Chapter 19: …There is fire (pt.2)
Azula's POV
As soon as I graced the opening of the celebration all was silent. The chieftain sat at the top of the table in his purple coat with a white haired girl sitting on his left and the Avatar sitting on his far right.
"What are you? Some type of hybrid fire-bender?" a man asked as a sharp focus covered his eyes and his body moved into an advanced water-bending stance. His white beard contrasted against his coco brown skin as his calm blue eyes took in my new form.
"Greetings, I am a sentinel from the Elemental Empire also known as Hāmonī. Who I am is not as important as what I am about to tell you, off the coast under the rising sun's horizon, the Fire Nation is waiting to launch an attack on your fortress in the morning" I said as my eyes linger way from my inquisitor and onto more pressing matters. Over the period of my absence the Avatar seem to have gotten closer to Katara, or at least tried to anyway. He stood with his chest out trying to look important and failing because the girl he was trying to impress wasn't even looking at him.
"Do you expect us to believe someone who says they're from a place that doesn't exist? Now tell me who you are this instant or I'll have you locked up as a Fire Nation spy!" the chief said as he gathered his wolf warriors around us. I merely smirked as I recited what I just said to the man but just a little slower and louder. A sweet sound passed my ears as my inverted blue draconic eyes drifted towards pale blues. After hearing me say Hāmonī more than half of the Northern Wolf Warriors had put their weapons away, one by one they walked closer towards me with questions clouding their multicolored eyes.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THERE IS AN ENEMY IN OUR MIDST AND YOU'RE TREATING HER LIKE AN HONORED GUESS!" the man in purple screamed in outrage and just like that all the Hāmonīans rushed behind me with their weapons raised in my defense. Katara chuckled quietly before walking towards my side.
"I guess the cat's out of the bag huh?" she asked as her brother, the chief and the Avatar looked at her in shock. My slight blue tail wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to me as I took a step forward.
"Katara! Get away from that thing!" Sokka yelled as he brandished a boomerang in my direction. Aang readied his staff as the other water-benders got into position.
"Look, after the fire-benders attack and destroys your worthless ass tribe then we can fight until Fire Lord Ozai comes over and renames the place. But if you want to save your village listen to me"
The older man with the white beard straighten up slightly as he stroked it in thought. His steel blue eyes looked deeply into mine while everyone else was ready to start a mini war in the middle of a war.
"Arnook, I believe we can trust her. As she said her only concern is her fiancée who appears to be the young Katara which means that she at least embraces our culture. If she didn't she wouldn't of come all this way for nothing."
"Master Pakku? How can you think of such foolishness?" the man now known as Arnook questioned.
"Chief Arnook, please understand that the Elemental Empire known as Hāmonī wishes to help not hinder. We have people everywhere and soon once the Avatar-" I looked at Aang to make sure he was paying attention "-reaches his minimal potential then we'll be able to help defeat Ozai. But before we can do that Aang must learn the basics of water-bending".
"How did you know that I haven't learned water-bending yet?" Aang asked as if it wasn't obvious enough.
"While your spirit is was free as the air around us, your body is as like water without form and without that form you are useless to those around you" I answered him as I drew Katara closer to my body. My wings cover us as my nose automatically found the curve of her neck. The calming smell of sea water and fresh snow filled my being, as I slowly opened right eye I could see the Avatar puffing up his cheeks.
"If you don't like it young Avatar, you could always die" from the corner of my eye I could see Katara slightly pull away from me to see if I was serious but my full attention was on the little air-bender. I could feel his soul whither under the strength of my gaze, he was untested and therefore as weak as a wet roman noodle.
"If you keep looking at me like you're going to do something I will end up killing you. You're just a worthless boy who thinks-"
"Aiko, that's enough. Right now we need to worry about Admiral Zhao attacking the fortress" Katara commanded as she untangled herself from me only to hold my arm in between her chest.
"Yes, come with me young Avatar" Master Pakku said as he led Aang and his other students away to re-learn the basics. Aang took one more longing look at my fiancée before he left. After multiple times to get Katara away from me Sokka left to impress the white haired heiress.
Saying goodbye to the rest of the congregation Katara guided me to a secluded oases where two koi fish circled each other. Unlike the winter wonderland that was outside the oases was full of life. The grass and the leaves were green while the pond wasn't glazed over by ice. We sat as close to the pond as we could without actually being in the pond itself, which gave Katara a chance to dip her hand in to the waters and not disturb the fish.
"Change back" was all she said as my pulled its more draconic features inwards and projected my normal visage outwards.
"Katara I-" was all I got out before soft lips captured my own. My body started to heat up as the flames of my excitement grew to new heights but her lips also calmed the jealousy that brew inside me at the thought of the Avatar craving what as rightfully mine: her affection.
After this war is over the Avatar will learn his place but if Katara returns his delusions of romance then I'll release her to him… after I buried his body.
Don't worry this whole jealously thing will not be a focus point of the story, i just needed something to use to set up the next chapter. The Character Smoke in Mortal Kombat Say "Where there smoke there's fire" before he fights in MK 9. The Attack is next soo...yeah.
See you later