A/N: New story! I'm hoping it goes well~ I have not written in a while..

sighs oh well

The alley way was dark. Pitch black. People never came here, ever. No light was shed. This place was cursed. Not one person in their right mind would come here. Or so they said. However, a certain somebody did have business here. Of course, one would assume that somebody having business in a place such as this would not be here on terms such as grocery shopping. WRONG. Well, kind of. Depends on what you count as grocery shopping. If you count grocery shopping as ingredients for a powerful spell, then yes. And that is exactly what Arthur Kirkland was doing.

"That one please. No! Not the eye! THE LEG! THE LEG YOU BLOODY IDIOT!"

Arthur, more commonly known as England, was about to lose it. This newbie, this, this idiotic CHILD, obviously did not know a thing about the dark arts. He had been to this little shop before and never before had this happened. Of course, after his day had already been horrible somebody decided to make it worse. He let out a sigh. The young boy- or wait was it a boy? He didn't remember the child's name and after an hour of hearing his high voice he didn't bother making his head-ache worse by racking his brains.

"Mister? Is this it? He snapped back to reality. The kid finally managed to get a chimera leg. Wasn't the best one ever, but it would do

"Thank you" He set the gold coins along with a drop of his blood for payment and left.

England walked home, very annoyed. He wanted nothing more than to relax with a nice cup of tea. But no! Of course he couldn't! Because he was special. He was part-demon. PART-DEMON! It was painful, annoying, terrifying... and after months of agony he finally managed to get the last ingredient of the spell. Hopefully it worked. Hopefully. England arrived home and went straight to the basement where all of his magic took place. He rummaged around for a bit getting everything set up. Finally he could begin. Or so he thought. The first symptom was an head-splitting head-ache. He knew what would happen, but every time the pain got worse. He sank to the floor, head pounding. Those horns.. he could feel them trying to get through. He screamed.

"MAKE IT STOP!" It was agonizing. By now England was writhing on the floor in agony. It was useless to try to stop the transformation. The more he struggled the worse he got. After 30 minutes of of screaming in pain, it was done. Tall black horns, huge black leathery wings and a black tail. He popped his neck.

"Feels good to be back" He got up and smiled. This was gonna be fun.

Chapter 1: Done. I hoped you liked it! Please tell what you think :)