Disclaimer: I do not own Jem and the Holograms or any characters or materials taken from the cartoon series. No copyright infringement intended.
Author's note: The Fireheart family characters are my own original characters. More original characters may be introduced. Warning: chapter lengths may vary considerably. I finally decided to bite the bullet and repost this edited version. I will try to update daily but, no guarantees.
Chapter 1: New Talent.
"I really like this one for the concert handbills. What do you think? Jerrica? Jerrica!" Kimber Benton called her older sister's attention back to the task at hand.
"What? Oh, sorry, Kimber." Jerrica stammered as her attention snapped back to the present.
"What's got you so distracted?" Kimber asked.
"Jem and the Holograms are real popular and all, but we need more bands to sign on with Starlight Music if we want to keep both it and Starlight House going. I'm just trying to think of ways to find new bands. Sorry if I'm distracted." Jerrica grabbed the handbill samples and began looking at them intently.
Ever since Ba Nee had been reunited with her father and gone to live with him, Jerrica had thrown herself into her work to bury the grief and pain of losing the little girl, who, like all the Starlight Girls, had been like her own.
"You really need to relax every once in a while, Jerrica. And right now is one of those times." Kimber smiled softly.
"What makes you say that, Kimber?"
"You're holding those handbill samples upside-down." Kimber pointed out, chuckling.
Jerrica looked and sure enough she had the samples upside-down.
"I guess I'm a bit more distracted than I thought." Jerrica chuckled and righted the samples.
Just then Aja burst into Jerrica's office.
"Hey, Jerrica! Look what I found!" she exclaimed waving a flier above her head.
"What is it?" Jerrica asked laughing.
"A flier for a small concert at the Blue Moon Café. They've got a new, unknown band performing," said Aja handing Jerrica the flier.
Jerrica looked at the flier. It had the Blue Moon Café logo across the top, which was a pale-blue full moon with the words 'Blue Moon Café' in bold, deep-blue letters going across it like a comet. A color picture of the band in question filled most of the flier. It was a mixed band of five members: a male drummer, a male lead guitarist, a female base guitarist, a female keyboardist, and a female lead singer. They were all covered in black fur and dressed in loose fitting sleeveless shirts, and pants that came down to their knees. They all had a friendly if slightly feral look about them, despite their beast-like appearance. The name of the band was below their picture along with the concert information.
"Hmmm. Moonlight. Appropriate, since they seem to be going for the werewolf look. Let's check them out tonight," said Jerrica setting the flier on her desk.
"Alright! I was hoping for some fun tonight!" Aja exclaimed.
"Outrageous!" Kimber added.
That night Jerrica, Kimber, Aja, Shana, and Raya were all seated at a good table near the stage. The band was about to come on and perform and the crowd was eager. The lights dimmed as fog poured onto the stage. Shadows appeared in the fog and a pale-blue spotlight came on, softly illuminating the band. The music started and it was beautifully melodic. The lead singer's voice was beautiful and moving.
The crowd cheered and applauded like crazy after the first song! As soon as it had died down enough, the band performed several more songs. Afterwards they bowed out and vanished backstage.
"That's our cue, girls," said Jerrica as she led the others backstage.
She knocked at the dressing room door.
"It's open," called a cheery voice from inside.
Jerrica opened the door and they all went in.
The five band members were seated at a table eating dinner and there was a sixth furry fellow with them.
"Oh, I thought you only had five members in your band," Jerrica said in a surprised tone.
"Oh, that's Dan. He writes our originals and is our general road manager. I'm Roarin Fireheart, lead singer. This is Ryan the drummer, Rex our lead guitar, Ally on the base, and Erin on keyboard. Rex, Ryan, and Ally are all siblings, Erin and Dan are brother and sister, and we're all paternal cousins. Oh, and we're Mutants, so we always look like this, with the fur and all, but where are my manners? Come, sit, make yourselves comfortable." Roarin gestured to the seats in the room.
Jerrica and her party sat down a bit uncomfortable. It is rather disconcerting to be in a room with a bunch of Mutants after all.
"I'm Jerrica Benton. I own Starlight Music. We currently feature Jem and the Holograms. They're the only band signed on with us and we're looking for more talent to sign on."
"Hmmm. You are the first company to offer us a contract. We'll have to discuss it as a family first," said Roarin.
"Of course. I'll leave this contract offer here with you so you can look it over and discuss it. Here's my business card. Let me know when you make your decision." Jerrica handed Roarin the contract offer.
"We'll let you know by tomorrow or the day after," Roarin said smiling a friendly smile as she took the papers.
"We'll let you get back to your meal." Jerrica and the others politely excused themselves and returned to Starlight Mansion.
After dinner, the Fireheart clan discussed Jerrica's contract offer.
"What do you guys think? We've been praying for an opportunity like this for a while. This could be really good for us," said Roarin as she leaned back in her chair, looking thoughtful.
"I don't know, man. I kinda like the freedom of workin' our own time. We get tied up with a big music company and their gonna wanna tell us when to work, what to write, how to play… it'll take all the fun out of it," said Ryan slumping back in his chair.
"You always were the lazy one of the family, Ryan. You just don't like the thought of deadlines and schedules," said Ally flashing a smile at her twin brother.
"To get back on topic, I think we should go for it. Starlight Music is a well respected company and Jem and the Holograms are a very popular band. Signing on with Starlight Music is the best business decision we can make," said Rex.
"I agree with Rex. We should sign on with Jerrica Benton. She has a reputation as an ethical business woman," said Erin as she cleared the table.
"What do you think, Dan?" Roarin asked.
"Oh, my opinion doesn't matter," said the shy songwriter.
"Sure it does. You're part of the family. What you think matters to us," said Roarin slapping him on the shoulder.
"Well, what do you think, Ally?" Dan asked.
"Your stalling, but I'll bite. I think we should go for it. Ryan needs a little more pressure to stop slackin' off. Your turn, Dan," said Ally smiling at her shy cousin.
"Oh well, I guess I can't dodge again. I think Miss Benton is a nice young lady and a fair business woman. I think we should do it," said Dan.
"I guess that makes it official. We'll pay Miss Benton a visit tomorrow and sign the contracts," said Roarin looking at the business card.
The next day the Firehearts walked into Starlight Music for the meeting. The receptionist was made rather jumpy by their unusual looks.
"M-M-Miss B-B-B-Benton, the b-b-band M-Moonlight is here t-to s-see you," she stammered.
"Send them in," said Jerrica over the intercom.
Roarin and the other band members walked into Jerrica's office with Dan in tow.
"I take it you've made your decision?" asked Jerrica, mentally bracing herself against disappointment.
"Yes. We have decided to accept your offer. We found your terms more than fair and we are very grateful for this opportunity," said Roarin.
"I'm very glad you decided to accept my offer. I'm sure we'll enjoy working together," said Jerrica as the Firehearts signed the contracts and handed them to her. "Where do you live? I need a phone number and an address so I can contact you," she said.
"We don't have a set address because we live out of our bus when we don't have a gig," Roarin said nonchalantly.
"Well, we have plenty of space at Starlight Mansion. I insist you all move in with us," said Jerrica.
"Isn't that your foster home for girls as well? Are you sure we wouldn't be in the way?" Roarin asked.
"I'm sure. The girls will get used to you and you can help if it makes you feel better," said Jerrica.
"Thank you. You have no idea what this means to us." Roarin shook hands with Jerrica, being careful not to accidentally crush her hand or scratch her in the excitement of the moment.
"You're welcome. Let's go home." Jerrica smiled.
They soon arrived at Starlight Mansion. At first the smaller girls were rather apprehensive about the furry, beast-like Mutants, but Deirdre, Ashley, and Krissie took to them at once. They were soon chattering and asking all kinds of questions. In no time at all, all the Starlight Girls were gathered 'round asking questions or running their hands through the Mutants' soft fur.
Through it all, Roarin, Rex, Ryan, Ally, Erin, and Dan were having a blast! Usually kids were scared of them or their parents were. This, being surrounded by happy, rambunctious children who were not afraid, was wonderful! They all loved kids and were perfectly content to let them chatter away and run their small hands through their fur. Jerrica however, was determined to restore order before things got too out of hand.
"Alright girls, let's give our new tenants some room to breathe. You'll have plenty of opportunities to talk to them, but right now they need to settle in and have some lunch. I'm sure they're getting hungry by now," said Jerrica smiling.
"Aww," came the collective sigh from the girls.
"It's alright, girls. We'll be living here, so we'll all have plenty of time to talk and get to know each other better. Miss Jerrica's a pretty smart lady. I know I could sure go for some lunch and I know the rest of my crew is hungry too, but I think we'll unpack first," Roarin said laughing and gently setting Terri down, who had been perched on her shoulders and running her small hands through Roarin's thick black mane.
"Let us help!" Deirdre said enthusiastically.
"Yeah, then it won't take as long!" Ashley chimed in.
"Girls, girls! Aren't you forgetting you all have school projects you need to be working on?" Jerrica reminded them.
"Aww, Jerrica."
"Now, young ladies," was the firm yet gentle reminder.
"Yeah girls, you need to focus on your schoolwork. My cousins and I never had the opportunity to attend school because we're Mutants and there was a lot more prejudice against Mutants back then. You're lucky that you have teachers to help you learn and don't have to teach yourselves. It's a heck of a lot easier. It may not seem like it at the moment, but one day you'll look back and be glad you had people in your lives willing to teach you," Roarin said looking grave and serious.
"Ok. Sorry we complained, Jerrica," said the girls as they quietly resumed their schoolwork.
"I didn't know you were self-taught. It must have been hard for you," said Jerrica as she led Roarin and the others to their rooms.
"It was, but it was really the fact that we were alone and parentless that was the hardest to bear. Fortunately, my mother had taught me and my cousins until her death. She died when I was seven in a fire. After that, it was just me and the others. Rex, being only a year younger than me and the oldest boy, took on the role of father for us and I took on the role of mother. Ally and Ryan are twins and they were five at the time, Erin was the same age and Dan was four, so at least we didn't have to worry about diapers," Roarin chuckled.
"But still, all of you losing your homes and parents, I couldn't even begin to imagine what you must have gone through. And I thought losing my mother at twelve was hard." Jerrica felt very sympathetic towards Roarin and her cousins.
"It was. Losing a parent is always hard, no matter what your age. But you forget, we're Mutants; we have powers that helped us survive and we have God and each other, even if we did often feel alone," Roarin said placing a strong, furry hand on Jerrica's shoulder.
Soon the Fireheart clan were all unpacked and settled in. An hour later, after they had been welcomed by Mrs. Bailey, toured the mansion, and had something to eat, Moonlight showed up right on time for their first recording session. They were greeted by Jem and the Holograms, who also had a recording session at the Starlight Music recording studio.
"Welcome to Starlight Music. I'm Jem and these are the Holograms. I'm glad Jerrica found another band to sign on. Now Starlight Music has a slightly broader selection. I hear you're a Christian band. That's cool. None of us have ever met a Christian group before." Jem seemed quite talkative.
"You can relax, Jerrica. We know it's you." Roarin grinned as Jem looked shocked.
"How did you know?" Jerrica asked as she deactivated the hologram.
"The nose knows. That's the trouble of working with Mutants that have noses better than bloodhounds. You can disguise your appearance and even your voice, but you cannot change your sent," said Rex.
"It's ok. Your secret's safe with us. We understand that you want to keep your personal life, personal," Ally said putting a hand on Jerrica's shoulder.
"I believe you. I don't know how, but I can just tell that your word once given will never be broken." Jerrica turned the Jem hologram back on and said, "But right now, we have work to do."
"You guys start recording first," said Aja as Rio arrived and took his place in the control room.
"But first, let me introduce you all to Rio," said Jem as she turned, then called out, "Rio! Come meet the new band Jerrica signed on!"
Rio walked in a moment later. "Hi. I'm Rio Pacheco, sound engineer for Starlight Music, road manager for Jem and the Holograms, and boyfriend of Jerrica Benton."
"Pleased to meet you, Rio. I'm Roarin, this is Rex, Ryan, Ally, Erin, and Dan. We're the Fireheart clan, or what's left of it. Dan's our song writer/road manager and the rest of us formed the band Moonlight." Roarin shook Rio's hand, being careful not to let her claws scratch him.
"The pleasure's all mine. We'd better get to work." Rio got back in the control room and turned the recording equipment on.
"Alright. Let's start with 'Let The Healing Come'. Start us off, Erin," said Roarin taking her place behind the mic.
He smiles and says it's alright,
But his eyes belie the pain,
The scars he tries to hide from everyone.
But somewhere in the distance,
He hears these words so true,
Open up and let the healing come.
I know your heart is heavy,
And things just seem so dark,
But I tell you there is healing for the heart.
For God so loved this broken world,
He gave Himself for us,
So open up and let the healing come.
She hides up in her bedroom,
Alone with her tears,
The tears she never lets her family see.
But in the pain and sadness,
She hears these words of hope,
Open up and let the healing come.
I know your heart is heavy,
And things just seem so dark,
But I tell you there is healing for the heart.
For God so loved this broken world,
He gave Himself for us,
So open up and let the healing come.
Just open up and let the healing come.
Aja sniffed and blinked her eyes for the song was very moving. She felt a hand on her shoulder and found she wasn't the only one with tears in her eyes. Shana was crying too, and so were Raya and Kimber.
Jem wiped a tear or two from her own eyes as she said, "That was beautiful. And what's even more amazing, is you all have the faith to back it up. You really believe what you sing."
"Yeah, we really do," said Roarin smiling as she put one arm around Rex and the other around Ally.
As Rio wiped his own eyes, he wondered at this family of Mutants. They were so different in appearance that people would either make fun of them or be afraid of them, yet they still had this sense of hope, peace, and love. He shook himself a little and focused on what he was doing.
A few hours later, Moonlight wrapped up their session.
"That was great, guys! We have a concert coming up in a few weeks. How would you like to be our special guest act?" Jem asked.
"Well? What do you guys think?" Roarin asked looking from one astonished Fireheart face to another.
"I'd say their faces speak for them," Jem laughed.
"I think you're right. We'll do it. Any objections?" Roarin asked.
"No way! Of course we'll do it!" was the resounding answer.
"That settles it. Meet here tomorrow for rehearsals," said Jem as she and the Holograms tuned up.
"See you later." Roarin, Rex, Ryan, Ally, Erin, and Dan waved goodbye as they left for Starlight Mansion.
For the next few weeks the mansion was abuzz with excitement over the upcoming concert. All the Firehearts were nervous and excited, they had never done anything like this before. Rehearsals went smoothly and both bands were in excellent condition. After three weeks of fussing over wardrobe and music the big day finally arrived!
The stadium was jam packed. As Ally peeked out from behind the curtain she could hardly keep her composure. All her life she had dreamed of this moment, of performing on stage with her brothers and cousins in front of a huge audience… but being in concert with Jem and the Holograms? It was far beyond her wildest dreams! She started a little as she felt a strong, familiar hand on her shoulder.
"Full house tonight. Are you nervous, little sis?" Rex asked smiling at his younger sister, the same calm confidence as always in his golden eyes.
"A little. How come you're not?" Ally asked.
"Actually, I'm a little nervous too," Rex said giving his sister a little hug.
"You're not just saying that to make me feel better are you?" Ally asked, suspicion of her older brother showing in her big brown eyes.
Rex laughed. "I've been playing father to you and the others for so long, I've gotten pretty good at concealing my negative emotions. But I assure you I am nervous. Who wouldn't be? This is the biggest night of our lives."
"Roarin isn't nervous," Ally said looking over at her cousin, who was chatting with Jem and helping her with her hair.
"That just goes to show you don't know how to read her as well as I do. She might not look nervous, but she is. She's been a mother to all of us so long, she's gotten real good at hiding any negative emotions, so she could comfort and reassure the rest of us," said Rex looking at his cousin lovingly.
"Come on, guys! It's showtime!" said Roarin beaming with energy.
Jem and the Holograms made their entrance while Moonlight waited patiently backstage to be introduced.
After Jem and the Holograms finished playing their last number 'Music Is Magic', Jem made the announcement. "Thank you, everyone, for coming to our concert. We have a very special guest performance tonight. A new, never before seen band. Give it up for Moonlight!"
"That's our cue!" Roarin said as she and the rest of the band made their entrance.
The crowd cheered loudly as Moonlight got ready for their first number 'He Gave Himself For You'.
I look out at the sunrise,
It's a beautiful day,
And as I look I'm reminded,
Of a far more glorious day.
Behold! The Lamb of God!
Has risen from the tomb!
In His great, great love,
He Gave Himself for you,
Yeah, He Gave Himself for you.
Oh, ye who are tired and weary,
Come rest in the Savior's love.
His healing is freely given,
He'll accept you as you are.
Behold! The Lamb of God!
Has risen from the tomb!
In His great, great love,
He gave Himself for you,
Yeah, He gave Himself for you.
The crowd went wild! If they had been loud after Jem and the Holograms' performance, they were deafening after Moonlight's.
"Wow! They really like your music. Your album is sure to be a hit!" said Jem as the members of Moonlight stretched and put their gear away.
"Yep. And the Starlight Foundation will get all the proceeds. If the album does well, you should be set for a year at least," said Roarin as she stretched her spine with a satisfying crack.
"You don't have to give up your share of the profits like that. Jerrica will make plenty of money as your manager," said Jem.
"Think of it as payment for our room and board if it makes you feel better," said Roarin with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Jem laughed. "When you put it that way, I guess I have no choice."
Rio walked in a few moments later. "Great concert! I've never seen a crowd more excited than this one. You guys really have some great inspirational music. I'm glad Jerrica signed you on, even if you do look a little freaky."
"Be nice, Rio. Roarin and her cousins can't help being born with fur, fangs, and claws," said Jem, playfully chucking Rio in the chin.
"Hey!" exclaimed Rio, rubbing his chin and laughing.
"Come on, guys, let's go home. I'm tired and I want to leave before I'm too dangerous to drive," Roarin said yawning.
"Yes, let's go home," Jem agreed.
Soon Rio had dropped Jem and the Holograms off at the mansion and Roarin pulled up in Moonlight's bus. As Rio drove to his own home he thought about the concert and what a success Moonlight turned out to be.
'I'm glad Jerrica found such a great band, but more than all that, it's good for her to have the extra help around Starlight Mansion. Moonlight's more than just a great band. They're a great family.'