Well, I thought I'd give this a shot. This is my first Fairy Tail fanfic, so please pardon the mistakes. Also, it's a NaLu fic so if you don't like, don't read! That is all, now on with the story!

Oh wait, Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail! NOW on with the story!

Nine Months

Month One: Sickness

"Oy!" The Dragon Slayer greeted as he hopped through the window to the Celestial Wizard's tiny apartment. Not being received as usual, with an angry Lucy ranting about his coming in unannounced, his expression took on one of confusion. "Lucy?"

"Lucy?" The little exceed on his shoulder parroted.

They were both greeted in turn by the rather unpleasant sound of Lucy retching in the bathroom.

Natsu frowned in concern and motioned for Happy to stay behind. "Luce? You okay?" He knocked and then opened the door, steeling himself for the terrible odor that would be certain to hit his sensitive nose. He wasn't disappointed, but forced himself to focus on his comrade rather than the smell coming from her. "You're still sick?"

Her normally radiant skin tone was dull and pale from her being sick for so long. Nevertheless she tried to smile. "I-It's really nothing. I mean it." She grimaced. "Oh..." Before kneeling over the toilet and letting loose the contents that had been this morning's breakfast. "Maybe you both better go, huh?"

The salmon-haired mage just shook his head. She wasn't even putting up a fight. "You've been sick for days now, Luce. Just let us take care of you, okay? We're not going anywhere until Team Natsu is back at full strength!" He pumped his fist in the air and gave her his cocky grin. Deep down, though, his worries soared. Since that fateful night when he thought he'd lost her, and realized his feelings toward the beautiful blonde mage, he had acted on them. It had brought them a lot closer together. Blushing at the memory, he turned away from Lucy. They had confessed their feelings, and let themselves be caught up in the heat of the moment... After all that they had shared, he couldn't help the overbearing feelings of worry he was experiencing. They may not have officially become a couple yet, but even Natsu was smart enough to realize that Lucy was the one precious thing that he couldn't afford to lose.

Lucy broke his reverie by throwing herself over the toilet yet again and hurling. "R-really, Natsu... this is completely... ugh... embarrassing..." She panted in between.

He grabbed a washcloth and knelt beside her, wiping the sweat from her brow. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, Lucy. Everyone gets sick sometimes, right?" He grinned at her encouragingly.

"Yeah... Thank you, Natsu..." She leaned on him for support and he helped her stand. "Now that I've lost my breakfast... I am kinda hungry again," she said sheepishly as he led her out of the bathroom.

"I'm glad to hear you say that Lucy!" Happy exclaimed proudly. "I went ahead and made you some grilled fish! Smell it! Smells great doesn't it!? Dig in!"

"Ugh!" Lucy collapsed on Natsu momentarily before scrambling around him to get back to the porcelain throne yet again, as whatever she had left in her entire system threatened to come out at the smell.

Caught off guard, Natsu blinked for a moment until he realized what happened. "Um, Happy, maybe you should take the fish somewhere else..." He said before following Lucy back into the bathroom again. "It's a mystery sickness, that's for sure," he said, kneeling down and holding her hair back. "We need to solve this mystery! You should go see Porlyusica, Lucy."

"Aye," Happy agreed, coming into the bathroom. "It really is a bad sickness if you get sick from smelling grilled fish! Who can get sick from that?"

Lucy had finished throwing up but couldn't move from that position and so she lowered the toilet seat and crossed her arms over it, resting her forehead in her forearms for comfort. "Maybe... maybe you're right."

Noticing the uncomfortable position Lucy was in, Natsu pulled her against his chest, making her forget about her nausea in her surprise. "We'll solve this mystery, don't worry Lucy! And we'll do it together!"

Tears welled up in her eyes and she smiled with a nod. No matter how awful she felt at this very moment, knowing that her good friends were there for her, she was beginning to feel better already.

Author's note: I was super nervous about posting this but then decided, what the heck? Let me know how you liked it. Leave a review if you like. Well, till next time, laters~!