Dear Readers and fans,

I know you guys thought this was an update and i am so sorry i mislead you but it's not. I would like to sincerely apologize for my lack of updates. I know I've probably said this before, but i'm going through some laptop problems. I had an accident a while back, spilled some drink on it and now my keyboard does not work and it is hell using the on screen keyboard. I do plan on getting a new laptop, just not sure when. I'm also not sure when i will be updating again. It honestly might not be till next year. Although i wont be updating, i am still writing. A lot actually, and i will have more than enough for you guys when i get back. But until then again I am really sorry. I do hope you guys still stick around, if not we've had a good run and thanks for sticking with me. :))

Thanks and sorry again, icecoldcookie1992...Q for short. :))