It's finally here! I'm so sorry that's its taken me so long to write this I've been crazy with University. I have now graduated and without the stress I've found it much easier to write the final chapter. Thank you so much for sticking with me and for taking the time to read my fics. I hope that this is worth the wait. :)

"Right team, this is how it's going to go down..." Dick started.

The Cave

"We're going to need a way to get the safe out of the police station, Cameron this is where you come in. You and Slade will take Slade's armoured jeep and drive into the underground car park and smash into the wall at the far back of the car park, this will smash a hole into the room where the safe is kept. You'll then cover Wally and myself as we hook the safe up to our cars." "Unfortunately this means we have to you a weapon, aim it anyone on this team and Slade will shoot you" Wally added. "Once you've done you're part of the job, get out of there and head for the airport." Dick continued...

"Once we've got the safe onto the street we need to bring it back here which won't be easy, M'gann's going to stay here and hack into the police radios, we'll know their every move before they make it."

"We're going to have the local authorities on our asses, we'll need back up" Wally said, "we've got that covered" Artemis started, changing the image on the holo-console to a map of the area around the police station. "Kaldur and I will be right behind the two of you, dressed as police officers, we have their rides after all. We'll take out as many as we can, they'll never see us coming." She finished. "This is where the magic happens" Zatanna said pointing to an area on the map. Dick and Wally will drag the safe through this tunnel, once inside myself and Connor who will be disguised as garbage workers have approximately two minutes to unhook the safe, and switch it for the one inside of the garbage truck. We'll then bring the actual safe back here in the back of the garbage truck." "That's not a lot of time and we can't seal the tunnel. people are bound to notice what we're doing" Connor said, frowning at the map. "Don't worry, with your strength and my magic skills we'll make the switch in no time." Zatanna said, she seemed to finally be excited about the plan.

"Then we'll all meet back here, I've got a friend of mine flying over to get us out of the country" M'gann said. "Any questions?" Dick asked. The team shook their heads "looks like we're all ready and willing" Kaldur said reaching out to shake Dick's hand, "tomorrow is the day my friend."

That night M'gann cooked a spaghetti feast for the team. Tomorrow for most of them would be the most dangerous day of their lives so far, but for tonight they were going to put it to the backs of their minds and just enjoy the time that they had together. Even Cameron was welcome.

"So Artemis, what is the most stupid thing that Wally's ever done?" Zatanna asked causing the red head to groan loudly. "Sorry babe, but this is way too good to pass up. There was this one time, Dick had come through to visit and we'd planned to go to the beach. Wally burst through the door into the living room in his beach shorts with sun cream smeared across his face and arms full of things to take with us. He ran through the door that fast that he tripped over his own feet and crash landed on the floor." the cave was filled with the sound of laughter. Wally quickly got over his embarrassment, "Jamie laughed so hard he fell over too" he added, taking his fiancés hand. "Got any stories about Dick?" Zatanna asked, "Ooh, ooh, my turn" Wally said, sticking his hand in the air like a child. "Don't you dare dude, remember the bro code" Dick warned giving his best friend his best intimidating glare. Wally lifted his hands up in mock surrender. "I'll tell you later" Artemis mouthed causing Zatanna to giggle.

"So we're all moving to Gotham when this is over then?" Connor asked, "M'gann looked up at him hopeful. "You're coming with us?" she asked, When M'gann and Kaldur had announced that they were moving to Gotham too, everyone had just presumed that Connor was moving on to other things once this was over. "Sure, it'll be difficult to keep the team together if I go back to Metropolis." M'gann's smile got wider, "Plus if we're keeping this team together, I want to keep an eye on you...make sure you're ok." M'gann looked like she was about to burst with excitement. The other team members all looked at each other, they all knew that the two of them like each other. Everyone except Cameron who just looked confused.

"You want to keep an eye on me?" She asked, trying to get an answer to the question that she really wanted to ask. "Yeah, I don't want you to get hurt...I like you" Connor answered surprising everyone with his blunt answer. As Connor took M'gann's hand Dick decided to change the subject and give the two a little privacy.

"So Cameron...what are you thinking of doing when this is all over? Other than moving to Gotham" he asked. "Erm...I'm thinking of just laying low, getting a a normal life for the first time in my life." "You don't want to be on this team?" Wally asked, presuming that Cameron was going to be a permanent fixture in his life from now on. "Nah man, I've been living this life for way too long now. It's only a matter of time before it catches up to me" Cameron replied. "Also I owe you an apology" he finished looking at Artemis. "That night on the rooftop, I need you to know that I didn't want to do that." "Orders?" Artemis asked calmly. "I was ordered too, it was either that or we both died, I shot you where I did because I knew that there was a chance that you'd survive." Artemis looked at him for a moment before standing, slowly she lifted up her vest to just under her bra, Cameron flinched at the scar that he had created. "Take a good look, you might have pulled the trigger but you didn't give me this scar" she said pulling her vest back down and retaking her seat. "If you say that you had orders then I believe you, I know how ruthless the people at the top can be, you're not the only one who's done terrible things through fear...besides we both know that if you wanted Dick and I dead back in the favella, you wouldn't have missed."

The next day began with an nervous excitement that spread through the cave. The team sat around the main hanger, Zatanna and Connor had changed into their garbage worker uniforms and Artemis and Kaldur had changed into their stolen police uniforms. The nervous silence in the hanger was broken when the radio's crackled to life. "Any one care to let me in before someone tries to shoot me out here?" Dick laughed and hit the control to open the hanger door, moments later Slade's armoured jeep drove in.

"Who's going to tell him?" Wally muttered as Slade jumped out of the jeep, before they had a chance to say anything Slade ran at Cameron and knocked him to the floor. "You've got some nerve kid!" he growled pinning Cameron to the floor and punching him in the face. Before Wally could stop her Artemis jumped to her feet and ran at Slade, managing to pull him back momentarily, she then stepped between the two completely unarmed. As Artemis held her ground between the two Wally walked over and stood by her side his eyes pleading with Slade not to do anything stupid. Dick walked over and helped Cameron up, Zatanna offering him an icepack for his face, this was more than just a kind gesture, this was an act of team unity.

Slade looked at Artemis, "how could you take him in? You watched him shoot my daughter!" "It was her or me, he had to make a choice" Artemis said calmly taking a step towards him. Slade fixed his eyes on Cameron his fists balled at his sides. "She's still alive Slade, we have proof" Wally said quickly stepping up beside his fiancé.

Kaldur stepped forward the file that Cameron had brought them in hand, "I think that you'll find the contents of this file rather interesting." He handed Slade the file, slowly he opened it shocked with the image before him. "How?" he gasped, flicking through the rest of the photographs. "We're not one hundred percent sure but what we do know is that she was never dead, she took some kind of chemical that slowed her heart. We also know that Eric Needham was waiting for you to bury her, the second that you left he dug her up." Dick explained. Slade held up one of the photographs, "I'm a target?" he asked taking a step towards him. Slade seemed stunned at his daughters betrayal. "It's because you teamed up with us, even temporarily. In her eyes you sided with the enemy over her" Zatanna explained. "If Rose is on their side now I guarantee that they've tripled their security detail at the station, What do we do?" Slade asked, placing the file back on the holo-console. "We stick to the plan" Dick replied, a confidence to his voice. "You're one crazy s.o.b Greyson" Slade laughed.

Before anything else could be said a red light began to blink on the holo-console, M'gann brought up the surveillance feed from the police station. "Vertigo's at the station." "Showtime" Zatanna called grabbing a set of keys off of the console. "Listen up team!" Dick started grabbing his own keys. "This mission is do or die, I want every member returning to the cave alive when this is over, remember you're jobs, stick to the plan and maintain radio contact unless told otherwise." "Looks like you're riding with me newbie" Slade said to Cameron before climbing back into his jeep. Artemis and Kaldur were the first to leave, driving to an alley behind the police station ready to blend in. The rest followed, Connor and Zatanna heading towards the bridge out of the city and Dick and Wally following Slade and Cameron.

The Drive to the station felt like forever for Wally, his lack of kevlar testing his nerves as time seemed to stand still. "This is Kaldur, Artemis and I are in position." "Don't worry guys, we've got your back" Artemis added both of their voices were light and carefree, their ability to work under pressure was one of the things that Wally admired about them.

Artemis sat in her stolen squad car and watched as the locals rushed by, unsuspecting. She could image Wally's impatience and his nerves. The plan might be on the complicated side of things, but Artemis was sure that it'd work, after all it was Dicks plan. She just hoped that they could all make it out of this in one piece.

"This is Zatanna, Connor and I are in position and ready to go. See you on the other side guys." She couldn't help but smile, knowing that soon this mission would be over. Vertigo would get what he deserved and they'd all be free, living together in Gotham City.

"Hope you've got your big boy pants on boys, I see the station." Slade crackled through the radio. "Don't worry about us, just make sure that Junior takes the safety off of his weapon before covering our asses" Wally laughed excitement taking over. "Funny West" Cameron grumbled in reply.

"Once we break down the wall you'll have minutes to hook up to the safe and get the hell out of there, you boys ready?" Slade asked, preparing for the chaos that was about to erupt. "We're ready" the boys answered in unison.

"Here we go" Slade roared, speeding up as the police station became bigger and bigger. Dick and Wally increased their speeding staying close to the back end of Slade's Jeep as Slade tore through the barricade and ripped through the underground car park. Slade and Cameron braced for impact as the jeep plunged through the wall, quickly Slade reversed the jeep out of the wall allowing Wally and Dick room to hook their cars up to the safe.

"Cover us!" Dick shouted as the four men jumped out of their cars. Wally and Dick made a dash for the safe thick tow cables in hand and their heads down as Vertigos men opened fire. Using the doors of Slades jeep as cover Slade and Cameron shot back taking the men out one by one as they appeared from behind their cover. "We're done, go!" Wally yelled jumping back into his charger. "Phase one's complete, I repeat phase one is complete move onto phase two" Dick said through the comm link as he started his engine.

"As soon as you come out of the station take a left" M'gann's voice floated through the comm link. "Our job's done, I'm taking junior to the airport and then coming back to finish Vertigo" Slade said venom in his voice.

The cars zoomed out of the car park taking out the exit barrier on their way. The large safe bounced around violently behind their cars. "M'gann, we've got company..." Wally said spotting the flashing lights in his mirror. "Take the next right" M'gann answered, her eyes fixed on the laptop before her, skimming over the teams escape plan. As the police sirens became louder the two drivers drifted seamlessly around the corner, the vault following them clumsily. "We need to lose these guys before the tunnel" Dick said, counting the vehicles behind them. M'gann studied the route that they had planned from the station back to the cave. "Guys take the next left, I've got a plan" M'gann said, marking out a new course. Speeding up the drivers took the left a little sharper than they wanted to, the vault skimming dangerously close to the buildings around them.

"Dammit" M'gann hissed, as she listened to the reports through the police radio. "Guys you're being flanked, they're coming at you from both sides." "Dick, there's a right up ahead" Wally announced keeping his head. "That's a pretty sharp right guys, there's no way you can fit through there" M'gann said. "Personally I think it's crazy enough that it just might work" Dick said as they approached the bend. "Ready...3...2...1...turn!" Dick yelled slamming his brakes on and leaning into the corner. The two cars drifted through without a problem, but M'gann was right.

The safe bounded erratically behind them sliding too far to the left. Dick and Wally looked back in horror as the safe smashed through the glass walls of the building next to them. Chaos ensued as people ran screaming along the pavement clambering past each other to avoid the falling debris.

"Guys...I'm hearing all sorts of chatter over the radio...did you just take out a bank?" M'gann asked not believing what she was hearing. "We'll tell you all about it later" Dick said breathlessly as a police car slammed into the side of his charger. "We need back up and fast" Dick said, eyeing up the police cruisers that were getting closer to the back of his car. "I agree" Wally replied, a police car bumping the back of his car. Wally braced himself for impact as he saw a police car equal his speed along the side walk ready to take him out.

As the car sped up in Wally's direction something hard hit it in the back causing it to spin out and hit a bus shelter. "Did someone call for back up?" Kaldur laughed pulling up smoothly next to Wally. "This could be trouble" Dick said, playing chicken with the police car that was flying quickly towards him. Before the car could hit him another police car came flying out of a side alley and hit the car side on before spinning and pulling up next to Dick. "Looks like you started the party without me" Artemis said, winking at Dick.

Artemis stuck her head out of her window and looked at the cars behind them.

"You two need to disappear, now!" she yelled over the noise of the sirens. Dick and Wally seemed hesitant to leave their team mates behind. "Go! We've got this!" she yelled louder, taking out her gun and aiming it at the front tyres of the nearest car. "Go!" Kaldur shouted braking to slow down the car behind him, Dick and Wally sped off following M'ganns directions towards Zatanna and Connor. "We'll see you when this is over" Dick said through the radio, their cars disappearing.

Careful to keep civilian casualties to a minimum, Kaldur and Artemis got to work.

The two drivers executed perfect handbrake turns before getting out of their vehicles. The public looked on stunned and they opened fire on the tyres of the and shot out the front approaching squad cars, the nearest squad car spun out of control sending it skidding sideways across the road. This then slowed down more cars behind it. Quickly the two jumped back into their cars, spun around and headed towards their goal. One last glance in their mirrors told them that they had one more car to take care of before they could leave. As they approached the highway the two cars sensed the perfect opportunity to do so sandwiching the last remaining squad car tightly between them. The driver seemed to panic as the central reserve got closer and closer, but Artemis and Kaldurs cars had a tight grip on the poor officers car.

At the last minute Kaldur slammed his breaks on before crossing over behind Artemis. Seeing the signal Artemis slammed into the side of the squad car, causing it to collide head on with the barrier. Artemis and Kaldur pulled onto the highway leaving the smashed up squad car behind and speeding off towards the cave.

"Looks like out jobs done, see you back at the cave friend" Kaldur said Artemis smiled and sent him a small salute out of her window. "Back at you Kal."

"You ready?" Zatanna asked, hanging onto the back of the garbage truck that the team had acquired. "What could possibly go wrong?" Connor answered sarcastically. Zatanna laughed quietly, "You have little faith my friend" a big grin on her face. "We're on approach to the tunnel, get ready" Dick's voice said through the comm.

"Lets do this" Zatanna said a determined look on her face. The two of the pulled long steel cables out of the back of the truck and hopped down onto the floor waiting for Dick and Wally to enter the tunnel.

Connor dropped his cable and climbed into the truck releasing the fake safe into the tunnel, before moving the truck to the other side of the tunnel to give the two drivers a clear run. He hopped out of the truck and ran back to the safe standing next to Zatanna cables in hand as the two drivers pulled into the tunnel. They navigated through the centre of the tunnel and pulled up next to the truck. "Time to work your magic Zee" Dick said, flirting with the magician.

Zatanna ran to the entrance of the tunnel and threw down a smoke pellet, whilst the publics vision was cloudy she quickly sealed off the tunnel with road works signs and ran back to Connor.

Taking advantage of the smoke Zatanna and Connor quickly unhooked the safe from their cars and hooked on the decoy, banging on the backs of their cars to tell the drivers to go.

"Let's get this into the truck fast" Connor said throwing on his orange workers vest, unsure of how long the tunnel would remain empty for. He jumped in the truck and pulled up just in front of the safe. Zatanna quickly latched the safe to the truck and hit the button on the back causing the trucks hydraulics to lift the safe into the truck. She then put her vest on and jumped on the back before Connor took off calmly as if nothing had happened. When the smoke cleared, they were gone just another vehicle on the road as cars raced past them, desperate to get to their destination. Baffled cartel members smashed through the barriers and sped off after Dick, Wally and Vertigo's safe.

M'gann waited anxiously at the cave for her team mates to return. So far she'd heard talk through the police radios of a major pile up of squad cars not far from the highway. Talk of magic further down the highway and reports of what Vertigo was going to do to his men if these thieves weren't caught soon. "How's our route looking M'gann?" Dick asked through the comm? "The bridge appears to be clear, from their its a straight run to the canyon and back to the cave" she answered studying the route on her screen.

Just then M'gann heard car engines outside the hanger door, looking at the cctv monitor she saw that it was Kaldur and Artemis. She sighed thankful that two of her team mates had made it back in one piece, now the other four had to do the same. She hit the button for the hanger door and slowly it lifted allowing Artemis and Kaldur to drive in, the two jumped out of their cars and rushed over to where M'gann was seated. "How is everyone?" Artemis asked nervously as she took off her police shirt revealing a black tank top underneath.

"Everything's going according to plan so far" M'gann answered looking over the two drivers for any signs of injury. "I assure you, we're both unharmed" Kaldur said, reading M'gann's thoughts. M'gann smiled back up at them before turning her attention back to the screen. "We've got a problem" Dick said, his voice tense through the radio. "What's happening?" M'gann asked scanning the screen for any sign of trouble. "It's Vertigo" Wally replied just as tense as Dick, "he's right behind us and with this weight there's no way that we can outrun him."

Artemis froze. The whole plan could fall apart right now if anything happened to either Dick or Wally. They'd all promised that they'd make it back to the cave alive. "Wally? Can you hear me?" Artemis asked unclipping her radio from her belt. "Arty?" he asked his voice tired. "You have to cut loose...both of you." The radio remained silent for an agonising minute. "Guys please listen to me! The decoy isn't worth your lives. Cut loose!" she cried, praying that they'd listen to her.

After another few minutes of silence M'gann snapped. "Somebody answer us! What the hell is going on?!" she yelled into her radio. "We're sorry guys, we cut loose but we were cut off on the bridge by more of Vertigo's men. We're surrounded." Dick answered his voice tired and hopeless.

"Arty, you still there?" Wally asked. "I'm here Baywatch" she replied, using his old nickname to try and lighten the situation. "I need to tell you..." he started before she cut him off. "Don't. Don't you dare say goodbye...this is not goodbye" Artemis said angrily. "Just know that I love you, you're my whole life." That's when the shouting started.

Before he could say more, Wally found himself being ragged out of his car and thrown onto the hard ground of the bridge. Looking over he saw that Dick was suffering the same treatment that he was. "I'm sorry man" Dick said breathlessly as he landed on the floor next to his best friend. Wally looked around frantically searching for a way out of this mess. "It's not over yet" he said giving Dick a look that told him that Wally wasn't prepared to die today. Two of Vertigo's men roughly pulled the two to their feet and walked them towards the limo opposite them, before throwing them roughly to their knees before it.

The two looked on as a white haired man in a sharp dark green suit stepped out of the vehicle, Rose right behind him.

"Well well, what do we have here?" he asked staring down at the two men. "Did you really think that you could steal from me!" the man yelled, his calm demeanour suddenly gone. Dick laughed calmly, so the man was a loose canon, good he could use that against him.

"Honestly, yeah we did" he answered. "You're either crazy or stupid boy" the man sneered. "Crazy, definitely crazy" Wally answered.

"I'd talk with a little more respect boys, after all when we're finished here we're going to hunt down and kill the rest of your little team. If you're nice to us we'll make your little girlfriends death swift." Rose said venomously toying with them.

"Do you know who I am?" the man asked him calm front returning. "Santa Clause?" Dick asked sarcastically. "My name is Werner Vertigo, I'm the man that's going to kill you." Before either Dick or Wally could reply with some witty comeback a low rumbling interrupted them.

"What the hell?" One of Vertigos men said staring behind Vertigo. Turning around Vertigo noticed a large vehicle barreling towards them. "Open fire!" Vertigo shouted ducking behind his limo for cover, his men and Rose opened fire on the vehicle. They fired countless rounds into the vehicle but it didn't even slow it down. It didn't take long for it to smash into the back of Vertigo's limousine, sending it sliding sideways and trapping Vertigo half beneath it. The men backed off unsure of what to do as Slade jumped out of the armoured jeep.

As he walked closer to Dick and Wally Vertigo's men ran, trying to get as much distance between themselves and this mad man as possible. All of them except Rose.

"Don't do it dad" Rose warned, drawing her gun as Slade got closer to her new employer, his gun in hand. "Are you going to shoot me?" Slade asked taking a good look at his daughter. "If I have to..." she replied, her eyes cold. As Slade stood over Vertigo and raised his gun Rose raised hers. Wally reacted quickly feeling Rose tense behind him, he stood up fast, barging his shoulder into her arm on the way up. As she pulled the trigger the shot went over Slade's head. Dick and Wally grabbed Rose and restrained her before she could do anything stupid.

Seeing that the two men had Rose Slade turned his attention back to Vertigo. He raised his gun causing the criminal to cower. "This is for my team you son of a bitch" then he pulled the trigger. "What are you going to do now dad? Kill me too?" Slade calmly looked up at his daughter. "Get into the jeep Rose" he said picking up her gun from the its place on the floor. "Did you really think that it'd be that easy?" she laughed struggling against Dick and Wally. "That after everything that I've done I'd just surrender, go back to the way things were?" she asked laughing bitterly. Slade sighed. "Let her go" he said looking between Dick and Wally. The two men seemed reluctant but did as he said. "I'm going to let you go" Slade said, he looked exhausted "I want you to understand that if I see you again I will have no choice but to bring you in. You're on your own now." Rose seemed to forget about the other people on the bridge and began looting the bodies of Vertigo and his fallen men. Dick decided to ask the million dollar question, "what about us?" "I won't forget about you, but I'll give you a head start" Slade answered, he turned around, waved over his shoulder casually at them and climbed into his jeep disappearing forever. At least that's what Dick and Wally hoped.

"Race you to the cave?" Wally asked one eyebrow raised daring Dick to refuse. "You're on" Dick said, he turned and rushed back to his car, "no fair dude" Wally shouted after him running towards his own car.

The Cave

The team sat nervously around the hanger waiting for Dick and Wally to return. None of them had any idea what had happened on the bridge, their radios had gone silent and the last thing that the team had heard was the two of them being dragged from their cars. "Do you think that they're ok? M'gann asked, she sat next to her equipment hoping that something would tell what was going on. "I don't think that we need to worry" Kaldur answered hoping that he was right. Zatanna sat with Artemis next to the holo-console, the team now in their own clothes as opposed to their stolen uniforms. It would make it easier to disappear later.

"I can't just sit around here" Artemis said getting out of her chair, "M'gann it's time" she said walking off towards the dorms. "Time to pack up, pack up anything that you brought with you and I'll get started on the equipment" M'gann said shutting down the equipment around her.

Artemis looked around the empty dorm and took a deep breath. Dick and Wally would be fine, they'd gotten themselves out of trouble plenty of times before in the past. Any minute now the two of them would pull into the hanger dopey grins on their faces. "They're going to be ok...aren't they?" a small voice asked from behind her. She looked over shoulder and saw Zatanna stood in the doorway her bag slung over her shoulder. "I hope so" she answered, she wanted to reassure her but she refused to lie to her friend. Artemis put the two bags on her bunk and began to pack her things in one and Wally's in another, Zatanna helped her to gather up her belongings.

"So, what's Gotham City like?" Zatanna asked, the two girls walking back towards the main hanger. "You've never been?" Artemis asked surprised. "Only for my shows but I never really got to have a look around" she answered "Well its erm...big?" Artemis answered, Zatanna laughed at her answer. "I'd gathered that much" she said sarcastically. "It can be rough in places but nothing that you couldn't handle, it's quite similar to vegas actually." Zatanna smiled, "honestly, I don't think that there's much that I couldn't handle after this job." "Tell me about it" Artemis laughed next to the magician. "Besides it'll be nice to have somewhere to call home again" Zatanna said, a look of longing in her eyes. "Do you hear that?" Zatanna asked the mysterious sound snapping her out of her daze. Artemis stopped, "a car engine" she said excitedly she grabbed the younger girls hand and pulled her towards the hanger.

The two looked around the hanger and saw that everything had been packed down into their flight cases and was ready to go. "We've got activity outside but without the monitors I can't see who's there" M'gann said standing by the controls to the door. "Open it" Artemis said confidently, she looked around the room and no one argued against her decision. Nervously M'gann hit the switch and the hanger door began to open. Artemis glanced nervously between the hanger door and the safe in the centre of the room. She hoped that the contents of that safe hadn't cost the people that she loved their lives. Before fear could completely consume her two dodge chargers drove in. The team stayed back not wanting to overwhelm the two drivers as they climbed out of their cars looking a little roughed up. The cave was silent as the two stood facing their team mates, "What, no hug?" Wally asked his eyes locked on his fiancé. Artemis smiled and walked over to him, her hand sliding around his neck, "I can do better than that" she whispered standing on her tiptoes and capturing his lips with her own. Dick found himself trapped in a giant group hug next to the couple, "you had us worried" Kaldur said breaking the hug. "Yeah...sorry about that" Dick replied rubbing the back of his head. "What actually happened out there?" Zatanna asked, Artemis and Wally rejoined the group as Dick explained what happened on the bridge. "So he let you both go?" M'gann asked, "not really" Dick replied vaguely answering her question. "What does that mean?" Artemis asked looking up at Wally, "that means that he's giving us a head start to disappear" he answered. "I suggest that we make the most of our head start" Connor said, Dicks smirk returned. "Let's crack this baby open" he said walking towards the safe, the synthesised palm print laid on the table next to it. Nervously he put the rubber sheet against his hand and pressed it against the palm scanner. Seconds later the safe clicked and the door popped open, Dick released the breath that he'd been holding in. The safe door creaked open revealing a huge pile of money. The team looked around at each other the realisation sinking in, they'd done it. It was finally over.

"We did it!" Zatanna shouted breaking the silence in the cave, Artemis jumped into Wally's arms and kissed him smiling against his lips. Zatanna pulled Dick into a cheeky kiss and Connor pulled M'gann and Kaldur into a group hug. "What happens now?" Kaldur asked "Now we bag up the cash and wait for our ride out of here" Dick answered, his arm slung over Zatannas shoulder. Dick passed out duffle bags from the back of his car and the team got to work bagging up the money, "what are we going to do with all of this?" Artemis asked handing a now full bag to Wally. "How about we open up another garage in Gotham? we can get our own apartment and rebuild our lives again, plus we have a wedding to pay for" he answered a relieved smile on his face. Artemis smiled back at him, "I like the sound of that."

As the team were finishing clearing the hanger they heard a loud rumbling which made the cave shake. "She's here" M'gann said looking up towards the ceiling. The team bundled all of their things into the backs of the two chargers and took off towards the highway above the canyon. "We can trust this friend of yours right?" Dick asked M'gann on the short drive through the canyon, "she's trustworthy, her past is just as dirty as ours" M'gann answered, she looked out over the canyon saying a silent goodbye to the cave one last time.

The cars pulled up slowly on the high way coming to a stop a few meters behind a small plane. a tall, lean woman with dark skin and short dark hair waited for them playing with the belt of her jumpsuit. "M'gann" she squealed rushing forward to hug the smaller girl, "Rocket!" M'gann squealed embracing her in a tight hug. "Do I even want to know what you've gotten yourself into this time?" she asked eyeing up the rest of the team. "It's better if you didn't know" M'gann laughed turning to the team, "guys this is Raquel, Raquel this is the team, Dick, Wally, Artemis, Connor and Kaldur." "Please, call me Rocket, it's cool meeting you all" Raquel said her eyes lingered on Kaldur. She walked to the back of the plane and opened the cargo door, "time to load up, I can't stay here long without alerting someone to our presence." The team grabbed their things and began to load them into the planes small cargo bay. Once all of their belongings and equipment was safely in the cargo hold Raquel sealed the door and walked around to the side of the plan, she opened the side door and ushered the team on board. "Time to go ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Rocket airlines I will be your host your pilot and you're new best friend, buckle up and I'll get this plane in the air." She turned and disappeared into the small cockpit, moments later and the engines roared to life, the plane moving slowly along the edge of the canyon. Artemis looked out of her window as the plane began to gather speed, she grabbed Wally's hand and said a silent goodbye to Jamie in her head.

A Year Later, Gotham City.

Artemis stepped out into the cold night air pulling her coat tighter around her body, she muzzled her face into her scarf and took off down the street her boots crunched the snow beneath them as she walked home from work. Her phone started vibrating in her pocket. She looked at her called ID and smiled "what's up Megs?" "Artemis? I need your help..." M'gann said, her voice rushed and frantic. "M'gann slow down, what's wrong?" Artemis asked changing direction towards M'ganns apartment. "I can't say, I just need you to come to my place as soon as you can" she answered. "I'm on my way, I'll be there in a few minutes" Artemis said, she hung up the phone, put it back in her pocket and sped up.

"I think it worked, she's coming" M'gann said turning to the group. "You know she's going to kill us" Wally said, he knew his wife well and she would not be happy that he'd told the rest of the group why today is a special day for the blonde. The phone on M'ganns wall began to buzz, "Shh everyone hide" M'gann whispered picking up the phone. "Artemis, is that you?" she asked her voice sounded nervous. "I'm here, buzz me in?" Artemis asked, worried about her friend after her frantic phone call. M'gann pressed the buzzer and turned off the lights.

Artemis jogged through the hallway and knocked softly on the door, unsure of what she'd find inside. When no one answered she nervously opened the door and walked inside. "M'gann?" she called out feeling around for a light switch, finally her fingers brushed over one and she turned on the lights. "Happy Birthday!" everyone shouted, Artemis jumped and spun around to face her friends. "What the hell guys?!" Artemis said breathlessly, she looked at Wally. "You told them didn't you?" "Sorry babe, I wasn't going to let you celebrate your birthday at home by yourself" he answered. After a minute Artemis smiled and the group pulled her into a giant hug. "Now who's for shots?" Zatanna asked a tray of shots held above her head, she went around the group handing out the tiny glasses. "I'll pass this time" Artemis said declining the drink that Zatanna held out to her, Zatanna looked at her skeptically. "Since when did you pass on shots?" she asked her eye brow raised. "What's going on?" she asked. Artemis looked at Wally, "you didn't tell them?" she asked, Wally shook his head "I wanted to wait until you got here" he replied. Artemis looked around the room and saw that Dick had a knowing smile on his face, he knew their secret. Wally pulled Artemis gently into his side and held her there, "we have something to tell you" he said looking down at his wife. Artemis smiled, "I'm pregnant..." The room immediately filled with congratulations and hugs for the couple. "Tell them the rest" Dick said hugging the blonde, Wally laughed. "We're having twins."

Thank you so much for reading, I know that it's taken me a long time to publish this but I hope that it was worth it. I know that the end differs from the film so I'm sorry it just seemed the right way to end it.

I want to thank everyone for their kind reviews and comments through out this fic and my others, I've loved writing this and I'm incredibly happy that you've enjoyed reading it.