A/N: Annnnnnnd I got stuck guys Dx...so this is an unfinished...idea? I'm so sorry! I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately- in-law related - and I'm just...not a happy camper. Anyways. I hope that you like this tidbit. I wanted to get it out there in case my stupid dying iPad decided to erase it...again...love you all!

Markus let out a roar of pure rage as he ran down the path that took him from his home. How could she?! He would rip her. Tear her to shreds! No one came after what was his and lived to tell the tale. His eyes began shifting colors rapidly in his anger, never staying on one color long before flipping to another. Dark green hair trailed back from his face as he picked up speed before morphing mid-stride into his dragon form and launching into the air.

Just moments ago, Markus had heard his mate give a distressed call, followed by a enraged growling hiss. Like a large mountain cat when defending itself against an attacker. Swiftly, the dragon prince had made his way to their room, to find a red haired chit had some how made it through his wards and now had his mate -who was holding their cub- in a strangle hold. Her wand was pointed at Xan's temple and while fear showed in Harry's eyes, the younger male was baring his teeth in fury. Markus froze for an instant before be kicked himself into high gear, reaching out to snap the little bint in two. Before he even made it half way across the room the girl gave him a superior smirk and popped from the room. The agonized howl that left his lips brought all his siblings to his side. Even his father, Ebony, ached for his son, letting slip a brief whine before ordering Mukuro to find out where his son in law and grandson had been kidnapped to.

In no time at all, the brothers had located where Harry and Xan had been taken. Dungeons under Hogwarts. Kidnapped by Ginerva Weasley but helped by Dumbledore, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. Markus sneered at the revealing of those names. Said people had kidnapped his love the first time, locking him beneath the Ministry to be tortured by the Unspeakables. He needed to get in touch with Harry's few remaining friends left. He knew that they would be aware of how to get to wherever his love was being held. His baby...his baby was barely five months...

Just thinking of that sent him sprinting from the castle and shooting into the sky. With intense speeds he reached the abode of the Twins. He kicked in their door, having no time for pleasantries, and spotted the men who squeaked in unison at his obvious anger.

"Where might I find Hogwarts!" He snapped, baring down on them as he fully shifted back into his human form.

Fred gulped while George tilted his head, intrigued. Only one thing could set this normally stoic dragon off like this. The twins communicated their thoughts, coming to the same conclusion. Harry was in danger.

"We can take you. What happened?" They asked in unison as they grabbed their brooms and headed out the door. Flying would be so much quicker.

Markus manifested his wings and spread them, the swirled red patterns brightening briefly like they were lit with the fires of his anger.

"Harry and Xan were kidnapped by your sister and brother, that Granger chit, and the old man. Mukuro and Brutus were able to pinpoint their location as the dungeons under Hogwarts. Get me there and I will give you as much gold as I have in my coffers. I can not guarantee your siblings won't die however." He informed as they took off into the air.

Fred and George exchanged furious glances before gazing back at Markus.

"What siblings," they chorused in twin voices of malice, making the Obsidian dragon smirk.

With permission to kill given (not that he needed it mind you) they made their way to Hogwarts, eager to save their friend and loved ones.

-Inside the Castle with Harry and Xan-

Harry struggled, hisses echoing through the dungeon he was being kept. A thick dark metal collar was secured around his throat, bright gold insignias signifying that it was a magical contraption. Harry rightly assumed it was in place to subdue his creature side. Really though he was more concerned with his baby boy, who was in a cage against the opposite wall. While no one could get to him because of a magical barrier that had sprung around him, one they couldn't get around no matter how hard the Weasel bitch tried, it didn't stop the Sphinx mother from worrying for his cub. So he struggled against his bonds, pulling and tugging. Hissing and spitting out hate. Because anyone who dared actually reach and hurt his cub was dead.

Eventually they gave up and turned back to him, intent on at least hurting him as they couldn't damage this cursed offspring. The Weasley girl sidled up to him with what she thought was a seductive purr, wrapping her clammy hands around his flaccid cock.

He winced and turned away but didn't get far before his head was forced back and potions were fed into his mouth. Before he could spit them out, Hermione cast a spell that nurses used to force their patients to swallow. He waited, with a sense of dread, for whatever they fed him to take effect. And waited. And...waited.

He looked about him and realized that his former comrades were as confused as he was.

"What did you feed him?"

"The strongest dose, sir!"

"Well obviously it wasn't, Ginny. I mean look at the bugger. He doesn't like you at all!'

Harry snorted, thankfully ignored for the moment, as his former friends and headmaster argued amongst themselves. So. They had tried feeding him a lust potion? For Ginny? Pfffft. Even if he had been straight he wouldn't have chosen her. If she had been male...PERCY would have been a first choice over her. Just. No. He shuddered in revulsion and focused on his child, who now was happily gurgling, oblivious to what was happening. The sphinx ached to hold his child!

Finally, Ginny stamped he feet and pointed at Harry. Her fiery red hair billowing about her in her rage.

"Then make him human! It would work then!"

Harry's stomach dropped and he paled. If they made him human...his love might not want him anymore. He wouldn't be able to feed his son his magics anymore! He struggled against the bindings, hissing in fear as they stepped closer, wands raised. He finally let out a distressed cry and his son suddenly turned to him. A loud wail permeated the air, before two things happened at once. A wall was erected surrounding Harry and Ginny blew up.

The wailing stopped and in it's place a shriek followed by a giggle sounded thought the room. Harry looked at his son to see him playing with a finger and waving it around while giggling. Swallowing back the bile, Harry managed to roll his eyes heavenward and sigh.

"Well I know who you are taking after." He commented dryly under his breath. Not too long ago, someone on the island had tried to mount Harry. Markus was unamused. Let's say that there wasn't much left of the offender after his mate was finished with him and leave it there.

The sphinx returned his attention to his captors when Ron screamed in rage and tried to overcome the wall that was still in place. Hermione, he noticed was crying in Dumbledore's arms and Harry fought to keep his lunch down again.

"Bring back my sister or I'll - "

"You'll do what to my mate, you insignificant scum." Came a growled voice and Harry shivered at it's tone. There had to be something wrong with him if this dangerous side of his mate turned him on.

The crew of morons leapt back, wands now pointed at the shadows where Markus emerged. His green locks were standing on end like he'd been jolted with electricity and his eyes were black with little streaks of red throughout. Like lava in his eyes. His teeth had become sharp points and as he advanced you could see his wings were still present behind him.

Seeing this Dumbledore instantly disapparated, leaving behind his minions who looked around for their headmaster in fear. Not long after he left, Hermione followed until it was just the raging red head left behind. Markus snarled at the worm trembling in front of his mate, and paid no attention to the brothers as they quickly set about releasing his lover so that mother and child could be reunited. Internally he relaxed when he heard his baby happily gurgle and Harry coo softly.

"Take him home please, gentlemen. Your brother and I have things to discuss." Snapped the dragon, his eyes glowing red for an instant before they began shifting furiously through colors.

The Twins nodded and gathered Harry and Xan close before leaving with a soft 'pop'. A dark smile crossed Markus' lips, exposing his sharp teeth and a forked tongue. He could smell the utter terror of the foolish mortal and he wrinkled his nose when the younger male urinated himself. He was going to enjoy tearing this one to shreds.