A/N: This is horrendously late and I'm really sorry. But it was the holidays... ...and then after that I got really busy. O_O *does ultimate sliding grovel* Sorry for taking so long! I hope the length makes up for it~

Any of you guys read the latest chapter (235) yet? IT'S FUCKING AWESOME. GO AND READ IT. AFTER THIS. OR WHATEVER YOU PREFER. HAHA

Anyway, this chapter just shows the two trying to settle things and reach some sort of closure. But they're Oga and Furuichi... so this is their unconventional way of doing it.

Disclaimer: Still not mine.

Warnings: A lot of bitching, because these two are like an old married couple. And very graphic sex at the end. Please don't read that bit if it's not your thing.

6 - Relive [Part 1]

"We have a lot to talk about." Oga says in a serious tone as he pins me down on the bed.

I narrow my eyes at his actions. "Really. We're gonna talk? In this position?" I ask him, not bothering to even hide my sarcasm. I'm just antsy. I'm a little hot under the collar too because he was fooling around with my halo a while ago.

Oga lets out a loud sigh and rolls his eyes before throwing himself sideways so he'd be lying on the bed face up next to me. "Happy?" He asked sarcastically.

I don't bother to reply because I don't need to. I stare at the ceiling, and I know Oga is doing the same thing. As we both lie on his bed like that, I feel perfect and cozy. The slight breeze coming from the half ajar window next to the bed was the icing on my comfort cake.

"Hilda and Alaindelon told me... that..." Oga started, and I listened to him attentively. "You weren't all human."

"Weren't? I'm still not all human right now." I piped in. I laughed at the end of that as a signal to Oga that I've joked enough and he should continue.

"I don't really give a crap about that. You could be a wrestler with the stage name Montesquieu and I wouldn't give a shit." Oga said that like it was something bland. I on the other hand was impressed that he could say Montesquieu.

"But Hilda told me that it was my fault that you turned into that."

"The word is angel, Oga."

"No," He let out a garbled laugh as he said that. A deep humoring one that implies, 'no, it's not that simple'. "You said harbinger of judgment."

"I was told that too." I affirmed his words. Naga told me the same thing. "But I don't really know what it means."

Naga wasn't really helpful in explaining to me what being the harbinger of judgment entails. He was too caught up in the relief he felt that he ended up not being all that informative. All I know is, and I'm not even sure, I'm of the highest order. Whatever that means.

"I do." Oga chirps. Confident and just inviting me to ask,

"You do?"

He let out a grunt and turned his back to me. "Like I said, I could tell that it wasn't really you. The harbinger of judgment has a personality of its own."

Is that what happened when I blacked out? I have no memory of falling asleep. I was out for a good portion of the afternoon. I wouldn't put it past Oga to wake me up if he could, too. So was I out for so long because of this..?

"You were a jackass."

"What?" I asked, caught in surprise and curious. "Why? What did I do?" I didn't bother to hide my amusement. I love the rare moments when I bother Oga.

"No. Not the funny kind of jackass. The asshole kind of jackass." Oga declared, like it was something profound. Yes, this is Oga's vocabulary.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh. But it was cut short because Oga's not laughing with me. I guess it's not amusing to him. So I stop snickering and pull a bit at his sleeve to ask him, "Okay, how serious?"

He didn't answer right away. He made me wait, probably because he doesn't know how to say it, or he doesn't exactly understand what he knows.

"You weren't you." He started, his voice somewhat stern. "You attacked everyone. Behemoth, Jabberwock, those other pillar squad people…" I wanted to stop him from telling this unbelievable story again but he added, "and me."

I attacked Oga?

Before I could ask him more, he started talking again. "You don't look too different from the harbinger of judgment as you are now. The only difference I saw were your eyes. They were like lights. And your pupils were frickin' enormous, like you were stoned."

"You attacked people by summoning some kind of sword. It just appeared over your hand like some Erza Scarlet voodoo. It kept coming, they were probably infinite."

I ignore his attempted imagery and kept trying to find a way to believe this story.

"Jabberwock was chained and gagged I think, by you. And your swords were jutting out of his stomach. The other pillar squad people were stabbed clean through too... by those swords you've got. Let me tell you, it looked like something straight out of a Quentin Tarantino movie." Oga looks at me as he says that, face stern. He doesn't know his comparisons made me take this less seriously. "Behemoth was the only one still kicking when I left with you. And let me tell you, the old geezer was probably on his last leg, fighting you."

"I wish I could believe you." I butt in. I know this is what he told me to comfort me. But I still can't bring myself to accept all of what he's saying. "But come on, Oga…"

"If you really can't believe me," He stopped to turn around and face me while we both lied down on the bed. "when we see Behemoth again, ask him about it." He was really confident with his suggestion.

If I stop and think about the content of what Oga is saying, I can't bring myself to accept it as fact. But when I take into consideration that it is Oga saying this, I think I can force myself to believe it. He's visibly trying hard to make me believe this anyway.

I thought about the demon lord's tissues. I could use that to ask any pillar squad member about what happened. But I realized they were in my ripped pants, the ones I left in the demon world. I had to let it go. Honestly though, I don't want to summon any pillar squad member for a considerably long duration of time.

"I attacked you too..?" I asked after a while.

It was good that Oga faced me when he did, because I caught his reaction to my question close up. Hurt would be the first thing that comes to mind. But I can tell it's so much more than that.

"Yeah…" He said as he rubbed his eyes. "…but you stopped at the last second." To me, he looks like he's trying to hide his expressions.

"Oh." I want Oga to go on.

Oga kept rubbing his eyes, then he ran his hand through his hair, then he left his hand over his face, covering it. This is Oga's version of 'fidgeting'. He's more than just a little uncomfortable and that just fuels my curiosity more.

"What else happened?" I asked, tugging at his hand a bit. I put my hand to his shoulder, shaking him. "Hey, tell me..!"

"Mnno." It was muffled but it was easy to guess that he was saying 'no'.

"Come on. Tell me!" I insisted while I pulled at his sleeve incessantly. "Did you do something embarrassing?" I pulled at the hand over his face with both hands but he didn't budge. "Come on. Tell me, Oga. I told you what happened to me..." When I said that, Oga tensed up a bit. Slowly, his hand retracted from his face. His gaze captured mine in an almost feverish and desperate manner. He hesitated for a bit before speaking. All of my attention is on him and his sad stare, because I couldn't help but wonder just what it is that drove Oga to look so distressed.

"Do you really hate me?"

His question knocked the breath out of me. I stayed silent, stunned, because of the way Oga voiced his question.

"I think I get it." He added while his eyes were still transfixed on mine. "I can think of plenty of reasons why you hate me. I'm not exactly the shining example of a friend."

What? Where did this come from? And no. No. I don't hate you. In fact, what I feel is probably the farthest from hate...

"Is this because of what I said a while ago? You know I don't mean that!" I almost shouted, thinking that doing that will knock the truth straight into Oga's brain. "I hated myself! I just took it out on you!"

He shook his head. "It's not what you said earlier. It was the other you."

Other me? "The harbinger of judgment?"

He nodded. "I don't know what exactly he was talking about, but I don't think the other you will lie."

I kept staring at him, waiting for him to tell me what I did while possessed.

"Tell me, Furuichi. What did I do to you? I'm not mad. I just want to know."

"What do you mean?" When I said that, Oga gripped both my wrists, impatient.

"I've wronged you in innumerable ways?" He started. "You told me something like that. You used some difficult words but I understood. Why didn't you tell me I was pissing you off?" His face was inching closer to mine with every word. He looked awfully desperate for an explanation.

I wanted to look away from his stare and the emotion he's showing. I felt a little pressured by his gaze. I've never dreamed that one day, Oga would ask me such a question. I don't know how to answer him.

"I don't know... Maybe it was just the 'other me' talking." I answered halfheartedly.

Oga let go of my wrists and exhaled. He looked like he didn't buy my lie again but he didn't pry me for an answer. He wasn't the type who never lets go of a question anyway, especially one that affected him as much as this. He turned away so he'd be lying on his back on the bed. While staring at the ceiling, he started saying, "You know I feel a little bad for dragging you with me with all this supernatural fuckery. That time, when we were kids, I know you promised me something stupid. Something like you'll always stand next to me. When this weirdness with demons started, I thought you were gonna turn tail and leave me in the dust. I would have. I mean, this shit we've been through is whack." He raised his hand, giving the both of us a view of the Zebul seal at the back of his hand. "I feel better now knowing you aren't as normal as I thought. And now you even fit in with the rest of us freaks here. From what I saw, you can defend yourself a lot better now. That's good. Being an angel, you can kick ass without having to summon pillar squad demons using the tissues. That's even better."

I didn't realize I was watching him so intently as he talked. It was weird to see Oga going on and on about something that wasn't about a complicated game move or something equally retarded. Gazing up at him, it was weird to look at Oga in a new light. Lying down next to him right now, I feel so assured.

He turned to face me, quick like a reflex action, and looked at me with a confused expression. "You alright?" He asked.

I don't know why he asked that out of the blue because all I am right now is giddy. But then I see his stare fixed behind me. I look back to follow his gaze. There's nothing behind me but my wings.

"Oh." I see that my wings have become longer again. It probably has something to do with Oga's words but I don't need to tell him that.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Oga asks as he sits up. He wanted to look at my wings from a different angle.

"I'm not sure." I admitted with a chuckle. "I'm no expert in this." I sat up as well, since I felt awkward at being looked at from that view. They've become really big this time, so much I could feel it weighing me down. It's pretty heavy.

I stretch my arms and arch my back, so I can soothe my strained shoulders. "Is this like what having big boobs feels like? It's terrible!" I whine as I slouch a bit. The weight on my back is making me tired.

Oga watches me stretch and complain on his bed. "Can you move 'em?" He asks while reaching out to touch one of my wings.

"Not really. It's more like a big dumb weight on my back. It wasn't always like that. Before, I could barely even feel it."

"That's stupid." Oga says as he crawls his way to sit behind me, burying his hand in my wings' feathers.

I stay quiet, letting him pet me. It was alright since it was just that. Subconsciously, I lean back and relax against his chest. It was a good and calm feeling, but Oga had to ruin it with a sudden question, of course.

"So what were you going on about a while ago, saying you wanted me to fuck you last night? What the hell, Furuichi." The totally nonchalant voice he uses while saying something vulgar made me sit up straight and hack on my own spit.

"Let... that... go, Oga!" I said between coughs. I clambered over to the other side of the bed, farther from Oga, and looked down on my lap to hide my embarrassed blushing. "Forget about it!"

"I didn't know you were gay." He said, still using that bored tone and it's getting on my nerves more than the fact that he's not letting go of this topic. "With the way you go crazy when women are..."

"Shut up, Oga." I interrupt him as sternly as I could from my end of the bed.

"I mean, because you said that..." He started again, and I'm pissed enough to catch his gaze and glare at him. "That's kinda the only thing on my mind right now."

Staring back at him was a bad idea on my part now, because he caught my shocked expression, which was followed by me blushing darker. I could feel heat on my cheeks and shivers running down my spine upon seeing him look so serious while insinuating he was thinking about us having sex. I had to get out of here.

I stood up stiffly and I let out fake laughs for Oga to think I took his comment as a joke. "I think I'm gonna go take a shower. I stink!" I declared all too rigidly while pointing at the door leading out Oga's room. I didn't ask for permission anymore. I just kinda sprung out and ran towards the bathroom. It was the first escape plan my troubled brain thought of.

Seriously though, why would Oga say that?

Oga had been holding his breath the whole time he watched Furuichi get out of his room. He waited for a few seconds first, for Furuichi to get out of the hallway and in to the bathroom. When he felt that it was alright to get out of his room, he darted straight for Misaki's bedroom, where Hilda and Beel were.

He slammed the door shut. He was frantic and shaky from panic. He turned and faced Hilda, who was looking at the baby with a too serene expression. She didn't bother greeting him and that was alright with Oga.

"How's Beel?" Oga asked, while trying to catch his breath.

"The young master is fine. His energy is restored completely." She answered with a smile directed at the slumbering baby.

"Are you sure?" Oga asked again. He walked up to the bed where the demon baby laid, leaned down and took a close look at him. "No surge of demonic energy? No signs of a sudden temper tantrum? No nothing?"

Hilda's gaze shifted to Oga's sharply. It was like a silent threat to Oga for daring to question Hilda's understanding of Beel.

Oga flinched at her reaction. "Just making sure... jeez." He then dropped to the floor and slumped his upper body over the unoccupied end of the bed. "Then why am I so horny..?" Oga muttered almost incoherently against the covers. He didn't intend it to even come out of his mouth.

"Is that really something that you should ask me?" Hilda questioned him again.

Oga was embarrassed that Hilda heard him, but not enough to walk away. "Maybe Beel is about to get sick. Maybe he's storing up his extra demonic powers and it's gonna show only later on. Maybe that's why I'm like this!" He reasoned, mostly to himself.

"That's possible."

Oga turned his head to face Hilda's. He was ecstatic to find out that there was an explanation to what was happening to him right now.

"Either way, go and get Furuichi to handle that." She pointed straight at his crotch without batting an eyelash. "Because I'm not about to." She ended that with a huff and turned away.


"What do you mean, 'what'? I told you before that he would be good for that problem you have."

"What..?" Oga covered his clothed crotch with his hands, shaking his head. For once, he was acting like an actual teenager.

Hilda sighed deeply, losing patience with Oga's stupidity. "Last night, he helped you with that same problem."

"I don't remember what happened last night!" Oga exclaimed. He was trying to remember any sort of 'helping' from Furuichi, since Hilda seemed to be so sure of it. But no memory like that came up.

She let out another deep sigh, still not looking at Oga. "Then go to him again. Don't cause a ruckus here where the young master is sleeping."

"What?! I have a boner. The fuck can Furuichi do about this?" Oga seemed to have ignored the presence of Baby Beel for the moment.

"It went alright the last time..." Hilda trailed off.

"What do you mean by that?! Did you set us up?" By this time, Oga had stood up, wagging an accusing finger right at the demon maid.

"I don't know what you mean by 'set up', but I merely advised you last night with dealing with Master Beelze's powers."

"Pff..." Oga almost choked on his own spit, realizing Hilda is serious. "So when you told me that you think Furuichi can help with Beel's effects on me, you expected us to fuck?"

"Yes. Isn't that what friends do?"


"Best friends?"

"Still no!"

"Whatever you call yourselves, then..."


"You already did it anyway... almost." She said with a slight smile to her face.

A blank look descended on Oga's expression.

"He didn't tell you?"

"No. What did I do this time?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, I assure you." Hilda says with a contented laugh.

"What the fuck, Hilda. Fucking tell me."

She finally looks at Oga, finding amusement from watching him get so riled up because of what is, to her, a totally mundane thing. "Merely basking in one of humanity's primal desires. It is good." She answered, shrugging.

"I don't get that shit." Oga is scratching his head almost too roughly, as if to him, his troubles would vanish if he just scratched the idea out of his head. And it wasn't doing him any good that Hilda was using such difficult words.

"Sex." Hilda reiterated for emphasis, calm and relaxed. No one would have outright noticed it, but she was teasing Oga. She found it hilarious that humans, particularly the younger ones, could get so embarrassed and disoriented at the thought of this one harmless word.

There was a beat. Total silence. Hilda catches only a glimpse of Oga's 'I'm outta here' expression.

The next beat coincided with the slamming of Misaki's room's door, as Oga went out, confused and... flustered.

Hilda, who was left still sitting on a chair beside her master's bed, let out a shameless snort.

Outside, Oga was stomping his way back to his room. He was still frantically scratching his head. 'Why don't I remember?' wasn't the first thing in his mind. Instead it was, 'I want to remember!'

When Oga sauntered back in his room, huffing and gritting his teeth in confusion, he was caught in his own little world. He didn't notice Furuichi was back in the room, getting something out of his closet.

"Lemme borrow this, yeah?" was Furuichi's way of greeting Oga. It snapped him back into this reality.

"You're already done showering?" Oga asked.

"Nope. I came back to get a change of clothes. I forgot I didn't have any." He held out the t-shirt and pajama bottoms that he took out of Oga's closet.

Oga realizes that he should instead get in the bathroom himself so he can calm down there. "You know what, I'll take a shower first." He says.

"No way. Let me go first." Furuichi responded back. He was uncomfortable in his current state and he desperately wanted to be rid of any more reminders of what happened in the demon world.

"This is my house. I'll go first." They argued for a while and kept spitting back retort after retort, as if they weren't just acting lovey-dovey a while ago.

"Oga, let me take a shower first! I stink of Pillar Squad gang bang!"

Hearing that, Oga choked and was stunned speechless. When he spit out whatever was lodged in his throat, he shouted at Furuichi, "How could you say shit like that? That's not funny!"

"Well if I don't joke about it myself, I'll never get over it." Furuichi shrugged, his wings behind him following the motion.

"It's too soon." Oga hissed.

"It's not like it was you. Come on, just let me take a shower first. I still feel sticky down there, ya know? No wait, of course you don't know." He laughed at his own unfunny joke while making a move to get out of Oga's room. But he wasn't permitted to by Oga.

"Stop saying crap like that." Oga muttered under his breath, while holding out his hand to the wall to block Furuichi's way of getting out.

"Dude, this isn't exactly comfortable for me. I wanna wash Jabberwock's spunk off."

"I said stop saying that..." Oga muttered lowly once more before grabbing Furuichi by the arm and leading him forcefully away from the door.

"Alright, alright!" Furuichi raised his hands to surrender. "If you wanna go so bad, go ahead. I just wanted to clean myself of their smell. It's gross. I feel like I've been marked as their property or something..."

"I told you to stop saying shit like that!" Oga raised his voice. Now it's obvious that he's more than just a little irritated.

"What is wrong with you now?" And Furuichi can't help but question that.

"I hate it." Oga stated. He leaned closer to Furuichi's face as if to emphasize how much he detests it. "I hate the thought of you being dirtied like that. I fucking hate it."

Furuichi watches his best friend fume. Every time he said 'hate', he could swear to seeing smoke rise over his head. Oga was stepping closer to him with every word. And every time, Furuichi stepped back as well. He was a little scared of Oga's display of anger.

"Don't mention them again." Oga growls out. Furuichi remains silently watching him, not letting out a peep and merely observing his friend. He sees the red marks of the Zebul tattoo faintly making themselves visible.

"Don't mention that you feel like you're their property." Furuichi could pinpoint the exact moment when he sees Oga's fangs grow longer and sharper. It was when he was saying 'their' like it was a curse. He does feel terrified, but he knows he needs to wait this out because he's the only one around who can calm Oga down, and maybe turn him back to normal.

"Don't mention being touched by anyone else like that." Oga cursed in a throaty voice. He seized Furuichi's face so he'll know he has his undivided attention. Furuichi stares back at his eyes. It's dazed and red, like a lunatic's.

"Don't ever let that happen again." He rasped out. "No... I won't let it happen again."

Furuichi feels Oga shaking with demonic aura. He could feel Oga's scalding breath fan his face, making him shiver at the harshness of it. That confirmed it to him that Oga was indeed turning into a demon.

'I guess it's up to me to douse your fire?' Furuichi thought. Despite the situation, he managed to feel thankful. After all, he was aware that this was one thing that Oga truly needs him for.

"Calm down." Furuichi told him, in a tone that seemed like he was scolding the steaming demon in front of him. Then he broke free of Oga's hold on him so he can pull him down for a hug. "You told me before that this helps. So shut the fuck up for a while and let me do my thing."

Oga relaxed under Furuichi's hold, but it was only for a short while. The demon pushed him away harshly, so that he'd land on Oga's bed.

"I'm not done yet!" Oga screeched and a wave of fire surged away from him in all directions. Furuichi had enough reflex control on his wings and so he's able to use them to protect himself from the heat. It was a good thing he did that, since when the angel looked around, flames were all over Oga's room. The ends of the sheets, a corner of his desk, the curtains, and even the floor was not spared of the random explosion of fire from Oga.

"Calm the fuck down, Oga! You're gonna burn your house down to the ground!" Furuichi called out to him.

He wasn't even sure if Oga heard him since he was tightly clutching his head. His horns have grown out. His tattoos are all there. Furuichi couldn't call him human at this point.

"I have to kill them!" Oga swore. Furuichi watched him let out another wave of heat all around him. His anger was perfectly made more real by his flames.

"Because you're not theirs..." He let out with a ragged breath, staring at Furuichi on the bed. "You're mine!"

"You were always mine! You were mine from the start! So how could they do that to you?!" The raw fury Oga was displaying made Furuichi stop thinking. His words rung a bell.

'You were for him, remember?' It was the voice in Furuichi's head, the harbinger of judgment. 'He's mad because you've been defiled. You kept reminding him of it too.'

"You were mine. It was decided, and it was good!" Oga shouted confidently. But if you were to ask him where he got that from, he wouldn't have an answer. Oga releases another wave of heat all around him. Furuichi's thoughts are too muddled that he can't move to protect himself. In his mind, the harbinger kept echoing Oga's words. 'That's what He said.'

"We were supposed to..." Oga wasn't able to finish his swearing. He doubled over suddenly. Furuichi caught sight of sparks forming on his mouth and Oga was getting teary-eyed from the pain. That forced Furuichi out of his reverie and like on reflex, he moves to the edge of the bed so he can hold Oga.

The angel kneels on the bed so he can reach Oga. He pulls him down by the back of his head. The demon exhales loudly, a sign that he feels better now. "Just shut up." Furuichi says near the other's ear.

"How can you forgive them so easily?" Oga mutters. His arms snake around Furuichi's waist and sneak under his shirt.

Furuichi lets him touch him and then answers, "The harbinger said they've been punished enough."

"That's not good enough!" Oga exclaims, pulling Furuichi away so he can say it to his face. "You were mine. It was perfect that way. But they..."

"I am yours." He interrupted him. His voice was shaky. Furuichi is nervous because he isn't used to saying something that revealed his feelings too much. "Do you think less of me now that I'm not..." He hesitated.

And that was enough time for Oga to stop his best friend's negative thinking again. "...of course not!" He says.

Furuichi considers his answer for a second too long, as if he's doubting it. He is more than just a little paranoid. But he brushes it off and shouts at the demon. "Then stop acting like this, you little shit! You've burned me again! And look at your room!"

The demon shuts up this time. Furuichi can feel Oga's demonic heat simmer down. The patches of fire in the room snuffed out on their own. It smells like burned out candles all over. The angel watched his best friend closely and he can tell that Oga's eyes, though still red, seem to be more focused now.

"Oga..." He calls out. "You back to normal yet..?"

He looks at his skin and the Zebul tattoos are still with him. "Not exactly." It's his voice and gaze indeed, just... not his usual appearance.

The angel sighs in relief. He takes it that he's normal enough. "Do you remember what you were doing a while ago?" Furuichi expected him not to remember.

"...no." But Oga's eyes shot to the left too conspicuously when he answered.

"You liar."

Oga looked away and blushed, making himself a comical sight. After all, he was intimidating when in his demon form, and yet he's acting bashful and even blushing.

Furuichi laughed at his reaction. But then grew mad and slapped his chest. "How dare you lie about that?!"

Oga kept avoiding Furuichi's gaze. He doesn't want to admit that he got so mad a while ago that he managed to tap on Beelzebub's powers on his own and without ingesting anything to remove the limiter.

"I didn't know you could do that! Beel's pretty far from you right now, too. How did you pull that off?"

Oga merely clicked his tongue and kept on avoiding Furuichi's eyes. He's too stubborn to tell him what he thinks happened, 'It was because you were saying all that shit. I got jealous and mad.'

Furuichi isn't exactly true to himself either. Inside he was feeling ecstatic because he never realized Oga felt that strongly about him. It worried him though that Oga seemed unable to control himself when he was at that state.

"Hey..." Oga said after a while. "Let me do it." He was still fidgeting in his own manner, not looking at Furuichi.

"Do what?" The angel asked, looking up at Oga.

Oga cleared his throat before he answered, "You." The demon still couldn't bring himself to look at the other.

Oga's answer made Furuichi stop and think for a minute, just to be sure that they were thinking of the same thing. Then his eyes widened in realization. Suddenly he felt Oga's hands around his waist all the more, even though he was holding him the entire time. "Stop making fun of me!" He whined and made a move to pull away from Oga but his arms hindered him. "I know I said that a while ago bu-!"

Oga unwound his arms so he could push Furuichi down the bed, cutting off whatever he was saying. "It's not about what you said anymore." The demon explained as he climbed over Furuichi. "That's just encouragement for me at this point." He smiled from above, and the angel pinned below frowned. Oga was being weirdly articulate and Furuichi doesn't know what to think of that.

So he lets out a confused "What..?"

Oga looks at Furuichi like he's the dumbest kid in Ishiyama, which was far from true, then seizes one of his hands so he can guide it down to palm his crotch with it. "I'm really horny. I think it's your fault."

Furuichi let out a squeak when he felt Oga's clothed erection. Upon hearing his words too, he remembered something Agiel told him. Something about his abilities as an angel that can drive demons to behave without tact, a sort of 'excuse' for Jabberwock losing control back in the demon world. When he remembered that, he let out a distressed sigh. "Do you even know what to do?" Furuichi was aware that at this point, he basically gave Oga permission.

"Not really..." Oga admitted, but he was obviously grinning. Just like Furuichi thought, Oga took his bitching as a 'yes'. "But maybe my demon senses will kick in or something and I'll know what to do!"

"Is that a joke?!" Furuichi screeched. He was trying to pull his hand away but Oga wouldn't let him. He may even be loving the sensation of Furuichi's hand rubbing against his pants as he kept pulling. "Let go of my hand, you..!"

Oga lets him pull away his hand, only so both of his could be busy unbuckling Furuichi's belt. "I'm not sure how to prepare you, actually."

"Wait!" The angel shouts. He puts his hands on Oga's forearms and forces him to stop undressing him. "Why do I have to be the one receiving it again?! Let me do it!"

"No..!" Oga answers while snickering. "I'll do it!"

Furuichi gets annoyed at Oga laughing at his request and so insists, "No! You don't know what to do anyway!"

"You're tired, right? Let me do it for you!" The demon says, just so he can give Furuichi a reply. His brain isn't exactly focused on thinking up good arguments. After all, he just pulled away Furuichi's belt and is now undoing his pants.

"No!" Furuichi's hand shoots down to grip on his pants tight. "Why am I always the one getting it! Do I look submissive to you?"

Oga let out a 'tsk' when he was stopped from undressing Furuichi. He ran a hand through his hair, which was his way of buying time so he could think of something to say to Furuichi so he'd let him top. "I'm the demon here! I should be the one doing it to you, the angel! That's how it works!" That was the answer that popped out of his head.

"In what fucked up yaoi manga?" Furuichi questions his stupid reasoning, like a true tsukkomi.

And Oga doesn't have anything to defend his answer. "Just let me do it! I'll be good and... gentle." He looks at the angel below him, wanting him to know that he really wants this and he'd do his best so he wouldn't get hurt.

"You can't be gentle even if you tried." Or so Furuichi says. But even he is aware that that isn't true.

Oga merely smiles down at him. Furuichi isn't even looking at him, since he just told a blatant lie. He stares at the angel's pouting face, finding him too irresistible that he dipped his head low to give his pouty lips a hot lick.

"Hey..." Furuichi managed to let out that one sound before he was silenced by Oga's lips over his. He felt Oga's hot tongue slowly rousing his, and running it against the roof of his mouth. He was too hot on account of still being in his demon form, causing Furuichi to whimper.

Oga pulled away when he heard him, "Furuichi..?"

Furuichi's mouth was still half-open, and he was gasping for breath. Spittle trickled down a corner of his mouth. He shook his head and looked up at Oga with a smile. "Come here." He put his arms around his neck and pulled him down for a deeper kiss. Instantly, he felt Oga sucking at his tongue and exploring his wet mouth. They were trying to thoroughly taste each other until they were too breathless and dizzy that they had to pull away to catch their breath.

"I'll reclaim what's mine and nobody else's." Oga doesn't bother to cut the thin string of saliva still connecting their open mouths. He looks down to admire Furuichi's face, flushed red. He grins down at him, loving how red and plump his lips have become because of his kisses.

"Alright..." Furuichi breathed out and closed his eyes. "But we gotta switch next time." He added. Oga didn't respond to it. Either the demon didn't hear it or he ignored it.

Oga lifted up his best friend and laid him down more properly on his bed. He leaned down to give him a peck on his forehead and then even propped his head on a pillow.

Oga is treating him too delicately and Furuichi feels the need to comment on that. "Are you gonna tuck me in? Are you gonna read me a bedtime story now? Should I call you daddy?"

Oga laughs at that and flicks his forehead for mocking him. "If you're into that, then why not?"

Furuichi snorts "No, I'm not into that. Gross."

Oga uses this time when Furuichi is distracted enough with his inner monologue about fetishes to undress him quickly. He gives his pants one good tug down. He doesn't even need to unzip it since it was so loose around his waist. He was expecting either Furuichi's gray everyday boxers or his black 'going out' boxers but he didn't see that.

"No underwear?" He looks at the angel. He seemed to have sunk down into the pillow and mattress out of embarrassment and shock of suddenly being exposed.

"It got ripped..." Furuichi's hands squeeze into fists over the hem of his shirt. "When I was a-"

"Don't say it." Oga says firmly. He really didn't want to hear about how it got ruined in the demon world. He isn't aware of it but he's grinding his teeth in anger. He tries to forget about his rage by completely leaving Furuichi's bottom half bare. He throws his pants to the floor carelessly, making the angel flinch at his quick movements. But then the demon just finds another thing to get angry about when he sees the angel's skin over his hipbones. They were covered with hickeys.

"Don't throw a fit again." Furuichi beats him to asking him about it. "Before you set us both on fire, you have to know that those were your doing." The angel explains calmly, though his face is still blushing a deep red.

Oga let his fingers hover over the still red marks over Furuichi's fair skin. "When?"

"Last night." was the angel's short answer. He was trying hard not to let out an embarrassing sound. He was feeling too sensitive with being left bare. The air is cool inside the room since Oga calmed down. But to Furuichi, where Oga touches him seemed to be set on fire.

Oga was convinced, and so dipped his head to give the hickeys a good lick. He kissed over his hipbones, purposely avoiding Furuichi's hardening manhood to tease him.

Furuichi fists his hands over Oga's hair, pulling hard every time he feels Oga's hot tongue trail closer to his most sensitive part. But the demon avoids it, leaving a path of hot kisses over his hipbones and only barely ghosting over his cock.

Oga stops, only to gaze back up at how Furuichi is affected. He's sunk lower on the pillow, looking helpless. He's biting down hard on his lower lip, bruising it enough to turn dark red. It looked beautiful in Oga's eyes, how contrasted his lips were next to his glowing skin and light blue markings.

Oga sits up, showing Furuichi that he's done pleasuring him with his scalding tongue. The angel lets out a whine and looks up at him. He expected to be tongued and sucked but it didn't happen.

"Next time." Oga tells him. He grins but it doesn't look friendly. It looks more like he has something up his sleeve.

He holds Furuichi's thighs and spreads them apart, eliciting a high-pitched squeal from the angel. "Don't do that! That's embarrassing!"

Furuichi tries to press his legs together but the demon's grip is too strong. "We gotta get used to seeing each other like this though..."

The angel just turns his head and pouts. His blush has spread to his nose and even to the tips of his ears.

Oga makes a mental note that he has to keep doing this so he could see his flustered face more often.

He massages his inner thighs with his hands. He avoids his manhood again, just to keep depriving him. He discovers that Furuichi gets hard on just teasing touches anyway.

He plans on preparing him by stretching his hole with his fingers but he notices that his fingernails resemble claws more than nails. 'No can do.' He concludes in his mind. He sits there with Furuichi's legs spread before him, not knowing what to do because of his demon qualities.

Furuichi looks at him, curious as to why he wasn't making a move in a while. He sees him look at his hands and look so devastated, he couldn't stifle a short laugh. "I'll do it."

Oga raises an eyebrow, pleasantly curious about his suggestion.

"You fucked this up last time, you know."

Furuichi doesn't give him time to reply. He sits up and takes hold of Oga's collar so he can kiss him deeply. He turns and brings Oga down to the bed, switching their positions. The demon loved the feeling of his source of relief just laying on top of him and ravaging his mouth. The angel pulls away and sits on Oga's clothed torso.

He scoots down a bit, so he'd be sitting on Oga's hardened length underneath his pants. "I'm not happy that I'm the only one showing so much skin." He says and starts undoing the buttons of Oga's school uniform. It's dirty and torn in some places because of the fight in the demon world, so Furuichi yanks it open, thinking 'It's ruined anyway.' He opens up his shirt to expose Oga's toned chest, covered with the red Zebul tattoos. It's his turn to admire how perfect the demon is in his eyes.

His mouth opens subconsciously as he lets his eyes scan across the expanse of his chest and abdomen. Lean muscle under tanned skin, decorated with demonic tattoos. Furuichi didn't know that he liked this look so much. He even forgets that he's a little envious of how toned Oga's body is without him even trying. How could he be envious when it was all for him anyway?

He figures that it's his turn to tease the other. "Hey, Oga. I want to top."

That made Oga look at him questioningly. "Uhh..." Oga doesn't have a reason really. He just doesn't want that.

"I can do it. Don't worry." Furuichi smiles at the demon below him.

"Furuichi, how about..." Oga leaves his mouth hanging open, seeming to think of some way to put it. All it really does is distract Furuichi and made him stare at his sharp fangs, obvious and breaking the straight line of white teeth in his smirking mouth. "No."

The angel frowned at his answer. But then his brain hatched an idea that brought an almost malicious smile to his face. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Like what he assumed and planned, Oga has been bound with the gold chains that he used before on Jabberwock and Behemoth. The angel bound his arms over his head and stuck them on the headboard.

"No fair! You can't use your powers like that!" Oga complained, trying to yank his hands free. "I thought you were an angel! You're supposed to be good!"

The angel smiled down at him, looking ominous because his face was shadowed due to the light source on top of his head. "If I learned anything from what the harbinger has been telling me, 'good' is highly subjective."

"I don't get that shit." Oga says and tries to get his hands free.

"Don't move 'em too much. You'll get burned."

Upon hearing his warning, he grows tense. He couldn't believe that Furuichi would turn like this in the middle of sex.

He swears that that was what it looked like, Furuichi wanting to dominate this time. But he was wrong. He saw him sit back on his torso. He lifts up his shirt by the hem of it with one fist, exposing himself. Oga's attention is completely directed there. He's aware that Oga is staring. He guides his free hand to Oga's lips. Three fingers were held out for him. "Suck."

Oga obeys him right away. Furuichi isn't too used to Oga's scalding mouth, but he finds the slight pain arousing anyway. He pulls away his fingers with a pop. It's dripping wet and shiny with Oga's hot saliva.

He guides his fingers down to his ass and positions his middle finger over his entrance, wetting over the ring of muscle first. It's hot and it makes him flinch at first contact. All the while Oga watches him delay it. "Tilt your hips a bit. I want to see."

"Nope." Furuichi says playfully. "Just imagine."

Oga lets out a distressed whine.

"Don't complain. Or I'll make it so you can't see anything at all."

Oga stops his whining, albeit reluctantly. He's annoyed that he isn't getting everything he wants. But he figures this could be fun too. The demon focuses on Furuichi's face, so he can guess what he's doing to himself by his facial expressions.

The angel sticks his middle finger in, hissing at the hot feel of it. He curls it inside him slowly, trying to ease away his discomfort.

"You imagine." Oga rasps out.

Furuichi hears him say that but he doesn't give his words much attention. He's too preoccupied with trying to steady his breathing.

He forces another finger inside himself, gradually letting it inch in and burying it knuckle deep. He moves them around in a scissoring motion. He's looking at Oga's face all the while and letting out throaty moans. Furuichi planned on riling him up this way but Oga has other plans.

"Yeah. You like me being inside you." Furuichi is caught in surprise at what the demon is suddenly saying. He catches the other's expression clearly, despite his own vision getting blurry from lust. The demon was smirking at him. He doesn't know how someone who is helplessly bound could look so smug, but Oga pulls it off.

"But you want it faster..." Oga speaks in his raspy voice and subconsciously Furuichi curls and scissors his two fingers inside him faster, more erratic and uncontrolled. They look at each other as one directs and the other does. "thicker..." Furuichi lets a third finger join in, wanting Oga's words to be felt too by his body. "But those fingers are never going to be enough for you..." Upon realization that he's right, he can't quite reach his spot with his fingers. He's right. He's too uncomfortable like this too, twisted over Oga's body just trying to reach for his pleasure spot.

"You need me." He says.

Furuichi whimpers shamelessly as he pulls out his wet fingers. He could still feel the heat and fullness it left inside him. But Oga is right, it's not enough for him.

He moves down shakily so he can unbutton Oga's pants. All too quickly, he tugs them down along with his underwear.

Oga's hard and leaking cock springs up after being freed from his clothes. "You got that hard from just watching?" Furuichi teases him.

"You got that needy just from hearing me talk dirty?"

Furuichi frowns at him. Well, he got him there. He looks at Oga's stiff and throbbing cock, a little intimidated. "Don't you have any lube or something?"

"Let me free. I'll go get it."

"Just tell me where it is."

"Fuck that. Now let me go." Whether he meant to or not, Oga let out a wave of heat all around him as he said that.

Out of surprise of the sudden flames almost hitting his face, the angel panicked. For a split second, Oga saw the angel's eyes glow silver and after that his vision was thoroughly impaired. It doesn't take him long to realize that it was the angel who took away his sense of sight.

"Goddammit! Fuck this, Furuichi! Stop it!" The demon tried pulling the chains apart again so he could check what happened to his eyes. But those chains weren't gonna break that easily. "Whatever you did, get it off!"

"You were the one who almost burned me so shut up! Just tell me where the fuck the lube is."

Oga sighed and gave up. He hoped that he'd let him see again if he answered him right away. He mumbled, "Cabinet next to the table. There's lotion there." He's starting to feel too dominated by Furuichi and he doesn't know if he's alright with that.

Furuichi clambered off to get it, his legs wobbly. He took out the baby lotion and was pissed about having to use 'for extra delicate baby skin' lotion as lube. But he's too needy to bitch about it right now.

He goes back to Oga and grants him his vision again by snapping his fingers, the ones not wet with Oga's spit.

"Don't try that shit again. It's not funny."

Furuichi ignores him and generously squeezes out some lotion to his hands. He rubs his hands together to warm it up. He squeezed out too much that the excess overflowed, slipped through his fingers and spilled all over Oga's abs. Furuichi lathered Oga's dick with the lotion, rubbing slowly and coating it thoroughly. He left the bottle open on the bed and it ended up emptying itself and made a mess everywhere. The sheets are damp with the overflow. And there's too much lotion on Oga that it soaked the top of his pants and boxers.

Furuichi is too needy to care about his sloppy job and hoists himself back up over Oga. Normally, the demon would laugh at this display of clumsy work but he wouldn't take the risk of being blinded again by Furuichi. He doesn't want that. Not on their first anyway.

The angel supports himself by his knees and shins, inching down a bit so he can position himself over Oga's leaking cock. His sticky hands are fisted over his shirt, lifting it up so he can have an unobstructed view of what he's supposed to do. Inadvertently, he's also giving Oga a much more erotic view of everything.

Furuichi is unsure, he feels himself clench and unclench down there, as he rubs the head of Oga's cock over his entrance. He looks at Oga, because he's a little afraid.

"Let me free. I'll do it."

But Furuichi is stubborn enough to ignore him. He insists on doing it himself. Slowly he lowers himself, letting in only what he could let in. It's hot but it makes him shiver. He feels himself get stretched but he endures through it, since he can handle feeling a little uncomfortable. He adjusts his position, moving his knees so he can lower himself more easily. But he slips on the lotion spilled on the bed. It's inevitable that he's sent coming down with his support gone. His thighs slide wide open and he ends up impaling himself completely.

Oga lets out a loud groan from the tight warmth suddenly enveloping all of him. But then he realizes that Furuichi didn't intend to do that. He wills himself to check up on him, despite being so lost in the unexpected pleasure.

The angel isn't moving out of shock. His eyes are wide and glazed with tears already. His mouth is open in surprise. "I... ahh..." He's trying to say something but he's too caught up with the pain of sudden intrusion that he can't say anything coherent. Oga sees the flutter of his wings behind him. His back arched slightly and his hands tightly gripping on his shirt to lift it up. Oga's mouth waters at the sight. Furuichi's stiff and light red cock bobbing above his abs was a turn on for him.

But he has to admit that seeing him look hurt brought his boner down.

"I... ehh..." Furuichi's begun to sob and shake. He looks down on himself. "Ahh..." He tries to pull himself up, but his thighs are too weak.

Oga knew that he has help him out for this. He tugs hard on his gold restraints. He's determined enough that he's able to break it apart this time. It shatters and he's freed himself but it leaves a slow burning sensation over his wrists. He ignores the stinging for now. He sits up and holds the angel on his lap. "I'll take care of you."

Furuichi doesn't speak, he just leans on Oga fully. The demon rubs his wings to soothe him.

"You slipped." Oga tells him. Furuichi only buries his face to Oga's chest and tries to focus on how his insides hum gently when he speaks, a distraction from the pain.

"You still wanna go on?" Oga asks him. The demon speaks in such a gentle tone that it really betrays his current appearance.

Furuichi wraps his arms tightly around his waist and nods while his face is smushed right against Oga's chest.

Oga feels him stretch his back and adjust his legs, tentatively trying how he can make this more comfortable for himself. "Don't force yourself." Oga advises him.

"Just give me a sec..." The angel mumbles while clinging to Oga.

Oga decides that he could try diverting Furuichi's attention to something that makes him feel good. He reaches behind Furuichi to stroke his wings. He noticed before that he grows more relaxed when he touches it. Furuichi reaches up to wrap his arms around his neck this time, giving him a squeeze. Oga takes it that he should keep doing that. His other hand goes to hold the back of his head to feel his soft hair. It wanders up and up, until his hand is steady over his halo.

Furuichi moans over the demon's shoulder. "Ogaaa..." He drawls out.

He keeps his hand over the ring of light, as he learned that this more than just pleases the angel. He could feel him relax his tense shoulders. And he seemed to have gotten used to the feeling of Oga being inside him now. He lifts him up with his other hand, unsheathing himself partially. "Think you're ready now?" He asks him.

Furuichi's uneven gasps fan his ears. He's clinging to the demon's shoulders. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do it." Furuichi says in one breath, sounding desperate.

Oga guides him back down, making sure to meet his descent with a thrust of his hips. Furuichi bounces on his lap,whining something like 'too deep!'. All Oga could hear were his strangled moaning and breathy repetitive stuttering of his name. Furuichi tightly wraps his arms around the demons neck, freely letting out his voice. Oga notices that he's recovered well enough and even angles his hips so he'll be hit where he likes it the most as he comes down. The squelching noise all around is embarrassingly loud, on account of all the lotion spilled on Oga's crotch and abs, which were now rubbed all over Furuichi's ass and thighs.

For a moment the sounds he hears were encouraging, and Oga is happy that they're both enjoying it now. Then he hears a soft sob near his ear. At first he thinks it's just Furuichi's breath hitching loud, but then he hears more cracking sobs and sniffling.

He stops altogether so he can check on Furuichi. Oga pulls the angel's arms off his shoulders to take a look at him. He's staring back at Oga with such a sorrowful expression. Oga's heart felt like it was pricked by a thousand needles. He cups the angel's face with both hands. "Where does it hurt..? I thought you were adjusted enough... I'm sorry. I thought you were starting to feel good. Let's ju-"

"No." He cuts him off then holds his hands which were caressing his face. "I'm scared."

"Then let's stop now." He tells him sincerely. "It's alright." Oga wipes the tears trailing down his cheeks.

"No." Furuichi squeezes his hands. "I'm scared that you'll forget this, like you forgot what happened last night."

The demon looks at him in understanding. Indeed he doesn't remember what they did last night. And by the looks of things, it was important to Furuichi.

"What if you forget again? I'm gonna be stuck with all these feelings on my own. And you won't remember a thing."

Oga offers him a slight smile. 'I can't forget this. Even if I do forget the exact events, I'm sure I'll never forget what I'm feeling. It's ingrained in my heart now.' This goes through Oga's mind. He pulls Furuichi closer and gives him a kiss on the forehead. "I won't forget."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I won't forget, I promise. This time is different."

Furuichi wraps his arms around him again, feeling his warmth. He stays silent for some time, thinking.

"You better keep that promise." He whispers to Oga's ear in a low voice that's both seductive and threatening.

The angel pulls away so he can lift himself up as best as he could, and drops himself, trying to feel Oga inside him deeper. He does it again and again, clinging onto Oga's clothes. He stares at his red eyes, feeling so full inside. He's trying to find his pleasure spot but he grows tired of maneuvering himself before he finds it. He wraps his arms and legs around Oga's neck and waist. "Wait a minute." He gasps out.

Oga lets out a low chuckle and pushes the angel down on the bed while they're still connected. He pushes Furuichi down, his arms on either side of him and over his wings on the bed. Oga then seizes his ankles and hoists his legs up his shoulders. He leans down and plows further in Furuichi before he could react.

He plunges in deeper, a shameful squelching noise filling the room because of the abundance of lube on Oga. He plows into him strong every time, strong enough that Furuichi gets nudged further up the bed with every thrust.

He's caught off guard and can't stop the moans from his throat. "Oga... ah... ah... ah!" He moans with breathless hitches, timed perfectly with Oga's movements. The demon hits his pleasure spot dead on, making him scream every time.

Furuichi feels himself get harder and fuller, the pressure inside him building up incredibly. He feels he's about ready to burst. He's writhing on the bed, grasping the sheets just so he could grab onto something and convince himself he hasn't died of overstimulation.

He couldn't wait for Oga to come undone with him anymore. He releases violently, one long strip of his load shooting upwards, hitting his chest up to his hair. He comes with a scream, and Oga watches him in his euphoric state, getting riled up and motivated to fuck him with abandon.

He keeps pummeling into him, as Furuichi clenches tightly around him when he orgasms and as he relaxes afterwards. Oga buries himself as deep as he could go, where he could feel the still rapid flutter of Furuichi's heartbeat. He looks down and sees him so beautiful in the afterglow and releases deep inside him, his toes curling at the intensity of his climax. He lets out a groan and removes Furuichi's legs over his shoulders.

They're both trying to catch their breath, and trying to slow down their hearts.

Oga pulls out of him after a while. He sees the angel's debauched hole, with his semen leaking out of it. And then the mess of the lotion just all over his ass and thighs. Suddenly he's turned on again and he doesn't know if he should blame his youth or his demonic qualities.

"Stop staring." Furuichi said breathlessly. He may be calling him out on staring, but he is smiling. The kind of smile that doesn't leave your face even if what made you happy happened quite a few minutes ago. The kind of smile that you couldn't force away even if you tried. You're simply that happy and content. Seeing that look on Furuichi, Oga is sure he'll never forget this.

Oga climbs over him again and dips his head low to kiss him deeply. There's a stripe of cum over one of Furuichi's eyes and cheek and it rubs on Oga's face as he kissed him. But he doesn't mind.


I ended it with that because saying 'I love you' after sex doesn't really fit these two. At least, that's what I think.

look at that messy sex scene tho

[replies to reviews]

MMBC - thank you, again! wahhh, you're so nice.

A+ description of Behemoth there. XD He's why I love the pillar squad too. tbh, if i could figure out a way to keep this story going with the pillar squad playing a somewhat big role, i would continue writing it. O_O but i'm out of ideas *shrugs*

oh, a new HecaFuru thing will be up soon~ x3

Calico Neko and Anon - waaah~ I'm flattered that you don't want it to end, but I've run out of ideas for future chapters. Maybe you could suggest some..? Maybe I'll get inspired. haha

Eorendel - thank you so much for that review~ One of the reasons OgaFuru is my OTP is that they are indeed so casual with each other. Like, if it's just the two of them, they can go nuts coz they know there's no judgment or anything from each other. And they accept each others' faults unconditionally... wahh, I'm blabbing too much again. But thanks again for pointing that out..! It means a lot~ :)

TomAndJerry - omg, you were hospitalized?! I hope you get better soon! *huggles* happy 2014 to you too (tho we're already halfway through january XD) ..about the oneshots thing, I'll do my best~! :D

A/N: As always, thank you everyone for taking the time to read this~ I hope you all liked this update~!

whoops, angry sex didn't happen because I wanted to write a little more meaningful porn this time. Sorry to those who were waiting for that! *grovels*

and yes, it's always been my headcanon that Oga knows all about Furuichi's undergarments. I'm so happy I got to squeeze that tiny bit of cutesy headcanon in here.

Oga's trigger is possessiveness. (just putting it out there XD) I know he was acting bratty and yandere-ish but i had to give him that quality because it's canon. lol. (no i actually really believe that. XD)

Like I said before, next chapter is most likely the last chapter for this story~~~

please let me know what you think of the chapter by leaving a review~ (•⊙ω⊙•)