Yep. I updated. I'm not dead. XD So guys, it's chapter 10...Yeah, that's crazy, right?! For this chapter, it's kinda going to be special! It is now ten years later! That makes Roxas and Sora 16, and Vanitas and Ventus...I don't even know, but they don't have grey hair yet!
Roxas could not fall asleep. Not because he had a hard on right now, but because Sora was making it worse. He didn't even know what Sora was dreaming about, but occasionally he would moan. It was really really bad. Roxas poked his brother, trying to wake him. Sora opened an eye, looking into Roxas' blue wide ones. "What? I was having a good dream..." Sora stretched his body out, opening his other eye. Roxas blushed. "I could tell...anyway, can you like...stop moaning? I can't sleep." Sora blushed a little, but covered it up with the blanket. "I wasn't moaning!"
The older twin sighed. Sora was starting to moan in sleep a lot, and it's not like Roxas didn't like it, it was because he had to lots of things he didn't like in the bathroom...
"Just admit you were moaning. Were you dreaming about me~?" Sora's blush deepened, and he shot up. "No!" Sure, he liked Roxas, but he would never admit what he did when Roxas wasn't around...or what he did when everyone thought he was 'taking a shower'. "I was dreaming about chocolate..." Roxas rolled his eyes. "Whatever Sora! Just try to be quiet, okay?" And with that, the blond turned around in the bed.
In the morning, the first thing Sora did was go straight to Vanitas.
"Daddy...can I ask you a question?"
Vanitas turned away from Ven to look at him. "Sure. What is it?" Sora didn't really know how to ask about sex stuff. He found it really awkward. Sex was sex, and he didn't really question it until he started having weird dreams about Roxas.
"Umm...what does it mean when you have dreams about someone? Like...where you do s-stuff..." Vanitas almost laughed. Almost. He knew what Sora meant. He was around that age anyway. "What kind of 'stuff'?" He asked. Sora squirmed in his chair. "S-sexual stuff..." Ven almost screamed. The complete opposite of what Vanitas wanted to do. He wanted to laugh and pat Sora's back and tell him that he's just growing up.
"Who was in the dream?" Ventus asked.
Sora cursed under his breath. That was the question he really didn't want to answer. "...Someone you know."
Ventus liked these kind of things.
Sora shook his head.
"No, we're kind of related."
"You're not blood related...okay, umm..."
Vanitas did not like these kind of things. "It's Roxas."
Sora almost fell out of his chair. "How did you know?!" Vanitas smiled, "It's kind of obvious. You two were always over each other when you were little." Ven giggled, remembering Sora and Roxas when they were little. "Aww, I remember that! Like that time when they wanted to have sex but didn't know what it meant!" Sora blushed.
Apparently little Sora wanted exactly what older Sora wanted more then the constant crave for chocolate.
"This has happened before?" Sora managed to say. Ventus nodded, giggling a little more. "Yeah, you guys have actually been kissing since you were like...six. So, we never really knew if you just did that or you actually liked each other." Vanitas sat up and reached into his back pocket. He pulled out his wallet and handed it to Ven. Ventus smiled, talking the wallet with happiness. "I told you, but noo~ You thought it was just a phase!" Sora sighed. They bet money on their twin sons...whatever.
Vanitas sighed right after Sora. He did that a lot. "So, does Roxas feel like this too?"
"What do I feel?" As if on cue, Roxas walked into the kitchen and sat next to Sora, whose blush deepened more shades of red. "Nothing! Y-you don't feel anything!" Roxas looked to his father, looking for an answer like he always did. All he saw was an over excited Ventus with a wallet. Roxas got close to Sora's ear, whispering softly, "What happened?" Sora made a squeaking sound.
"Umm...t-they made a bet...and...m-mom won."
Roxas didn't move, so neither did Sora. They just stared at their mom and dad, who were arguing about the bet still. Roxas leaned against his brother. He slid his hands around his waist to pull him into a hug, causing said to make another squeak. Roxas laughed a little. "Calm down, I'm just hugging you." Sora nodded, taking in a deep breath.
The older twin smiled and looked down to his brothers neck. Without thinking, he leaned down and bit into the sensitive skin. Sora moaned softly, blushing again. Roxas sucked where he bit, making Sora moan a bit louder. Vanitas caught the moans and looked over to his sons. He poked Ven. "Look." Van pointed toward the two brothers that seemed in their own little world. Ven smiled. "Well, Sora seems happy. But then again...he just bit him...wait." Ventus slapped the table, causing the family to flinch. "Are you giving Sora a hickey?!" Roxas moved away from Sora quickly. "N-no! I was just hugging him!" Sora rubbed the place where Roxas bit.
Now what would he tell people when they saw the red mark that was forming on his neck? 'My brother gave me a hickey' doesn't sound quite right.
Okay, you lovely wonderful yaoi fans, I wanna thank you guys for helping me reach 10 chapters. I mean, when I first started this story, I didn't think it would even get this far! So, thank you so much for your wonderful reviews and support! X3 You guys make me fangirl so much! I love all of you~ Bye! :3