Thinking of You


Chapter 2

You're like an Indian summer in the middle of winter

Like a hard candy with a surprise center

How do I get better once I've had the best?

You said there's tons of fish in the water, so the waters I will test

Diana was in her office in the Themysciran Embassy that morning. She was sitting with the secretaries in a table in their small lounge eating oatmeal cookies and sipping coffee. Diana had decided on grabbing an iced mocha. She was busy reading an article about a new sanctuary development in Florida when she overheard one of the secretaries mention Bruce's name.

"My god! Carrie, Bruce Wayne is such a dreamboat. I passed him by while I was walking in the mall last night," Kate, a brunette who worked the morning shift in the reception area, had almost exclaimed in glee. "Really? What was he doing in the mall?" Carrie, the blonde one, had asked in excitement. "He was in the necktie rack, choosing different colors of ties," Kate replied before she sipped on her coffee. Angela, the new redhead intern sat down beside them, "Miss Diana," she greeted Diana before she sat down. Diana gave her a smile as acknowledgement before she returned to her reading and to her eavesdropping. Angela placed down a magazine on the table, "Bruce Wayne's on the front cover of GQ Gotham." Kate and Carrie screamed in excitement as they both glanced at the article where Bruce was featured. Diana wondered what his pictures in the magazine looked like.

Diana folded the newspaper that she had finished reading and placed it on the table. She sipped on her iced mocha, silently looking at the girls busying themselves in scanning the magazine. "Hey, girls, time to head back to work," Carrie had reminded them as she glanced on her red watch. The three girls bade to Diana before they left for their respective offices. Diana noticed that Angel had left her magazine behind. She immediately grabbed the magazine and took it with her in her office.

As soon as Diana got to her office, she sat down on her leather chair and placed down the magazine on her desk. As she gazed at the magazine, it felt like Bruce's eyes were fixed to hers. She shook her head and flipped the pages until she reached the article about him. The photos were taken in his office and some were taken in a photo studio. She was surprised to see a photo of Bruce clad only in a white unbuttoned dress shirt and black boxer briefs looking seductively downwards to the right. Diana ran her hand on his chest and abdomen. He was the epitome of Adonis. His body was perfectly chiseled by the gods to perfection. His scars had been shown in the picture, but only a few knew the stories behind every scar. She remembered, after they made love, she would drag her finger slowly unto every scar she could see.

Bruce lied down on his bed with his arms laid behind his head. Diana lied down on his chest, lazily tracing every scar on his chest. They had just made love that early morning. It had almost been every night after Bruce had come back from patrol. Diana would be waiting for his return in his study or in his bedroom. "Do you still remember every story behind every scar, Bruce?" Diana asked out of the blue, as she seized in tracing the scars. "I remember some of it. The rest, I can't even recall at all," Bruce replied as he slowly moved his hand up and down her smooth back. Diana moaned at the feel of his callous hand. Bruce chuckled low in his throat, "Ready to go another round, Princess?" Diana immediately looked up at him and grinned wolfishly, "You didn't really have to ask."

Diana clutched her face with both of her hands, fighting the tears that gathered in her eyes. Never in her life had she realized just how important Bruce was to her until she had lost him. Every night, whenever they made love, was amazing than the last time. Bruce mostly did all the work to pleasure her. She knew that Amazon must always be the dominant one, but Bruce was an exception. In bed, she lets him lead the dance. He knew everything and she let him do his way with her.

He kissed my lips, I taste your mouth, oh!

(Taste your mouth)

He pulled me in. I was disgusted with myself.

Diana had read a line from the interview he had. It wrote, "When I make love to her, I treat like the princess that she truly is." That line had struck Diana's heart as if Zeus had stabbed one of his lightning bolts. Her heartbeat paced and her breathing quickened. Was Bruce referring to her?

Her heart then felt a pang of pain when she recalled what had happened last night. Clark had made love to her, but Diana couldn't exactly call it "making love". She barely gave any love to what they did last night. As his hands roamed her body, all she could do was imagine that Bruce's hands were doing such sweet lingers to her. As his lips touched hers, all she could do was remember the taste of Bruce's mouth. It was a mixture of coffee and her sweet tangy taste. It was ecstasy for her. As his eyes locked with hers, all she could do was imagine that she was staring deep down into Bruce's azure eyes. As he got inside her, all she felt was disgust towards herself. She felt her tears about to fall. It felt wrong for her. Nothing in her world was right without Bruce.

You're the best, and yes, I do regret

How I could let myself let you go

Now, now the lesson's learned

I touched it, I was burned

Oh, I think you should know!

Diana had admitted to herself everyday that she regretted leaving Bruce and that no one else could compare to the love he had for her. He had told her to move on. He wanted Clark to show her how important she truly was for him, but she didn't want Clark to show her that. Diana wanted Bruce to be the one to show her just how much he cared for her. Mixed emotions got the best of her and made her leave him. She was stupid. She got impatient. She left her heart's desire. Now, all Diana wanted was to look deep into Bruce's eyes and let him know that she regretted her decisions and wanted to get back with him. His azure eyes gave her security and assurance that everything would be just the way they were.

She sighed, knowing now that Bruce was no longer going to come back to her. She grabbed a folder of documents that needed signing. She refrained from reminiscing moments of her and Bruce so she wouldn't be distracted with her responsibility at hand. A knock on her door and her secretary greeted her with a smile, "I'll be out for lunch, Miss." Diana smiled at Alana before she returned her attention to the papers, "Do enjoy your lunch, Alana." Alana frowned, "Won't you be having lunch, Miss?" Diana looked up again, "No, I'll finish these first." Alana nodded then went out of Diana's office.

After half an hour, Diana was almost about to finish the papers she had been signing. Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. It made her wonder who had decided to visit the office. She straightened her white blouse and black pencil skirt before she strode to the door.

Oh, won't you walk through?

And bust in the door and take me away?

Oh, no more mistakes

'Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay, stay

Bruce had been standing on her doorstep for what felt like a minute or so. Clad in his black tux and red tie, he looked so handsome. He clutched his brown trench coat tightly in his hand as his azure eyes gazed at her. Diana's heartbeat quickened at the sight of the man she loved the most. Her hands ached to touch him and to feel him. She ached to run her hands through his soft hair and touch his face that she had longed for so long. All they both could do was look at each other.

"What are you doing here, Bruce?" Diana had asked in wonder, but already knew in her heart that he wanted her back. He stepped a foot closer to her, his azure eyes never leaving hers. His voice as he replied was almost in a whisper, "I came to tell you everything."