Hey all, bit of a dark and gloomy story here. I've got too many idea's in my mind at the moment which are starting to mess with me whilst I'm trying to edit my novel. So i decided to do the next best thing, write them and post them. Hope you like this. It's set on the basis that Bones aka McCoy doesn't know of James T Kirk's past on Tarsus IV.

Enjoy! Please remember, reviews help with reminding me to write


Jim walked through his usual shortcut through the city to the star base headquarters. He was on shore leave whilst the enterprise was being refitted with some surprise by Mr Scott. A few of the crew stayed behind whilst everyone else was sent on shore leave. When Jim offered to stay he was ordered to take shore leave by Bones and Spock. Mr Spock as adamant that Jim needed to wait until the surprise was ready. Nine days into his relaxing short leave, Jim received a message through his private communicator requesting that he and Bones were needed for a private meeting at the headquarters but orders required them to come to the headquarters out of sight including no teleporting or using the main entrance to the building. Jim instantly had a bad feeling as to what was going on but he knew there would be a reason behind it once he gets to Pike's office. Instantly he thought of what he could have done to piss the man off, but for Bones to be involved too brought more bad feelings. Bones had dragged him out of numerous amounts of trouble at the Starfleet academy, as well as sorting him out whenever he was beaten to a pulp to something as small as a cold. No matter what trouble Jim got himself in, or how hurt. Bones was always there to sort him out. Whether it was chasing him around the Academy with a hypo, or dragging his sorry ass through the dorm by his trousers or foot to med bay. Bones always secretly loved chasing the Kid. He was like a father figure along with a brother and best friend figure to Jim. He did his best to keep him safe yet Jim would always go out and pick a fight, or go near something he was allergic too.

Jim walked through a familiar alley in the dark. Behind him he heard footsteps and his name being shouted.


Jim turned to look at the figure at the bottom of the alley. Bones was slowly walking up to him.

"What kind of mess have you gotten us into now kid?"

Jim couldn't help but crack a smile. He watched as Bones frowned with his famous raised eyebrow. Something he and Spock had in common but hated for anyone to mention.

"You do realise that you're very much like Spock when you raise your eyebrow… You sure you're not brothers-"

"Jim! For Christ sakes! We're being dragged to Pikes office! With no explanation to what for or why and not to mention we're not even allowed to be seen entering the building!"

Jim looked at Bones as if he was a child being scolded for putting his hand in the cookie jar.

"Bones… I don't know why we're being drawn to Pikes office. I can't think of a single reason of what I've-we've done. I for sure don't understand why he even wants us to go in un-noticed which is very odd and out of characters"

Jim looked at Bones. He watched as he stilled instantly. Jim went to open his mouth to ask what's on the doctor's mind but before he could talk, Bones had a finger against his mouth.

"The shadows are moving Jim…"

Bones whispered quietly. As soon as he had told Jim of the anomalies in this alleyway, he began to notice too. There were at least half a dozen shadows moving around them. Jim grabbed Bones quickly and forced him against the wall as a shadow launched towards them. Within seconds a man holding a knife was standing where Bones was moments ago. Jim turned ready to fight when a hand grasped his throat and threw him towards garbage bins. Rolling his body together Jim prepared for him to hit the floor stopping any serious injuries. Getting to his feet quickly, he landed a fist to a shadow man's jaw knocking him back. Turning to the next that pounced on him from behind, Jim grabbed the arm pulling the man over his shoulder. Yelling as something sharp clawed his back as the man went over, Jim turned to look at Bones. The doctor was fighting two men and surprisingly winning. Jim didn't think the man had it in him. That's when he saw the silver glint in the corner of his eye. As he turned Jim gasped when pain shuddered through his thigh. Falling back and gripping his leg as he fell to the floor, Jim looked up to the man. Biting back the pain he grabbed the man's foot pulling him to the floor. An ear blasting thud echoed through the alleyway as the man's head collided with the floor. Groaning Jim got to his feet clasping his leg. He hopped over to Bones, throwing his body at an attacker that held a knife. He knocked the man over, sprawling with him on the floor trying to get the knife away.


Bones had rendered two unconscious, now he was climbing over the two bodies to get to Jim.

"God Dammit you two stand still!"

Jim and the shadow man began throwing punches at each other. Both landing hefty punches but continued. Each was panting, exhausted at their brawl but refusing to give in. Bones finally had enough of trying to get both of their attention and right hooked the shadow man from behind. Instantly he fell to the floor limp. Bones grasped his right hand surprised by how painful it was to hit these men. He looked to Jim who had sat up against the wall and one hand against his leg. Bones eyed up his friend before noticing the blood seeping between Jim's hands.

"Christ Jim do you ever keep yourself from getting injured"

Bones knelt down by Jim's side and pulled his hand slowly from his leg. Blood was seeping out but at a slow rate. Examining it quickly gave Bones the conclusion it would need stitches but it wasn't life threatening. In front of him Jim groaned.

"Oh come on Jim. It's hardly like your dying AGAIN"

Hiding a small smile, Bones grabbed Jim's hand. He helped him up to his feet with one arm over his shoulder.

"It feels like it dammit Booones. It hurtsssss."

Bone's chest twitched as he heard the pain in his friends, his captains voice. He felt horrible knowing the captain was in pain.

"Come on kid. Let's get you to the headquarters so I can patch you up"

Bones began to aid Jim to the end of the alleyway, noticing the kid wincing with each step. He felt bad for the kid but he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything else until he got him on a biobed with his med kit to fix the kid as he always did. Bones instantly began to regret leaving his med kit and tricorder back at his star fleet apartment.

"Well hello there Jimmy. I'm glad you chose this route. I was hoping you two wouldn't end up at the star fleet headquarters trying to explain a fake message"

Instantly Jim's head shot up glaring at the figure in front of him. His face draining all colour existence straight away. Memories flashed in front of his eyes causing him to whimper. Bones stared at his captain then to the figure in front as they were surrounded by the men they had managed to knock to the floor not too long ago. Bones looked back to Jim trying to understand why in a matter of seconds of seeing the figure ahead of them, that he had seemed to go into post-traumatic stress disorder. He had never seen Jim react like this. Throughout the academy days Jim had many nightmares, but never had he seen him anything like this.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I hope to bring more tomorrow and Thursday due to me being at caravan to help edit the novel in a bit of a quiet area with less distractions. Please review, as well as follow/favorite :) Would be appreciated!