So apparently I've been spelling Allison's name wrong. Honestly I prefer it spelled with one L, so that is what I am going to do.

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf, trust me on that

Chapter 7- Oh god It's Wednesday

It was Wednesday, school was back in full swing and as Scott walked back into school he could feel the disapproval radiating off his teachers. He had tried, he really did, but it seemed missing one day just sent him all the way back to not being a 'good student' he tried and he officially failed.


Melody arrived to school later then she had wanted but still early enough where the bell hadn't rung yet and she would still have time to talk to Scott. She smiled when she saw him. Walking up to him her hands tugging at her backpack.

"Hi stranger." Melody stated tapping Scott's shoulder.

Scott jumped laughing lightly. He hadn't been focusing on hearing behind him. He smiled turning around. "I didn't expect you." He stated touching her arm lightly.

Melody shook her head. "You really need to be more perspective." She stated watching Scott close his locker.

The two teens looked at each other. Unsure what exactly they were meant to do. They hadn't reached a point in anything and neither wanted to bring it anywhere.

Melody clicked her tongue as they walked to first hour. "So, how's Alison?" She asked unsure how much Scott knew.

"Alison? I don't really know, Lydia and Isaac are checking up on her. It's not really my place." He stated rubbing his neck softly.

Melody nodded. "I just, I know it must be hard, for all of you." She stated as they entered the classroom. They both smiled at each other. Melody sitting in the seat next to Scott as Stiles ran into the room sitting down in front of him.

"Scott, Scott, there's-" Stiles paused looking at Melody. "Oh hi Melody. I didn't- where's brooder?"

"Isaac is at the hospital." Scott responded. Rolling his eyes at the name Stiles used for Isaac.

"Well, there's, an issue with my father, he's digging." Stiles stated looking at Scott.

"You had to expect that Stiles." Scott stated off handily. Both the boys looking at Melody who took to staring at the ends of her hair.

Melody tried not to listen. She knew Stiles didn't like her, and didn't want give him another reason not to.

"Hello Class. Now I know that you've had quite a few subs in this class. Since the disappearance of your last teacher." Scott and Stiles looked at each other. Both feeling slightly uncomfortable. "I'm Mr. Yukimura, and while I know getting a new teacher in the middle of a semester is a lot to adjust to, bare with me." He stated smiling at the class before starting.


Melody jumped when the bell rang. About 5 minutes into Mr. Yukimura's lecture she had zoned out. Her focus on her doodles versus anything else. Melody looked around trying to see if anyone noticed her lack of focus.

Scott moved his focus away from Melody as the bell sounded. She was focusing on her pen and he was focusing on her. There was something about the way her curls folding on the opposite side of her face. How she looked at her paper. Scott felt like a creep how he watched her, but she was far more entertaining than Mr. Yukimura could have been.

Stiles rushed out of the room. Scott noticing and make a split choice to leave after him versus waiting for Melody.


Stiles was having a mini panic attack. Stiles had one roughly once a day since the incident. Stiles became increasingly good at hiding them, but in this moment he couldn't. Something had made him go off, and Stiles wish he knew.

Scott stared at Stiles as he stopped in the empty locker room. "Stiles, Stiles!" Scott stated staring at his best friend. Scott hadn't seen Stiles go off the deep end in at least two months. Stiles had told him that Cara had been helping with them, but all of a sudden it didn't seem like it was true.

Stiles allowed his breath to even out. He waited and waited for his heart to start jumping into his throat but he couldn't.

It had taken almost 10 minutes for Stiles to look up at Scott who had been just stood there watching his best friend, waiting for him.

"When did they start up again?" Scott asked sitting down next to Stiles.

"They never really stopped." Stiles admitted letting out a rough laugh.

"But Cora said-"

"I haven't been alone with Cora in almost a month Scott." Stiles looked up his nose twitching. "We died nearly 2 months ago, and I feel like nothing is going back to normal for me."

"It all takes time Stiles, I'm barely-"

"But you have Melody, and Broody, and the entire pack watching you." Stiles stated cringing at his bitterness.

Scott tilted his head. "Stiles, you have me, and don't turn them into something."

"Scott, you have full control over our entire friend group. The only two people that don't listen to you are Peter and Derek, and well, they do not entirely count as part of the pack."

"Stiles, I can't- I can't change who I am."

"Neither can I Scott." Stiles retorted putting his head in his hands. "I feel like I am going crazy, and I really, I know it's the dying, I know that is messing me up, but I'm just, I'm not Stiles anymore."

Scott tapped his best friend on his back. "We all take time Stiles, and I am 130% here for you, no matter what." Scott looked up at the clock.

"We have about 10 minutes left of Physics, then it's English. Do you want to just sit here? We can head to English with the next bell" Scott suggested earning a light laugh from Stiles.

Stiles nodded leaning his head back and hitting the locker.


Melody sat in Econ staring at the empty desk two rows away from her. She had no idea what happened to Alison, but it couldn't escape her mind as Melody sat there. This was the only class they had together, and Melody wished she knew more about Alison, she wished she knew more about the entire clan that Scott seemed to be deeply rooted with.

A light tap on her shoulder made the young girl jump in her seat. Melody turned sharply earning a laugh from the girl behind her.

"Sorry, I just, Hi, I'm Kira. The old new girl." The small asian stated putting a piece of hair behind her head.

"Oh, hi. I'm Melody." She stated out stretching her hand. The two girls smiled at each other.


As the bell rang Melody and Kira left the room talking.

"Moving from New York to the west coast, is so weird. The weather change alone." Kira stated shuttering.

"I know what you mean. We moved across country all the time, it's always a little, off." Melody stated laughing.

As they walked into English Melody stopped noticing Scott and Stiles sitting in their seats. Both of them extremely quiet. Melody smiled at Kira before going to her spot behind Scott.

Melody poked the boy's back leaning forward her chin hitting his shoulder. "How is he?" Melody asked moving her head.

Scott paused looking at Stiles. "He's um, he's okay." Scott stated earning a cringe from Stiles.

Melody pursed her lips. "Okay, well, I was wondering if after school you wanted to go see Alison."

Scott turned around looking at his newest love interest. "Alison why-"

"Because she's important to you, and I want to go see her. I'll drive?" She offers looking at Scott closely. "I just don't want your friends to think I'm taking you away from them, or that I don't like them."

"Melody they don't-"

"Scott if we are going to be in a relationship, then your friends have to like me." She stated simply.

Scott looked at her. "Okay, okay we can go after school." Scott tilted his head. "We can take the bike. I have to stop at a friend's place after school but I'll pick you up after yea?" He asked leaning in and kissing her cheek, before walking away quickly before she could respond.


Melody walked into the courtyard for lunch. She tilted her head looking for a spot to sit. Melody debated about sitting down next to one of the twins and Danny. Knowing that was where Scott planned to sit, but decided against it knowing that it would just look weird.

Melody sat at the round table, placing her tray containing pizza and an apple down after she sat. Melody looked around the courtyard, waiting to see someone familiar. She smiled slightly looking at Kira.

Kira didn't know why she had the nerve to talk to the new girl. Maybe it was because Kira needed to bond with someone here. Kira noticed Melody sitting alone. Making a Beeline to the other girl, Kira sat down opposite of the brunette. Smiling softly.

"You looked lonely." Kira stated earning a smile and a shrug from Melody.

"It happens when one doesn't know who would want her to sit by them, considering being nice in bio is a totally different thing than wanting to be ones friend.


"Wait what do you mean Derek and Peter have to leave?" Stiles stated looking at Cora.

Cora took a bite out of her apple. Looking at everyone else at the table. She swallowed lightly looking back at Stiles. "I mean that Peter got a call, and Derek is his backup. They told me that if they aren't back in three weeks to call a SWAT team. Which I think means get the pack together and search."

Scott let out a groan. He looked around at his pack. It was sparse today with three members gone. It had a weird effect on the entire table. The twins purposefully putting themselves on the outskirts. Danny the buffer between them and the rest of the pack.

Without Lydia there to referee so Cora wasn't as nice, and therefore much more intimidating. "So we wait for them, while we wait for Alison, while we hope they get better?" Danny stated. Still not really sure about anything.

Everyone else at the table nodded. Scott looked around the paramanda. His eyes stopping at Melody.


Melody's eyes locked on Scott's. She knew Kira was saying something, but she couldn't focus on anything but Scott. The two teens smiling at each other before looking back at their companions.

"You like him." Kira stated looking at Melody.

Melody laughed looking at the girl. "Of course I do." She stated blushing. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. He, well he is distracting."

Kira couldn't help but smile at Melody. "He is rather cute isn't he?"

Melody nodded turning her attention away from Scott. "He is, his group though, they are, well I don't really know."

Kira tilted her head. "So are you guys like dating?" She asked surprised the new girl had already found someone.

"Kind of, it's complicated." Melody answered shaking her head. "Enough about that, tell me, what's it like having your dad as your teacher?" Melody changed the topic her body leaning towards Kira, listening intently to the other girl.


"You can't just expect us to go along with that Derek. We aren't machines." Scott stated staring at Derek as he tried to control the meeting.

"Scott, something dangerous is coming. Multiple dangerous things are coming. Or are already here, and everyone who is part of your life, well they are part of the grand scheme. You want to keep them safe? You want to keep this town safe? Then they have to fight, they have to be ready for this, we all do." Derek spite back. The group of teens around them watching closely. "Now I have to go, Peter already left and I'm running out of time. You have to help your pack Scott. Be the damn Alpha you are."

As Derek stormed out of the loft everyone fell silent. Unsure what they were suppose to say or do. It was all building up and the teens could feel it.

Scott closed his eyes. His mind pausing. He didn't know what to do, or say, or what to tell his pack surrounding him. "You know Scott, I think we are all fine the way we are. Nothing we can't handle right?" Stiles stated trying to calm down his best friend.

Scott nodded. "I have faith in all of us. There is nothing out there that we all can't handle together." Scott felt his phone buzzing a curse coming out of his mouth. "And I have to go. Melody wants to go visit Alison." Scott stated refusing to look at his friends as he grabbed his jacket.

"You really think that is a good idea?" Stiles asked following his friend out of the loft, leaving Danny, Ethan, Aiden, and Cora in the room with an awkward silence.

"It was not my idea, and honestly, yea I do. I want you all to be friends. She is an amazing girl, Stiles."

"You barely know her Scott." Stiles stated causing Scott to pause in front of his bike.

"That's the thing Stiles, I know you are right, but this connection I have with her, I can't explain it, but I just, I trust her, and I feel like I do know her, everything I need to." Scott stated looking at his best friend.

"That is great, and I'm super happy for you, really I am, but we are not in a place right now where you can just, fall in love. How do you know that these feelings aren't the darkness? How do you know that what you see in her is wrong? Scott, you have been acting extremely normal, while both Alison and I are falling apart at the seams, you can't really think that this is normal?" Stiles countered looking at his best friend with concern.

Scott couldn't respond. He didn't know what to say. Instead he just rode off his mind echoing Stiles's words.


Melody stood there looking out the window. She was nervous, and scared, and most of all afraid that Scott had bailed. His relationship with Alison, was not something that she would ever think as normal, and she had no idea if he wanted to go see her, but Melody knew it was what she wanted, and she just hoped Scott could see that.

She jumped seeing his bike. She left the house quickly stopping in front of Scott before he got his helmet off. "Hey." She stated debating about mentioning the fact that he was late.

"Hey." Scott responded back not looking directly at Melody.

Melody furrowed her brow. Her hand going to Scott's upper arm. "Are you alright?" She asked him her hand moving up and down his arm, waiting for the boy to look at her.

"Fine, just, a lot going on. My friends, and family, and everything, it's just- Alison is in the hospital." He stated turning to look at Melody.

"And we are going to go visit her, and you will have me there. She's your friend, you have to see her." Melody stated leaning in and kissing Scott softly. "I'll be right there."

Scott allowed a tense smile to grace his lips and Melody seated herself behind him.


They road to the hospital in silence. Neither of them wanting to speak. Melody allowed her head to rest on Scott's back, her mind staying focused on the task at hand.

As they stopped at the hospital, they heard the sirens that seemed constant as of late. Melody let out a sigh.

"My dad always likes to be in the middle of a battleground, what exactly is going on in Beacon Hills?" Melody slid off the bike handing her helmet to Scott, her hand open, waiting for his.

"It's the woods, old lore says they are haunted, allows people to be attacked." Scott stated his hand going to Melody's. His feet staying planted.

Melody turned smiling softly at Scott. "Ready?"

"No, but let's go in anyway." Scott stated as the young pair walked towards the hospital. It was the first time in a long time that Scott was just going to the hospital, and not going to try to save his mom. It was sadly refreshing.


Alison sat up in her bed, her eyes staring at the wall in front of her. It was strange, Sheriff Stilinski coming in and asking her questions that she couldn't answer.

How do you tell someone you thought you were being chased by your dead aunt and not have to be committed? She chose to not tell people anymore than that she ended up getting lost, and scared, and when she finally got somewhere, the twigs attacked her, it was half the truth anyway.

Alison turned her head as the door opened. "Scott?" She stated questionly looking at her old boyfriend. She had forced everyone else to go home earlier, she needed a break from both Lydia and Isaac, and her dad looked ragged.

Scott smiled his hand pulling Melody into the room as the girl closed the door. "Hi Alison, you remember Melody right?"

Alison nodding. "Yes, hi Melody, it's nice to see you again." She stated smiling at the other girl.

"Yea, really god you are awake, and safe, I'm so glad you are safe." Melody said earnestly.

"Thank you Melody." Alison looked at Scott. Her eyes staring into him. "Thank you for coming Scott, but why are you here? Isaac told me you were being, off."

Melody popped her lips her hand slipping out of Scott's. "I'm going to go say hi to dad, you guys talk." She stated squeezing out the door and leaving the two together.

"Alison, I am sorry for what I said to Isaac. I do still care about you, I just, I wasn't worried, I knew you would be found, alive." Scott stated walking up to the girl.

"I get it, I was barely gone, and besides, you are preoccupied." Alison couldn't help but smile. "She is really nice, I can tell she's good for you." Alison paused. "You never would have just come to visit me on your own."

Scott nodded. "I still should have taken it seriously that you were missing, if your were gone, Alison, we can't handle losing you." Scott smiled at the mention of Melody. "She helps take the darkness away. I used to be so on edge, so aware, I mean losing my mind, I just I felt it, and then I met Melody, and got to know her, and I felt grounded again."

Alison laughed. "I so wish I knew that feeling, Scott, I'm not at rest at all, I just, I'm coming undone, I just, I wish I wasn't, I wish I knew how to become stable, but I don't, I don't at all." Alison stated looking up at the ceiling.

Scott moved towards her, his arms wrapping around her lightly. "Alison, you will get over it, it will blow over, you will feel peace again, just, breathe." Scott stated as Alison hugged him back.

Alison let out a breath as she pulled away from Scott. "I just don't know how long I have to wait, I'm so sick of waiting, aren't you?" Alison stated as the door opened.

"Scott? visiting hours are ending." Melody stated popping her head back in.

Scott nodding stepping further away from Alison. "Rest, I'll see you soon, and don't worry about any of it."

"Yes, thank you, both of you for coming, it means a lot." Alison responded as the other two teens walked out of the room.

Melody smiled at Scott as they left the room. "How was it"

Scott nodded his hands going into hers. "It was really good actually, thank you, a lot for that." He responded leaning down and kissing her lightly.

Melody grinned as Scott pulled away. "Good, I'm glad that was good for you."

Scott smiled back his face looking goofy. Scott looked up his smile dropping lightly. "Mom! Hi." He said louder than necessary taking a step back from Melody. Who turned around staring at Mrs. McCall.

"Scott, hi, what are you doing here?" She asked walking towards her son.

"Visiting Alison." He responded, his mom's gaze going to Melody.

"Oh, yea, mom this is Melody, Melody this is my mom. Melody is new to Beacon Hills her dad is Dr. Thurston." Scott rushed through both ladies laughing at him as they shook hands.

"It's so nice to meet you Mrs. McCall, Scott has told me so much, all good of course, but it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well. Haven't heard a lot though, then again, I haven't talked to Scott in a while." Mrs. McCall looked directly at her son. "Dinner. Tonight at 7, don't be late." She stated walking away from the two teens.

Melody looked over at Scott. "You haven't told your mom about me? Wow, spend two night with a guy, and he will never let his mom know about you." Melody joked, laughing lightly.

Scott blushed. "Sorry, I haven't really spoken to her this week." He commented sheepishly earning another laugh from the short girl.

"You are ridiculous, come on, take me home." She stated grabbing his hand. "You have to be home by 7, so I better get home so you can eat."

As Scott dropped off Melody at her house the air seemed different around them. "So I'll see you tomorrow yea?" Scott asked as Melody took off her helmet.

"Absolutely, see you tomorrow." She nodded moving in and kissing him softly.

Melody walked up to her a door, a bright smile on her face, her and Scott's relationship slowly shifting to something much more secure.

Scott rushed home. "Isaac!" Scott shouted as he opened the door, his eyes scanning the room.

"Yea Scott?" Isaac laughed coming down the stair half awake.

"I have to do it, I have to tell Melody." Scott said rushed. His mind already made up as he told his Beta the plan.