AN: So for those still reading Honi A'a I'm still working on it but I don't wanna post what I do have because I'm don't want to give you dedicated readers something I would consider half assed. I will get through it and finish it, promise.

You have 4 suggestive motions towards you

Spock looked over the computer screen towards Nyota to make sure her attention was solely on her lunch and not on him as he tapped the screen to load the comments left on his profile. Each looked relatively promising though some more than others.

The first motion that popped up was made by a cheerful looking red-headed Trill, her icon was a picture of a infinity loop with the symbol of the Trillian people.

Her likes and dislikes were nothing that really sparked Spock's interest but he was trying to be as open as possible to his 'dating' experimentation.

T'Pring, though coolly logical, had been quite progressive in her outlook on their relationship. She had tea with him one evening in Shi'karr and spoke to him practically ( as if there would be any other way of Vulcans speaking to one another) about breaking their bond and seeking other avenues for a mate.

" We are a people that embrace Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations and I feel that it behooves us as Vulcans to look for a better bondmate than what we presently have with each other." she said as a matter of fact accepting the tea he poured for her.

It was neither a slight to him or herself, simply the truth. In a culture where the parents find mates for their children mismatch bondmates did occur and he could hardly argue that they were well suited for one another. Though she was the epitome of Vulcan beauty, Spock did not burn for her as he read about in pre-Surak literature and bared witness to on those rare occasions where he caught males misfortunate enough to go into plak-tow publicly.

For T'Pring and Spock, they were polite but always emotionally distant, Spock's complexity when it came to feeling being a bit overwhelming for his mate to take their bond. With such a long life ahead of them would it not be the logical venue for them to split before having children so they could fully live long and prosper with a peace they could not find in each other?

Spock watched as she poured a cup of the brew for him as well, her slender wrist tilting the teapot with a grace that belied her high status. He took the hot mug between his hands and drank as if he were thinking her argument over when in reality he was doing his best to not show his relief. To say that his feelings were mutual was an understatement.

" Well said. Let us make arrangements to meet with a healer before I return to Earth." Spock nodded and sipped at his tea.

She seemed pleased by his acceptance and ordered another pot to drink as they discussed their careers and their plans for the future.

He blinked away the memory and went on to read the Trill's private message.

" Hi Spock, I couldn't help but comment on your profile, it's so rare to see a Vulcan unbonded and so very handsome as yourself on a dating site that I couldn't pass you up! As you can see I'm a Trill and you've probably already read that I'm joined with a symbiot that's had 5 lifetimes experience. None of the other hosts before me have dated or rather bonded with a Vulcan and I'm looking forward to seeing if we make a good pair. What do you think about a date this Tuesday? Message me to let me know and I'll send you my comm number." - Qoraa

Spock was pleased to see that she had intentions of dating for the sake of finding a mate and not a sexual partner.

He replied right away as today was Tuesday and let her knew that he looked forward to meeting her perhaps at a place of her choosing and that he would pay for what expenses they may encounter.

As he tapped send he looked up to see Nyota staring at him.

" What is it, Cadet?" he asked, trying his best to not sound flustered. Or guilty.

" Nothing, you just seem...well...I don't know excited?" she said worrying her ponytail as she grinned at him.

" Is that so? I apologize for my lack of restraint, I did not mean to distract you from your lunch."

She giggled and shook her head, her hair flying free of her fingers. " No, no, Commander, I mean, it's just nice to see you happy."

" I look happy? Was I smiling?" he asked abashed.

She smiled at him softly and looked away to her desk comm, tapping the screen with fluid ease. " No, you weren't smiling with your mouth. Just with your eyes."

" One can smile with their eyes?"

She nodded and looked back at him again. " Sure they can! In fact there's a way to smile with your mouth and not the rest of your face and then if you're really happy and want to show it you smile with both. See, watch me."

She turned in her chair, crossed her legs and straightened her back. " First, a smile with the mouth only."

Spock watched intently as her mouth spread into a wide crescent while the rest of her face remained in place. The effect was unsettling, it was like she was baring her teeth at him.

He nodded when she asked if he taken notice of the expression before going and smiling with her eyes.

Her mouth was motionless while her eyes narrowed, her bottom lids rounding upwards and the light of the fluorescent bulb of his office glittered against her pupils. He had seen her perform this look before with him, when they would talk over their meals together in his office while she graded and he answered his emails but he never knew she was smiling at him. And with that knowledge came the question of why?

Before he could ask she moved onto the last expression. " And finally a smile that touches both the mouth and eyes."

He inhaled slowly as he watched her face lift and widen in pleasure that he wished he could share in feeling. Had she always been so attractive? Alluring? Maybe she had been and he had never noticed, like a flower from a garden that when place into a vase in a stuffy parlor made all the difference with its fragrance and radiant petals but overlooked as just a regular occurrence when left in the sodden ground. Nyota certainly made his office an enjoyable work environment.

" What are the differences in these gestures for humans? When would they apply?" he pressed her for further details. Maybe it would shed some light on her eyes 'smiling' at him.

She looked up and off to the side, tapping her stylus rapidly on the desk and chewing on her bottom lip before she answered. He glances at her thoughtful expression and takes note on how she often does this same motion when she's trying to achieve a solution to an especially troubling problem.

" Well, I'd say that most people would smile with just their mouths in a dismissive gesture in an effort to not hurt the other party's feelings or smile as way dispelling tension from an uncomfortable situation while you would smile with smile with your eyes when you're not at liberty to do so."

" Clarify the last statement."

" Well like if you're in a crowd discussing something serious but you see or think of something funny. Or if you're shy around someone and you're not really sure of yourself but they make you happy."

Nyota looked down at her bag fiddling with the toggle clasp as she said the last part, giving Spock pause. Was she shy around him? She certainly did not appear to fit the definition of such a state when in his presence. She was quite verbose and had no qualms with discussing her differing opinions. Something else to note for later observation.

" And the lastly, when would one smile with both the eyes and the mouth?"

She does the motion with the same ease as T'Pring used to pour his tea, only this time he feels a stirring inside of him, like a flutter of lashes against his cheek along the inside of his ribs. Strange, he shouldn't be experiencing any heart palpitations.

" It's something that comes naturally when you're really happy or pleased."

" I see. You have an agreeable smile and I would wish to see you do it more often." he commented and she blushed back down at her backpack.

" It was not forward of me to ask you to do so was it? I am sure your bonded would be furious with me if he were to hear." he said half apologizing, half fishing for information.

She laughed and Spock felt lulled by the sound of it. The laughter accompaniment to that of her smiling face was all the more pleasing.

" No, my bonded wouldn't be furious because there is no bonded to be had." she quipped between giggles. " I didn't know Vulcans were prone to flattery?"

" We are not."

At this she looked up with curious expression on her face. Perhaps he had confused her and she thought he meant ill when no offense was given. Or maybe she did not like the implications of the stated fact. He wasn't flattering her, simply expressing the truth of what he felt. He would be more circumspect in the future.

A chime sounded on his computer screen and he tapped the incoming message with Qoraa's comm number. She chose a venue that he knew but was across town from was he was now. If he didn't leave within the next 2 minutes he would be late for the next trolley for midtown to go to his apartment to change his clothing.

He logged out and shut down his computer, noting the slight frown marring his TA's face. " Is something amiss?"

Nyota shook her head with a jerk and rubs at her hands as if washing them. " No! No, no...I just umm, I'll see you tomorrow." And with that she tucked her lunchbox away and went back to logging grades into the school secure cloud drive.

He tilted his head and said nothing more before leaving out and heading out to what proved to be an interesting evening.