Chiwassu~ Minna-san~ I know I haven't been updating a lot. Got a lot of things going in life ya know. But anyways

thanks for reading and keeping up with my stories. I'm trying my best to update both stories I'm currently working on.

Well... anyways here is the second chapter to this story. I hope you'll enjoy and keep on reading (even tho it takes

a while for me to update XD) I know my grammar and stuff are not the best but you're reading it... Ahahaha..

Until next time!


P.S. Second Season of Love Live is going to end soon TT^TT I better get a NicoMaki Kiss scene! (Mostly likely

not going to happen but one can hope for XD)

Nico was in her room, trying to write the lyrics to her song. It has been a couple of days since Eli brought up the idea of everyone writing their own character songs. The black haired senior placed her pencil down and started to read what she had so far.

"Uuugghh! These lyrics are so lame!" Nico shouted before crumpling the paper and throwing it into the trash can. The dark haired girl did not think it would be this hard to write lyrics to a song. She began thinking about what she said the other day.

"Maki-chan. How's your song coming along?" The grey haired sophomore asked the redhead freshman.

"I have most of the lyrics down; I just need to figure out what kind of beat I want for the song." Maki replied twirling her hair around her fingers.

"Oh, wow. You're that far already!?"

Nico could not help but overhear their conversion since they were across the table from her. "Hmph! I'm already done with my song." Those words slipped out her mouth even though she knew it was lie.

"Really? That is amazing Nico-chan! Can we hear your song then?" Kotori asked.

"Ugh… Well… If I sang it now then it would ruin the awesomeness of the song later…"

Why did I have to go and say that! Nico thought regretting the decision she had made. It was too late to take it back now. If she told them, it was all a lie then it'll just make her a laughing stock. Then the redheaded freshmen could use this against her. Nico begin picturing what would happen.

"Oh hohohoho!" Maki laughed nobly with her hand placed near her cheek. "It was all a lie!? I knew you couldn't write a song… oh hohoho!"

Clearing those thoughts away, Nico stared at the blank piece of paper in front of her. Maybe she could ask the composer for advice… then again that would show that she wasn't even done with her song. Sighing a bit, Nico decided it was best to take a break from writing her song. The black headed senior looked at her school bag remembering that she had forgotten to give "that" book back. Unzipping the bag, she placed the book in her hands. Sure, it was a girls' love story but she had to admit it was pretty interesting. A slight blush came across the dark haired girl's face as she looked around her room. Nobody was in the room with her but she always had the feeling that she should always look around before doing things that will be embarrassing if someone was actually there. Nico finished scouting the room and opened the book to where she had left off. Surprisingly she knew what page she was on; it was the part where the younger girl in the story was finally confessing her love to her beloved senpai.

"S-Senpai! I love you! I-I always have!" The younger girl stood in front of the older girl.

"W-What..?" The older girl stood there with a blank expression in her face. "Y-You love me!?"

"Senpai… You Idiot!" The younger girl tried to run away but the older girl had grabbed her hand and pulled her into a kiss.

Nico could feel her cheeks heat up as she thought of a specific someone as she was reading this part. Why was she thinking about that person? First of all, they didn't even have that type of relationship. On top of that, she didn't even like the girl but why did it make her heart skip a beat just a bit?

Nico pressed her fingers upon her lips lightly, kissing it as if it was someone else's. Her face turned red, realizing what she had done.

"WHAT AM I DOING!?" Nico shouted banging her head on the desk. From downstairs, she heard her mother yelling to be quiet since it was late. "I'm sorry."

She rested her head on the desk. Just what the hell am I doing? Nico thought.

The next day came by. The dark haired girl walked sluggish to school. Her normally beautiful twin pigtails were a bit lopsided and had small pieces of hair sticking out.

"Nico-chan~" an energetic orange haired girl shouted running up to the senior.

Nico turned her head to face her. "Oh... Rin-chan..." Her voice lower than usual.

"Ugh! N-Nico-chan... W-wha-what happened to you nya~" Rin's face turning sour looking at the older girl's face.

"I was up late... Doing stuff..." Nico looked away remembering why she stayed up.

It was all because that stupid book. She wasn't the one who enjoyed reading but for some odd reason that book intrigued her. She finished the whole book but due to that, Nico went to bed late. The bags underneath her eyes showed that lack of sleep along with the sloppiness of her appearance. However, Nico had to admit it was a really good story although the story ended tragically.

"Hmmmm... What kind of things?" Rin snickered. "You weren't doing naughty things nya~"

"Whhhaa! I wouldn't do that!" Nico jumped onto the younger girl pitching her cheeks. "You idiot!"

"Ooww... I was kidding nya~" Rin cried out in agony as Nico continued pitching her cheeks harder.

"What are you two doing...?" The redheaded beauty approached them, twirling her hair around her fingers.

"Urgh..!?" Nico gave out before letting go Rin's cheeks. "Oh... It's you Maki-chan~ We were doing nothing much really." The tone in Nico's voice changed.

"Uh huh..." Maki gave an unamused look. "You guys better get to class or you'll be late."

With that said, Maki starting walking away from them. Rin decided to follow her leaving Nico behind. "Hey! Don't leave me!" Nico shouted chasing after them.

Classes were the same as usual, the teachers giving lectures and students writing notes. Nico dozed off in her classes from time to time and ended embarrassing herself during English class. She was falling asleep while resting her head on her hand; the teacher had called her out, which caught Nico off guard. Her body jolted but her head's reaction was delayed and Nico ending up smacking her face on the desk. That definitely woke her up as the whole class laughed at her misfortune.

But now it was lunchtime, Honoka had invited everyone in μ's to eat together at the rooftop for some quality bonding.

"You're eating buns again!?" The blue-headed girl lectured the leader. "You're going to get fat and plus you need other nutritious things in your diet."

"Eehhh!? But Umi-chan~ Buns are delicious and good! I won't get fat because I exercise when we practice." Honoka complained.

"Umi's right. Honoka, you do need other things to keep your body functioning even if you exercise." The blond Russian girl said. "We don't want you getting sick again."

"Not you too Eli-chan~"

Nico stared blankly while eating her homemade lunch. She was listening to the others' conversations but it didn't really register in her mind as much. Her eyelids felt heavy but she tried to keep them up. It was no use; Nico began nodding off to sleep.

"It's unusual of you to not be talking." Nico heard the familiar voice that causes her to open her eyes. "Is the great Nico-nii having one of those days?"

Nico sensed mockery in the freshman's voice, "Shut up Maki-chan..." But she was in no condition to argue back as she began drifted off to sleep again.

Nico opened her eyes later on that day, finding two pairs of lavender eyes locked onto her face. Her hands were brushing her bangs, it seems like the girl was focusing on her bangs to notice Nico had woken up from her power nap.

"What are you doing, Maki-chan..?" She glared at the freshman.

Maki jumped a bit, her face turning red, "I-it's not what it looks like... You... Uhh... Had something in your hair and.. I-I was taking it out... But you're one to talk! Falling asleep on my lap!"

"What! I did no such-" Nico becoming more aware of her surroundings now and noticed it was true. "Ahem! You should be grateful the great beautiful idol Nico is laying on your lap."

Maki rolled her eyes, "Thanks to you, I'm missing class right now"

"What! Class started!?" the senior quickly got off the younger's lap. "Why didn't you wake me up!? Or just leave me here by myself!?"

"I couldn't do that... Y-you looked s-so peaceful sleeping... And I-I didn't want to ruin that..." Maki's face glowed red.

Nico's face began to matched the same color as Maki's. Her heart pounding on her chest wildly. Maki-chan did this all for me? Nico thought to herself. Why would she do that?

The two girls started at each other for some time now. The breeze blowing their hair and their clothing around a bit. Nico placed her hand on Maki's cheek. The freshman was surprised by this sudden action but didn't make any effort to resist.

"Maki-chan..." Nico brought her body close to Maki's. The thumping on her chest beating louder in her ears as she was close to kissing Maki's lips.

"Nico-chan! Wake up! It's time to get to class now! Nico-chan!" A voice called which sounded like Honoka.

Nico could feel her body rocking back and forth. She opened her eyes to find Honoka along with the other members still there. It was all a dream? She questioned herself a bit disappointed.

"Geez... Taking a nap like a little kid and drooling all over... Maybe you need to go back to elementary school..." Maki said.

"Sh-Shut up!" Nico wiped off the drool. "Being an idol is tough work! A little nap here and there wouldn't hurt!"

"Whatever... I'm heading to class now..." Maki ended their conversation walking away.

"Kukuku.." Nico clenched her lips together glaring at the freshman. She could feel the defeat.

The last bell had rung dismissing the students from school. Nico headed straight towards the clubroom. Being the first one there, the dark-haired senior placed her belongings onto the table. She sat at her usual spot, staring off into space. That dream she had during lunch break, Maki's face close to hers. Her beautiful lavender eyes staring right into her own crimson ones. Their lips almost... Gah! Nico interrupted her thinking. Her face becoming flushed. What am I thinking? She questioned herself.

Hearing the sound of the doorknob turning, Nico looked to find the redheaded freshman entering the room. Why did she have to show up when Nico-nii was having such thoughts? The senior thought to herself. Calm down. You're Nico Nico-nii~ the most beautiful idol in the whole wide world; you can't have someone like Maki get you flustered. Nico Nico-nii~ Finishing her monologue in her head, Nico strike her Nico Nico-nii pose confusing the younger girl.

"What are you doing?" Maki's voice had a hint sighing with it.

"Ugh!" Nico noticed how stupid it probably looked since she was saying things in her head. "W-What does it look like!? I'm practicing my Nico Nico-nii."

"Uh... Huh... Practicing without chanting your Nico Nico-nii? That's strange."

"Sh-Shut up! I was practicing m-my smile."

"Okay... Whatever..." Their conversation fell into complete silence. A few minutes passed, before Maki broke the silence.

"M-My book..." The freshman held her hand out to the older. "I'd like it back n-now..."

A mischievous grin was placed in Nico's face as she grabbed the book out of her bag. "No way. I'm not giving it back to you. You have to ask more nicely and cutely like..." The dark headed girl began to get into character, "Nico-oneesama please give me back my yuri book~"

"Wh-What!? There's no way I'm doing that!" Maki's cheeks becoming a light pink color.

"Then that's too bad. You're not getting your book." Nico teased.

"F-Fine!" Maki tried making her face as cutesy as possible but her face showed distress and discomfort. "N-Ni-Nico-o-o-on-nee-s-sama. Pl-Please give me back... My y-y-yuri book."

"Pfftt! Hahaha! What's up with your face!? It's like you're constipated or something." Nico laughed.

Maki's face turned red from embarrassment as she pouted a bit. "Geez! Just give me my book back!" The younger girl tackled the older one to the floor. The book falling off Nico's hand.

"Ow! What was that fo-" Nico opened her eyes, finding the freshman on top of her, their faces close to each other's.

"I'm... Sorry... Nico... Chan..." Maki's face was beet red along with Nico's. "You're always taking things too far."

For a moment, Nico felt a sharp pain on her chest as she looked at Maki's face. She looked a bit sad and hurt. The senior could not figure why Maki would make such a face. Nico hesitated before she slowing touched the redhead girl's face. She was about to speak but the clubroom door had sprung open, the rest of the members entering the room.

"Oh! Nico-chan and Maki-chan is here!" Honoka's energetic voice called out. Somehow, the two girls managed to get back to their seats. Nico greeted the members trying to hide her awkwardness.

"Shall we share what we have for our songs? And the troubles we're facing with them?" The beautiful blond asked.

Crap. Nico forgot about her song. All that was on her mind right now is Maki.