Hey guys! Long time no read and I'm really sorry. I'm so nervous knowing where I'll be going next year and have been swamped. I was meaning to update last week but have been suffering writer's block due to this paper that I botched. Like I could barely write a sentence for anything without being super paranoid and guilt ridden. But luckily, my teacher allowed me to correct my mistakes so hopefully it will all go better and my honor will be returned, I think I at least made a decent point in my argument. Other than that, I would blame Avatar The Last Airbender I have been playing around with a few ideas to start into that fandom but Idk maybe I need to finish what I have, so without further ado, the chapter you guys have been waiting for (and will probably be disappointed in) our wedding!

A: I personally like journals and notecards I'm a nerd when it comes to prepping for studying which I'm now coming to a need to start doing

Zero very hazily opened his eyes to look around the room. He was back at the headquarters, with two angry faces looking over him. It didn't take long for his old master to take the butt of his shot gun and drop it against his head, making his headache worse.

"Where does your stupidity stop?!" He barked in annoyance. "Did you really think the new King of leeches would let you near that girl?!"

"Calm down Yagari, it was I who urged him to go." Kaien lowered his old friend's weapon and looked to Zero with concerned eyes.

"Yeah, and couldn't you have maybe warned me of all her familiar bodyguards? I thought some would have stayed with Kuran."

"I knew there were only two there, Aidou and Ruka." Kaien replied, pouring himself a cup of tea. "And I believed Akatsuki to have been with Kaname."

"Well we forgot about that girl….Seiren? The one who always hides in the shadows, she was there too." Zero sighed before snatching a small bottle of water from the table along with his small pack of tablets. "But it doesn't matter now, she's brainwashed so let her marry the bastard."

"Zero-" Kaien was silenced by a look from Yagari who held a hand to silence him.

"Kid, I'm not one for distractions with stupid feelings, but you're going to let this go?" Zero didn't answer but just gulped before turning away from them.

"Leave me alone, go and see them married or whatever…I don't care what those purebloods are doing."

Yuki's hands froze on the keys of the piano before looking up and out the window. Small little snowflakes began slowly descending from above. She watched a moment, feeling a little off with the new flakes but smiled when the memory of her kiss with Kaname came to mind. As her fingers drummed another key, a familiar scent filled the air that she leapt from the bench to run out of the room. A smile was over her face when she scurried down the steps of the third floor quickly and over looked the railing into the lobby of the mansion to see the eyes of her love looking up expecting her.

"Yuki," He murmured when she wasted no time running down the steps to leap into his arms, her hands eagerly running through his hair and pulling her lips closer to his. He returned the passion, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her up, shooting a small glare to the others to leave their presence in which the nobles were quick to disperse.

"I've missed you." She whispered, pulling away to look into his deep eyes. "Why were you away for so long?"

"I've been working through the details for how this monarchy will work, come, I've heard some ailing things of you I would like to ask you about." He smiled softly, lowering her back to the floor but still kept a hand along her hip to keep her from walking away from him. Her face was a little hesitant but she moved along with him, the two traveling upstairs until reaching the master suite.

"Please tell me Yuki, what was so troubling to you?" She bit her lip and kept her eyes casted downward.

"It was honestly nothing…but I suppose it was only me being troubled over that bothersome hunter. He disturbed my sleep the other day."

"He what?!" Kaname's voice was harsh and tense, displeased that he was uninformed of such news. His fiancée blinked a moment before sitting down slowly on the sofa of the sitting room.

"He came by, demanding an audience with me."

"Did Aidou allow him near you at all?" I swear if this is all for naught, I'll just lock us into the basement. He carefully thought to himself while holding his girl closer.

"No, you'll be pleased that Aidou didn't want me near the ruckus, however I still went out to talk to him. Telling him to leave us be. If he comes here again, I've already given the word that he is to be taught what happens to trespassers." A small smile twitched at his lips as he sat down next to her, her eyes casting up to look at his eyes under her thick eyelashes, resembling his own featuring gaze. "Or do you wish to change that order."

He chuckled, almost darkly before raising a hand to gently brush aside a strand of hair from her face, leaning closer to where his breath was gently tickling her skin.

"I couldn't be happier now to call you my future wife….and my future queen." Their lips met and his pressed more force to lean her back against the couch, her moans leading him on as she easily melted beneath him. His arms wrapped under her, picking her up to walk back into their bedroom before gently tossing her onto the bed. With his lips away from hers did she look up at him with starry eyes when he simply began removing away his shirt.

"You know, we should wait for our wedding night, it is after all two days away." He reminded her with a teasing smile.

"I believe we're past that point." She murmured, sitting up on her knees on the bed to lean up against him. Still needing to crane her head back in order to look up at him he helped her in leaning back down to gently place his lips of hers. She fell back on the bed easily and looking up to him with pleading eyes. "We have been apart from each other too long."

"I agree." He nodded hovering over her to lean her head into the crook of her neck. "You're blood smells heavenly, I'm almost tempted."

His eyes burned with thirst that he almost pulled himself away to stop himself when her arms encircled around his neck.

"Then drink my love, so on our wedding night we don't have to worry of over exhaustion." Her voice whispered into his ear. That was all she needed to say for his fangs to slip past her skin and to drink deeply to sustain himself. Overjoyed to how much she was quickly willing to give into him.

Ruka stood patiently observing the seamstresses frittering about her queen, a small cease of worry over the dampening frown on Yuki's face. It was confusing that more than a day ago, she was leaping into the arms of her beloved king, but now on the day she was to swear an eternal vow to him, she looked pale in comparison.

I wonder if she's sobering up again. She wondered before pouring a small cup of the wine Kaname sent in just in case. The pureblood princess was beautiful in the white dress, something newly tailored and from France that Kaname insisted on. The lace was delicate and much like several snowflakes laid over each other to veil the beautiful silk of the long skirt underneath, while the sleeves came off her shoulder slightly that the lace only covered her bare arms in the chill winter. Her skin was washed clean and glimmered in the light while he long hair had been pulled back in a half up manner and curled to match with her brother's. All in all she was beautiful true to her pureblood status.

"Away then, give Yuki-sama some privacy." She ordered the women to receive an odd look from Yuki. Once they left, Ruka held the cup up as offering. "I thought you would like a few sips to calm any of your nerves."

The pureblood tilted her head slightly before stepping down from the stool she was placed on.

"Thank you, but I'll be fine Ruka, it is normal for any bride to have some nerves on their wedding day."

"Forgive me than, but you seem more so than nervous Yuki-sama. The wine will help calm you."

"I'm fine already, now if you would please give me leave for a moment. I want to collect my thoughts."

"Yes Yuki-sama." Ruka bowed before walking outside to stand next to Akatsuki who had been order by their king to watch the door.

"Is something wrong with her?" He whispered in a low voice.

"The bride wishes a moment alone and nothing more. We all have nothing to worry about." She barked to him in a low whisper as for not the pureblood princess to overhear them.

Inside, Yuki turned towards the window where the snow was falling again. She was unsure why she felt ill all of a sudden, but the thought of any alcohol clenched her stomach that she held to. Though her frustrations held towards the dress she wore, out of the fact that it was simply her fiancée's choice that was against her own to wear their mother's dress. She sighed again before looking at her reflection the pale skin glowing and she smiled to herself before walking over to her bed where a box laid open. Gently brushing aside the tissue paper, she ran a few fingers over the light material to dig deeper inside to find the comb. Inserting the piece under the bun of her first layer of hair, the veil ran a little longer than her usual hair and flowed about over her hips, completing her look. Hesitating she pulled the face piece to veil herself, making her look even paler and did nothing to make her look more of a blushing bride.

"Yuki-sama? It's time." Ruka's voice called from outside. The pureblood turned to the door which opened for the honey haired woman to walk in holding a bouquet of rare blue roses. When she caught sight of the princess, her mouth dropped open slightly before closing with a humble smile tugging at her lips.

"I imagine you do indeed look like your mother Yuki-sama. Sadly I had never the honor of knowing her." She complimented with a small curtsey. "Though if you are ready, the ceremony is all prepared."

"Yes." Was Yuki's only reply, her voice cracking a little from the nerves before walking over to Ruka to hold out a manicured hand for the flowers. "They're lovely for today."

"I believe they are to be Kaname-sama's favorite." She nodded before opening the door. Yuki took a deep breath before walking out into the hall, the evening was dark, and candles were lit to provide a dim low light for the ceremony. Akatsuki blinked a moment at the sight of the beautiful pureblood before turning away out of respect to lead the way down the hall. Behind her, Ruka picked up the train of the dress so it were not to dirty on the walk down to the dungeon where the ceremony was oddly chosen to take place, even Yuki had no idea why her future husband had chosen the location.

Surely another location would have suited enough; even the ball room would have been large enough to hold all the elite that we invited. She thought to herself when the doors of the hidden staircase opened. A part of her body became stiff, afraid of the windows that the lower levels of the house lacked.

"Yuki-sama?" Ruka asked a little concerned but also more so afraid.

Windowless basement… The thought ran through her mind again.

"Yuki-sama?" Akatsuki's deep voice asked again, raising a hand in front of her glazed over expression.

I…I don't want to be hidden again? Yuki's eyes widened a moment when the thought replayed in her mind. Again? Have I been down here before? I feel uneasy… She hesitantly stepped back followed by another when the two nobles were beginning to panic from her strange behavior.

"Yuki-sama? Are you feeling ill? Would a glass of wine help or even blood?"

No…I don't want to-

"Yuki-sama, Kaname-sama is waiting for you." Akatsuki reminded, snapping her from her daze.

"Kaname…" She repeated the name. "He's there…there's no reason to worry."

"What do you mean Yuki-sama?" Ruka asked when the pureblood's face returned to her now usual stoic expression.

"It's nothing…every bride has jitters of sorts." She reasoned before leading the way day, Ruka almost forgetting to grab the veil to keep off the dusty steps. At the end of the staircase, torches blazed down the hall in a primeval fashion leading towards the end of the hall where the set of double doors stood.

"Are you ready Yuki-sama?"

Yuki closed her eyes a moment, pressing a hand to her churning stomach before nodding.

"Yes." She whispered. Akatsuki knocked on the door, and a moment later the wedding march was hear along with the stumbling of several chairs, everyone ready to drop in a bow when she would enter. With a nod to each other the two nobles slowly pushed open the door while standing out toward the side ready for me to enter. The large room was dimly lit with hundreds or small candles leading the way down the aisle and framing the room. As expected, all the other nobles were slightly bowing or curtseying towards the door out of respect, even the minister had his head bowed and had backed away from the only person in the room she had visibly seen with his head up proud. He looked no different than he had that morning before the two were separated for their preparations, his no doubt taking less than fifteen minutes in order to comb his hair and perfectly adjust his cravat.

Her heart skipped a beat before she felt her feet already moving toward him, her eyes never wavering from his all she could do was smile. The corner of the lips were turned upward to her the two sharing a smile that no one else could see. Once she was close enough, he extended a hand out to her that she happily took, holding the bouquet in her other, he raised the bare skin up to his lips to kiss softly before turning them both to face the minister.

"Please continue the ceremony." Kaname said softly. As everyone stood up again to watch, in fascination or in greed, knowing a marriage of a pureblood would soon mean another born into the world.

"And now the couple shall share their vows." The minister excused after his speech stepping back away. Kaname's hands gripped her right one tightly, causing her eyes to look up to him.

"I have always promised since the day I first held you, that I would always watch over you and protect you. At first as an older brother, though as our parents wished, every day I saw you grow I feel deeper in love with you and wished nothing more for this day to come. And now, I promise to always watch over you, protect you, and provide for you not as an older brother but as a husband and your king. I vow that there will never be a day you regret this decision. To always make you happy. To always provide you with love." He whispered and slipped his ring upon her finger.

The room was silent, unsure of what to make of a pureblood stating such personal feelings to the public. Yuki raised a brow before taking her own ring to hold over his hand.

"I vow that as your wife and your queen, I will always trust your judgment. To always love and honor you. To provide you with all the happiness I may ever be capable of." A small blush rose in her cheeks, feeling a little unprepared that he had written his own vows, as she slipped the ring upon his finger. The minister approached them both and bowed.

"As you two transcend time, may your marriage and rein be happy to the end. May the King kiss his Queen." Kaname smirked at the thought and lifted the veil from her face to pull her cheek closer up for his lips to brush over hers. Small clapping was heard, unsure to support the pureblood couple or not disturb them. As the short kiss was parted the minister lowered to one knee.

"Hail the Kuran clan!" He shouted, his actions soon following through to everyone else who bowed to the returning King and Queen. Yuki's eyes scanned over the room, never having been used to the heavier burden she was now to carry for the rest of her eternity with her husband and caught sight of the figure leaving the room and the familiar resemblance it had to the hunter president.

Kaname closed the door softly behind them in the master room that they were now expected to always share. After the short soiree held afterward he let out a small sigh as if relieved that it was finally done, Yuki watched him curiously as she released the rest of her hair along with the heels causing an even greater uncomfortably to her. She looked at the new ring on her finger and toward the man that was now her husband, to see his gaze slowly turn back to her in a heated glance.

"So it is finally done." He sighed and walked over, casting aside his jacket to land on the floor somewhere before he pressed himself up against Yuki. "Finally you are my wife." He groaned against her lips, his own trailing down her neck. The breath was taken out of Yuki from the good feeling that was sent up her spine from his touch she seemed to always crave. As if hearing her feelings, Kaname scooped her up within his arms to carry her back in the room, ravishing her neck and removing the white dress of purity she no longer had. Though Yuki was enjoying the feelings, her stomach clenched again and again with an unsure growing feeling.

Anyways I'm sorry that this chapter was probably a little rotten I'm a little rusty and have clearly never really cared much for weddings. But please tell me what you think about this and your thoughts of the next chapters. I'm getting hyped that my story is soon to reach its climax!

Q: If you could have a wish to change something about the Vampire Knight anime what would it be?

Please drop a review and favorite me and this story! Thanks for supporting my writing!