Isabelle POV

Ok , I'll admit to something that I'd thought I'd never say.

I ship them.

There I said it. I ship Clary and Jace. There ship name could be Clace or Jary but Clace is better. I know this make no sense though because Clary has literally been here for a couple of days. It makes sense though. Their eyes light up when they see each other. I'd guess their heartbeat would speed up. I'd guess that they secretly want to shove each other's tongues down their throats.

They would be so cute together.

Even though Jace is a complete slut and Clary is a badass bitch, they would work. It takes a lot of skill to observe the male and female in their hate stages of their relationship. I can tell this will blossom into a romance like Romeo and Juliet , except for the dying part and there's nothing really stopping them from seeing each other but you get what I mean , right?

Jonathan wouldn't mind either, he would eventually get over it. It wouldn't be that big of a deal. Jocelyn and Luke wouldn't mind either right because they would have seriously cute grandchildren, so its a win-win, really.

Would it be weird if I got a picture of Clace and framed it then hang it up on my wall?

No, I think the real question I'm asking is,would it be weird if I made a collage of Clace then hang it up. Or I could get a T-shirt of them together.

I am fangirling right now. I am,. I am not ashamed to admit it. Clace is love, Clace is life but not in a weird way. In a 'omg their canon' way. That is my goal. They are goals.

Some might describe me as weird but I am fangirling so I have a right to be crazy about Clace.

I will secretly be shipping them and putting them together as much as I can. I think I should make a website or something but maybe that would be pushing it.

Bottom line is that I need Clace together.

I choose to accept this mission. Isabelle out.

Again, just a little chapter