're you gonna say now, teme?"

Sasuke responded by moving to cover Sakura so she had to look him in the eyes. "I like you." He started to lower himself on her ever so slowly. "I like you when we're on the same mission and when we're not. I like you when you heal me and when you're in the hospital bed next to mine. I like you when you flatter me, even though I don't deserve it. I like it when you yell at Naruto, especially when he deserves it. [hey! yelled Naruto] I like you when you have your clothes on and when you don't."

He was less than an inch from her face and Sakura couldn't help the smile that took over her face. She wanted to keep on frowning and fighting him. She wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. But she just couldn't. Damned Sasuke and his damned perfection.

"You know," he smirked. "Naruto hasn't said anything about your tits. They're beautiful, Sakura. Just perfect."

The dam broke and Sakura flooded with warmth. Her smile became a grin and then it was covered by Sasuke's delicious lips. It was a full kiss, sweet and perfect.

When they broke apart Sasuke moved his mouth to her ear and spoke softly, in those delicious low tones that made Sakura wet instantly. "Let's do it. Together."

Sakura flushed. She squirmed and felt a delicious fire begin in her loins. Sasuke moved to look her in the eyes. She smiled broadly. "Okay, Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke smiled.

Next chapter, much, much more fun & nasty...