New Chapter. I hope you all like it. This is my first attempt at a sex scene.


Tom and Harry spent much of the afternoon in their room before Bella came in.

"Bella, Why are you in here?" Tom asked annoyed.

"Harry needs to stay in another room tonight. Since the wedding has been bumped up to tomorrow, you two need to stay in separate rooms." Bella said. She went up to the bed and tugged Harry off of it.

Tom pouted. Harry was able to get out of Bella's grip and steal one last kiss before leaving.

"You two will still see each other at dinner." Bella said while rolling her eyes at their behavior.

Tom smiled.

Harry went to his parents' room. He knocked and was able to get a "come in" as a reply. He went in and ran onto the bed. Remus and Sirius smiled at him. Sirius went to the bed and lay down next to Harry.

Sirius had been very clingy to Harry ever since he had gotten back. Harry didn't mind.

"What brings you here?" Sirius asked Harry.

"Well, Bella threw me out of Tom and mine's bedroom." Harry said.

"Why?" Remus asked confused.

"I don't know the whole story, but the wedding date has been moved up to tomorrow. I think the ministry is behind it." Harry said. He laid his head on Sirius' shoulder.

"Why would they want to do that? They are getting what they wanted." Sirius asked. Remus nor Harry had an answer to that. After a while they fell into a comfortable silence. Sirius was combing his hand through Harry's hair. He wanted to see what his son looked like so bad. He also wanted to call his son by his real name.

Remus was looking at his mate and son. He never thought he would have a family, but there they were. He had the same thoughts has Sirius. He wanted to call his son by his real name and he wanted to have the glamour taken off of him.

Harry laid there thinking about his family and how it had grown since he came here to Riddle manor. He thought about his parents. He knew that they would want him to take off the glamours. When Harry first thought about the glamours, he didn't want to take it off. He had spent sixteen years looking like this. But then He remembered that he was not a Potter, nor was he the real Harry.

Now more than anything, he wanted to get the glamours off. He never had to be Harry Potter again if he didn't want to. And that also meant going by his real name.

"Dad? Papa? I would like the blood adoption taken off soon." Harry said quietly. Sirius smiled.

"How soon are we talking about?" Sirius asked hugging Harry closer to him.

"As soon as Severus can make the potion." Harry replied.

"We can ask Severus after dinner, is that fine?" Remus asked.

Harry nodded. There was a knock at the door. "Come in." Remus called out.

Bella came in. "I just want Harry to try on the dress robes for tomorrow." She said whilst holding them in her arms.

Harry sighed he hated trying on clothes, but knew this was a must. He got up and got the robes and went into the bathroom to change. A few minutes later he came back out. The robes were around the legs. Bella muttered a resizing spell and they were a perfect fit.

"Perfect." Bella said with a bright smile. "You can take them off now. I'll put them someplace safe until tomorrow." She said. Harry smiled. He went back into the bathroom and changed back.

He handed the robes back to Bella and she went off doing who knows what for the wedding.

A house elf came to announce dinner. The three headed to the dining room. Harry noticed Tom was a little down and he didn't look too good. He went over and sat beside him as usual and put his hand in Tom's.

He noticed that Tom got a little better and gave him a weak smile. "Is everything alright, angel?" Harry asked.

I miss you is all. I've gotten used to you being so close to me." Tom said.

Harry gave him a smile. "Don't worry, angel. By this time tomorrow, nothing will separate us." He said.

"I hope so, love." Tom said. He really did. The food finally appeared on the table. Everyone ate in relative silence. Tom was nervous. He was finally getting married. He never thought he would get married out of love. He felt Harry slip his hand in his again. Harry felt his soon to be husband's nervousness.

They all had eaten and Bella ushered everyone to bed. Tomorrow was an important day. Sirius and Remus had caught Severus in time to ask him about the potion. Severus had already made the potion as a present for Leo. Remus and Sirius swore not to say a word.

When they got to their room, they saw that Leo was asleep. They smiled at their sleeping son and got ready for bed.

The next morning, Leo woke up at seven. Four hours until the wedding. "Come on, Leo. You don't want to be late for your own wedding." Remus said.

"I'm up papa." Leo said. He got out of bed and made it to the bathroom. He took a shower and put on a robe. Bella hadn't come in with his dress robes yet. By the time he got out, breakfast was on the table.

Leo groaned. He at least wanted to see Tom before the wedding.

"I'm sorry, Leo. Bella's orders." Sirius said.

"She's trying to kill me." Leo whined. He sat down at the table between his dads.

"This has always been a Black tradition. Since you are a Black, you and any children you have will have to follow the tradition." Sirius said.

Leo just nodded while eating a pancake. They finished eating and Leo looked out the window. He saw some of the wedding decorations. Bella really out did herself.

Bella came in with two hours until the wedding. She shoved Leo's dress robes towards him. He went and changed. He came out and Bella did everything she could to straighten Leo's hair.

She couldn't wait until Leo got rid of the Potter hair. After she got him ready, they had fifteen minutes. She ushered him out. Once outside, Draco was talking to Blaise, Pansy, and Theo.

Draco came up to him. "They know the truth about you. Don't worry." Draco whispered. Leo nodded.

"Potter. Are you nervous?" Blaise asked.

"A little. " Leo responded as he looked around. There were a lot of people there.

"Don't worry. You probably won't notice anyone is there." Draco said teasingly.

"Shut it, Draco." Leo said with a mild blush.

"He's blushing." Pansy cooed.

"Don't mind her. She's always a sucker for weddings." Theo said. Pansy glared at him while the others laughed.

"Come on, Harry. It's almost time." Draco said. Harry took a deep breath and went with the older boy. In a few moments Leo would become Tom's husband. And Tom would be his. He loved the man so much.

They reached the alter. Leo's breath hitched. Tom had decided to show off his new looks and He looked good. Really good. His robes were almost the same color as his only they were more form fitting. It would take all his will power not to take the man here and now.

Tom smiled when Draco and Leo had arrived. I thought you were going to stand me up. Tom thought.

Never. Leo responded. The Minister came up and stood between them.

"If everyone can take their seats, we are ready to begin." Fudge announced. Leo inwardly sneered at the man. Everyone silently took their seats.

"Friends, family, and guests, we are gathered here today to join Harry James Potter and Lord Voldemort in marriage in order of peace and unity in Wizarding Britain. If anyone has any objections say so now or forever hold your peace." Fudge said.

There was silence. Tom smirked down at Leo. He so wanted to smile back, but couldn't. They had decided that he was going to play the reluctant groom who doesn't want to be married to him. Just to keep up appearances. Inwardly, Leo was happy that no one spoke up. He wanted to be Tom's.

"Good…" And Fudge went on. Leo didn't listen to what he had to say. He was currently lost in Tom's eyes. Tom was amused. He knew Leo had drifted off. He didn't mind. He loved the way that Leo looked at him. Love and adoration.

"Who gives Lord Voldemort away to this union?" Fudge said.

"I, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, give My Lord, Lord Voldemort, away in marriage.

"Who gives Harry James Potter away to this union?" Fudge asked.

"I Draco Lucius Malfoy, give my friend, Harry James Potter, away in Marriage." Draco said.

"May we have the bonding bracelets?" Fudge asked. They all have been expecting this. With bonding bracelets, they see through blood adoptions. Meaning Leo was getting married not Harry.

Draco handed Leo his to give to Tom. Lucius gave Tom his to give to Leo.

"Harry, repeat after me." Fudge said.

"I, Harry James Potter, bound myself to Lord Voldemort in mind, body, soul, and magic. So mote it be." Harry slipped the bracelet onto Tom's wrist. The Bracelet flashed a moment before fading and melding itself as a tattoo on Tom's skin.

"Lord Voldemort, repeat after me." Fudge said. Tom took Leo's hand in his. Leo looked Tom in the eyes.

"I, Lord Voldemort, Bound myself to Harry James Potter in mind, body, soul, and magic. So mote it be."

Tom slipped the bracelet onto Leo's wrist. It flashed a moment before fading and melding itself as a tattoo on Leo's arm.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce Lord and Lord consort Voldemort." Fudge said to applause. Leo was so happy, but not as happy as Tom. The older man pulled Leo forward and kissed him. There was some whistling that Harry suspected came from Draco.

Tom pulled back and Leo was in a daze again. Leo wondered why his angel was so perfect.

Tom smirked again. He loved the reactions he caused on Leo's face every time he does something unexpected.

He took Leo's hand and walked him down the aisle. They went inside towards the ballroom where the reception is being held. Leo pulled him into a dark corner and kissed him passionately. Tom moaned in pleasure.

Tonight you are mine. Leo thought. Tom looked at him with lust. How could Leo have so much effect on him? The only thing is that he didn't care.

I love you, Leo. Tom thought.

I love you, too angel. Never forget that. Leo responded. He caressed Tom's cheek.

We have to go back. We can continue this tonight when we're alone. Leo thought. Tom nodded. They came out as soon as Severus came through the door.

"Do I even want to know?" Severus asked.

"Probably not." Tom said.

"Hormones." Severus muttered.

Has Barty been getting him any? He sounds frustrated. Tom snorted. They stood near the door as they were greeted by their guests.

Tom noticed that Dumbledore was looking at them. He was wondering what that old fool was thinking. He knew that whatever it was wasn't going to be good for him or Leo. They had spent hours at the reception before everyone left.

Leo was tired by the end of it. Now he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the day with his husband. Husband, yes, he liked the sound of that. They all went up to the meeting place with everyone else before he and Tom went on their honeymoon.

When they got into Tom's study, Leo was ambushed by Sirius. "Leo, I'm so happy for you. The wedding was beautiful." Sirius said. Leo hugged back. "Thanks, dad." Leo responded.

Remus hugged him as well. Next were the twins.

"Our little brother is growing up." Fred and George said in unison both faking sobs. Bill and Charlie just ruffled his hair as he protested.

"Alright, the newlyweds need to leave now." Bella announced. She had two trunks already shrunken in her hands. She handed them to Tom with a piece of parchment. She then pushed Leo towards Tom. Tom took a hold of Leo and they were gone.

The newlyweds ended up in a cottage. Leo looked at the room they were brought in. It was spacious and beautiful. The room was done in light colors. He walked towards the balcony and opened and felt a light breeze. They were near a beach.

"Are we in Greece?" Leo asked in awe. He felt arms sneak their way around his waist.

"Yes. It's Lucius and Narcissa's gift for us. They are letting us use their cottage for the week." Tom said and kissed Leo's neck. Leo smiled, and turned around. He gave Tom a chaste kiss.

"I love you." Leo said.

"I love you, too." Tom responded. They broke apart and Tom went to un shrink the trunks. He opened one of them and noticed a small box with a note attached to it. Tom picked it up with a look of confusion. He took the note and read it. He smiled and called for Leo.

Leo came from the balcony and took the note that Tom waved at him. Leo read it and smiled.

"Do you want to take it now or later?" Tom asked.

"Now." Leo said. Tom handed him the vial.

"You should probably sit." Tom suggested. Leo did as he was told. Severus did say that it would be a little uncomfortable since his bones would be rearranging themselves. Leo took the stopper off and downed the vial.

It did feel strange and it did hurt a little. He felt his bones in his arms and legs grow. His cheekbones had started feeling strange as well.

After what felt like an hour it stopped. He opened his eyes and looked at Tom. The older man had a look of pure lust in his eyes.

"I'm guessing with that look I don't need to ask how I look." Leo said with a smirk. He got up and went to the full length mirror. The first thing he noticed was how much he looked like Sirius. He had his cheekbones and long black hair. It wasn't wavy as Sirius. More straight like Remus'. He grew up and out. He had more muscle then he did when He was Harry Potter. But, was still lean from quidditch. He also grew to almost Tom's height. He was now 6 feet to Tom's 6 '2".

He knew he got his height from his papa. He also got his eyes from his papa. It seems that the amber eyes were going to be his permanent eye color. That was what he thought when his eye changed to blue and stayed like that. He looked confused.

"Why didn't I think of it before? Your eyes kept changing back and forth from the two colors." Tom said.

"What is it?" Leo asked. His eyes were still blue.

"You're a Metamorphagus. It is rare. The only person I know of that has it is that Auror, Nymphadora, your cousin. I heard it runs in the Black family. Sirius must've had the gene but was dormant. Just think of your original eye color, it'll change back." Tom suggested.

Leo looked back and thought of his amber eyes. They changed back. "You know, this might work in our favor." Leo said.

Tom smirked. "My sneaky Gryffindor." He purred. His husband was handsome before as Harry Potter, but now he was gorgeous. He wanted Leo. NOW.

Leo went to Tom and brought him close. His arms around Tom's waist. Leo was glad that there wasn't much of a height difference between them anymore. He leaned forward and captured Tom's lips with his. Tom brought his arms around Leo's neck. One hand in his hair and the other around his neck.

Leo felt all his blood go to his nether regions.

"Leo." Tom breathed out after pulling away. "Take me." That was all Leo needed to hear. He started kissing Tom while he worked on getting the man's robes off. He succeeded in getting everything but the man's pants when Tom started working on him.

Leo hadn't noticed that his robes had gotten smaller.

"Damn it." Tom gritted out. He didn't like fumbling with Leo's robes. He wandlessly took care of everything and vanished their clothing.

"Anxious are we?" Leo asked with a smirk. Tom tugged him towards the bedroom and pushed him on the bed. Leo didn't know what was happening with Tom, but he didn't care. Tom climbed on top of him and straddled his lap. Both of their cocks touching. They both moaned at the feeling. Tom grinded down onto Leo.

"Leo." Tom moaned. Leo turned them so that he was on top of Tom. He started kissed him on the lips and started trailing kisses on his neck. His hands went to Tom's ass.

"Please, Leo. I need you." Tom breathed out. Leo muttered a lubrication spell on his fingers. He positioned his finger and slowly plunged into Tom. He felt Tom stiffen for a moment. He waited until Tom had adjusted.

"Move." Tom said and Leo did so. Tom moaned loudly as Leo continued to thrust his finger. He then added another. He found Tom's sweet spot when he screamed out in pleasure. Leo smiled as he continued to kiss Tom's neck.

Leo slid his fingers out and after muttering another spell. Tom whimpered at the lost while Leo spread Tom's legs a little wider and found his entrance. Leo slowly pushed his cock in and waited while Tom adjusted.

"Leo, move." Tom demanded. Leo thrust in and moaned at how tight Tom was. Tom pulled Leo towards him and kissed him as Leo went in and out of him making him moan in ecstasy. Leo soon felt the desire to claim his mate.

He felt his teeth grow. He started kissing Tom's jawline and down to his neck all while grabbing Tom's cock. Tom gasped at the feeling and leaned into the touch,

"Mine." Leo growled.

"Yours. Harder." Tom gasped out. Leo happily obliged. Tom could feel himself losing his control and came over Leo's hand. Leo claimed Tom at that moment and bit down on his neck. Tom felt the pain mix with the pleasure. Leo kept thrusting and came inside Tom. He slumped down slowly onto Tom and licked his wound clean.

There for the entire world to see was Leo's claim mark on Tom's neck.

"Leo, I love you." Tom said sleepily.

"I love you, too Tom. Sleep, love." Leo said with a kiss. He maneuvered off of Tom and the man curled himself to Leo's side. Leo held him close and felt Tom go to sleep. He was not far behind.