Snowpoint Mountain- A Jolteon fanfic

If you've read other Eeveeloution fanfics you may notice some similarities farther down. That's because I like their work and am adding some ideas to mine, not because i'm unoriginal. Later chapters may contain sex scenes. Feedback is always welcome, just don't be stupid. And don't worry, i'll avidly work this story until iv'e finished it.

Chapter 1: Snowpoint

It all started in the cold, snowy Snowpoint city. That's where I was abandoned by my trainer, after his girlfriend told him to get rid of me. I knew she didn't like me, I wasn't stupid. So it wasn't too much of a surprise when he bundled me up in a few blankets and left me outside a coffee shop. Didn't hurt any less, though. But my abandonment would spark the greatest thing to ever happen to me, and the more interesting events to follow.

I immediately wrapped the blankets around my body to keep myself warm. It wasn't easy, considering my paws and my spikey yellow fur, but the fur can bend and I managed. It was now me, a hungry jolteon against the world. I was surprisingly okay with that. I didn't cry, or run after my former trainer. Instead, I went to look for something to eat. That's when I met her, the Pokémon that would end up changing my life forever. I looked across the street from where I was to see a lonely Glaceon being kicked by her trainer. He kept shouting "Useless!" and hurting her. That's when I became involved. It wasn't much of a fight, really. A single thunderbolt was enough to send the stupid human running and swearing.

I ran up to her and said "Are you okay, miss?" She looked up at me, and my jaw almost dropped. Despite her injuries, she was the most beautiful Pokémon I had ever seen, and I had to keep from staring or letting my jaw drop. I had seen a few other Glaceons before, but she was undoubtedly the most beautiful of any eeveeloution I had ever seen. She nodded slowly, and trie2d to stand, but her belly was too hurt. I took off my blankets and wrapped her in them, then gently lifted her onto my back, and began walking to a Pokémon center. She squeaked in surprise, and I turned to look at her. I could see the fear about to turn into panic on her face, so I tried to make small talk to calm her down. "I'm taking you to a Pokémon center to get you patched up," I said in as calm and reassuring manner as I could. The fear slowly left and I felt her relax on my back, so I figured I may as well introduce myself. "My names Jolt, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said. She answered "Snow," in a voice that sounded warm, despite her chilly body and the cold, snowy weather. "My trainer abandoned me here, and it looks like yours, well... Is it safe to say we're both trainer less now?" I said, hoping it wasn't too sudden. "My trainer made my life a living hell..." She trailed off. "So yes, and I hope I never have to look at him again." "Ditto," I replied as the Pokémon center came into sight.

We walked in, and I explained the situation to nurse Joys assistant Chancey, who led us to a small operating room. I was reluctant to leave Snow, and I was glad when she asked if I would wait for her. I happily agreed and left the room to get some food from the center. About a half hour later, Snow strolled up to me, looking as good as new thanks to the advanced technology from the Pokémon center. I gave her a warm smile, which she returned, and I offered her a bowl of food id gotten for her. She took it and we chowed down together, the both of us starving since I had just gotten the food. After that, we sat talking by a nearby fire, a little awkward at first, but then relaxed as we got used to each other's company. We figured since we were both abandoned, we may as well travel together. I hid my excitement. Travelling together to find a spot to settle, with whom was quickly becoming the Pokémon of my dreams? I heartily agreed. Looking at a nearby map, we noticed a small mountain that looked like a good place to make a living, so he mapped our route and headed out. Little did I know what was waiting for us up in a cave on the mountain.

(Next chapter through end of story will be 3rd person)