Disclaimer: I own only the plot (what plot?)

A/N: So this is the new version of A Quick Recovery. Most of the errors are gone, and I've also done some bigger changes. I'm now writing chapter thirteen. There's actually going to be a plot ;)

Chapter one

A sharp cry suddenly filled the air. Aragorn killed the last orc by thrusting his sword deep into the creatures' chest, before turning around and looking for the cause of the noise. All was silent now except the quiet panting coming from behind a great oak-tree about fifty feet away. Aragorn rushed over to the tree, avoiding dead corpses of orcs on the ground.

At the foot of the tree lay a beautiful, golden haired elf, half-sitting against the trunk. His eyes were shut as he breathed rapidly, his chest rising heavily. Sweat had formed a sheen on his face. He was obviously in great pain. He was holding his side and Aragorn saw that beneath his hand was a big cut that bled heavily. Aragorn lowered himself quickly beside the panting elf and touched lightly his smooth cheek.

"Legolas," the man whispered, "can you hear me?"

The elf slowly opened his eyes and gave a small smile to the man. "You need not to ask Estel," he gasped. "You of all people should know of the keen hearing of elves. I would hear you from the other edge of the forest!" Legolas laughed a bit, but stopped suddenly when the pain in his wound increased. He paled a little and shut his eyes again. Aragorn looked anxiously at the elf, searching other injures on his body, but found nothing but small bruises from his arms.

The cut in his side was deep and lasted all the way to his abdomen. Aragorn moved the elf's hand away from the wound and studied it hard. Legolas winced when Aragorn touched it. The cut and the skin beside it had turned lightly green. It seemed like the blade that made it carried some kind of poison. Legolas began to tremble. His breathing was uneven and he was muttering some strange utters to himself.

"We must get you some help," Aragorn said, not knowing if the elf could hear him. "The wound is very deep and you're loosing a lot of blood. You need good healers." Having said that Aragorn lifted carefully the subconscious elf in his strong arms and headed off the clearing. Legolas was already hallucinating and didn't notice how fast Aragorn carried him forward.

Aragorn was extremely worried about his companion. They weren't that far away from his foster-father's lands, but Aragorn still feared that he was not going to make it there in time. He ran even harder when he reached the shores of Bruinen. From there it was only short distance to the boundaries of Rivendell. When he reached the gates, he saw two guards running his way.

"What happened?" They asked in unison.

"The young prince has a deadly cut in his side. He needs healers. Now!"

The other guard left to get help while the other took Legolas from the weary man. As they headed inside, Aragorn explained quickly what had happened. He was exhausted from the run, but would not rest until he was sure that Legolas was safe. They found Lord Elrond with the first guard inside already waiting for them. His face had a worried look as he approached the pale elf. He looked briefly at the wound before calling more guards to fetch healers.

They took Legolas up to the second floor into his room. There they rested him in his bed and four healers rushed immediately beside him. One of them came towards Aragorn.

"You must leave us now, please," she said. "The patient needs to rest and you are disturbing him."

"What?! That is absurd!" Aragorn cried. "I will not leave him in that condition. I am not doing any harm by being here!" Aragorn looked quickly at Legolas' troubled face. It was very pale. Some locks of hair clung to his moist forehead. He was still shaking a little. Aragorn felt so bad for him. He wanted to go over him and hold his hand, telling him that everything was going to be all right. Now he had to just leave him!

"Aragorn, you must obey." Elrond said quietly placing his hand on Aragorn's shoulder. "There is nothing you can do for Legolas now.

"But..." Aragorn started, but Elrond's sharp look told him not to argue. He looked one last time at Legolas' beautiful face before walking slowly towards the door, Elrond beside him. When they shut the door behind, Elrond turned to face Aragorn and said firmly:

"Tell me what happened."