Hello amazing people from the internet! How have you been? It's been so long… I'm sorry for that. AN at the bottom.

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Naruto.


Hiashi found the Hokage sleeping on his desk.

That was not an unusual sight for him, since the previous one had the same habit. Tsunade would often sleep over documents and sake.

It seemed that Naruto had inherited this habit.

The blonde might have felt his presence because not much after he entered the room, Naruto started to wake up.

"Hiashi-san." Naruto greeted.

"Hokage-sama," he said, face stern and voice cold. "I have something to inform you."

"Please, Hiashi-san, have a seat. What do you need to talk about?"

"I'm here to inform you that I sent Hinata to a safe place. She won't be attending any missions for the next several months."

"Why did you do that?"Naruto asked, getting angry. He did have a headache, and was really tired. Not only that, but he felt like he really needed a talk with the shy woman. Her leaving the village now was definitely bad for him. "She's a kunoichi of Konoha."

"She's also a member of the Hyuga clanand my daughter. I can send her away if I see fit. You know that."

The blond tried to calm himself. Discussing with Hiashi could only lead to bad things. He had to think.

"Where did you send her?" He asked, at last.

"I cannot tell you that."

"What!? Why?" He was fuming now. How could Hiashi do that?

"That only interests to the Hyuga clan; besides, not even I know where exactly she is."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"She's my daughter. Her life is precious to me and, as her father;it is my duty to protect her."

Naruto couldn't protest to that. He had only to admit defeat.

"All right, then. If you need any assistance from Konoha, please come here again."

After Hiashi left, Naruto decided he should go back to sleep, but couldn't. His mind chose that moment to show him some very important things he missed from the day before, his "meeting" with Hinata.

"N-naruto-kun, I'm... I'mpregnant." He heard Hinata's voice, replayed by Kurama's memories of the events.

Naruto froze. That couldn't be. It was possibly a dream. He had been drinking a lot these days. If that was true then... then... there was no way. It had been only that night and, and he didn't even remember it that well. If that was really true, then he couldn't reach her, to talk things through (they really needed that now), or to protect her from these unknown threat.

Naruto started to hyperventilate. In his panic, he did not see Sakura getting in the room, calling his name frantically. Seeing the state of her friend, she did the only thing she could, in this situation. She chakra-punched him.

The young Hokage woke up a few moments later to Sakura's worried face. He was lying on the floor of his office, while she sat on his chair.

"I was going to give my weekly report," she said, "but you seem out of it. Are you all right? Do you want me to come back later?"

Naruto didn't know what to do. There was a lot to process. Hinata was pregnant, and she had been sent somewhere to her own protection by her father. The Uzumaki froze at the thought of Hinata's father. Then, he relaxed slightly. The man probably didn't know of her pregnancy. If he did, he would have killed Naruto by now. Or worse.

Sakura still was looking at him with a mix of worry and curiosity. Whatever happened to Naruto, had put him in a very distracted state of mind, but she could see it was not exactly an emergency. Silently, she left the room. She could always give her report later.

"What do I do? What do I do?" The blonde said, as he beat his head on the table.

The trip to Suna had been an easy one. They went at a moderate pace, and arrived there in three days, without incident.

Well, mostly.

As they entered Wind country, the weather got hotter. That was to be expected. The air was dry, and vegetation was scarce... she remembered the place from the chunin exams. The night was very cold, and the extreme changes of temperature made her very uncomfortable.

The Village hidden in the Sand was protected by sturdy rock walls that blocked most of the heavy winds making the air more bearable. But the heat... oh, the heat.

Of course, Gaara and his siblings were used to it. Seeing the Hyuga discomfort, they guaranteed the young woman that she would be much more comfortable once they reached the city.

She hoped so.

The Kazekage said that her future accommodations had a very sophisticated air-conditioning system, and that, most buildings had them too. Whenever she was indoors, she should be comfortable enough.

Different from Konoha, the Kage's tower was not only the office and central of command, but also also the Kazekage and his family's residence. The building was massive, taller than the Hogake tower in her home village, and also a little larger. It held a small clinic, a large cafeteria, a library, several study rooms and small dormitories for ninja and diplomats, a lot of offices, waiting rooms, the village archives and the Kazekage's office. Then, the two last floors were the residential area.

Hinata was very surprised when she found out where her accommodations were.

Instead of being taken to an inn or even an apartment, Hinata was given a room in the residential area of the Kage's tower. It was a lovely room, decorated in a very elegant earthy colors and mahogany furnishing, with a queen sized bed, a large chest of drawers, a vanity table with a mirror and a small desk.

It was at the end of a long hallway, right across Gaara's room. Temari and Kankuro made a strange face at that. But, just like The Sand Siblings promised, she was more comfortable. Maybe, just maybe, things could be good for her.

Apparently, her pregnancy didn't agree with Suna's climate.

For the next week, Hinata felt miserable. The constant heat made her stay indoors though the days, and even though the night sky was beautifully decorated by thousands of stars, the nights were usually too cold for venturing out.

She was feeling so ill. Morning sickness that seemed to last all day, a constant state of fatigue and dizziness. She barely ate and mostly slept; and on the fifth day, Gaara caught her vomiting in one of the common bathrooms.

She looked so frail and sick that Gaara stopped what he was doing (he was going to a council meeting), picked her up and took her to the clinic.

After scaring the poor medics out of their bodies, Gaara demanded that they give Hinata a full examination. He simply refused to leave the room he was led to, making the poor Hyuga very red on the face.

It was only after Hinata looked at him with pleading eyes that he, very reluctantly left, but promised to wait outside for a full report as soon as they had finished the examination.

When the medic nin called him back, Hinata was sitting on the bed, hooked to an IV drip. The medic the explained that Hinata was suffering from dehydration, something not uncommon for anyone moving to Suna.

"And the baby?" Gaara asked then, and the doctor's eyes widened. He looked at Hinata then, and saw her face go a bright shade of red.

"You didn't say you were pregnant!" The poor man squeaked, and he turned to Gaara to see the Kazekage slightly irritated.

"She is pregnant." the red head confirmed while he walked closer to Hinata, taking her hand. "Can you tell me if her state had affected the baby?"

The medic stared at them for some moments, and noticing Gaara's irritation again, his face turned oddly excited!

"OH! The baby, . Hyuga-san must be very careful, because intense dehydration can lead to a series of grave consequences to the baby." The doctor saw Gaara's hold on Hinata's hand tighten, and he came a little closer to her. "But I don't think that's the case here. But I'll set and appointment with an obstetrician for tomorrow afternoon. She'll be able to help you way more than I can."

Gaara watched the medic ninja write something on a paper, and then give it to him. "Hyuga-san needs to be registered in the prenatal unit. You just have to give it to the receptionist, and she'll handle things. " Then he looked at Hinata, and said. "You're free to leave when you finish" He motioned the IV drip. "Drink plenty of water, and rest a lot. No strenuous activity until the OB sees you."

Gaara followed the man outside, and went to do as instructed. He did notice the young receptionist look at him with not a little surprise, but thought nothing of it. She set Hinata's appointment to two o'clock next afternoon, and he said that they would be there.

When he came back to Hinata, a nurse was removing the needle of her arm, and he helped her up. He wanted to carry her again, but she refused. Instead, she leaned on him the entire way back to her room.

Gaara stayed with her until she slept, and ordered a maid to keep an eye on the Hyuga, making sure she drank a least one glass of water per hour.

Hinata was appalled by all of the attention, and mentioned that to Temari when the blonde fetched her for dinner. The Sunese girl said to just let Gaara have things his way, because he was actually a very protective individual and just wanted to help.

The Kazekage looked at the room with both awe and interest. He couldn't remember ever seeing a pregnant woman up close, but now it appeared that every future mother of Suna was sitting in thewaiting room with him and Hinata.

He noticed that people were looking at them too, and saw that Hinata was a little uncomfortable with all the looks they were getting. Fortunately, after only a few minutes they were called in.

"Good afternoon, Kazekage-sama! Hyuga-san! I'm Keiko Hoki and I'm very honored to be your doctor. Can I call you Hinata-san? We're going to be seeing each other a lot for the next several months; I think it's better if we start off as friends." The doctor said in one breath, while she shook Hinata's hand enthusiastically.

"O-Okay." The Hyuga said, a little dizzy. The woman was so energetic. She motioned for Gaara, so far forgotten, and Hinata to sit. Then, she sat and took a notebook, and a piece of paper.

"So, Hinata-san, you got admitted to the clinic yesterday due to dehydration." Hinata nodded. "Well, thankfully, it was nothing too serious. You need to drink plenty of liquid: water, tea and juice are the best options. You can also drink soup if you like it. I know that Konoha is not this hot and never this dry, but Suna is a place for the strong."

Gaara nodded at that statement. The climate was not the only thing considered harsh in the Sand village.

"Now, let's talk about this baby. Do you know the estimate date of conception?"

"September 15." She answered promptly.

"Good! It makes things so much easier when women are this certain. So, you'reeight weeks along." She wrote on her notebook, and then started to take some things out of her drawer. "We need to measure your belly and weigh you. We'll also take your pressure. Then, you'll have to do some blood tests, just to see if everything is all right. Next week we'll take an ultrasound. Is that alright with you?

"Yes." Gaara answered before Hinata could.

"So, Hinata-san, can you please come over here. Take off your shoes and coat." Keiko motioned to a scale and urged Hinata to step on it.

She did, and the medic noted her weight, only saying, "Good. Now lift your top up." Then, she took a measuring tape, and hooked it around Hinata's belly, across her naval.

"Kunoichi usually take longer to show signs of pregnancy, because you're all so fit. So, don't panic if your bump takes longer to appear. Of course, this depends heavily on the characteristics of every woman. Some show early."

She wrote on her notebook again, and smiled. She finished by taking Hinata's pressure. "So far, so good." She said.

Gaara only observed, watching both Hinata and the doctor closely. The obstetrician was very gentle and thorough, while Hinata was a little uncomfortable. She didn't like being the center of attention, even when the situation asked for it.

His expression softened a little at observing the shy woman. He really liked her. With her gentle and polite personality, her sweet voice and expressive eyes, Hinata was, to him, more angel than woman. Whenever he was around her, or just thought about her, he couldn't help the intense feeling he had in his chest.

He didn't want to think too much about it, because he still was not ready to admit to these feelings.

Keiko gave Hinata some paper, so she could take the blood tests, and they did as instructed. It was very fast, and they were told the results would be available by their next appointment.

After leaving the clinic, they went home, Gaara leading her with a steady hand on her back. Hinata didn't know what to think of it, only that she was grateful that she was not alone. She didn't know why Gaara was being so nice to her, or so caring. Of course she knew he had changed a lot from his days as Shukaku host, and she couldn't bring herself to think that he was pitting her. He was not the type do to that.

But then, why was he so nice and caring, insisting to even accompany her to the doctor's appointment! She knew what people would think seeing them in that situation, and that made her a little anxious.

Gaara didn't seem to mind that, and walked was nothing out of normal was happening.

They exchanged glances, and he smiled.

Maybe she should do the same.

AN: Isn't Naruto OOC? Haha… I know that, right? Aaaaaand , if he wasn't we wouldn't have a plot.

I really love the GaaHina in this chapter. I wanted to have some fluffy moments, and here they are. I don't think they would have these super super romantic moments, I imagine something more subtle, like supporting the person you like when they need, and just overall being there for them. That's what Gaara's doing here.

Next chapter, whenever it comes, well have more GaaraXHinata interactions and more of the Sand Siblings.

So, it took me years to update this... the reason is... I don't know. I have been dealing with depresssion, working 12 hours a day, and all this stuff called adult life. I seem to have lost the ability to care about anything anymore, that makes it difficult to go on with everything in my life. I even stopped college, and that was like the biggest dream that I had. Well... I think I need help.

I would like to thank all of you for your support, follows, favorites and reviews. If you wanna chat, you can PM me or message me on my tumblr (starrkdani).



Review, please?