Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

"Fool For You"

1. Help

Tobirama walked out of the locker room shower, a towel in his snow white hair, the other wrapped loosely around his waist. He sauntered over to his locker and began pulling a fresh change of clothes from his bag running through the details of a very successful football practice. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Izuna Uchiha sitting alone on a bench on the other side of the locker room, running a comb through his long raven locks.

Izuna was the first and only male cheerleader at North Konoha High School. Tobirama, being the school's top athlete, was on every sports team and would see Izuna at sports events and pep rallys though they usually just exchanged greetings. After seeing him often he came to an interesting conclusion: Izuna was a very pretty boy.

'That doesn't make me gay' Tobirama thought as he rolled on some deodorant. But Izuna was gay, not only gay but openly gay. And he often got a lot of hate from students, especially Tobirama's teammates.

"Oi lookie what we got here! Konoha's lil princess."

Tobirama's eyes grew wide as he turned to see his teammates gathered around the boy with rather meanacing looks on their faces. One of them, Damasu Sarutobi, grabbed Izuna's fire red pom poms and waved them around ungracefully.

"Look at me, I'm a cheer faggot."

Izuna just stared at the fool trying his hardest to show no emotion behind his onyx eyes. He was no stranger to locker room teasing, though he certainly would never get used to it.

"Show us your moves Izuna" the Sarutobi requested flailing the fiery poms once again. Izuna merely stared off into the distance in front of him, dangerously close to making eye contact with the distantly observing Senju.

"Gonna be a lil bitch, huh?"

Pain raced across Izuna's face as the brute's fist made contact. The punch had caught him off guard and he flew sideways slamming his head into some lockers in the process. Izuna stared downward clenching his head and curling up into a defensive ball.

"You should know better than to disrespect me faggot. Now you need to learn a lesson."

"That's enough Damasu."

Tobirama walked over and stared at his teammate, his ruby eyes flaming with anger. He clenched his hand into a fist and shook it towards the Sarutobi.

"Tobirama don't be mad we were just playing."

The Senju growled at this response and punched the grey locker to his right.

"If I catch you doing this again, I'll make sure you won't be playing anything for the rest of the year."

"Hmm whatever, he's not even worth it." Damasu frowned and turned to his victim. "Goodbye, princess." He gave a mocking wave and stormed out of the locker room with the rest of the football team in tow.


Tobirama turned his attention to the crumpled heap that was the Uchiha. As he kneeled down he was met with stunning wide onyx orbs. They were streaming with tears that mixed with the blood trickling from his forehead and slipped down his already bruised cheeks.

"Izuna..." he whispered as he gently wiped away the mess with the towel from his hair. Despite how gentle Tobirama was, the Uchiha cringed when his bruise was brushed and his cut was wiped.

"I'm so sorry they did this to you."

It was all he could manage to say, yet it was all Izuna needed to hear.


The red-haired Mito Uzumaki weaved her way around some tables to make her way over.

"Oh hello Mito."

Hashirama waved and smiled politely before pouring some hazelnut creamer into his freshly brewed coffee. Thank Kami the school approved his idea of putting a coffee brewer in the library. How is one supposed to sit through 8 hours of school, then 3 hours of meetings right afterward without a little caffeine jolt. Being student body president of North Konoha High was both physically and mentally exhausting for the Senju.

"So I took the liberty of organizing the photos taken at Homecoming and giving them to the Journalism students who are working on this month's edition of the print." Mito, Hashirama's closest friend and vice-president, took the liberty of pouring a cup for herself. "I also managed to get the social events committee together yesterday to start planning the Semi-Formal."

Hashirama nodded, only slightly surprised by Mito's productivity. "That's great" he mumbled, sipping his coffee. "I already talked to Tobirama about the football team's car wash fundraiser. It'll be next Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm when the cheerleaders will take over until 6."

"Okay sounds good. I gotta go, I have a meeting with my counselor in 10." Mito chugged the rest of her coffee, gently tossing the empty cup in the trash. "Maybe, if you're not busy of course, we could hang out some time." A light blush crept upon her fair cheeks as she gazed into the soft brown eyes of her long-time friend and crush.

"Hmm yeah, that sounds good." Hashirama also tossed his now empty cup, pulling the ginger girl in a friendly embrace which she easily accepted.

"I'll see you soon, Hashi." With that and a little smile she turned on her heel and trotted out of the library.

Hashirama let out a deep sigh when she was out of sight. Mito was a wonderful friend and co-worker, but she was just so... forward. The Senju had known about her little crush on him. He was intelligent and perceptive as well as handsome which had become both a blessing and a curse. There were plenty of pretty girls at North Konoha High who were interested in being with him, Hashirama just never wanted to be with them. He only saw those girls as pretty, never "hot" or "sexy". In fact he had never met anyone who made him feel that way.

"Ngh goddammit!"

Hashirama looked up and saw a boy that he recognized as Madara Uchiha jumping up trying to reach a book. He chuckled to himself and put his stuff down.

"You need some help?"

Madara looked over to see none other than Hashirama Senju walking over to him with a big smile on his face. 'Lord Kami have mercy' the Uchiha thought to himself as the Senju finally made his way over.

"Which book were you trying to reach?"

Madara pouted and pointed upwards at an old-looking thin book with faded gold print on the spine. Hashirama being the taller one reached up and grabbed the book.

"What is this?" The Senju was rather intrigued. He opened the book to the center and saw lines and what he knew to be music notes. He couldn't read them of course, but knew it was music. Madara snatched the book away, making sure not to damage it in the process.

"It's a collection of classical pieces for piccolo."

Hashirama couldn't help but smile at how adorably stubborn the Uchiha was being. Madara frowned at this smile.

"Piccolo huh? Isn't that like a tiny flute?"

He could've killed the Senju for his ignorance right then and there but decided to save himself the trouble and walked away instead.

"You're just gonna leave me hanging?"

"What else does this look like?"

I'd like to thank everyone for the favs and reviews so far! I wasn't expecting this story to pick up a fan base so fast. This fic is based off an AU I posted on Tumblr which was pretty popular so I wrote some drabbles and here it is. There will be more, however I can't say when I'll post them since I've been busy with college and stuff. Also, the rating is T right now but may change to M sometime in the near future. Huehuehue... Again thank you guys and I'm glad you're enjoying it. [: