Disclaimer: Still not mine. Sorry muchness but that's life.

Wrapping Up

"So," John said casually as he dusted himself off after Sherlock had finally gotten around to untying him. "Did you call for back up or did you come alone?"

Sherlock snorted and tugged Sarah up from the chair where she was still sitting. "I called Dimmock and told him exactly where we would be. It's hardly my fault his reaction times are so slow. Lestrade might have even beat me here." John stared at his husband with one eyebrow raised. Sherlock shrugged a bit uncomfortably. "Well…maybe not beat me but he'd be here by now."

John only shook his head and led them out of the tunnel.

Dimmock was just pulling his panda to a stop as they emerged. "You're late," Sherlock accused mildly. John took a blanket from a passing officer and wrapped it around Sarah before leading her to the paramedics. "We'll just slip off," Sherlock told Dimmock quietly. "No need to mention us in your report."

"Mr. Holmes…" Dimmock tried to interject.

"I have high hopes for you, Inspector," Sherlock confided. "A glittering career." He would never match Lestrade but he had potential.

Dimmock's face hardened a bit before he sighed. "If I go where you point me," he said with only a trace of resentment.

Sherlock gave him a sardonic smile and turned away. "Exactly," he said over his shoulder and strode away.


John stretched in his seat. His body was humming pleasantly and he felt more relaxed than he had in a good long while. Make up sex was one of his new favorite things. "So…" he started as Sherlock poured them both tea. "Nine mill…"

"Million," Sherlock corrected mildly.

"Million yes," John accepted the correction with grace. He was too comfortable to get worked up over Sherlock's grammar corrections. "Nine million for jade pin. Dragon den black tramway."

"An instruction to all their London operatives," Sherlock explained. He knew that John understood but they both liked to go over the case when they were finished. It kept the details fresh.

"Mm," John hummed with a nod.

"A message—what they were trying to reclaim."

John stared at him for a moment. "A jade pin," he finally said.

"Worth nine million pounds," Sherlock confirmed. He pointed to the photo he'd written the message on. "Bring it to the tramway, their London hideout."

"Hang on," John shook his head in confusion. "A hairpin worth nine million pounds?"

Sherlock drummed his fingers on his mug. "Apparently," he smirked.

"Why so much?" John wondered aloud.

Sherlock took a sip of his tea. "Depends who owned it," he replied after a moment.

"Ah," John nodded remembering Shan asking about the Empress' hair pin. That made sense…sort of.


Sherlock's arm brushed John's as they headed into the bank to finish tying up the loose ends. "Two operatives based in London," he mused. "They travel over to Dalian to smuggle those vases. One of them helps himself to something, a little hairpin."

"Worth nine million pounds," John snorted with a slight shake of his head.

Sherlock gave a small shrug. "Eddie Van Coon was the thief. He stole the treasure when he was in China."

"How do you know it was Van Coon, not Lukis?" John asked curiously and then nearly smacked himself. The secretary, of course. Idiot.

"Yes," Sherlock nodded with a smug smile. "But you are my idiot."

John shook his head with a grin playing at his lips. "Yeah." He followed Sherlock through the revolving door. "I'll deal with dear old Seb if you'll take the girl," he bargained.

Sherlock nodded. "All right…but no punching him. He'll call the police and then we'll have to get Lestrade and Mycroft involved."

John sighed but nodded his agreement.


Mycroft scowled at his monitor. This was going to get messy. Sherlock was going to be very unhappy. John would be too, come to that. His ears were already ringing with the shouts of both of his brothers in his imagination. Shan was dead which meant that the game was larger than anticipated.

Mycroft rubbed at the bridge of his nose. What Pandora's box had Sherlock opened now?

"We'll have to find out how deep the rabbit hole goes, sir," Alice said simply. "If we don't he will."

Mycroft nodded. "I know. And that is what scares me. What if he's bitten off more than he could ever chew this time?"

Alice shrugged laconically. "He has John back," she pointed out. "Between the two of them…well, I'd be far more worried for the Queen of Hearts than the Hatter and the Hare."

Mycroft couldn't help the small snort of amusement. "And who might I be in this little game of yours, Alice dear?"

The corners of her lips lifted in a small smile. "Why you're the caterpillar, sir, obviously."

"Obviously," Mycroft laughed. "You're right though. They have each other. They'll be fine."

"And they have us, sir."

"So they do, so they do."