Just tell them Tony!
Tony sat on the sidewalk and looked forlornly at the yellow stripe down the middle of the road thinking forlornly about the horrors that would befall him if he told anyone. He shivered with acute fierceness at the thought of telling his parents. How could he tell them? Why would he tell them? When would he tell them? Would they accept me if I told them I was-
A sharp crash woke Tony out of his self-induced trance and he saw a boy sprawled across the pavement on the other side of the street. Almost immediately, Tony rushed across the road to make sure the kid was ok. He reached the boy just as he was sitting up.
"Did you decide to see if your bike could jump a lamp post, man?" Tony asked, reaching out towards the boy. The boy flinched away at Tony's touch.
"Are you ok?" Tony said. This time he tried to refrain from his usual joking ways and actually figure out what was wrong. The boy finally looked up at Tony with his deep brown eyes. They were mesmerizing. Tony felt like he could look into those eyes forever and be happy. When the eye contact became too intense for the boy, he blushed and turned away.
"Y-yeah. Sorry. I just didn't see the lamp post I guess." He answered in a quivering voice. Tony looked at him quizzically. What in the world could he be sorry for. He just crashed his bike and he is apologizing. The boy then started to try to get up and winced.
"Hold on." Said Tony. " Let me help you get up. We wouldn't want you falling back down now would we." The boy cautiously gave tony his arm for the support and stood up slowly. He had torn a huge hole in his jeans and there was a bloody scrape on the exposed skin. The boy sighed when he looked at his bike. Now how would he get home.
Tony ran his eyes over the now standing boy. He was probably one of the most beautiful sights in the entire world. He had curly brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. He had chiseled featured on his face, and Tony bet he had a body to match. Although, Tony couldn't see it because the boys clothes looked like they were two sizes too big. But the gray sweatshirt and the loose jeans were kind of cute in a way. Then, Tony saw the expression of utter dismay adorning the boy's face as he looked over his bike.
"I can't belive….so careless….how am I going to get home…. Parents don't care…. So stupid…. Stupid….." the boy was mumbling under his breath and pacing. He seemed to get more enraged the more he mumbled.
"FUCK!" yelled the boy. He kicked his bike. Tony swore he saw his eyes turn green for a split second. This was getting confusing.
"Hey, man. Calm down a little. It's just a bike." Tony said, rather unsure if he should or not. The boy glanced at him and he seemed to calm down a bit.
"Oh. Sorry. I just can't get home now and I don't know what to do. It's hard enough keeping control as it is…." The boys voiced faded and he glanced at Tony. "I mean of the bike." Said the boy. Tony knew he was lying but decided to push it no further.
"It's fine. I can give you a lift if you want." Offered Tony. Tony was surprising himself with all of the kindness he was showing. Where did his snarky rich boy go? Why was he trying to be nice to this boy of all people. The boy looked at him with surprise.
"Y-yeah. Sure. If it wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience… I mean I don't want to cause any trouble. Maybe I shouldn't." the boy stumbled over his words and looked at Tony apologetically. Why was this boy being so nice to him.
"Nonsense. I am going to take you home." Exclaimed Tony warmly. He picked up the boys broken bike. "My car is just across the street."
Tony and the boy crossed the street and the bike was put in the back of Tony's [insert most expensive car ever]. The boy gaped at the car for a few seconds and then looked at Tony. Who did he meet?
" Okay. All set. Climb in." Tony said cheerfully. "Oh, and by the way. My name is Tony." Tony jumped in his car and the boy followed suit. Tony looked at the boy expectantly as he put his seat belt on. The boy looked at him with realization and blushed.
"Oh. Sorry. I'm Bruce. Bruce Banner."