Okay! Here is the last chapter for this story! This is the end! I am so glad I was able to give this to you guys! I hope this ending is good enough for you to like it! It's like the ending of a book, you don't truly want it to end yet, and I wanted to keep going, but then I knew that it would get worse and worse if it didn't end where it needed to.

Love you all for reading! Thank you for sticking with me through it all! Hope you read some of my other stories too! Feel free to review and tell me what you thought!

"Kelsey?" Crystal asked, looking around quickly. She didn't know what had happened, but the time she looked down to catch her breath to the time she looked back up, they were in a different space. Their stuff wasn't even around anywhere, no backpacks, no items, and definitely no help from anything other than themselves.

"Kishan? Ren?" She called out, more panicked now that she can't find them anymore. She stood up quickly and jerked around, desperate to find them.

A hand clasped on her shoulder and she gasped while jumping back with wide eyes. Kishan stood there with his hand out to tell her that it was no threat.

"It's alright, it's just me." He said, calming her down and making her put her fists down that she didn't know she put up automatically.

"Where are Kelsey and Ren?" Crystal asked, grabbing his arm for something solid to hold onto so she knew that it wasn't a dream.

Kishan nodded his head behind her, showing her which direction they were. "The water gathered up around us and made a completely new environment around us. It's like being in that nightmare all over again. The water made them show up in a different place; most likely to give them a test."

Crystal looked behind her quickly and took a couple steps, pulling on his arm greedily. "We need to hurry up and go to them then. They won't be able to do this on their own; they'll need help with finishing it."

Kishan didn't need her to tell him anything before he was next to her trying to job towards their friends. He knew exactly where they were and was dragging her sooner than she was dragging him.

"Kelsey!" Crystal shouted, catching sight of her friend who was looking at the edge of a cliff again, but this time she was on the safe side. "What's going on?"

Ren pointed across the cliff to the other side, making Crystal look closer at what really was there. Once again the small pathway leading to the small circular platform was there, just like what Lokesh had used. The trident must be going in their minds to test them for this one, but was it mental or emotional; since it was Kelsey's fear they were looking at now, she'd guess it was emotional.

Crystal narrowed her eyes and looked at the platform closely, realizing there was something crouched in the middle and was crying. It was another person! There was someone huddled on the platform with their arms around their legs while they whimpered and cried.

"There's another person here?" Kishan asked confused, wondering who else could have been dragged into this.

Kelsey shook her head, her lips pushing together as she stared at the person with sadness in her eyes. "It's not another person…" She said, making them all look at her in confusion. "….it's me…."

Crystal raised an eyebrow at her in confusion and looked at the person again, trying to see the features of said person on the platform. Her eyes widened when she realized, it was Kelsey over there, but a few years younger than she was now.

"So this is Kelsey's test." Ren said, putting a hand on her back to calm her down, for one seeing herself, and for two standing right by her greatest fear.

"I need to get over there." Kelsey said with shaking hands. She clenched them tight, trying to make them stop as she breathed in deeply and tried to compose herself from the fear that was clenching around her heart.

"Kells." Crystal said worriedly. She placed her hand on her friends arm, looking at her desperately to think about.

"Ren's right, this is my test." Kelsey said while gulping down.

Ren looked around the place, trying to find out how to get her to the other side, because he didn't think it was possible for her to jump this time across the huge gap. "What's that?" He asked, pointing at something that was loosely tied around a rock.

They walked over, wondering if it was something that was going to help them. Loosely hanging there was a bridge, nearly dropping into the gap. Crystal looked over at Kishan who nodded his head. Crystal grabbed his hand and directed her powers towards him again. They each grabbed a rope on either side and backed up, using the rocks farther back to loop the rope around and pull to hold it up and in place.

"Alright, Kelsey, if you're going, you need to go now." Kishan said, nodding his head to the bridge that was leading her way across the gap.

She shook her head at the thought of crossing it over the high place, but then she glanced at her other self over there crying and somehow she convinced herself she had to go over there to solve it. She bit her lip and stepped carefully on the bridge, feeling it wobble underneath her weight. Crystal and Kishan pulled it tighter with their strength and wrapped the ropes around their arms.

Slowly Kelsey made her way across the bridge, trying not to look down and keep her eyes on her other self. Kelsey smiled at her other self and reached a hand out slowly.

"Hey," Kelsey said, touching a hand to the girl's shoulder.

The girl hiccupped and buried her face into her arms more. "I want my parents back. Why did they have to die? Why did they leave me alone?"

Crystal looked up at the other Kelsey, feeling as if the girl knew how she had felt herself growing up all alone. But when she began to think about it, she remembered why her and Kelsey got so along these past years. Kelsey understood Crystal much more after h parents car accident, and Crystal helped her get through it.

"It's going to be alright," Kelsey told her softly, her own heart clenching in pain at the remembrance of how she was before. "Trust me, everything gets better later."

Kelsey looked back at Crystal and she nodded. Crystal understood now why this was Kelsey's test. She never came to terms with her own grievance over her parents and instead decided to try and hide it like Crystal did herself.

Kelsey didn't know what to do with the crying her as she hiccupped next to her again. Kelsey sighed and rubbed her back, trying to think of the comfort that she would have wanted to hear back then. "You know, a friend of mine used to tell me that if you smile enough, sooner or later something good will happen."

Kelsey glanced back at Crystal as the blonde remembered exactly when she had told Kelsey that, trying to make her feel better and find solace with coping. The rope burned Crystal's arm as it began to slide a bit, jerking her slightly on her feet, but she held on and planted her feet on the ground.

"I thought it was going to be all over when I lost them too, but you know, I had a great friend who was next to me the whole time and comforted me when I needed her." Kelsey began, letting the words flow without her really needing to think. "It got even better when I met people who understood me, and met my current boyfriend who was accepting and helped me through anything and vice versa." She stopped and rubbed her neck. "It's not the end of the world. I know it seems like it, but knowing that there are people there for you makes all the difference. There is someone by your side already who lost everything too. The sooner you talk to her, the better you'll feel."

The girl looked up at Kelsey finally and stopped her crying. Kelsey smiled and stood up once more, reaching a hand out to the girl. "Will you come with me?" She asked, waiting for her past self to take her hand and take the first step in coping.

Slowly she reached out and took Kelsey's hand, following her over the bridge. Crystal gritted her teeth as the rope cut into her skin with burning bites, before her hand automatically let go. Crystal shouted out as the rope untwirled from the rock and began to fly towards the gap, making the bridge collapse slight. She grabbed the rope quickly and pulled back, her arm burned by the rope again as she slid across the floor.

Kelsey screamed as both of them grabbed the side that was still taunt and up. Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed Crystal and held her down, helping her keep the bridge steady. Ren helped Crystal pull the rope taut again until it was up enough to keep Kelsey safe and give her time to make it across.

"Hurry!" Ren shouted at Kelsey, making her and her past self scramble to the other side safely.

They let go of the rope and let the bridge fall finally. Kelsey stood there in front of herself which was wiping away her tears and putting a smile on her face.

"I remember my friend always telling me to smile." Her past self said. Slowly a smile came upon her face and a light gathered around her. "Thank you. I know I'm not alone in all of this."

The past Kelsey slowly faded away and so did the cliff, leaving them standing there in thought of what happened. Kishan walked over and took Crystal's hands, looking at the rope burns around her arm like a snake and across her hands from trying to keep it strong.

"It's okay." Crystal told him, but he didn't let her go. That wasn't what she was worrying about now; she could feel her energy draining from her; both from her powers and from her normal stamina. From keeping the princes in their human form, to passing along her power to Kishan twice, to almost drowning, to trying to keep the bridge up, she was close to passing out already.

She felt her world spin suddenly and she took a step back, but something gave beneath her foot and clicked. She looked down and same the small rock indented into the ground. Kelsey and Ren stared at it in fear and worry while Kishan and Crystal stared in confusion. As she picked her foot up the floor opened up and they dropped down.

"Another trap," Ren said with a sigh, looking around the four walled room made of rocks.

Crystal sat up with a hand to her head, feeling her exhaustion take over her mind. They were all reaching their breaking points as their stamina was low and they were pushed mentally, and emotionally too. Scraping of rock against rock echoed into the room as the walls slowly began to close in on them.

"What?" Kelsey asked, standing up suddenly and slammed her hands on the walls.

Kishan stood up and pushed against the walls, using the rest of the power in his arm to try and stop it, but sooner emptied it and made himself exhausted before the walls actually were affected. Crystal remembered how both Kelsey and Ren recognized the rock trigger.

"It's Ren's test," She whispered, trying to shakily stand up, but collapsing back down. "Mental test."

Ren furrowed his brows and looked around as both Kelsey and Kishan slid along the floor, trying to stop the walls or slow them down any way possible. He had to find the place that would stop the trap. He stopped, spotted a small crack on the other side. He ran to it and crouched before sticking his hand into the small crack, reaching around for whatever may lie in there.

"got it!" He said excitedly as he pulled out a key. "A key? But what does a key have to do with it?" He looked up and saw the grate at the top of the room that they would need to escape from. "We need to slow down the walls somehow."

Crystal grabbed a long piece of wood nearby. "Kishan!" She shouted, tossing it to him, "Jab it down between the wall and the floor!"

Kishan nodded his head and jabbed it down as hard as he could between the wall and the floor. Thankfully the wall did begin to slow and stop slightly as it groaned at the blocked path. Kishan walked over to the middle with Ren's motioning. He linked his fingers together and held his hand down, giving Ren enough space to step on his hand so Kishan could lift him up.

Ren fumbled with the keys as he stuck his hand through the grate and tried to angle the keys enough to reach the lock that was placed on the side. It wasn't so easy though as there were about ten different keys on the circular holder and only one would go into the lock and fit.

"Ren! Hurry!" Kelsey said worried as the wooden stick began to bend and scrape along the floor.

He fumbled faster with the keys, changing them and trying it on the lock. Finally one of the keys fit inside and when he turned it a click echoed to them joyously. He flung the grate open and climbed out, looking down at Kishan.

"Kelsey!" He said quickly, and the stick snapped under the pressure of the walls pushing upon it.

Kelsey went to Kishan and stepped on his hand, giving a shout of surprise as he jerked her up and flung her into the air. Kishan ran over to Crystal quickly and helped her up, lifting her effortlessly towards Ren who grabbed her wrist and pulled her up quickly. This time Ren reached down farther with half his body hanging out for Kishan.

Kishan used the wall as leverage to jump towards his brother as their hands clasped together and Ren desperately pulled at him to get him out of that room. Crystal and Kelsey grabbed at Rens, shoulders and stomach, pulling as hard as they could to help pull him back which would pull Kishan in process.

They barely managed to pull him up in time as his foot made it out just as the walls completely closed and locked tight below them with a rumble. Everyone laid on the floor, their limit now passed as they just wanted to lie down and forget everything. Their chests heaved heavily as they tried to catch their breaths.

Crystal dreaded what was coming next as she knew she was the last one to take her test, and she knew none of them were going to make it for the next one with how low their energies are. A fain t hum echoed through the room as a faint circle of light appeared in the floor.

The trident slowly floated out of the circle, standing there tall and looking down at them in curiosity. "It is surprising you made it thus far. Though I understand if Durga entrusted her powers to you; you must be strong."

Crystal sat up slowly with shaky arms and looked at the trident determinedly. She glanced around at the others and saw how all of them were still on the floor, just like the sword showed them to begin with. So this was what it was talking about. Not about them being hurt by the item, but being hurt in trying to prove themselves stronger.

She clenched her hands on the floor, gathering dirt beneath her fingers as she looked back at the trident; she knew her friends weren't going to be able to go on. She wasn't going to let the trident hurt them just so she could go through her own test. She pushed on her hands hard and shakily tried to stand, her goddess power and her stamina both tanked.

Both Kishan and Ren morphed back into their tiger forms, proving that she no longer had anything left to give, but still she pushed herself up trying to stand.

Her legs shook beneath her as she opened her arms to stop the trident from getting to her friends. "Please, just leave them out of the next one. I'll do it alone if I have to."

"You'd risk doing it alone and dying?" It asked her curiously.

She nodded and smiled at the trident. "I'd do anything to protect them." She told him stubbornly.

"Where do you find your strength?" He asked her, baffled by her amount of strength even though he himself could feel how low she was on power.

Her smile became brighter as she looked at the trident, feeling warmth spread through her. "I get my strength from them. The more I want to protect them, the stronger I become."

"But why do you try so much? Even though you may suffer in the process." The trident asked her, as if it were a survey she were taking.

Crystal let out a small laugh and dropped her arms, letting her genuine smile peek through. "Because if I keep smiling, one day my wings will open and I'll be able to freely fly."

The trident hushed as it looked at her, almost as if it were taking in her words and processing them. A delightful hum came from him. "There is no need for another test. You have passed." Crystal looked at him confused and stared with wide eyes. "You are one with your goddess powers."

The trident shined brightly suddenly, blinding Crystal and making her cover her eyes. When she opened them back up they were back by the pond with the trident floating over the water. He made the water over flow from the pond again, and made it creep towards the others.

"Wait! You said…!" She said, holding out her hand to try and stop him, but the water was creeping up her legs too.

It gently surrounded her and the others, but didn't cover their heads as it created a light barrier around them. "You do not have to worry." He told her, and suddenly the water around them glowed brightly and a warm sensation rushed through her body.

She could slowly feel the burns on her arm become cold and relieved the pain, and her energy gathered up together once more. She glanced sideways and heard the sigh of relief from the others as they finally opened their eyes and Kishan and Ren changed back into their original human forms. The trident floated over to her and waited for the water to drop and for her to grab it.

"We got it," She whispered, smiling at the others with pride. "Let's go! We have to be fast!"

The others looked at her confused before seeing her urgency as she grabbed the bag with the other items in it and waited for them to stand up. They took off running, grabbing the rest of their things and following Crystal as she led them towards the stone stairs that led to the shrine of Durga her mother had kept close.

"We're almost there!" Crystal told them, knowing they were so close to finishing it all, as long as they can reach the shrine before Lokesh get's to them.

An ominous foreboding told her that Lokesh already knew, and she ran faster up the stairs, trying to reach it before Lokesh could grab the items from her and force her to use her powers against them. She huffed loudly as her lungs grasped air into themselves. She stopped and stared with wide eyes as Lokesh himself stood there before Durga's statue.

"Trying to get to this?" He asked, pointing a lazy finger at the statue and running a finger over it.

"Lokesh," Kishan growled angrily, taking a step towards him and ready to hit him before Crystal placed a hand on his arm to stop him from getting any closer.

"Lokesh, this is the end." Crystal said with worried eyes.

His eyes narrowed and she could see the darkness through them as his anger bubbled up. "This is not the end!" He shouted at her. "They will pay for what they did to my daughter! Even if that means I have to live for eternity to make them suffer!"

A small feminine voice was calling out inside of her, pleading to be let out to him. She unconsciously took a step towards Lokesh, the voice carrying her closer to him.

"It is over Lokesh. You're only making it worse for yourself." She reached out her hand to him and smiled, hoping he'd reason with her rather than fight with them and stop them from going any farther.

Suddenly two full white wings exploded from her back, showering a bright light over them. He arm glowed brightly, making Crystal look down at it curiously and finally noticed that the wings upon her arm were colored white and where spinning around her arm like the other pictures upon her. The completion into a full goddess blood.

"Sticking your nose in places it doesn't need to be Farishta." Lokesh hissed out, not trusting her one bit with the amount of power coming from within her.

"Father," The feminine voice called out this time from within her, but it seemed everyone heard it this time.

Suddenly a body of light came out of her and began to take form next to her. Lokesh widened his eyes as he stared at the young female. "Yesubai," He whispered, looking at her desperately with eyes watering slightly.

"Father, that's enough. Why must you hurt yourself just to act upon your guilt?" She argued with him angrily, pointing out his flaws already.

"My guilt?!" He shouted in argument, but his face said otherwise, that he really was guilty over what had happened.

"It was an accident that nobody could have helped. You mustn't torment Dhiren and Kishan for what happened." She told him with a gentle smile. She walked up to him till she was standing directly in front of him. "I love Kishan very much, and I couldn't marry Dhiren knowing what my feeling were towards him."

Crystal tensed, not liking the situation that was going on now. Knowing that Yesubai was in love with Kishan and not Ren like she thought before made her remember the nightmare of Kelsey confessing about her love to Kishan too. So this was why Ren hated it so much. She closed her eyes, determined not to look back at Kishan to see the feelings in his eyes for Yesubai either.

Lokesh was breaking as his daughter pointed out to him the fault in his anger and how he was doing the wrong thing for her instead of what he believed to be the right thing. He closed his eyes and drooped his shoulders in defeat. Yesubai placed a hand on his cheek, trying to relieve her father of his guilt for hurting her and ultimately killing her in the end.

"My dear Yesubai. I'm so sorry," He sighed, placing a hand over her own now.

Crystal snuck around them, still conscious of Lokesh being very close. She slowly slipped off her bag and kept a wary eye on Lokesh in case he tried anything to stop her. One by one she placed the items in Durga's hands like the picture she memorized so she wouldn't forget it. She only hoped that this was truly what was needed to be done so the curse ended.

The ground rumbled and shook below them as the statue grasped the items and made Crystal jump in surprise. The items began to glow in Durga's hands, seeming to flow into the statue itself and giving it power. Her wings folded back down and back into her spine, disappearing as the real goddess came in front of her.

"Well done," Durga suddenly said behind her.

Crystal whipped around and saw Durga standing there with Kishan and Ren at her sides while watching Lokesh. Crystal saw Kishan's stare fully on Yesubai as she stood there with a gentle smile. Yesubai kneeled down and cupped Kishan's face in her hands, placing her forehead upon his with a smile.

"Kishan, my love. It is so good to see you again." Yesubai said, her voice filled with the love she expressed.

Crystal rubbed her arm awkwardly, turning her attention to Durga who was walking over to Lokesh with determination upon her face.

"This curse will end today," Durga told him with a frown. "The curse you wrongfully placed upon the princes will end and you all will go back to your previous lives."

Kelsey and Crystal glanced at each other worriedly by what she meant by 'back to their previous lives'. She couldn't possibly mean she was sending them back in time could she?

"Yes, Durga." Lokesh said, bowing his head in submission. He had already given up by the time he saw his daughter. That was all he wanted was to see her and talk with her once more. The guilt inside of him ate at him more than the anger ever did, which has pushed him to do evil things.

Durga grabbed the trident, and swiped it over him, letting it transfer him away as he disappeared completely to who knows where. The past? The afterlife? Yesubai stood up and stood before Durga with a smile.

"Thank you for allowing me to be here once more." Yesubai said with a thank smile now.

Durga shook her head and gestured towards Crystal. "It is her you must thank and not me."

Yesubai turned to Crystal and bowed to her in thanks, feeling the goddess' power wave off of her at such a close proximity. "Thank you." She turned back to Durga and nodded her head in readiness. She peeked around Durga with a smile and held her hand out. "Kishan, come with me?"

Crystal's heart clenched at the thought of Kishan disappearing from her life, leaving her alone and heartbroken. But she kept her mouth closed as Durga gave her a stern look, telling her she couldn't make the choice from him. He was no longer under the curse and now he had to make his life choices for himself.

She clenched her fists and stared at the ground as she tried not to cry. She knew how he felt for Yesubai, and that annoying voice in her mind was saying he was going to go with her and create a happy life with Yesubai in the past.

Suddenly Kishan and Ren changed into their human forms and stood there, looking at Yesubai with deep, emotional eyes. Crystal closed her eyes, not wanting to look at them anymore as she tilted her head to face the ground. Footsteps carried across the floor as Kishan walked closer and closer to Yesubai, just as Crystal had feared.

"Come Kishan," Yesubai said gently, the love in her voice which told him her feelings completely.

Crystal was shaking as she stood there, trying to tamper down her feelings inside of her that were raging around like a storm. She was still so determined not to see anything as inside her head she could see him reaching out to Yesubai and taking her hand with Durga about to transfer them back to wherever she was taking them.

Her eyes shot open as suddenly an arm wrapped around her and pulled her into a hard body with her head in a shoulder. "I'm sorry, but my feelings have changed."

Yesubai stared in shock at the sight of Kishan pulling another girl, let alone the goddess, into his body so lovingly. Crystal stood there just as much in shock as Yesubai as she breathed his in skin that smelled so much like the sun and grass with a slight musk.

"My feelings for you have not changed," He said, making Crystal stiffen up. His other hand went to her head and patted it, calming her down before he continued. "But my feelings for her are much stronger. I believe I went through this to meet her and fall in love with her. It hurt to lose you like we did, but I know that if I lost Crystal, I wouldn't be able to live. I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her."

Water brimmed over the edge of her eyes and spilled as she gripped the back of his shoulders tightly, her fingers pressing into his skin. She pushed her head into his shoulder and felt the tears keep streaming from her face in joy. She wasn't going to lose him, he wasn't going to leave her. He even admitted that he loved her in front of the love of his life.

"Durga, it seems my brother beat me to what we were going to say." Ren said with a smile, clasping Kelsey's hand and standing very close to her. "Though it is very tempting to return to how it was, I believe we would like it much more to stay here and create our lives here."

Durga smiled at them, knowing the answer all along about what they were going to choose. She nodded her head and looked back at Yesubai who was processing what Kishan had said to her. She looked at the two princes who she once loved, who were now happy with their true loves and ready to give up everything else.

"I'm happy for the both of you." She said with a smile towards them. She nodded to Durga and gave Ren and Kishan a small wave. "Make sure not to let them slip from your hold."

Durga waved the trident once more and made Yesubai disappear just like her father, taking them both to the same place. Durga looked at Kishan and Ren and gave a small nod of her own to them as a quiet thank you and goodbye.

"Crystal," Kishan whispered to her, trying to push lightly at her waist to make her look at him.

She shook her head in his shoulder, desperately clinging on and gripping him with her fingers. He tugged at her again and once again she fought against him. She couldn't stand to let him see her cry right now, she was already trying to get a grip on herself.

He tugged harder this time, actually getting her to let him go and so he could look down at her. He cupped her cheeks and lifted her face, wiping the tears from her eyes with his thumbs. "Shouldn't you be happy?" He chuckled, teasing her a bit.

She nodded her head, showing him she was happy. "I thought you were going to leave me though. I mean…" She hiccupped, wiping at her own tears to try and make them stop. "…you and Yesubai…you had a past together….and she was your ….your first….love…." She said, hiccupping in between her sentence.

He placed his forehead upon her and kissed her lips gently and slowly. He pulled back and looked at her again. "The life I want to live is the one with you in it."

She nodded her head and hiccupped again, making him laugh as she buried her face into his shoulder again and wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up and laughed some more as she desperately clung to him with her legs wrapping around his waist.

"So, shall we head back home?" Ren smiled as Kelsey patted Crystal's head gently to reassure her.

"Home sounds nice," Kelsey said, smiling at Crystal and seeing her friend do the same back at the thought of starting their lives over at their home.

When they returned home, Mr. Kadam and Nilima welcomed them with open arms and smiles. With both of the guys still fully human and standing there before them, they recounted what had happened like it was a story needing to be told.

Mr. Kadam said he could feel it when the curse broke, because he himself felt renewed, like he no longer was going to be stretched to live forever. Slowly their little family was falling back into their routine.