Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

11. Discretion part 2

"Uchiha I can't do it anymore."

Madara scowled at the Sarutobi, supressing his rage at the news. "And why is that?"

"Because it's getting really bad for me okay. I can't concentrate in class and my grades are slipping and my mother's starting to notice." Damasu nervously ran a hand through his spiky brown hair avoiding eye contact with the agressive looking teen in front of him.

Madara sighed. "It can't be helped that you're useless."

Damasu furrowed his brow, unsure if this was simply an expression of disappointment or an attack on his character. "What do you mean by that?"

The tension was interrupted by Tobirama, who opened the door and immediately regretted doing so.

Damasu however was grateful for the interruption. "Tobe, my man, what's up?" He eagerly walked away from the Uchiha and over to the Senju and offered his closed fist for daps.

Tobirama retuned it with a frown on his face. "I'm fine and I'm actually here to talk to Madara."

The Sarutobi raised an eyebrow wondering what Tobirama could possibly want with the Uchiha. "Whatever bro, see ya around!" Glad for the opportunity to leave, Damasu grinned at his friend and didn't bother awknowledging the Uchiha in the room before quickly walking out the door.

"Tobirama, what are you doing thinking you can interrupt me?"

Madara was irritated, his attempt at securing what he needed now ruined because of his brother's foolish lover. Tobirama was still frowning, wondering what he could be up to with Damasu.

"I want to talk to you about Izuna."

Gritting his teeth the slightest, Madara decided it would be wise to stifle his current anger and focus. Whatever Tobirama wanted to address he had to be careful how he responded since his little brother's feelings were on the line.

"Zu told me your father caught him coming home late the other night after he and I hung out."

Madara snorted, noticing the smaller hickey the Senju had on his own neck. "Hanging out? Is that what kids are calling it now?"

Tobirama blushed in embarrassment. "We weren't doing that! Anyways, that's not the point. I- I wanted to know how your dad handled it."

Madara relaxed a little. Knowing his brother was in caring hands put him at ease. "He was pissed of course, probably more so because Izuna was late coming home. If he did see the hickey he put two and two together and didn't care about that."

The white haired Senju remained blushing and seemed a bit more tense.

"Izuna wasn't hurt," Madara added, "he came up to my room and was upset but calmed down shortly afterwards. No need to be worried about it."

Tobirama looked up, his frown forming into the slightest smile. Knowing that Izuna was okay was all he cared about. "Thanks Madara, that's all I needed to know."

He turned to leave the classroom but was interrupted by the Uchiha. "Tobriama," he began, "you two better stop leaving such vulgar marks on each other. People will start to notice. Wouldn't it be bad for you if the student body found out about your relationship?"

Shit. He hadn't even thought of that. But the damage was done.

Damasu's eyes grew wide at what he had just overheard. He thought it was weird for Tobirama to start spending so much time with that gay Uchiha brat but this was unexpected and hard to swallow. His teammate, his friend, was spit swapping with the cheeleader boy. He didn't think much would come from eavesdropping, he was just curious as to what brought those two together and if Madara was bothering other people for supply. But this, this was a connection of a different sorts and brought a foreign fiery feeling to the Sarutobi's stomach.

Clutching his abdomen, Damasu ran through the hall and into the bathroom holding in his disappointment until it exited him in an acidic mess stright into the nearest urinal. Hashirama turned from the sink, hands till covered in soap and went over to him.

"Are you alright?" the elder Senju brother asked, recognizing the kid as Damasu who played sports with Tobirama almost their whole lives.

Damasu wiped a bit of vomit off of his lip. "No I'm not, and I don't think I will be."


It wasn't inconspicuous to wear a scarf indoors, right? Tobirama sighed and decided it was his best hope to hide the love bruise that marked his neck. Hashirama chuckled internally as his little brother made an entrance in the kitchen.

"Tobirama, I called you down for dinner ten minutes ago. What were you up to?"

Their father Butsuma had come home early from work in a seemingly calm mood but his son's tardiness irritated him.

"I was just finishing up a couple of chemistry problems. Sorry."

Hashirama made eye contact with his younger brother who sat down at the small square table, looking from his bright red scarf back to his eyes with a huge silly grin on his face. Tobirama shot him a death glare with his ruby eyes that blatently said 'don't you dare bring this up.'

"Tobi, it's a bit warm indoors to be wearing a scarf don't you think?"

He was fucking dead, the white haired brother noted, picking up his fork and stabbing it into his piece of chicken.

"I've been feeling a little under the weather lately. I'll be fine." Tobirama cast one more glare before taking a large bite out of the barbecue bird.

Hashirama couldn't hold in his inner smartass. One two many bong hits had him loose-lipped. "Under the weather, or under Izuna?"

Both Tobirama and Butsuma's eyes widened in suprise, with their father choking in the middle of a sip of water.

"Izuna? You mean Tajima's youngest boy?" Butsuma wiped the bit of water that trickled out of his nose from the choking, disgusted by this violent reaction to such a crude joke. Hashirama had to be joking right? But his younger son's bright red face said otherwise. "Take off that scarf, Tobirama."

"Dad-" The white haired teen was reluctant to expose his neck but since they were on the subject he figured he might as well. He sighed before unraveling the scarf and allowing Butsuma to get a look at the hickey his boyfriend had left him.

The eldest Senju sighed. He had thought maybe Hashirama was queer but Tobirama, this was a bit of a shock. But he remembered Tajima talking about his son having a boyfriend and not knowing how to react and now he was in the same shoes as his coworker.

"I- I'm sorry Tobirama but I think I'm going to have to put off this talk for a bit. I'm overwhelmed." It took a lot for Butsuma to be honest with his child but that's what was important in being a parent.

It wasn't a terrible reaction, in fact Tobirama had expected some shouting and fist fighting and maybe even being kicked out for a day or two or eternity. "It's okay Dad. When you're ready."

Butsuma smiled awkwardly at his son before getting up from the dinner table with his glass of water and walking off in the direction of his bedroom. This wasn't the kind of talk he wanted to have with his kids tonight but it was still productive nonetheless.

Hashirama was grinning ear to ear. "See I knew Dad wouldn't hate you being gay!"

Tobirama sent the utmost darkest of death glares towards his brother, his ruby eyes narrowing. "I'll fucking kill you Hashirama, I swear to god..."


reviews = motivation

anyways here's more drama, also more hashimada up ahead

but I've got two new fics in the works so idk how speedy the next update will be. I'm currently succeeding in being more consistant than 2014 though