I'm continuing this one, only because I'm once again in a porn writing mood... Plus I'm at home, sick. What else am I supposed to do? Also, thank you for the amazing comments! They really make me happy and inspired to write more. It's short right now because I don't have any time.

Also, I've been thinking of writing on a Google Docs stream. Would anyone be interested in that? If anyone would, I'll write another chapter of this story like that. Follow me on twitter ( mytherna) or on tumblr (it_is_a_myth) for updates on when I'll be doing that.

Ivan softly hummed the tune to an old folk song as he waited for the meeting to be done. He knew Alfred wasn't going to just crawl out from the table. That'd be too obvious, and they'd both get caught. The younger nation climbed back to his seat, avoiding crawling on top of other people's feet. That would give him away faster than he could say "sorry". He carefully got back to his seat, gladly having avoided any tragedy.

The younger nation crawled back up into his chair, hoping no one would be suspicious. Gladly, most everyone was doing their own thing. However, Yao had a look of disgust on his face as he whispered something to Ivan, who looked away a bit before glancing to Alfred. 'Shit, are we gonna get in trouble?' America thought, worried about losing his reputation.

However, just as he thought China was going to give their little secret away, the elder nation just huffed and crossed his arms. Both of the guilty parties shared a soft noise of relief. About ten minutes after those tense moments, Germany called for the end of the meeting since Francis and Arthur were arguing about who knows (or cares) what. Ivan sat there like he was waiting for something, whilst Alfred practically ran out of the room to go jack off. The Russian man got up a little bit later to go find his partner. Outside of the meeting room, he searched around for his partner. He walked around aimlessly until he heard something coming from the cleaning closet.

Russia smiled a little bit and threw open the door. A loud gasp came from a surprised teenager that was inside, who thought he was getting caught. When he saw it was Ivan, however he smiled in a goofy sort of way. "Heh, hey babe..." He breathed out, zipper open and hard-on exposed as he was on the floor. Ivan smiled and came over to the other man, closing the door behind him before straddling him.

He smiled and kissed him deeply. Alfred moaned some, kissing back happily with a happy noise. They made out for a little bit before the American couldn't take it anymore. He pulled away, trying to pull off the other man's clothes in a feverish attempt to get him naked and exposed. Ivan grabbed onto him and rubbed against him a bit. "Ahh... Just like that, babe..." Alfred said, smiling in bliss.

The Russian smirked a bit, moving about to bite down on the younger man's neck, gaining a nice steady moan from Alfred. He pulled apart the other's button-down shirt, breaking a few of the buttons in the process. Ivan didn't care that he was being a bit violent, they'd been enemies for years. What else was expected?

Even though he wasn't nearly as angry at Alfred as he had been in past years, there was still pent up feelings from both sides. And in that short time in that tiny little janitor's closet, they were going to let it all out.