Disclaimer: I don't own Walking Dead or its characters I do own Kira Knight and any changes/ things added.

Finished this 10/4/13

Hey, I wanted to put this at the top so people would read it. I'm doing Extra Life 2013. Basically you set a goal and people donate for children's hospitals. All you have to do is play video games. I'm not asking for donations but I'm asking that anyone who loves to play video games, join. You can sign up whenever and the event is on November 2nd, it's a Saturday, and you dedicate the whole day to playing games. I'm going to either start a team or join my friend's.

I was waiting to post this until someone reviewed on the last one or until today since there's only 4 days until the season 4 premiere (I saw season 9 of Supernatural last night too, this week is the week of premieres for me.) So here you go.

JUST FOUND OUT: On the site i watch it on Episodes get uploaded 5 hours after they air on tv so we're good (I know this cause S9E1 of Supernatural is up already)

Merle and Kira were walking through the woods. Merle was walking fast, angry, his fist clenched at his side, his teeth grinding. Kira was struggling to keep up behind him. She was tripping over rocks and roots almost every 10 seconds. Merle knew exactly where to step.

"They would've killed us if they found us." Kira said.

"I could've killed that son of a bitch." Merle growled.

"Even if you did his men would still fight for him. They'd avenge him. We wouldn't stand a chance."

"You sayin I ain't tough enough?"

"This isn't about being tough, they have guns, they would kill us on sight. That and there's only two of us."

"I could take them all single handedly. No pun intended." He deadpanned.

"Just- okay stop." She reached out and grabbed his arm. He stopped walking and turned to her. "That was a total suicide mission-"

"I told ya, ya didn't have ta come." He pulled his arm from her grasp.

"Look… Michonne's gunna get back to the prison and Daryl's gunna come looking for you. If you had died… don't you know how it would affect him? You're his brother! You're the only blood he has left… And being completely serious if you died I would miss you too, maybe not as much as Daryl but I would."

"That's sweet girlie, but if someone doesn't take out the Governor we'll all die."

"But if we work together there's a better chance that most of us will survive." He came closer and put his face a foot from mine and stared into my eyes.

"Listen here girlie, I want you to run, go back to that prison. Stay there or come back with Daryl, I don't care. I'm going back there." He pointed in the direction they came from. "And I'm gunna kill that bastard." He turned and started to walk away when Kira grabbed his hand.

"Don-" Suddenly she was against a tree, Merle's bayonet stabbed into the tree next to her head.

"You're not in charge, girlie, you can't tell me what to do. I said I'm gunna kill 'em so I'm gunna kill 'em!" Kira bit her lip and felt tears welling up in her eyes. Merle glared. The second he moved away she moved forward, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He tensed but let her hug him. After a moment he pushed her back with his hand. Tears were streaming down her face. His face softened slightly. "Don't cry, girlie." He said putting his hand on her cheek and wiping away the tears with his thumb.

"We're all… a family…" She said sniffing. "Me, Rick, Michonne, Daryl, you. We have to stay together. We've already lost so many people. Amy, Jim, Jacqui, Dale" Suddenly her legs buckled. Merle wrapped his arms around her to keep her up. "Shane, Jimmy, Patricia, T-Dog, Lori, Oscar, Axel." She was practically sobbing. He lowered them both to the ground so they were kneeling. He rubbed her back slowly. He put his lips by her ear.

"Shh shh…" He was grateful no one could see him. He wasn't nice, but he couldn't bear to have Kira crying. Even in the short time that he'd gotten to know her, he didn't know why but, he did think of her as a little sister. He'd never had one, obviously, she was as close to one as he was gunna get. She pulled away after a moment and sniffled.

"You remind me of my brother, doing that…" She said. She had a very faint smile. "When we were little, he'd just rub my back and shh me while I cried. He'd never know what to say."

"Not used to cryin girls."

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to just break down like that."

"Don't make a habit of it." He said looking away. She smiled slightly and kissed his cheek. "Don't tease me, doll, don't think my heart can take it." He put his hand over his heart. She chuckled. "There's that smile…" He smirked. "C'mon, let's start headin back." He stood up and held out his hand to her. She took it and he helped her up. "We're sure to meet up with Daryl."

"Thank you Merle." Kira said and followed behind him.

"No problem girlie."

Daryl walked to the meeting place and saw all the walkers and dead bodies. He looked at each one. He came across a walker eating Ben. It looked up. Daryl looked around a bit before shooting it in the head. He pulled the bolt out and looked around a bit more. When he didn't find Merle or Kira, or their bodies, he headed back to the prison.

Merle and Kira got back to the prison. They killed a few walkers before they were let in. Carl surprised Kira by hugging her. She hugged back putting a hand on the back of his head. Glenn pointed a gun at Merle. Kira pulled away from Carl and stood in front of Merle.

"Glenn put it down." She said.

"He almost gave Michonne to the Governor after Rick said he changed his mind." Merle's eyebrows narrowed.

"I didn't know!" Merle said.

"Merle risked his life to take out some of the Governor's men." Kira said.

"He also risked yours!" Glenn shouted.

"I chose to stay." Kira said. "He could've taken out the Governor but we would've been caught. Don't you know what he was trying to do for you all?!"

"I don' need ya ta defend me, girlie." Merle said pushing her out of the way and standing in front of Glenn's gun. Glenn glared at him.

"Glenn please…" Kira said. Glenn looked at her and was about to say something when Maggie pointed past the gate.

"Daryl's back." She said. Everyone turned to see Daryl running over. Carl and Carol opened the gate and he ran in. He ran straight for Kira and pulled her into a hug. He kissed her before turning to Merle with a glare. He walked over and suddenly punched him in the face.

"You jackass! Why would you take her with you?!" Merle glared at him, holding his jaw.

"Daryl!" Kira grabbed his arm. "I followed him; he didn't know!" She said shaking her head.

"Why didn't you send her back?!" Daryl shoved Merle with one arm.

"I tired!" Merle shouted. "Damn girl wouldn't listen!" Daryl turned to Kira.

"Why did you go off without tell me, or anyone?" He put his hands on her shoulders. She bit her lip.

"Because you would've stopped me…and….and if I didn't go Merle could've died." She said. Daryl stared at her before looking at Merle. "There was a walker…" She looked to Merle. "If I hadn't taken it out you could've given our position away to the Governor. And that guy saw you. They were going to find us." She bit her lips again. Merle looked at her then at Daryl. Daryl pulled Kira to him and put a hand on the back of her head. She wrapped her arms around him.

"I could've taken him out." Merle said. "I… I didn't wanna put Kira in danger." He said before turning to walk into the prison.

"Her being there put her in danger!" Glenn said. Merle whirled around.

"Listen here you-" Before Merle could say anymore Kira cut him off.

"I already said that it was my own choice, Glenn." Kira said. Daryl put his lips to her ear. "He told me to go back I didn't listen." Merle glared at Glenn before turning to walk into the prison.

"Thank you… for bringing him back alive…" He whispered. She kissed his cheek.

The Governor punched Milton in the face.

"I have to say I was impressed." The Governor said. "You had taken a risk. Getting your hands dirty. You know, we were gonna have those biters for our little Michonne and ..."

"Y-You were g-gonna use them on w-whoever showed up."

"That's right. Hey, hey. Because we didn't have them, you burn 'em up, eight of my men died." He pushed him again. The Governor grabbed his bloodied face. "Now, you knew those men. Huh? They kept you safe, kept you fed."

"As long as I looked the other way."

"Yeah. Well, it can't be like that anymore. Time for you to graduate. Hey. I'm gonna tell you the secret. There's a threat, you end it. And you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it. You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood ... you know what that means? It means you're alive. You won. You take the heads so that you don't ever forget. You kill or ya die."

"What would your daughter think… about what you are?" Milton asked.

"She'd be afraid of me. But if I had been like this from the start, she'd be alive today." Milton put his head down. The Governor stood up. Milton looked up.

"Did you kill Andrea?" The Governor grabbed up and pulled him up. He led him to another room and threw him in.

"Milton." Andrea said; she was handcuffed to the chair.

"See? She's still alive. I'm gonna need her for something."

"I heard you in the other room." She said. "You don't have to lose any more of your men. Just stop this."

"Your friends at the prison ... I'm gonna kill them all. People are gonna help me. I had to stretch the truth a little bit, but just a little. Now they're foaming at the mouth. You, get those tools." He said to Milton. "I'm not gonna need them anymore. Go on." Milton walked over past Andrea and to the table. He stumbled and knocked everything over. "Careful. Pick that up." He started to put everything on the ground but left one. "Come on! Step to." He picked up the tray and walked over. "Hold up." Milton stopped. "Put 'em down." He grabbed Milton by the shirt. "You're gonna kill her now. You're gonna show me that you've learned something. Milton... there is no way you are leaving this room without doing it. So don't make it hard. Just ... just do it." He held out a knife.. Milton took it slowly. He walked over to Andrea. "That's it." Suddenly he turned and swung at the Governor. The Governor stabbed Milton and Andrea gasped. He stabbed him again and again and again. "I told you you were gonna do it. And now you're gonna die. And you're gonna turn. And you're gonna tear the flesh from her bones." He pulled the knife out and Milton sunk down. "In this life now, you kill or you die." He took hold of the door. "Or you die and you kill." He closed it.

At the prison Carl was packing clothes into a bag. He picked up the picture of Rick him and Lori. He looked at it a moment then put it in the bag. Carol put some things in a plastic garbage bin and brought it outside. Hershel sat at the table packing his bag. Carl picked up Rick's old badge and put it in his pocket. He picked up his bag and took his hat from the top bunk before leaving his cell. Outside Carl walked by Rick. Rick grabbed his arm.

"Carl." Carl shrugged his arm out of Rick's grip and kept walking. He went to the trunk and Beth put his bag in. Glenn walked over to Rick who had the hood of a car up.

"I've never seen him this mad." Glenn said. "Even with Lori. He just shut down."

"He's still a kid." Rick said. "It's easy to forget." He closed the hood and walked to the light green car. He looked up at the small bridge between parts of the prison and saw Lori. Kira walked over to Daryl who was sitting on the ground by Merle's motorcycle.

"Maybe you should thank Merle… You already thanked me for bringing him back. Maybe you should thank him for giving us a chance." Daryl looked over at Merle who was bringing things out with Michonne. He looked up at Kira and nodded. She held out her hand for him. He took it and she helped him up. He squeezed her hand and brought it to his lips to kiss it. She smiled and pecked his lips.

Rick walked to the top of the stairs. Michonne walked to the bottom.

"We're ready." She said. He walked down. "The deal the Governor offered about me ... you had to think about it. You had to. I get it." They started walking.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I came real close."

"But you didn't." He nodded. "I never thanked you."

"For what?" He pulled the door closed behind the,

"For getting me out there that day, taking me in."

"Well, if you didn't have that baby formula, I wouldn't have."

"You could have just taken the formula."

"Well... must have been something else, then. You know, it was Carl who made the call. He said you belonged here. You're one of us." She looked at him a moment before walking away. He stood there a second then followed her.

"Remember, they killed eight men back there." The Governor said loudly, outside. "Five here last time. They're no different from the biters. They're not gonna stop until they kill us all, taken everything we've worked so hard for. We're gonna end this once and for all."

"Governor." Tyreese said. "This ain't easy to say… You're gonna have to count us out."

"This isn't our fight." Sasha said.

"We'll fight against the biters, not other people. Now we'll stay here and defend the children. When you return, if you want us gone, no hard feelings." The Governor took a gun from someone and walked back over to them. He held out the gun to Tyreese who took it.

"Thank you." The Governor said. Sasha let out a breath. "Let's roll!"

The Governor and his group of trucks made their way to the prison. Martinez shot a grenade at the tower while another guy shot up the other tower. They all killed the walkers and blew up the other towers. They shot up the barricades and pallets. The men started to get out.

"Go!" The Governor said. A truck drove up and pushed through the gate. The men ran in and aimed around. They went up to the door to the cell block. It was open. Allen pulled it open. They went to the next door and pushed it open and went in. The Governor walked down the steps and slowly walked to the cell block. He pushed the door open and nodded for his men to go in. Martinez walked out of the other exit. He shook his head to the Governor. The Governor started to walk back. He passed a cell and walked back. He walked inside and saw a bible. He picked it up and there was a paragraph highlighted.

'And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.'

He threw it down. He walked out of the cell and into the kitchen. Something made a noise down the hall that led deeper into the prison.

"Give me a flashlight." The Governor said. "Let's split up. You take a group that way. You," He looked at Martinez. "bring a group, follow me." Martinez started pointing people out as The Governor opened the door. "Go." He whispered.

Milton was still alive, slumped against the wall.

"Milton?" Andrea said to him.

"When the tools dropped, I-I left some pliers on the floor behind you. If you can drag ... if you can drag your right foot back, you ... you can get them." She looked back and slid her foot back. "That ... that's it."

"Oh, God."


"I'm gonna get us both out of here. And you're gonna be okay."

"Now when ... when you get free, you are going to find something very sharp... and you are going to stab me in the head." She looked back at him. "That is what you are going to do. Keep trying." She kept trying to get the pliers.

The group, searching the prison with Allen, were walking through the halls.

"Hey, look over there." Allen said. Suddenly they heard a noise.

"What was that?"

"Shh." The Governor looked back. "This way."

Tyreese walked into the store-house where a lot of women and children were with Sasha. She got up and walked over.

"We took out a few biters on the south wall." He said. "Other than that, everything's quiet."

"I'll get the next one." She said. "What do you think happens when they return?"

"We might have to slip out. Andrea made it out."

"If she's at the prison, it didn't do her any good."

"I'll be right back."

"It's my turn."

"Stay put. I got it." He left.

"I got it. I got it." Andrea gasped happily. She looked back at Milton. "Milton?" She dragged the pliers to the front. She stared at Milton. He suddenly gasped and she let out a relieved breath. "Milton."

"Why did you stay... after you found out your friends were out there?" He asked.

"I wanted to save everyone. Even the Governor for a while I had a chance to kill him."

"What stopped you?"

"No, this was before. He was asleep. I had a knife. But I tried to stop it all another way... because I didn't want anyone to die." She started crying.

"I'm still here." He said. "I'm still alive."

"Yeah. You are." He looked at her.

"You need to hurry." She nodded and took off her boots. She tried to grab the pliers with her feet.

The group walking through the prison made their way slowly. Suddenly a flash bomb went off in front of them. Some people shot their guns and another went off. Suddenly an alarm started to blare.

"On the ground! On the ground!" The Governor shouted. They started to kill walkers. They headed outside. Glenn took a breath. He was decked out in riot gear. He turned and shot through the fence.

"Get the hell out of here!" Glenn shouted.

In the woods Hershel, Beth and Carl were by the car. They could hear the gun fire.

"I should be there." Carl said.

The Governor and his people made their way by with Glenn shooting at them. Maggie popped up and began shooting as well. Allen got to the truck and got on top and aimed the big machine gun.

"Hit it, hit it, hit it!"

"It's not working. Shit. It's jammed!" Some people got into a truck and started to drive away.

"They're not helping anyway. Come on." Martinez said. The Governor got in his truck and they drove away.

"We did it?" Maggie called over.

"We did it." Glenn said. "Come on down."

One of the men was running through the woods. Carl stood up and pointed the gun at him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't shoot." Hershel stood up and pointed a gun.

"Drop the weapon, son." He said.

"Sure. Here, take it." He held out the gun and Carl shot him. Hershel stared.

"We did drove them out." Rick said

"We should go after them." Michonne said.

"We should finish it." Daryl said.

"It is finished." Maggie said. "Didn't you see them hightail it out of here?"

"They could regroup. We can't take the chance." Glenn said. "He's not gonna stop."

"They're right." Carol said. "We can't keep living like this."

"So we take the fight back to Woodbury. We barely made it back last time." Maggie said.

"He don't care." Daryl said.

"Yeah." Rick said. "Let's check on the others."

"Come on."

They went inside and Beth walked in holding Judith and Carl was behind her.

"Hey." Rick walked over and kissed Judith's head. "Hey." He turned and hugged Carl.

"Dad, I'm coming to Woodbury."


"Dad, I did my job out there. Just like all of you. Took out one of the Governor's soldiers."

"One of his soldiers?" Hershel asked.

"A kid running away? He stumbled across us." Hershel said.

"No, he drew on us." Carl said.

"I'm sorry you had to do that." Rick said.

"It's what I was there for." Carl said. "I'm going with you."

"That kid was scared." Hershel said. "He was handing his gun over."

"He said he drew." Rick said. "Carl said it was in defense."

"I was there. He didn't have to shoot. He had every reason not to ... Maybe it looked like that to you, Hershel-"

"Rick! I'm telling you he gunned that kid down." He said before going away.

The Governor was half way out the passenger side window yelling to the truck full of people that left first.

"Pull over! Hey! I want this truck over. Go, go! Pull in front of them." He said to Martinez. He did just that. "What the hell are you doing? We need to dig in."

"It's not worth it."

"That was a slaughter." Karen said.

"You bunch of pussies." Martinez said. "I told you we should have handled this shit ourselves."

"We're done fighting for a hole with a half dozen psychopaths living in it. They can keep it."

"You've seen what they've done ... attacked us. Allen said. "They killed my boy. We're going back."

"We are not soldiers." Karen said. "You want us to kill biters, of course. But this is crazy."

"Then go home, then." Suddenly the Governor shot at them. Martinez and another guy backed up behind him. They moved to the side of the car. The Governor gun the people down. Allen pointed his gun then the Governor shot him in the head then walked out a bit He walked over to where the bodies were and shot them in the head. Karen was still alive, a body on top of her. She closed her eyes. The Governor didn't shoot. She opened them again. He walked back and got in his car. Martinez and the other guy looked at him. He pulled the door closed. The guy got in and Martinez got in the back before they drove away.

Andrea picked up the pliers with her feet.

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay." She looked over to Milton who hadn't spoken or moved. "You're still here. You're still alive." She muttered. She lifted one foot and tried to grab the pliers. She dropped them. She looked to Milton then picked them up again. "All right." She finally got them and started to break the handcuffs. Milton suddenly moved his hand.

Daryl was on the motorcycle. Daryl handed a bag to Michonne who put it in the truck. Rick walked past her.

"Michonne." He handed her his rifle. She took it and put it in the truck. He walked over to Carl who was sitting at a table. He crouched in front of him. Carl looked at him.

"Hershel told me about the boy you shot."

"He had a gun."

"Hmm. Was he handing it over?"

"He had just attacked us."

"Yeah. Yes, he had. Was he handing it over?"

"I couldn't take the chance. I didn't kill the walker that killed Dale. Look what happened."

"Son, that is not the same thing."

"You didn't kill Andrew and he came back and killed Mom. You were in a room with the Governor and you let him go. I did what I had to do. Now go." He stood up. "So he doesn't kill any more of us." Rick picked up his old badge that Carl had dropped. Rick walked over to the group at the car.

"Rick, we're staying." Glenn said. "We don't know where the Governor is. If he comes back, we'll hold him off."

"Just the four of us?" Daryl asked.

"Five." Kira said giving Daryl a look.

"You're staying here." He said giving her a hard look. "And we're not discussing it." She glared.


"Make sure she doesn't follow us." Daryl said to Glenn who nodded. Daryl pulled Kira to the side and kissed her.

"Come back in one piece." She whispered.

"Of course." He said.

"I appreciate you staying." Rick said.

"Sure." Maggie said.

Maggie and Glenn picked up the fence and moved it so the truck and motorcycle could get through. Carol stabbed a walker in the head.

"Come on. Come on." She moved back inside.

They didn't get far. They stop and got out to see a bunch of walkers. Daryl shot one and Michonne cut off the heads of a few. Rick stabbed one in the head. Suddenly Karen put her hands on the windows of the truck. Daryl flinched and looked back. Rick pointed his gun. She got out and held her hands up.

Andrea was trying to get free still. She stopped seeing Milton breathing. He opened his eyes and started gurgling. Andrea frantically tried to get free as he got up. She got one hand free and struggled with the other.

"No! Come on!" Milton made his way over. She screamed.

The small group that left the prison took Karen with them to Woodbury. They slowly made their way in the dark towards the wall. Suddenly someone began shooting. The group fired back.

"Tyreese!" Karen yelled standing up. "It's me! Don't ..."

"Get down!" Rick said pulling her down.

"Karen! Karen, are you okay?" Tyreese called.

"I'm fine!" She got up again.

"Where's the Governor?"

"He fired on everyone. He killed them all." Sasha looked shocked at Tyreese.

"Why are you with them?"

"They saved me."

"We're coming out!" Rick shouted. "We're coming out." Everyone put their hands up and walked over. The gate was opened.

"What are you doing here?" Tyreese asked.

"We were coming to finish this until we saw what the Governor did."

"He ... he killed them?" Tyreese asked. Rick nodded.

"Yeah. Karen told us Andrea hopped the wall going for the prison. She never made it. She might be here."

"This is where he had Glenn, Maggie and Kira." Daryl said as they walked through the building.

"The Governor held people here?" Tyreese asked.

"He did more than hold them." Daryl said. They got to the door of the room Andrea was in and saw the blood pooled out at the bottom. Michonne took out her katana.

"Will you open it?" She asked.

"One, two..." Rick opened it and they saw Milton's dead body. They looked down and saw Andrea's legs from around the corner.

"Andrea!" Michonne ran to her. The others walked in. Rick crouched in front of her.

"I tried to stop them." Andrea said.

"You're burning up." Michonne said. She pulled away her shirt and showed a bite at her shoulder.

"Judith, Carl, the rest of them..."

"Us." Rick said. "The rest of us.

"Are they alive?" Rick looked to Daryl.

"Yeah, they're alive." Rick said.

"It's good you found them." Andrea said to Michonne. "No one can make it alone now."

"I never could." Daryl said. Merle looked at him.

"I just didn't want anyone to die." Andrea said. "I can do it myself."

"No." Michonne said. There were tears running down her cheeks.

"I have to. While I still can. Please?" She looked at Rick. "I know how the safety works." He took out his gun and gave it to her.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere." Michonne said. Andrea looked up at Daryl then at Rick.

"I tried."

"Yeah." He said. "You did. You did." Daryl and Rick left. They closed the door behind them. Andrea smiled at Michonne. Rick stood by the door. Tyreese and Daryl sat on pallets and Merle stood by Daryl. They were silent. Then a gunshot, the gun clattering to the floor and Michonne sobbing.

The group made it back to the prison with a bus. Glenn and Maggie closed the gate. Kira ran to Daryl who got off the bike, and hugged him. He hugged her back, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tightly. He leaned down and captured her lips. The others came outside. They looked at the bus and at the body bag in the bed of the truck. They watched as Tyreese helped women and children off of the bus.

"What is this?" Carl asked.

"They're gonna join us." Rick said. Carl looked at them then to Rick then back before walking away. Hershel patted Tyreese on the back. Everyone went inside. Rick looked up and didn't see Lori.

Just finished season three….. I didn't really cry at Andrea's death… I never really liked her.(Although when I watched an episode last night before Supernatural I was watching S1Ep6 and I when they mentioned Amy I cried but I was thinking of Andrea.) She fell for the bad bad guy; Shane, The Governor. But poor Milton Q-Q Anyway…. This story is now on hold until season four comes out online(/ also on tv) Hey… I just thought of something. Who wants to watch it together, I mean we'll all watch it around the same time(if we're in the same time zone) But I was thinking about making a Chatzy room and we could all watch and comment on the season premier together. If no one wants to that's okay.

Now if I'm doing this right I'm writing this 10/4/13 but I won't have this posted until either the 9th or the 10th cause I don't want people to wait too long between the last chapter this one and the season premier.

I'm really gunna need ideas for Merle in season 4 cause he supposed to be dead but I saved him sooo… I'm not sure how to fit him in.