Author's Note: Hola everyone. So here's the truth about this story since I haven't heard from Mewinx96. When I posted the first chapter. It was because I was bored. I really didn't know if I wanted this to be a real story. But since people liked it, I decided to actually take this seriously. Yes, the back story is true but I really didn't care as much for this story as much as any of my other stories. I made this real and took it seriously for you all. I realize a few people are going to turn away from their computers or phone in disgust. I don't blame you. I really hope you'll all stick around and read this final chapter though.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Hunger Games or anything else you've seen before.

Chapter 16 - What The-

Clove POV

I was walking down the halls with Foxface and Peeta on my heels. They have been trying to talk me out of my plan for a good half hour.

"Don't do this Clove," Foxface whispered.

"Please don't," Peeta added.

"I have to," I told them.

The bell rang when I saw the face I was looking for. My two best friends picked me up and carried me towards the change rooms. Foxy dragged me into the girls. I sighed but opened my backpack. I grabbed my gym clothed and pulled them on. Thank god Foxy and Peeta are both in this class. I race into the gym. I see Coach Atala standing their and all the students were sitting around her. I went and sat between Foxface and Peeta. Coach started talking.

"Alright, today we're going to play dodge ball since I have some work I need to catch up on. I'll make this easy. Clove and Jett are captains. Pick teams."

This always happens. Atala always picks my twin and me to be captain. I walk to the front of my class and stand beside my twin.

"Ladies first," my brother said.

I stayed quiet. My brother gave me a look.

"Well? You said ladies first. Pick someone," I said to him.

The class started laughing. Jett gave a little fake laugh.

"Fine. I'll pick first," he said. "I choose Marvel."

"Foxface," I spit out.

"Glimmer," my twin responded.

"Peeta," I said with a smile.

This kept happening until we had teams picked. I had my team of Foxface, Peeta, Katniss, Gale, Madge, and Will. Jett's teams consisted of himself, Marvel, Glimmer, Thresh, Leven, Cato, and Isabelle. I got my team to the opposite side of the gym.

"Here's the plan," I said. "Will, You probably don't want to play so act like a shield and everyone else try not to get hit. I'm going to try to Lullaby a few people."

Lullaby is my special move. Since the 'no hitting in the face' rule didn't apply ever, I made a move called the Lullaby. It is a strong face shot the knocked people right off their feet and occasionally unconscious. Coach Atala blew the whistle and disappeared into her office. I grabbed a ball that rolled by my feet. I saw my brother and wound up for the Lullaby. I whipped the ball and my brother fell off his feet.

"Goodnight Jetty," I said with sass.

Everyone looked at me. This one was directed to the head of the school bitches. Glimmer. She fell down and was knocked out. Foxface came and high-fived me. She was my main girl. The game kept going until it was down to Cato and me. I had only one ball Cato had the rest on his side.

"I can't hit her," Cato said.

"Well that's sweet. You bad you couldn't help yourself," I said before sending a Lullaby his way.

That was it. I won. Foxface came and hugged me. Gale and Peeta lifted me onto their shoulders. The team started chanting MVP. It wasn't a surprise that we won though. When it comes to anything, I'm super competitive with my brother. But he can never beat me. No matter what. After gym, I walked into the girls change room. I changed before going into the girls bathroom with Foxy. We both had spare next. Peeta had Home Economics. I sat on the counter.

"Congratulations Clover. You successfully gave a Lullaby to someone twice your size,"she joked.

Before I could respond, the door was whipped open. In walked Cato.

"Hey! You can't be in here," Foxy yelled.

"Oh my god! Foxy! I love your style!" he said before chasing her out.

He turned to me.

"She not wrong," I told him.

He came and pressed his forehead to mine. I leaned into him and kissed him. I suddenly felt a chill go up my spine. I pulled away and saw Cato had a bloody knife.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't have a choice," he whispered before disappearing.

I put my hand to where I was stabbed. I pulled my hand away and saw how much blood was gushing from my side. Foxy ran in and saw me. She gathered me in her arms. She helped me stand up and she took me outside. She called Peeta and Katniss they came rushing to where we were. Katniss called and ambulance while Foxy and Peeta tried to stop the bleeding. Finally, Peeta picked me up and we walked to the front entry. I saw an ambulance. My brothers must of heard about what happened because they were rushing towards us. Cephas took me from Peeta. A couple male nurses came in with a stretcher. They instantly wrapped a cloth around my side. They laid me on the stretcher and took me into the back of an ambulance. I saw my oldest brother forcing everyone to his vehicle before they shut the doors.

I feel awful. I felt nothing but pain in the area I was stabbed. I don't understand how everything came to happen. I feel like their about to lose me any second. That's when the light takes over.


I shoot awake. I look around. But I'm not in a hospital room. I'm in my old dorm room. What the heck? I see my old room mate, Maysilee, sitting on her bed reading. I'm in my pink argyle pajama pants and a white tank top. What is going on? Maysilee turns her head and looks at me.

"Nice hair sleeping beauty. I was starting to get worried. You hadn't waken up in a week. Good dream?" she asked.

"No. I lived my life in my dream," I breathed.

"What?" she asked.

I grab my phone off my night stand. I see I have a message from my twin. It has an attached video. I hit play and Maysilee comes to watch it.

"Oh my god," I mutter.

It's Cato attacking Will. It's the exact story Peeta told me in my dream. I read the attached message.

New guy sticking up for you.

"This is ridiculous," I say.

"What is?" Maysilee asks.

"My dream is going to become my reality," I said.

"What's so bad about that?" she asked.

"I died at the end of it," I said swallowing.

Maysilee wrapped her arms around me. I guess I'm probably being ridiculous. I grab my phone off my nightstand and walk into the bathroom. I dialed my twin's number.

"Hey Jett. You are never going to believe what just happened," I said before telling my twin about my dream.


Wow. I actually wrote what I think to be a pretty great story. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting this. Thank you to everyone who doesn't care if this wasn't one of MY personal favorite stories. I love you all. Please review and favorite. Also, I apparently have a poll posted on my profile. Please go vote if you can. Thank you to everyone.

~The Other Katniss Everdeen