Disclaimer: I do not own Minecraft, Mojang or the mob talker mod. I wish I did though!

Warning: Graphic death on Herobrine's pov, you can skip it and still understand what is going on.

Herobrine's P.o.v.

I took my diamond sword and slammed it through the human's chest. The human screamed and twitched, as it's heart rate slowed down. The human's heart made one last beat before it stopped altogether. The man's eyes glazed over and an expression of frozen pain masked it. This was one of my favorite things in my hunts. Chasing the prey; stalking it waiting for the right moment to strike, throughly scaring it. Then I would silently walk up to it until I was breathing down their backs, just waiting for them to turn around. When they did, the fight could go into two ways: death by blade, or death by flame. It had been a long while since I had been on a hunt, due to a certain pesky miner who just happens to be my twin. It was a quick death, almost painless. I must be going soft.

No, I can't be. This guy was just too similar to Steve. Both of them have blue eyes and brown hair. They were both covered with coal dust and sawdust. They even have the same type of pickaxe.

Iron. Blood and iron. The scent was thick in the air. I looked around at the place I had chased the miner into.

A thick forest, with oak and burch trees. The trees were old and tall, they were covered with moss and both types of mushrooms. Branches that reached out far into the air, their leaves obscuring the star-dotted sky above. The air smelt like soil and moss here, and the new taint of blood. Only a sliver of moonlight trickled down from the leafy canopy above, making the area dark and murky.

My head whipped at a snap in the trees. Was someone else here? My fears were calmed when I heard the unmistakable moan of a zombie. Good. That means they will be eating well tonight, so they will leave my prey alone.

I took my sword out of the miners chest. It was dripping with blood and it was now a deep violet color due to the blood on it. I didn't bother wiping the blood off. I was not done my midnight stroll yet.

I will not go hunting after any humans like I used to do before. Steve had changed that entirely. Instead, I will kill ones that I bump into. It is better that way, so Steve cannot get too angry at me. It wasn't that the miner was my enemy anymore. In fact, the two were close friends. After so many times fighting and going back around and saving each other's life, we became friends. He was the only human that I considered better then anyone else.

He at least had the brains to not run from me or even show his pain. He knew that doing so only makes the hunt more enjoyable. He at the very least can understand and except me for who I am. He still gets angry at me when I kill more then thirty people in a month. So that would be the reason why I was so far from home, near a small village that was nearby Steve's old home. I was careful not to kill any relatives of his, which would be the ulltamate break in our friendship. He would never forgive me if that happened.

I started to hike down an old worn trail in the woods coming across some skeletons, zombies and creepers. Just like I had planned when I left the mansion.

Not far from where the body now lye, a 10 year old girl was watching with shock. The person that guy had just killed was Mike, one of her best friends. She had been watching the entire time, her burnet hair in a neat high pony with a bow securing it at the top. The girl wore a black pair of hiking shoes, black leggings with a pair of mini shorts, and a black shirt that clung to her figure nicely. She had bright silver eyes, a result of being clairvoyant. The girl did not foresee Mike's death at this forest in a vision, and watching it happen in real life was shocking. The girl stirred, released from her petrified state. Her foot snapped on a twig, and the girl silently cursed herself for not looking where she walked.

The killer moved it's head, but before he could see the girl, she stepped back behind the big oak tree she was previously hiding behind. She knew she had to do something to keep the killer from walking over and killing her too. So she mimicked the moan of a zombie; the girl could perfectly mimic every sound that she heard, and she could do it so well no one could separate her voice from the real thing. A moment passed and the killer turned it's attention back to the corpse of Mike. As the girl watched, the guy dropped his sword as he gazed out at the canopy of leaves above him. He then began hiking away from her.

The girl waited a long time after the guy left, making sure that he was gone. She breathed with great care, hoping she wouldn't be spotted. The girl quickly scurried over to the corpse, and picked up the sword and began dragging Mike back to the village for a proper burial, shuddering when her hands touched cold flesh.

The girl slowly dragged the body back, keeping a wary eye out for any mobs, but strangely there weren't any. She wondered why the mobs weren't around, usually zombies would be have smelled the blood in the air, and would come for the kill. The girl arrived at the mostly wooden village by dawn, and collapsed in the middle of the village from sheer exhaustion on the dark road from dragging the body so far and passed out. The Iron guards left the girl be, due to them having seen her interact with the villagers before.


She woke up to the screaming of first one villager and then the yells of another one, and the crying of children. "Murder come quick" an adult villager yelled, while others started to block any escape routes. The girl quickly got to her feet and almost fell back down due to the weight of all the supplies in her backpack.

"I didn't murder him! Someone else did." The girl said, trying to explain herself. As she looked around, she realized that luck had escaped her this time. How could she make them believe she didn't kill Mike when she had blood on her body and the murder weapon in her hands? She looked back to Mike and whispered "I'm sorry" before bursting into tears.

They didn't believe her, due to her having Mike's blood on her and having the murder weapon in her hands. They eventually forced the girl over to a Nether Portal and gave her a diamond pickaxe with a skull carved in the hilt as a cruel reminder of Mike's murder. They then pushed her in the portal, and once she disappeared, they took the portal down so the girl would never return. They didn't want a murderer out and about, Herobrine and mobs were already enough to deal with.

But little did they know that the girl was going into a land completely prepared, and with the right skills that would ensure that she would live. Little did they know she would become a greatly loved and protected friend of every mob in existence, and learn to speak their language.