Hallo sweet readers! So, you may have realised that the discription for this story has changed completely. Well, that's because I decided to scrap the last idea. It was... lacking. And this whole concept I've come up with fits the title perfectly. They complement each other beautifully. Anyway, I came up with this premise when I was listening to Deftone's Change (In The House of Flies) on repeat. After jotting down my ideas, I hashed it out with my mum, and she tossed me a few brilliant ideas that I plan to use. Yes, this is rated m, and yes, there will be BL. Also, yes, my mum knows this, and she doesn't care. She knows basically everything about me, because we have no secrets. Also, I'm going to be using different POV writing styles. The first chapter will be in second person, since I really love it. The second chapter will be written in third person omniscient. In all honesty, most of this will probably be written in Third Person Omniscient, with some chapters in first or second person, to get a more dramatic approach.

Disclaimer: I do not own kuroshitsuji. All characters are copyrighted to Yana Toboso. I only own this story.

I've comprised a list of the laws of the angels (in my story, of course), and I'm putting them here for easy reference. Once you have an idea of everything considered illegal, you'll be able to understand the story more easily.

Angel Laws:

1: Sexual contact is prohibited: violation of this law results in swift and just punishment. The greater the crime, the worse the punishment.

2: Emotions beyond happiness, joy, mild sadness, etc, are not allowed: experiencing "love" or any of the seven deadly sins leads to severe punishment. One must not grow attached to another angel beyond friendship.

3: One must always walk the path of purity; deep emotions are unnecessary, with the ability to taint one's soul. One who becomes tainted is required to submit to the "purification process" (only the Creator knows what this consists of).

4: Only the Creator may bring life to new Angels (with the use of an artificial womb). Natural reproduction between Angels is strictly prohibited; offspring has blood that is too pure, leading to possible deformities. The offspring are called "Rabbits" because of their pale skin and crimson eyes.

5: Any Rabbits are to be hunted down and mercilessly killed. The parents of Rabbits will be punished severely. Rabbits can be kept alive as slaves or pets, to higher ranking angels only. It is the compassion in an angel that spurs them into rescuing a Rabbit from a grisly death, but dooms them to a life of servitude.

6: While all sexual relations are prohibited, homosexual relationships are the greatest taboo. Heterosexual relations between angels results in banishment to the human realm, wings intact. The punishment for homosexual relations is much more severe; first the wings of the guilty angels are torn from their back, before they are dropped down (for 7 days and 7 nights) until they hit the earth realm. They are cursed to forever roam the earth. When an angel's wings are removed, two possible outcomes exist: the angel will lose their mind and become one that craves angel flesh; they will no longer have memories, and all that will drive them is their urge to consume other angels. The other outcome is that they become evil; all goodness drains from them; and the only emotions they can experience is rage, lust, hatred, and anything of the like. They are considered wingless demons. To angels, these two fates are worse than death.

7: Friendly contact between angels is limited to handshakes, hand holding, hugs (lasting no longer than 10 seconds), and the like. Embracing, kissing, and anything considered as a romantic action is illegal and results in punishment.

8 Any contact with fallen angels that has not been cleared by the Creator as historical or scholarly research (limited only to high ranking angels) is illegal.

9: Visiting earth is prohibited; the only access to the human realm must be sanctified by the Creator, in times of war, to hunt down renegade angels, research, or if one has been banished to it.

10: Ranking of angels is chosen by none other than the Creator: once your rank is chosen, it cannot be changed. There is no working your way up to a higher ranking. However, one can gain presidence and respect as a scholar or a soldier, and if one does an extremely commendable act, the Creator is entitled to reconsider one's rank and change it as they see fit.

11: Angels who commit crimes that are not considered beastly enough to get them exiled, are barcoded and kept under scrutiny. A barcode will be tattooed onto a part of their body so that they can be kept track of easily.

12: Each artificial womb may birth a total of 5 angels before it is deemed too unstable to contain any more. It must be properly disposed of so that it may not be used again. Failure to dispose of an artificial womb properly (leaving it in working condition) will result in punishment; as the Creator is the only one permitted to bring new angels into existence, any other getting a hold of a working artificial womb is a crime. Only the Creator and those chosen to dispose of it may handle an artificial womb.

And there you have it. I believe that those are detailed enough (and easy to understand, hopefully) for my dear readers. Keep these in mind as you read this story, and you can better understand the trials that Ciel and Sebastian face, as well as the hardships that Rabbits and other angels go through.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it~