Another one guys. I just have all of these ideas and this one is truly one of my favorites.

So just to clarify a few things, about this story. Unlike when Juuri erased Yuki's memories, knowledge, and vampire side. Kaname only strictly sealed her memories. Meaning Yuki still can remember what she is and can act her age though with no memory. Other than that enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight

Summary as shown: "Yuki…" He murmured his silver hair tousling in the wind. Her eyes didn't seem as they once were, bur filled with annoyance to closely resemble those of the man he despised who stood behind her. He smirked and placed a hand around her waist as she leaned to his touch.

"And you are?"

Full Summary: Kaname lets his greed and selfishness overcome him and seals away Yuki's memories. To rebuild around them a world he wants her to see. Though how does this all exactly play out?

'Kaname…what are you doing?' She asked being trapped against the wall. He bent down to hug her, pressing her body closely to him.

'My dear girl…why do you try so hard to leave here?' She squirmed in his hold.

'Zero is my close friend. We haven't seen each other in years…I only wanted to visit him. He still remains in a part of my heart.' His grip tightened almost becoming painful.

'Yuki…' He whispered pressing a hand against the back of her head. 'Forgive me.'

Blackness overcame her as she could easily tell what he was doing. 'KANAME! NO!'

Everything was dark and cold to her. She opened her hazy eyes to look around. Making out the outlines of pieces of furniture. She sat up in the bed to look down upon her hands. Examining her fingers and arms curiously.

Where am I? She wondered raising her hand up to her head. Who am I? She pushed herself to try and remember but only received a large pain in her head.

She could remember what she was, and that where she was included others of her kind. The thought started a burning in her throat wishing to be quenched. She knew the only thing she and her kind needed to quench the thirst her body required.

The sound of the door opened with a small groan as she glanced over to the presence that entered the room. Her eyes took notice in the blood pumping through his veins making her throat tighten with thirst. She wanted this man's blood in particular for an unknown reason.

"You're awake." He stated walking towards her. His movements were full of strength and power making her feel fearful to attack him. She only backed away closer onto the bed to distance herself.

"Don't be frightened." He assured her. "I only wish to protect you."

His voice soothed her, bringing her comfort when he extended his hand a comforting smile appeared across his face. She looked at it oddly, before lifting up her own hand. Moving it up to his face he relaxed as she pulled open his lip to brush her finger against his fang. Too closely her finger was pricked as the blood dripped into his mouth.

The moment his eyes turned red she retracted her hand. Holding her own finger to her mouth to lap her own blood. His eyes settled from the red they were back to the beautiful wine colored eyes they were originally.

"You must be thirsty. Forgive me; I was happy you were awake finally after several days in your sleep." He sat on the bed before her, leaning aside to shove his neck to her mouth.

"Please drink until you are full." She watched oddly seeing the blood tempt her. She wondered why he offered it to her so freely. Though she had no clue how to obtain the object to quench her thirst.

"Have you forgotten how to use your fangs?" She nodded to his comment, not knowing how to form the right words and not trusting to speak with him. He let out a heavy sigh before pulling away from her and raised his wrist to his mouth. His fangs clammed down hard over his skin until blood trailed down his arm. The red liquid soaked his sleeve until he ripped aside the ruined fabric. She didn't wait for him to give her permission, as she greedily drunk from him.

His hand slowly went up to her hair, as to not frighten her as his fingers brushed through her tresses gently. Slowly she retracted from his wrist, feeling guilty and licked over his bite marks to lap the final drops of blood and heal the puncture marks. He let out a sigh as he opened his eyes again to look at her.

"That's a good girl." He murmured brushing a hand through her hair. "Do you remember anything? About whom you are or who I am?"

She shook her head but leaned into his chest. Pressing her ear to his chest, his heart pounding in her ear. He placed his arms around her to hold her tightly and lovingly.

"Yuki." He breathed against her ear and was met with confused eyes.

"Yu…ki." She repeated back to him with a tilt of her head in confusion. She placed her hand onto his chest as he watched curiously. "Yuki."

"No." He murmured. Hurt and shame appeared across her face as he took her hand to place it over her chest. "You're Yuki."

He moved her hand back to him. "I'm Kaname."

"Kaname." She whispered again snuggling in his chest, deciding to trust this man.

"Yuki." He murmured placing a kiss on her forehead. "Finally, you are mine."

Once Yuki had fallen back asleep Kaname had left her again. Closing the door, the Kaname that was really born as Yuki's brother felt guilty. Taking away a part of Yuki to fit into what the pride filled Kuran ancestor wanted.

He knew it was wrong. To take away her memories of her time spent at Cross Academy. He was that selfish. Thinking of the times she was often conflicted with her emotions for Zero Kiryuu. Only recently could he take it no longer and erased her memories. Could he take it no longer and erased her memories.

In doing so making her forget who he was as well as who she was. Though both could easily be fixed. She could be retaught those and be raised in the place she was meant to take.

He walked into his office when a glass of water and tablets awaited him. Though he was gifted with a small drop of her blood, he had forbidden himself from drinking her blood until she was comfortable with herself. He cringed as he gulped down the flavorless substance. Still, one part of his judgment justified that what he did was the only way for her to be fully comfortable as a pure-blood. Without her human memories, she would be comfortable in the lifestyle she was born to lead, as his wife.

Okay well that's chapter one I'll have more in the next chapter but this will probably super long. Then again, I like making complex stories.

Anyways so I love asking you new readers questions.

Q: So who was your first anime guy/girl crush?

Please review!