Here is the next chapter to this story. Shout outs at the bottom.

I don't Kickin it

Chapter 1

That one night changed everything. But I didn't know it till 7 weeks later. If I could tell myself what I was getting into, then I would at least prepare myself. But the thing about life, you never know what happens next. Anyways now this story begins six weeks later.

Six weeks have passed since the night I lost it to Jack. The night I let myself let loose. The night I cheated on Brett. I felt so bad about what I did to him. Even though I didn't love him the way I was supposed to, I still cared about him. We were still together as if nothing ever happened. Same thing with me and Jack, we are still friends as if nothing happened.

Right now I just got to the dojo where I was greeted by Milton.

"Hey Kim" he says

"Hey, do you have any food on you, I'm starving"

"Really, you never hungry or eat before practice" he said while throwing me a granola bar and a sandwich.

"Well this time I am, can't a girl eat without being judged" I yelled

"Okay, geez Kim what's up with you, I just asked that's all"

"Sorry, I'm not really feeling myself right now. This morning I felt like I was going to throw up, I was falling asleep in a few in my classes and I have been having to go to the bathroom a lot more than what I usually go in a day"

"Are you sure you're alright, cause you have been a little bit more moody"

"Yes, just probably my time of the month signs that's all"

"Okay then"

It was my time of the month signs right. I was feeling sick, falling asleep, peeing more and moody. I get cramps, I didn't get that good of a sleep last night, I do drink more water now so I would have to go to the bathroom more and I'm always moody, its being a girl. Right? My thoughts got interrupted by Jerry and Jack coming.

"Hey guys, guess what" Jerry comes in saying all excitedly

"What is it Jerry" Milton asks

"Guess who got four tickets to one of the biggest fall concert fest of the year"

"No way you didn't get tickets to Rockchella", I said excitedly

"Well I would be lying, but these tickets would say that I'm not"

"WE ARE GOING TO ROCKCHELLA" all of us screamed

"Woah, guys what is going on in here" Rudy says as he comes out of his office

"Nothing much but us going to Rockchella" says Jack

"Okay then since that is out of the way, guys get to stretching"

Practice went by easy, which was good because I felt sick the entire time but didn't want to say anything. I went in the locker room to get changed and when I came out the guys were already ready.

"Kim, we are going to Falaphel Phil's do you want to come" Jack asks me.

"Yeah let me just grab my stuff" I replied.

I was getting all my things together till I felt really sick in my stomach. I thought it was a cram till I felt like something was going to come out of my mouth. I ran into the bathroom and puked all of my guts out. I heard the guys right by the door with sound of sympathy.

"Hey Kim, are you alright" Jerry asks

"Yeah, just fine. Milton, what was in that sandwich you gave me" I ask

"Nothing much just peanut butter and strawberry jelly" Milton says.

"Oh, ok just go on without me, I will just go home"

"Are you sure Kim" Jerry ask

"Yes, go on, I will be fine"

The footsteps went away as I washed my face and cleaned my mouth. I got out of the bathroom and into the dojo only to find Jack standing there.

"Hey, I know you wanted me to go to Phil's but I thought I rather walked you home instead" He says with a warm smile. A warm smile with those soft lips and … waits a minute, what I am thinking. Jack and I are only friends, even if we have done something together, I am with Brett.

"Sure, why not" I say with a smile.

We walk together talking, laughing about stuff, just what two best friends do. We get to my place as he walks me to the front door.

"Are you okay Kim, cause you really haven't been yourself" he asks me with a concerned face.

"Relax; it is probably my time of the month stuff, though it hasn't been like this. My mom made a doctor's appointment on Monday (BTW it is Friday right now) just to make sure", I say calmly.

"Okay well I got a go, bye"

"Bye Jack"

I unlock the door and go to the living room to see my 11 year old sister Jaycee on the couch reading a book.

"Hey Jaycee, where's mom"? I ask.

"In the kitchen making dinner "she replies without taking her eyes of the book.

I walk to the kitchen seeing my mom putting pasta into three bowls.

"Hey mom, how was work today" I ask

"Oh it was fine honey, nothing new same old same old. Can you call your sister, dinner is ready" mom says tiredly.

I call Jaycee and we our dinner. Mom goes to bed after and Jaycee goes to the living room to watch some TV. I go to my room thinking if everything was okay with me. It was probably just my imagination getting to me. I put on some music as 'Lucky Strike' by Maroon 5 comes on. I go take a shower and put on my gray sweats with a blue tank top. I crash on my bed to go to sleep just trying to get off my mind on what could be wrong.

Line Break

Monday comes around fast as so does the school day goes by fast. School ends and I'm at my locker grabbing my books that I need for my homework assignments. I'm wearing my white skinny jeans, black woven lace up boots, a navy brodierie cami, charm bracelet, and have my hair up in a ponytail with a French braid part on the sides. Jack comes up wearing jeans, black high tops and a black and white plaid shirt.

"Hey, are you going to practice today" he asks me.

"No, I got a doctor's appointment, remember", I say

"Oh yeah I forgot, well, I will see you later then"

"Yeah, see ya"

He leaves as I see Brett coming towards me.

"Hey babe", he says as he gives me a peck on the lips

"Hi Brett", I say after he gives me a kiss.

"So, I was thinking that this Friday we go on a date to a fancy restaurant and maybe go see a movie"

"Yeah that sounds nice but you don't have to take me somewhere fancy, we can just go to Circus Burger if you like"

"Nope, only the best for you, so wear something nice. I gotta go to football practice"

"Okay I gotta go to a doctor's appointment anyways, see ya". I give him a peck on the lips and leave to the doctor's.

Line Break

"Hello, I'm Kim Crawford and I'm here to see please", I say to the lady at the desk.

"Yes, Kim, okay just fill out these papers really quick and then she will be out in a minute", she says.

I fill out the papers and give them to the lady who on the name tag name is Robin. I grabbed a magazine on the table and start reading it. I wait at least 20 minutes till Robin calls me.

"Kim Crawford, will see you know"


My first appointment. Now that I go back to it, I should have been worried about it, but I just happened to be calm. Wow, I was so brave and now I'm scared. If only I knew at the time what was going to happen in that room.

The second chapter to this please no bad comments.

Shout out to:

KarateGirl77: You were the first person to write a review on this story with a good thing to say about it so thanks

olivi4nlife:You thought it was amazing and wanted to be updated soon, thank you

autumn1999: You were impressed by this story saying that this story has been the best one so far that you read about Kim being a pregnant teen. you gave me hope so thanks

lalagirl2418: I love that you love this story so much and that you wanted me to update soon so here you go. Thank you.