Summary: When growing up in an extremely abusive house hold, Harry snapped when he was young. What happens when the wizarding world mainly Hogwarts sees what Harry Potter has become= a broken mute rag doll with absolutely no emotion. The Wizarding world is shocked and disgusted but all the while the Dark Lord is intrigued. Dumbledore/Ginny/hermoine/Molly/Ron bashing HP/LV HP/TMR SLASH manipulating Dumbledore! Rated M OOC

Warning: flashbacks and mentions of rape, torture, gore, child abuse, man/man sex, some bad spelling {sorry, I'm new in this}

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. If your homophobic I suggest you to leave right now because there are going to be a lot of hot man/man sex here, so if you're still here don't say I didn't warn you.

Thoughts: 'blah blah blah'

Parseltongue: ~ blah blah blah ~

Talking: "blah blah blah"

Chapter 1: That Night

In the night of the first of November of 1981 was a peaceful one the sky was clear, the wind was silent but It was not as peaceful as it seemed most of the wizarding world of Britain was celebrating. They were celebrating because of the fall of the most terrifying, and most powerful Dark Lord of the last 500 years. Cheering because of the savior of the wizarding world but not once did they think of the saviour's price he paid for their short-lived peace and especially his life after this tragedy, assuming that his life more importantly his childhood would be filled with happiness.

Boy, are they in for a surprise!

Meanwhile... Albus Dumbledore was arguing with the deputy head mistress in how Harry Potter would be safe in the "loving hands" of his remaining blood family. As they were walking down the street Minerva was beyond her patience's limits on trying to change the headmasters stubborn mind " Albus, you haven't seen how these muggle's act, they are vile and disgusting and the worst muggle's out there"

Minerva wasn't the only one who was at her patience limit, Dumbledore was considering obliviating his old friend but he knew the consequences on that it would seem suspicious if the deputy Headmistress doesn't remember where she and he placed the boy.

Dumbledore masked his impatience with a kind, grandfatherly smile" My dear Minerva, I think you misunderstood the muggle's surely you're observations are mistaken" he said with twinkling blue eyes" Fine, but if I was right don't blame me because this will be your downfall" with that she huffed angrily, turned her back and apparanted away.

Dumbledore finally let his fake smile slip and revealed an angry grimace.

'what in the world possessed me to befriend that vile woman' he thought angrily as he briskly walked in front old the freshly painted door pulled himself together and masked his anger with a sickly sweet smile and looking down on the sleeping face of the baby as he gently rested the basket on the doorstep.

"Good bye, Harry Potter" with that he apparated away.

Authors note: That's the end of this chapter, I know its short but I promise that it will get longer! I will update random times so you don't have to worry. Anyways, this is my first FanFic so please, no mean reviews I'm sensitive...
